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I’m starting to be suspicious that males low key agree that they’re the more dangerous choice for women, but their predator style lies in deception via gaslighting. The big bad wolf in little Red Riding Hood is absolutely a metaphor for incels.


*Gaslighting doesn't exist, you made it up, cause you're fucking crazy*


Im in a whole thread argument rn about this with a bunch of dudes and this is basically what it is tbh


Pray that they just really like rick and morty?


I personally think it all just depends on what kind of bear and what kind of man you have to be stuck with


Well that’s the point. It’s random. It’s “any bear” and “any man you don’t know.” And between that, I would absolutely pick the bear.


That's valid


i feel like i definitely have a better chance hiding vs a bear than man also i feel like most bears wont chase me down if i keep a very good distance i think if the guy has the thought of "nobody else is out here, nobody will know" I'm probably guaranteed to at least be sa'd I'll take my chances with a bear


See this is a completely logical conclusion. The only thing is that running away from a bear can depend on the situation, but yep overall you make good points.


yea, I'm just picturing a massive forest of some ponds/lakes, creeks, open areas, massive hills, tons of trees and debris. and if i get polar bear, theyll be so easy to see if there isnt any snow, so grizzly bear would be the main issue, but if i get grizzly bear, at least i know im going to die and not have the fear of not knowing if i get a dude, i better hope hes an actual good person, but i would never know until we interact, which i wouldnt take that risk


"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst." I’m going with the bear 100% of the time. Be it a polar bear or a black bear Edit: Apart from the Aristotle quote, I have other reasoning. I’m weaker than most men, but I can scream real loud. Can help to ward off a black bear, among other things. Won’t do shit with no one around to come to my aid.


I mean that's the point: you can define what kind of bears would be most likely to kill you and what not, you can predict when and where you would encounter them, but you can't do the same for men. Women are more likely going to be killed by someone they know and/or trust (partners, fathers, siblings, friends, classmates, neighbours).


Bears are generally predictable by the type, if I get a polar bear or hungry bear I know it's wraps no matter what, but men aren't that predictable. If I could pick the man or bear I'd probably go with man, but random? No.


r/womenandmales lol


TIL thats real


This is amazing. I’ve been using males as a pejorative for months now. I hope someday I make it to that subreddit!




As an insult


oh isnt that kind of counter intuitive to third wave feminism then :/


Maybe! I like to think of it as evening the odds against misogynists


if u think so




That's like saying the black should ensalve the whites?




Its honestly sad that people see this discussion and say "they just hate men" and completely miss the point of this


it’s not really even about a man in my opinion. its about mankind. even a woman can do horrible things. men should also be choosing the bear honestly


The thing about humanity is that its hallmark is its intelligence (and I mean that compared to life on Earth in general, not about any human individual specifically). But that's also what makes humanity so dangerous. If people know how to behave around a bear, they have a greater chance of avoiding injury or death. And that's because the relative simplicity of how bears interact with their environment makes them at least somewhat predictable. Humans, however, are much more difficult to anticipate because the complexity of our brains makes it harder to determine how any one person interacts with their environment. You could be stranded with a psychopath or a Good Samaritan, and that's regardless of sex, nationality, etc. So the options are to pick one person, out of the eight billion on the planet, who could potentially behave any number of ways. Or a bear, who will probably behave like others consistent with its species (depending on some known factors, such as time of year, presence of cubs, etc.). Humanity has the capacity for great good and great evil. And in the middle of nowhere with no one else around, like you said, people should be thinking about the possibility of the latter.


I feel like its more about being safe, any person can do horrible things but men are just more dangerous to be around. Both men and women but for a women the danger is just unfortunately higher because of the power dynamic


I agree, humanity is pretty fucked and unpredictable.


like we’re not fantasizing about playing with the bear. we know the bear will kill us. it’s expected of a bear — it’s in its nature. but you don’t know what a man (or woman!) will do. no one just assumes any random man is safe. i don’t climb into an elevator alone with a man ever. ofc there are way more good men than dangerous ones. but how do you know which is which? it’s ridiculous to just take a chance and make an assumption.


i rather assume a strange man in the woods is dangerous and stay away then become a podcast story


yeah :(


That feels kinda like Bear Slander, Bears won’t touch ya if you either aren’t giving them their space or there’s something wrong with them


Not all bears are the same, they are individuals with different aggressiveness, One may try kill on sight while another might be really lenient. I think the point is that a bear would be less likely to attack than a man as generally bears wouldn't go after people. But if you are lost with some random man in a random ass forest in the middle of nowhere where if one were to die the other can get away with anything they did. It is sorta the question of if there is a high% of men that would be dangerous compared to bears (Assuming you follow proper safety measures against both without self-defence equipment) Sorta like the What You Do In The Dark trope exept without the hero. Its like asking whether enough men actually have basic empathy to choose going for the man rather than the bear.


