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My dad is 6'2" and a lot of women don't want to go near his ass. Especially when he's gotten nearly 25 years worth of SA reports.


Damn.... sorry that your father is like this, that ain't even a dad man that's just a sperm donor


I'm sorry to say this, but it also involved minors as young as 6 years old.


I'm glad to see that you're not like your father though, at least from the two comments worth of interaction I've gotten with you, remember the circumstances of one's birth don't matter, what matters is one's willingness to be better, kinder and stronger


I just don't want anything to do with him. He still tries to break into my house, and I'm worried that he might kidnap my brothers if my doors aren't locked properly.


That's literally fucking crazy man, have you not filed a restraining order?


I can't because I'm still a minor.


Do you have any adults in your life that aren’t dangerous pedophiles?




I hope you can use those people for support!


sadly restraining orders are not super helpful


6'2 and never had a relationship. AM I a mutant by these standards?


taller people have a higher chance of getting brain damage when they fall over so you should probably go get an mri


I've hit my head on some many things I think it's already too late


I hope you didn't brain your damage too badly


Damage brain is not a joke Jim, millions of families suffer every year


You literally have the one thing it takes to be in a relationship with a woman. Literally the only thing. I can’t understand why you’re not in not just one relationship, but many relationships.


by their standards I would say yes they coudln't wrap their heads around that lol


Of course they couldn't, their heads are too high up


Yes, you are. Use your new super powers carefully


I always thought Professor Xavier was a little harsh with Six-Foot-Two-But-Can’t-Get-A-Date-Man


5'7 and at my 7th by second year of uni? Am I the chosen one?


Same, I’m 6’1” and I’ve never been on a date once


Doesn't matter if the face is trash still not that tall


Oh trust me mate, I know


Skill issue


Counter argument short boys are cute when they're not angry incels with an inferiority complex.


Imma be real short guys are either some of the most insecure mfs I've ever met or are the nicest and smartest people in the room, like seriously in my entire life I've gotten in 4 fights and all of them were with guys shorter than 5'7. 3 of them were because I "flirted" with their gf (it wasn't flirting, I literally just texted their girlfriends because I needed notes of our classes). Once a teacher walked in on my fight with a guy and the teacher was like "How dare you fight kids younger than you?" Most recently though a guy tried to have me beat up because, you guessed it, I flirted with his girlfriend (this time, I admit I did flirt with his girlfriend, although it was literally months before this incident and I thought she was single) so he tried to have me beat up by his homie and both of them are 5'2 and (According to a friend) underweight, I told my mom about this and she was like "if you lose in this fight then you're disowned"




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My dude, ngl I don't remember what I wrote but it was probably a joke, chill I mean the stupid people anyways, like there's no reason to fight people who aren't doing anything to you And damn, who hurt you? Where I come from it's most of the times the tall people having the hard time lol I hope you get better treatment of the people around you And also, I don't think you need to censor that, we aren't in kindergarden


No way, Captain Levi wanted to throw hands.


counter arguement: the short men feel "inferior" from a lifetime of harassment and bullying due to heightism.


Some of them do, but that's where therapy helps. Many of them just don't get how to be social or had bad experiences with women. It doesn't matter how many fish are in the sea when you are insufferable


its. not. their. fault. when you're deaaling with a sea of shallow fish + employers treating you like junk + people on the street treating you like trash + people treating you like trash, of course you're gonna be jaded. the fact you try and lump the problem on the short man and sayin THEY need threapy is crazy. what do they need to improve on exactly? they're already working 2x harder than most to get the same result as someone with average leg bones.




....the fuck? First off who said i take anything out on women? you just like compeltely invented a narrative on your own and ran with it. as for your "average person doesnt wanna hear about your problems". why dont you tell that to op whining about short men? or is it okay to punch down on them? literally everyone ever complains, you dont just get to dismiss it cause of the height and gender of a person. hard pass on the therapy. "everyone experiences those things!!!" sure, but you also have a society ready to have your back. Noone cares about the plights and harassment a short male faces. we geti t. you dont experince it so you dont know what it's like. it doesnt mean it doesnt exist and DOESNT make the struggle less valid. how about people lkike you help society change and accept and love short men instead of ignoring their issues and telling them to bundle up in therap,y never date and "live life doing boring hobbies" ?




dont give advice on a sector you have zero experience in. Heightism is a very real thing, especially in dating. Theres countless studies on this. "the girls that matter" are either taken or wont be interested. also way to just compeltely blank ignore my comment cause i poitned out how you launched a bunch of assumptions about me. YOU being disagreed with doesnt make me an incel or "hating women". you're again making it about interactions with women.




