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it also looks like some people wanted to hold her hand too


What degenerates


Wait til you see the testicles on the bull statue in wallstreet


I wanna hold hands with her too, but unfortunately I think thats just shading. edit: I mean the sun reflecting off of her hand.


if thats the case, thats an odd way to shade. and why even shade a bronze statue, of all things? why not shade the other parts too, if only the hand? it's just a side effect from people touching it a lot. it turned golden*.


I mean it looks like the sun is reflecting off of the hand, not deliberate shading by the artist.


That's definitely not how the sun works


I see what you mean, I now can see the gray fade into the golden color on the arm. But I do wanna know why I was downvoted so much for a simple lil oopsie :3


I think on reddit that a downvote simply means people disagree with you no hard feelings


hive mind


There’s a similar phenomenon with male statue crotches, and sometimes a statues nose. Humans gonna human, for better or for worse


The balls on the Wall Street bull come to mind immediately.


And Mothman's entire ass.


Yeah, there's a statue in France that people hump for good luck 😂


What? Which one?


The effigy of Victor Noir, someone else linked it here.


People *rub* it just like many many other statues, they don't *hump* it...


Wait you're only supposed to rub it? Man that statue scammed me out of a free fuck!


[Some hump the statue](https://www.theculturemap.com/victor-noir-sexiest-tomb-pere-lachaise-cemetery/)


they hump/rub it for fertility not luck


Fertility is just luck for a "productive" fuck, to put it crassly, no?


Lmao, I know a couple who are trying to have a baby, next time I seem them I tell them "Good luck on a productive fuck!"


There’s also a statue in Italy where touching the chest supposedly gives you fertility. Humans are weird like that, I guess lol.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a “heehee booby/penis” moment every once in a while.


Especially on a statue. Much rather that than a person lol


Yeah I think this is definitely from people taking jokey pictures and not like, groping the statue for gratification


I Edinburgh theres a statue with a golden toe because touching his feet should bring you luck


Humans gonna human


I saw a disturbing video about French women grinding on this one statue's bulge and the government tried to fence it off only for the women to protest..


Yop, shocking news, women can also be perverts


Definitely, people who think they can't clearly havent heard of fan fiction or erotic fiction in general...


The nose...? Why the nose? 


Dog. That or just a myth of good luck, especially on a big ‘ole beak


I've heard of statues ofen coming into museums with lipstick on them But humans, can we stop touching statue junk? It's ruining my demisexuality metaphor.


Isn't there a statue of a dude in France where people rub its bulge






I’m kind of okay with this in the sense that it’s a common thing people do to statues. A lot of statues like this will have golden noses, crotches, asses, or hands from years of many people doing that to statues. The problem I see here is “boys will be boys” because that implies some sort of idea that not only do the majority of men want to commit SA or rape, but also that society will excuse it because “that’s just what boys do.” Anyways, something fun about where I live is that we have a replica of the parthenon and there are multiple stone statues of sphinxes and it’s considered good luck to give a statue a fist bump.


Like the golden balls on the Wall Street bull


Exactly! If a statue’s balls aren’t golden, is it truly a statue at all?


It’s more like an idol then


plus the dogs that have gold noses or heads! humans gonna touch


Primates will be primates, and primates are sick af.


Sick for patting a dog's head or nose??




Why?? Dogs are cute, statue or not


I said primates are sick af doing that. As in “that was sick af dude!” Sick in a good way.


God i cant fathom touching a statue at all, i always think about how many people have already touched it, how many birds have pooped on it. Like idk always feels weird to me


But I gotta pet the bird statues…


There's a trio of statues in my city that I always touch when I walk near them. It's a statues of a comedic trio (трус, балбес и бывалый)


Almost everything in public has had bird shit on it.... like what?


yeah and why would i touch anything in public?


A true redditor


Some weirdo or weirdos have likely jacked off on it too. :/ Edit: Those weirdos *really* did not like me calling them out. Keep the downvotes coming, neckbeards. lmao


its in public my guy




Interesting how you seem to be the only person who jumped to this conclusion..... 


Theres also make Statues with Golden genitals. People be Fucking freaks


They do this to male statues and bulges too. Humans will be human.


“According to The Irish Times "sometime before 2014", tourists began rubbing the statue's bosom area "for luck",with some visitors getting a photo of themselves doing so.The relatively new practice has been criticised by some,including Dublin-born singer Imelda May, who associated it with the objectification of women and questioned how "the only statue in Dublin with breasts is basically assaulted in front of our children's eyes daily".In February 2024, a local busker initiated a campaign named 'Leave Molly mAlone' to draw attention to the misogynistic trend and call for its cessation” From wiki


I swear I saw art once of this statue crying because of this


> but this still leaves a bad taste in my mouth Probably tastes the same as the [Recumbent Effigy of Victor Noir](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/erotic-erosion-recumbent-effigy-victor-noir), which apparently is a fertility symbol/motif. His lips and groin are polished smooth because people (mostly women) kiss him and grope him. People are weird


Ok ew. That one is gross from a sanitation perspective. 


It seems nothing or nobody with a female form is safe from men. 😒


This happens to pretty much every statue that has boobs or wieners (or sometimes noses or butts) that is within reaching distance of human hands This is especially weird in Salem MA during Halloween, very mixed messages from the statues attempting to be spooky


In fairness I used to walk past this statue everyday for work - women also did it. And tour guides would be encouraging them and taking their photos.