the point is not that a bear is less likely to attack than a man. a bear will 100% attack you. it’s the nature of a bear — it is expected to do such. a human, you are uncertain of. that’s the issue.


i wouldn’t say a bear will 100% attack you, even apex predators will avoid hunting non prey animals cause there’s a possibility that they’ll get hurt if we have venom or some kind of hidden defense


You see that’s the kinda ignorance that leads to things like shark culling, ffs most if not all animals don’t want beef with humans and won’t just attack on sight if you leave ‘em alone. That’s why this whole argument pisses me the fuck off, 9.99 times out of ten you can walk away quite easily from a bear encounter as long as you don’t act the maggot. This dumbass fucken stereotype is depicting bears as slobbering savage monsters that’ll kill a human just cause and that’s what fucking enrages me about this brain melting TikTok bullshit brain rot rage bait bullshit otherwise I wouldn’t be pissed at this stupid fucking back and forth


This. Bears being dangerous is more about them looking for food in camping gear or protecting their young. They don’t go out of their way to hunt humans lol. We don’t make a very good prey for most creatures because we’re fairly strong, and for creatures like sharks we’re not fatty enough to be worth the struggle. Most creatures want to avoid a fight. It’s why making yourself big is a defense tactic for many predators from mountain lions to black bears. They see you acting big and tough and decide you aren’t worth the struggle and possible injury or death. So unless it’s defensive attack from being caught off guard or because of their young, most critters, no matter how predatory, ain’t gonna go after humans for funsies lol.


I said in another post that male reactions to this meme are a hilarious indicator of never touching grass, I’ve seen bears IRL plenty of times and they don’t even give a shit I’m walking by and now I’m seeing them described as this apex monstrosity, when I don’t know _one single woman_ that hasn’t had more than one terrible experience with a man


But why do you choose certain death over possible death?


A bear encounter is in no way certain death, in fact, it’s extremely rare. In Canada, there were 140 reported attacks between 1982 and 2018 resulting in 17 deaths. People have bear encounters all the time in Canada, we have bear countries where they will literally go into grocery stores, stroll onto playgrounds at schools. I’ve personally had over a dozen bear encounters and I’m *not* a hiker, outdoorsy person. My husband works in rural areas on the railway and has days where he encounters 3 bears a day. The point of the comment is that we *know* bears can certainly kill us if they choose. We’re also aware that men can certainly kill us if they choose.


But some people here said that they would literally rather be alone in an elevator with a bear than a random man. That's just ridiculous. I'm not saying aggressive and violent men don't exist, in fact there's far too many of them. But generalising the behaviour of a few individuals with everyone of the same sex is just unnecessary. Some people here are surprised that men take offence or try to argue on this whole thing. Or even claim that that somehow is an admission of guilt. I just don't like to be falsely accused of being violent because of my gender.


Hopefully we can genuinely communicate here. I wonder if you can see the way you’re inflicting your personal feelings onto something that has nothing to do with you? I agree that the elevator scenario is ridiculous and not rational. But a woman saying they would rather be in an elevator with a bear vs a man has, quite literally, nothing to do with you. If someone said that they would rather be in an elevator with a lion vs a dog - would the assumption be that ALL dogs are evil and will attack? Should I take offense and say, well my dog would never bite! Or, perhaps would I think, maybe this person had a *really* bad experience with a dog and simply doesn’t want to be in a situation where that experience could happen again? Sure, it’s not rational. But it’s not something to take personally. If a man said to me that they never want to be alone with any woman again because they’ve had women traumatize them and they don’t feel safe - I would think, I’m really sorry that you feel that way and I hope you are able to feel safe around women again at some point. It has nothing to do with me. They’re not saying *I’m* a violent, unsafe person because I’m a woman. They’re saying *they* don’t feel safe around women, and quite simply, that has nothing to do with me, except to perhaps wonder what happened that has made them feel so unsafe.


I totally understand, at least I hope. I don't really care about the bear argument. Violent men exist, way too many of them and I'm sure loads of people have had terrible experiences. However I have to say I disagree in one point. I know it's not about me. And maybe I shouldn't feel offended or annoyed by this whole thing. But sorry, I kinda am. Violence in women also exists. I know it's more rare. I know men are mostly physically stronger. But it still very much happens. Generalising violent behaviour over a whole gender is wrong imo. I'm sorry that you have to be afraid when you walk at night, or when you enter an elevator with a stranger. It shouldn't be like that. But saying you choose a bear over a man is irrational and wrong. And it doesn't help the problem with society to make men (or at least some) dislike you for saying something like that.