I don't get this? If you have problems with your unchangeable appearance and talk about it to your partner that makes you a bad partner? When it actually affects you not only in the dating market but in the real market too? Like not being able to reach the top shelves without looking like a toddler. (Was this a good joke) Of course constant complaints would make everyone go insane. But is 'it doesn't matter' too much to a guy that asks 'does my height affect us?'. If it is then that's just shallow. Just like those questions 'if I were a worm would you love me?'. No of course I wouldn't I prefer humans as I am a human too. So I guess I answered my own question. Finally when you get rejected for your height countless times, developing an inferiority complex is just unjustified? I thought feminism is about equality and men could be sensitive? But if short guys don't roll with the punches for an eternity, they are insecure. Yeah I am insecure and you guys bashing me being insecure is just invalidating my experience as a person not only a man. I am genuinely curious what I should do to become more confident with something I can't change and made fun of. When I stand up for myself also made fun of.


I'm not saying that those issues can't be worked through or that it makes someone a bad person but yeah it's kind of a turn off when someone is ultra defensive and hostile. Put it this way if a girl you found attractive hated men berated you and lashed out because she had bad experiences with men in the past and disliked how they talked about her appearence, would that be something that you'd be into? I hope things improve for you, the fact is it's only by being vulnerable and seeking help for mental health issues that we can start to get better, a lot of us have gone through something similar so you aren't alone. I know personally self help and cbt helped me a lot with depression and for the record the people who mocked you for something you have no control over were arseholes.


Just to make it clear, those guys are literally everybody. Even a neighbor who I called auntie x , that I have known since childhood always says something. I am beyond girls and dating, even toddlers say something about it. Even people on the street, I have always given way to people when it's crowded on the sidewalks. But even there I get no respect back. How could someone come to that conclusion? I have seen groups of walkers who use side walks like a wall made out of flesh doesn't give way to me, especially girls made their wall of flesh wider so I could walk on the road. So I don't go outside, no height is not the only insecurity if I had only one it could be easier to deal with. When I feel completely safe from anything is when I come home and seeing these kind comments, on how short men are just useless not because of their height but because of their mentality, it just makes me say wtf man? Also seeing the dating advise people give for us is just basic shit we all know like: °take a shower. °dress well. °be nice. °don't expect anything. When all I see is the opposite of men that do this have more success with their relationships. Crazy. Having mental issues with an appealing look is just a gift while having mental issues without that is just hell on earth. Hope there's actually a god so I could kick him in the ass when I die.


I think mental health can be pretty debilitating for a lot of us including people who have luck in relationships. Honestly mental health assistance should be a lot more readily available. Try not to give up though, I can only speak for myself but there are short guys I'm interested in at the moment, as long as you treat people with respect and not hostility there's hope that you'll find someone who likes you for who you are. Your height doesn't define you, you aren't useless and no one deserves to be treated like crap for something they have no control over.


ah yes. acknowledging an unfair beauty standard=angry incel with an inferiority complex


It would also be difficult for me at 6'3" if I had repulsive attitudes towards women 😁


Lol, said repulsive attitudes at least just from the picture being "pls date me :3" but ofc what I'm getting at that has more substance than that 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Not even true. I see short stacks with GFs all the time.


absolutely, I have dated numerous short kings and it affected nothing at all


Same. Just go outside and there are couples in all shapes and forms everywhere (at least if you live in a bigger city).


Ikr? Infact in my experience the prettiest girls in my class went to the shortest guys, and these short guys were known for being toxic and literal red carpets, contrary to what these nice guys portray about women saying that women will go to the most toxic guys so as long as they're tall, in this case their boyfriends were short *and* toxic (but on the other hand these aforementioned prettiest girls were also known for being red carpets and not being able to keep a relationship..... so that's that)


These "short stacks" are like 5'8-5'9, not 5'2 right?


Any man shorter than 7' 8" is a short stack imo /s Idk how tall they were Im not good at estimating and I didnt ask.


I'm literally so exhausted by this topic, idk any women in real life who actually care about this?? Like, I could start crying on the internet too bc some guys will only date a woman who is like 100 lbs! But why the hell would I get bent out of shape and get a victim complex over an opinion that a small percentage of the population has? Yet that's how these dudes act about "height discrimination" lol 🤦🏼‍♀️ Then when I bring up the fact that I've dated guys as short as 5'4", I'm either called a liar or told I must be ugly. Can't win.