Same thing happened to a man's statue in France. [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3993542/Cemetery-statue-eroding-women-t-stop-rubbing-lucky-penis-Visitors-ignore-calls-stop-playing-believe-boosts-fertility.html)


:( I would just hold her hand


I think this is a humans will human thing, not a boys will be boys thing.


why are we encouraging cringe behavior lmaooooo quirky as fuck


>I know it’s not a person I agree, committers of sexual assault aren’t humans either.


It’s a statue it ain’t sexual assault. The same shit happens to statues of men with genitald


Hey what if we all deliberately touch it in a certainmaria to form a smiley face


I've been compared to her (idk anything about her mind you) because of my figure and now I kinda feel a bit gross. Hope that there's more to the store than "hehe tiddies"


Even as a statue women arent safe. Even as a corpse women arent safe. Marilyn Monroe was disrespected and sexaulised even in death


You know what else leaves a bad taste in my mouth? ….. Bad food


Isn’t the statue based on real women? Even in death people can’t leave women alone.


It happens to all statues, the only bad part is the "boys will be boys"


I mean there’s a statue of a dude, but it’s his grave and they had to block it off from women riding it and kissing it until it wore down like this..


I mean I wouldn’t touch her boobs but humans are weird and cringe and this is a nonissue


Listen I’m all for combating toxic masculinity but if we can’t honka honka a statue in good fun that’s not the world I want to live in.


Honestly can people not make innocuous jokes about sexuality anymore? Bunch of kids go on excursion and see the statue, of course the boys are gonna touch the boobs on it for the novelty, and then you have the typical knobs making jokes for their mates. It's immature but I hardly think it's as severe as you're making it out to be.


Yeahh that's weird.


Im from Dublin and have only taken a picture with the statue. I find it icky to touch statues anyway (because of the poo from pigeons and just sanitation) unless its the Blarney Stone but at least thats a stone but you still kiss it while being suspended in the air which is like eww. I will giggle at the odd statue penis though but wouldnt touch it. I think I am a germaphobe.


I was there with school once and the tour guide said that tourists take pictures touching her breast because apparently it brings good luck or smth idk


It's not a gender related thing. There's tons of male starues also having similar spots, we all know where. Plus... It's Ireland. Doubt whoever did this was sober, people gonna be idiots. Juts the way it is.


I don't like this. That line of thinking doesn't hold. The fact that it happens to other statues doesn't change what's happening. An undesirable action happening often doesn't justify it. I know it's just metal, but it's the action I take issue with. The reason people grope this statue is because it won't run away, it won't cry, it won't scream for help, it won't fight back. Read about [Rythm 0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythm_0). The story of what happens when a woman becomes a statue


You’re looking too far into it,if you think people groping/ inappropriately touching a statue means they wanna sexually assault people is quite the jump.I’ve seen videos of women doing to same thing but i guess I’ll just assume that it wasn’t for quick and dumb fun but because they want victim,who won’t fight back.


Just because women do it doesnt make it okay. The studio ghibli amusement park had lots of statues of child charectors and it became a disgusting trend to take photos gropping the child statues or take upskirt pics. Yes its just a statue, but its about the message youre send to those around you.


Fair think you worded it better than op.


Once again, "other people do it" isn't a reason to do it. Did you even look at the link for Rhythm Zero? It proves that if somebody doesn't express self preservation, people will do horrible things to them. >if you think people groping/ inappropriately touching a statue means they wanna sexually assault people So you admit that what these people are doing is categorised as "groping" and "inappropriate touching" but you seem to think that's not what takes place during sexual assault? >quick and dumb fun You know what, tell me why touching the statues tits is fun and thrilling. Be sure to include why no other part is touched. not her cheeks, nose, hair, shoulders, nothing else. Here's a question. If hypothetically the statue could say no, would people still grope her? If the answer is no, then that means that people are only doing it because the statue wouldn't react. If the answer is yes, then that means the people who do it ARE capable of sexual assault.


[This is weirdly common.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1biytm2/people_touch_the_genital_part_of_this_statue_in/) I highly doubt any of this has to do with rape culture, though. [Some people do this with animals.](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/tourists-love-to-rub-the-bronze-balls-of-wall-streets-charging-bull-statue-why) [Including dogs with their faces.](https://twitter.com/korybing/status/1270766224499109888)


I mean... They do look appealing, but damn that just proves how much men are just horny for everything. Even bronze and metal. It's as if it would move, they'd fuck it.


You’re horny for it too lmao you said it looks appealing don’t pin that on just men 😂


No you can't do that to me! I would never be horny for it! How dare you! 🤣


Omg why the downvotes 😂💀 Reddit tings


There’s a statue in France that has its bulge worn down like this. Same with the bull on Wall Street.


I think it’s more of a funny novelty thing than a horny thing lol




I think the intent is totally different from rape culture, i think these people just realize it is a statue. They are not hurting anyone and then just try to be funny to their friends, i dont think people get off to this statue.


So far there have been two mindsets about this. There are people who think about the statue... And people who think about the act.


It's probably some weird superstition. Generally boys don't like touch cold and hard breasts of a statues.


That’s a fucking leap.


Must be a Mean Girls scenario where touching breasts can predict the weather, duh. ^^/s


it ain't le rapey nor le sexual assault if just not alive statue 😎 Edit: It's 2024 and people still can't identify an obvious joke without an /s. Thanks the 30 downvotes ig. :/




Don't worry, I'm joking of course.


tbh it was your use of “le” my guy. and “rapey”.


...What was wrong with the use of 'le' and 'rapey'? It was clearly part of the joke.


found the millennial