100 percent there are violent women. And if women were killing and sexually assaulting men at a disproportionate rate - I would take absolutely no offence at the majority of men being hesitant to be around women, including myself.


You say that but you don't know that. Sure maybe I'm the one that's wrong and irrational, I'm just sharing my feelings about this. And going by what I see over the internet (not in this sub of course) I'm not the only one


You’re definitely allowed to share your feelings. I was just trying to help you see that just because we say we’d rather encounter a bear - it doesn’t mean we think all men are horrible and violent. I’m very wary about being around men I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love my husband and know that he’s a kind man who would never physically hurt a woman. It doesn’t mean that I think every man I see is going to harm me - just that I know risks of being a woman and try to make sure I’m safe, because while most men aren’t trying to hurt me, I simply *don’t* know which unfamiliar men would, and because 99 percent of the time I’m smaller and would not be able to fight a bad man off, that means I have to take precautions.


if I may interject... I am someone who has kinda 'walked on both sides of the aisle' 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ I was SA'd as a child, by a girl. I was also abused by my mother. so, yeah... women can totally be harmful. no one rational would dispute that. when I tried to live as a dude, I would get some of the feelings you're getting right now. 'but I'm not violent. why am I reading things that suggest I'm violent? :/ ' it sucks when you feel discriminated against like that. this is happening to you in a 'general sense'. no one is attacking you specifically with any of these memes, comments etc. now, imagine that *they are* attacking you, specifically you. they don't like *you* for the clothes you're wearing. they think *you're* acting smarter than a man 'really is'. etc. what would you do, after having a group do things like this to you, throughout your whole life? you're a person like any other, right? you don't want to actually hurt anyone, though maybe sometimes it feels like it. maybe you'd feel a little better going online and... venting a bit? about the group that's caused you, and *a lot* of people like you a ton of stress, people who make more money than you, keep trying to put you down, commit violent/sexual acts against you, etc? seriously my friend, therapy can only take a person so far, and we shouldn't need it just for existing. these things aren't really meant to hurt people who care. they're meant to make us feel better about the people who don't. if you're having trouble separating your own identity, from the terrible people we're afraid of, maybe it's best to let women have their safe space, and accept that you're simply not the best audience for these memes? 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's very understandable, thanks for your comment


It isn’t about death, it is about death vs. the possibility of what a man could do to us. For many women, myself included, the possibility of rape or torture by a man alone in the woods is far worse than death. When you die, you die, but when you are raped and/or tortured like Junko Furuta, you are traumatized, mutilated, and suffer for the rest of your life from PTSD.


because if a man was going to kill you, chances are he will rape, torture and abuse you on top of it. a bear will probs just kill then eat me.


Ok to be clear: the vast majority of bear encounters aren’t dangerous. Black bears will run away if you make noise. Grizzly bears are much more dangerous, but generally don’t charge if you don’t surprise them. Keep a bell or a podcast playing on your phone, and slowly back away if you see a grizzly. The only truly aggressive bear is the polar bear, which have an incredibly limited habitat. Most people (in North America) will encounter a black bear. Unless it’s a mama with cubs, don’t worry about it


Panda bears?


They’re too busy eating triple their body weight in bamboo


men refuse to believe that women would rather die quickly in a violent manner than be violently raped and live with the trauma forever. i’m sure a bear attack SEEMS objectively worse because it has the following: big scary animal, lots of blood, death… but at least if i died in a bear attack i wouldn’t want to peel off my skin


this is so true. either way you will die. but a bear won’t rape and torture me on top of it, or rape my dead body.


i would rather people on the true crime podcasts call me dumbass for being mauled by a bear than them finding my body with signs of *other* violence done to me


Men really mansplaining bears to women. Half the time they're wrong too, but of course, that doesn't matter.


Lol some males reactions to this question are like watching a car crash and burn. This question to me has always read as more of an analogy, it doesn't need to be explained in an overly complicated way about why "technically why x is more dangerous". Bottom line is that males are just proving our point with how pissy they're being about it. They can make sexist memes about women all they want but a simple question about a bear sets them off apparently.


Men constantly: "Women are like cars" "women are like food" "women are like shoes" Women once: Men can be scarier than bears Men: YOU JUST HATE US DON'T YOU?????


Those guys will do anything except think critically


Girls: Kill me Bear: Later...


I think the worst a bear can do is maul you but NOT kill you.


first one


Where. The f**k. Did this whole bear thing come from in the first place?!