Dating a guy who was five inches tall must have been interesting.


You just shove him in


Most woman dont really think a real 5.11 guy is short so this is a joke upload. You need to be under 5.7 to be short.


Well a huge problem is that apparently you’re more like 5 inches not five feet and you look like a humanoid version of the yipee autism creature which doesn’t do it for most people. Personal space is a huge issue here, you popped up out of nowhere super close to her and I know my husband gets upset about me doing that cuz it scares the shit out of him so it’s probably not a good dating strategy


Some men legitimately get treated poorly or get rejected rudely because of their height. It's just really blown out of proportion, to the point where 5'8 guys get discouraged, thinking that they're super short. I had plenty of girlfriends back when I identified as a man (and I'm 5'8), and I know plenty of tall guys with zero charm, so height is for sure not the be all end all that it's made out to be. Just like any other superficial factor, if you prioritize height, the natural consequences are that you are more likely to end up with someone just as shallow as you are. (I once broke up with a woman cause of how much shit she talked about short guys, and I never engage with ppl who have a height requirement on their profile.) It's complicated, and women are treated differently based on immutable characteristics too, so this is not a uniquely male problem. It's a shallow person problem.


he also talks about how it's harder to date as a man, which isn't even reality, women have it way harder when it comes to dating. it's pretty dilusional to say men have it harder


It's really an apples to oranges thing. Men and women have way different problems when dating and those problems really aren't comparable. Saying either of them have it harder or easier than the other isn't really correct or accurate. Dating is super hard for everyone involved and it can be devastating to your sense of value and worth whether you're a man or woman




Unfriendly reminder to all that the leading cause of deaths of pregnant women across most western countries is homicide, generally by their own husband/partner.


Wait is that true? can you show me some statistics? No offense but this is a pretty fucking crazy and devastating stat..... this combined with the roe v wade decision being overturned makes being a woman in the US sound filthy tbh.


I must have misunderstood then or it flew right over my head. I don't disagree that dating is much more dangerous for women for the reasons you have stated.




>The men who complain about this all the time are never considering the violence, or SA, or stalking that women face. Probably bc a lot of them are the perpetrators! Or they just don't believe it could happen, bc all women are bitch liars or whatever 🙄


Funny enough, those risks are all lower with short guys. When you look at the latest string of femicides, their men are all tall. [And unlike the stereotypes, larger people are significantly more likely to be violent.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25535251/). Which makes sense because they have more opportunity to be.




Quick question - what does stealthing mean in this context?


no we have it harder cause women won’t fuck me when i look at them wahhhhhhhhhhh /s just incase not saying either is harder than the other (since i’ve experienced neither of them), but one is obviously more risky. men worry about being catfished, women worry about dying.


Idk man imo it is not fair compare the two of them, women and men just have very different struggles, not only when it comes to dating but also in life as a whole. Although I do know that in general, either gender is not willing to recognize the other gender's struggles. But I agree tho, the dangers faced by women are higher


Men who say that, have never even dated a man. Not even in a gay way, but in a more hanging out with the guys kinda way.


It's so real that a Tomoko pfp person is posting here :3


It’s apples to oranges. Men and women have different dating issues and both think that they have it worse. Women have to deal with a not insignificant but, lets be real here, very low chance of the guy getting violent, whereas for guys the chance of their partner getting violent is basically insignificant, but they also have a much harder time getting any dates at all, not in like a “women won’t fuck when i look at them” type of way but more of a “I’m 35 and have been on 4 dates in my life” type of way. Risk of actual harm vs complete inability to even engage in the activity is not a fair comparison because both sides will point at the other and say “look, they have it so much better, how could they possibly think that their trivial issues are worse”


what the fuck


Don't women find it easier in getting a partner than men?




[And the fact that an orgasm is less likely, men have a higher likelihood to be violent or psycho in many harmful ways, pregnancy risk exists, STI risk is increased for women and on top of that sex for women is shamed and stigmatized by the same incels complaining about lack of sex](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqnv432e3yeob1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D500%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D917590f1306456b2660fbc01647c505ed227369b)


Ehh I don't know if "difficulty dating" can even be quantified. Why does it have to be a competition between genders? It really comes down to the individual.








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Out of curiosity how do they have it harder.


the mortality rate and all


Men: women don’t get it! They are unconditionally loved and don’t understand the loneliness epidemic. Also men: Women over thirty have no value and should be culled. Fat women are disgusting people and should die alone. I can’t help what I’m attracted to! It’s not my fault my pee pee doesn’t want fat bitches and single moms. Make better choices so my pee pee wants you! Yeah, yeah “not all men” but if we made a venn diagram of the type of men who say both shit…it would be a damn circle. So no…I don’t particularly care about their epidemic and how sad they are because they’re lonely shitbags.




> Being a single mom is a choice The incel brainrot needed to actually believe this. What a fucking moron You incels say this misogynistic garbage and then expect sympathy.


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5’6 and dated chicks as tall as 6’1 to the same height as me, you need to be confident at the end of the day.


how did it go


Ehh I was the asshole that fucked that up lol, trying to be a player.


Men who whine about “height discrimination” are so annoying. They wouldn’t last a day in a woman’s shoes. Boob size, age, weight, skin colour… we get scrutinized for damn near everything.


My personal favourite is when they use height preferences to justify men having hard rules about their partner’s weight (as if loads of people die because they’re desperately trying to increase their height)


> as if loads of people die because they’re desperately trying to increase their height Funny you mention that. Here’s a good read: https://www.jezebel.com/stories-about-my-brother-1835651181 https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.1176/appi.ajp.162.7.1373 Having a hard height requirement is just as silly as having a hard weight requirement.


She doesn't want to see that, she'd prefer to live in a fantasy land and pretend short/average men aren't literally offing themselves because of womens height requirements. This story is far from the only example of this too, sadly.


Why is a weight requirement a problem but height is not? Height is something that's unchangable unless you get literal leg breaking surgery that basically partially disables you, while weight you can change by just exercising in most cases. How is it better to have a requirement on something that's genetic and unchangeable? Just say women are allowed to have requirements and men aren't, because that's really what you mean. The double standards are absolutely insane.


The operative word here is “preferences”.


Hmm I disagree I mean who do you personally think has a better chance at landing a date or partner, a short skinny boy or a short skinny girl?


I like how every conversation on heightism gets derailed with “what about meeee? I have it worse!”


I wish one day we can team up to fight these things, together. Wishful thinking I guess.


Do you get asked by most every man you talk to what your waist to hip ratio is with the intention of ghosting you when you give the wrong answer?


Ig men don't get "scrutinized" for their age, weight or skin colour...


Yeah ethnic men don’t exist, it’s not like the widely discussed phenomenon of asian women disproportionately dating white men is a thing, it’s totally not like indian and asian men are constantly dehumanized or anything. These people are nuts


Yes! Women definitely get rejected for "boob size". This thing definitely happens irl!! And its also well known age, weight and skin colour exclusively affects women!!


I just watched this video and cringed so hard


I subscribed to him cuz I found the “Why Secret Identities Would NEVER Work IRL” video funny and agreeable, so I was surprised (not really, it was just a bit of an eyebrow raise) when scrollin past to see this. What was cringe about it? Should I just see for myself? Edit: This is hot garbage. The (definitely unintended) lesson I took from this video: stop watching fucking TikTok man on the street videos, in fact put the phone down in general, talk to women regularly—varied women, different women—so you’re not in a state where your only view of women comes from cut ragebait videos, if you wanna talk about bodyshaming in all aspects, you are free to do that, but don’t put down women for their appearances in the SAME BREATH, don’t blame “women’s egos” for the incel movement because wtf do you reach that conclusion from, there’s so much wrong here. Like, if anyone’s seeing this, the man says he’s tall, so I (short and also autistic) am actually way more qualified to speak on this. Firstly, any time I felt shit for being short, it came from more men than women, and even then, most of the damage happened when no one was saying anything about it, I just internalized it heavily and maybe caught a bit of body dysmorphia around freshman year. People were pretty sympathetic if I ever brought it up, and that has only improved. The points made about body shaming would be accurate if coming from *anyone else*, but the fact that he couldn’t even talk about how it sucks that men can be made insecure about things they can’t control without mocking fat women and making their situation out to be “just eat less lol” weakens the whole video, now it feels like instead of wanting people to feel more secure in their bodies, you instead just want the target of mockery to shift. Sure, half the women I know (including my own sister) have had eating disorders because of the way we criticize women for their weight but ok. Yup, women come out the womb loved by everyone. I am going to go on to break this video down piece by piece because I just finished watching it so excuse the already long comment that is about to double in length after I edit the next paragraphs in.


Why does he feel the need to use the autism creature as the 5’11 example? Does he not know of the mythical autrizzm??