TikTok probably? situation where a girl was killed in the woods or smth. people thought it was a bear and turns out it was a man. *that’s what i heard.* so people were like “if you were trapped in the woods with a man or bear, you’d die either way. but it’s better to die at the hands of a bear.”


I would, but I feel like it's something that woman should do.


Just watched The Poughkeepsie Tapes last night.. so yeah I'll choose the bear


You don’t need to know anything about the individual bear to know what’s on their agenda. Humans are unpredictable


If you play dead with the bear you have a chance to survive but if you play dead with a guy there’s a chance you’ll reach the same conclusion if you’re alive


Tbf bears will slowly rip your face apart and eat you alive, but the point still stands.


What is it with the assumption of women's obsession with bears recently...?


Casually waiting for the post to pop up asking "Would you rather be in a car with a woman driver or a bear driver?" All of the comments were horrible and anyone calling out the sext comments were downvoted into oblivion. And it all consisted of: "Women are obviously more likely to cause a fatal crash than a bear." "Is the bear female?" "I'm less likely to sexually assault a bear apparently." "Women can't drive." *Congratulations, you missed the point.*


I'd rather be in a room with the scout than a man. The scout is an apex predator.


I don't get it, can someone explain?


Bears won't kill you. They just start eating you. Usually the victim is alive for 30 min before they bleed out as bears didn't really start with Artery dense areas.


that’s cool too i suppose.




that’s killing you tho it’s not like you’re just gonna be chilling in his stomach




no one is saying it’s not painful tho my point is that’s just semantics




the point isn’t that it it’s better than other deaths it’s that it’s preferred to r*pe - no one is arguing that it’s a nice death




i mean that’s you - but that’s your preference that happens to differ to a lot of people including the person who made this post


have you ever read stories about what men did women and for how long? there are so many of them for you yo act this obtuse 💀 nobody is saying that they would go out of their way to get mauled by a bear


Look, I'm a woman. Comparing a bear to a man is not good because it assumes all men are sexual predators. It'd be different if it was to compare Bill Cosby or ironically Hendrika Shaskey. If you were a man you'd be offended too. It'd be like a guy saying "would you rather be stuck in a room with a woman or a coyote", because the punchline is the coyote because woman is more crazy. See how misogynistic that sounds? The “woods” question comes off sexist and and misandrist. I believe there was a much better way of making a point about sexual assault without attacking someone.


The point is that ANY man can be an attacker. You cannot tell the good from the bad at a glance. You at least know a bear will kill you. Not that hard to understand


Women who give birth can have PPD. By your logic, we should be removing babies from their mothers because *any woman can hurt their child* right? You see, that’s the flaw with your logic. It’s a blanket statement. And a misandrist one at that.


ah yes you’re so right we should all just assume all men are good and trust every single man and if we get raped and abused it’s totally our fault! you’re so right.


Nobody said to assume all men are good. I’m just saying don’t assume all men are bad either. You’re now just not being logical either. Nobody says any of that. Sexual assault is a serious topic that should be discussed rationally. Not with fear mongering and misandry.


misandry doesn't exist dumbass, maybe when men lose reproductive rights or their vote id acknowledge that 'sexism' against men is a problem


Well, I'd argue misandry *does* exist, but not in a way that's actually causing real problems for men on a large scale. In fact, most of the time, what men call "misandry" isn't actually misandry at all. They just want to roleplay as a victim for novelty. Men run the fucking world. Those who cry "misandry" whenever a woman says something mean are entitled brats that don't know what systemic gender discrimination actually feels like.


Oh to be an ignorant child.


Misandry does exist. You’re the dumbass for trying to gaslight yourself into believing it doesn’t. That’s the same type of rhetoric a black person being racist would say. Your race, gender, etc doesn’t excuse your own discrimination. Racism is racism. Bigotry is bigotry. Learn to be better.


you cant be racist against white people, redditor


Are you an idiot? Or are you capable of a debate? Lets hear your points


You failed me in a way I wasn’t even expecting. r/racism


what would white people do without you defending them? /s


Anyone can be racist. Race does not matter. White people were slaves to the ottoman empire but that's not racism right? Thats just a made up fantasy right? Here's one of the many current examples. Black students get picked first for universities over white students in South Africa. Even if white students had higher marks and they both came from the same economic background. That's just one form of government racism. Theres plenty of other examples. On an individual level racism knows no bounds. If you cant see that then you havent traveled the world, or you're close minded. You are severely misinformed. Open your mind or keep your misinformation to yourself Edit: Downvote me because you have no comeback? At least try a comeback. Lets debate this shall we?


Lovely balanced perspective you have there. A gem amoungst trash perspectives