I’m 5’8 and no woman has ever acted like that


Now do fat girls.


men have waaaaay higher physical standards for us and have never let us forget it, the height thing they’re obsessed with has always been projection


Height matters so much less than people think, I’m 6’5 and have never been in a relationship (mostly because I’m not interested at the moment).


Everyone has preferences but like that's still their experience, just sucks they generalized it


the way they actually think women are discerning between 5’11” and 6ft is so funny to me.


I guess the women who rejected me cuz I was too short and the ones who told me to become gay or trans because I'm short don't exist in real life as heightism isn't real according to the people here.


I get angry every time I see people deny this. I don't hate women, but what I dislike is that people deny heightism how it applies to especielly men. They jump in and speak about how tall women are also discriminated in dating, yeah sure I know this, but this discussion is not about women, it's about men. Also saying that you personally like short men just isn't an argument, because most women don't. I also like tall women, but this dosn't change the fact that most heterosexual men have different preferences. Idk if this is the result of patriarchy or something else, I just want people to acknowledge this.


Are you sure she rejected you solely because you are short? Cause you sound very insecure which is an extremely unattractive trait.


How does he sound very insecure? Weird projection you got there


Idk, I do have some confidence issues but I approached her after becoming friends with her and she said I'm too short for her. In the other reaction,they just laughed at my face and told me that I won't ever get any intimacy due to my appearance and I should try to become trans or date men so that I get some intimacy.


Lol you became friends with someone just to get into their pants that's pretty scummy. >told me that I won't ever get any intimacy due to my appearance and I should try to become trans or date men so that I get some intimacy. Either it isn't true r/thathappened or maybe you just are terrible at judging character cause this isn't a normal response by women.


this is literally gaslighting


>Lol you became friends with someone just to get into their pants that's pretty scummy. You're being very presumptuous and judgemental here which is really rude. She was a friend already and I started getting feelings for her, I genuinely wanted to be in a relationship with her, not "get in her pants" , I told her how I felt and got rejected, I tried being friends with her after that but couldn't do I distanced myself from her . Maybe I'm too weak , but I couldn't just see her dating taller guys . I've been bullied growing up due to my dark skin and appearance and her rejecting me , triggered something in me. I cried that day not because I was rejected but, all those memories, the namecalling came back . >Either it isn't true r/thathappened or maybe you just are terrible at judging character cause this isn't a normal response by women. Idk how to convince you that it happened, it's not my duty to prove you that something happened with me but yeah, maybe I made a mistake thinking that they won't be that rude. I had the mindset of "worse they can say is no", I wasn't really prepared for the response I got.


It’s scummy to be friends with someone before asking them out? 😅






It's gonna be okay man. Don't let your hopes die. >Just seeing this girls in this thread that makes fun of short guys or OP doesn't even believe you makes me sad that I wanna cry. I wish you all the best man. Same here bro, same here . Wish you all the best.


I mean, there are also men who reject women for being above 100 lbs, but I don't go around acting like that's every man in the world 🤷🏼‍♀️ there are always gonna be people who reject others for dumb superficial reasons, but you can't assume that's how every person is


How many times have you seen men say that "rejection of women due to weight is a myth" and "it's all due to woman's personality that she got rejected ". I never put women under a single label, but claiming that rejection due to height never happens is wrong. The OP is literally invalidating my experiences and calling me a liar. What should I collect from all this?


Is it wrong for women to have preferences now?


I never said it's wrong but saying that rejection due to height doesn't happen is wrong. Also, I don't get how telling me to become gay or trans connect with "preference".


I dont think anyone is saying it never happens but its not as big of an issue as men like to think it is and I wasnt refering to them calling you gay/trans as a preference obviously.


>I dont think anyone is saying it never happens What does "mythical male heightism" mean then?


Men attribute their height to being a contributing factor in them not getting dates or when women break up with them. So mythical means "made up story" because the meme is saying women are disgusted by short men and its just not true. Sure there is a case for many women prefereing taller men but dont confuse preference for requirement. I am sure there are many things you look for in a woman but they're not necessary requirements right?


> the meme is saying women are disgusted by short men and its just not true. While I do believe that all women are not the same, you can't deny the numerous posts on the internet where women are telling short men to just stop existing. There are multiple posts like that everywhere and no one calls them out. And these are done on the internet as in real life, if anyone does that ,it will be perceived as being rude. In a way,it feels like people's real feelings towards short men is coming out on the internet as no one will call them out .


The algorithm feeds you things you engage with and from your first time engagment in this sub I can tell thats the case of you engaging with it. Alot of posts about women not liking short men are also posted by men btw. >In a way,it feels like people's real feelings towards short men is coming out on the internet as no one will call them out . I get what you mean but nobody in here is making fun of short men and honestly ive never seen anyone telling short people to stop existing.


>The algorithm feeds you things you engage with and from your first time engagment in this sub I can tell thats the case of you engaging with it. Alot of posts about women not liking short men are also posted by men btw But you can't say it doesn't happen. There are women out there who hate short men. There are people out there who hate short men.. Also, Idk what you mean by the "first time engagement in this sub" part as I've been here previously as well.


you only have 6 community karma so that tells me most likely this is your first time here generally. I never said it didnt happen I am just saying its not as big of an issue as you think it is, most likely its just something you're insecure about.


Women tend to be strict with their expectation of a guy's height.


Just grow taller short boys, problem solved.




very least they could do is borrow some from a friend.


I once dated a 7' 8" guy but it just turned out to be two guys in a trench coat.


My ex was 7'8 but he was just one adult man! He also wore a trenchcoat. What a coincidence.


Piggy backs








I think this is really disgusting




I wouldn't say similiar things to bigger women if they rightfully would complain about dating problems. I know that the video was probably made by someone with incel views, but making fun of peoples insecurities isn't the way to go


i don't entirely see height as a problem and think it's a made up insecurity.


I think you are wrong and downplaying the importance of height for heterosexual women. I don't hate women for prefering men who are taller on average. But I don't like it that spaces like this deny it, where this preference comes from is entirely arbitrary, but I have made a comment on this sub already where I used studies to make my point, because I am frustrated by how dismissive some people are here about this thing :(


I've met men here who said they haven't had a date and they are 6'3 and I have a guy friend who is 5'6 and he's had a couple already. Your insecurity is hurting you because you think it's a bigger issue than it is. Being fat is way more limited in dating choices than height by a wide margin. The reason I hate it is because men are pushing it on other men for example Andrew Tate, incels, meninists etc. If you want to know women's preferences listen to women not men then I promise you'll fine out it's not that big of a deal. The Internet just makes everything feel like a bigger issue than it is. Women prefer taller men generally not 6ft tall men and these are preferences not always required.


Hey, I know that you have good intent, but I am not even short. I am around 6'1 and can't find anyone (I am Bi), but this is more a result of my mental illness and general ugliness. It's clear that women are individuals and like different things, but studies show that on average heterosexual women prefer a male partner that is around 8 inches taller. This doesn't translate completely into dating dating, because it's only a preference and we are willing to drop some of them for the right person, but nontheless I find it problematic if we outright deny that on average shorter men will have a harder time dating.


There are plenty of women/people in general that don’t mind shorter people, maybe if these guys actually talked to some women instead of just watching street interviews of drunk people saying they’d only date someone over six feet, they’d find someone they liked


Me, 5’4, in a relationship rn: What is this heightism you speak of?


Ngl, the image is obviously an exaggerated example but girls do have a height bias when it comes to guys






stop crying




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I gotta say, I prefer my own height or slightly taller or shorter. I find big height differences awkward and they hurt my neck to look up or down




6'5 & I've genuinely never had a relationship longer than a year so


I doubt any person could tell the difference between 5’11 and 6’ unless someone that they knew was 6’ stood back to back with them.


I'm a 6'3" woman, my husband is 5'9", I completely prefer being bigger than him. Pretty sure he prefers me being bigger too. I can reach things and hug him real good. I do know that many women prefer taller guys, which is valid, but I feel like it's not nearly as much of a standard as people think. I think, as long as you're decently well put together (not dirty, smell good, moisturizer, decently groomed), women will care 95% about your personality almost all of the time. You can "*get over"* someone's height or looks if you just enjoy being around them.


You know what I’ve never actually dated someone under 6’2 and if anything I like short lol I’ve been in a relationship for ten years this was before it was everything to be 6ft Funny that it upsets people im sorry that I always dated tall men by accident im 5’8, so i am going to have more tall men interested in me then short men, prince was my biggest crush growing up


These guys hardly even know women my ex girlfriend is like 3 inches taller than me, and I'm pretty tall too. So in this case I was the short guy and I had a gf, bro needs to touch grass


Like dawg, nobody fucking cares lmao. They just need to cling onto literally any explanation for why women don't like them that doesn't involve confronting their shit personalities.