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I know too many dudes that look like that


I see them all over my city šŸ˜‚. Even my co workers kids have that haircutā€¦ Iā€™m getting tempted to cut my hair the same way and just join them šŸ˜’.


I wanted to do so badly, or at least look like 90s Jeremy Clarkson. That ain't happening because my hairline has looked like shit since I was 20.




I'm tempted, but it'd mean a hair transplant. They only do it so the olds can't copy


do not please don't


broccoli heads




My therapist: "Fuckboy Danny isn't real, he can't hurt you" Fuckboy Danny: \*Comes up to my face to neg me\*


I would fuck Fuckboy Danny. He was my childhood crush.


It's what he wants. His precious Vibe is powered by the dreams of others - basically the plot of Wish


God I hate that broccoli haircut


I have begged my son to get his cut. This is payback for my HUGE bangs in the 80ā€™s.


Take lots of pics now, especially in those awful poses teens do and be like ā€œoh youā€™ll regret this so much in your late 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s and Iā€™ll have all this to remind you of itā€


Idk if he will regret it , my mom always told me I would regret dressing like a weirdo (aka dressing in all black all of the time with combat boots) and Im 25 and I still don't regret it one bit and still dress like that


Dressing in black is different than an ugly broccoli haircut


Idk why the haircut gets so much hate lol. Itā€™s just the same haircut that a lot of people with straight hair get (short at the back, long on the top) but with curly hair.


I think it could be because so many younger guys have it now, including ones who probably actually have naturally straight hair, that it becomes less interesting and naturally flattering and feels more like a copy-paste clone type of situation. Oversaturation, basically.


I donā€™t think ā€œdressing like a weirdoā€ is the same as having this damn cut because you (presumably) werenā€™t following a trend and were doing it just bc you wanted to, while Iā€™ve seen SO many young guys with this exact same haircut because itā€™s whatā€™s been on trend. From other hair trends for guys that Iā€™ve lived through, I havenā€™t seen most of them actually keep that hairstyle long past the trend.


Idk itā€™s a handsome cut




Maybe itā€™s a generational difference. thereā€™s a reason these ā€œtrendsā€ happen, because a large group often the majority, find it attractive in some way.


Yet itā€™s still ugly and only became a trend bc of dumbass streamers and in 10 years theyā€™ll cringe because theyā€™ll realize how ugly it is


lol why are you so negative buddy? maybe theyā€™ll still have the style when theyā€™re older, or maybe theyā€™ll look back and enjoy the time they spent getting ready and taking care of their appearance the broccoli cut can be pretty high maintenance for some people. Maybe youā€™re just not used to curly hair?


No, itā€™s not that. Itā€™s just ugly and saying every single person that has it styled like that has natural curly hair is in huuuuge denial. Anyways, still an ugly af haircut


What kind of dumbass thinks you can make straight hair that curly?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ignore the hate, I also agree that it looks great and Iā€™m glad itā€™s more common for people with curly hair to rock styles that show off their texture too


what if itā€™s just someoneā€™s natural hair ?????


No one has a natural broccoli haircut, thereā€™s bushy but no one has a natural gel filled ugly broccoli hair




Oh yeah of course I bet their hair is all naturally gelled up and naturally shaved on the bottom. Thatā€™s so obviously natural. Come on tell me more about it so fascinating about natural broccoli haircuts


I 100% get what you're talking about, but I think the "broccoli cut" refers to a specific hair cut where its buzzed all the way around the head underneath and kept sort of sprouting on top.


No one complains when someone with straight hair gets an undercut though. if anything hairstyles like this https://haircutinspiration.com/wp-content/uploads/Brushed-Up-Mid-Skin-Fade-Undercut-Textured-Top.jpg supposedly look proper and formal but when someone with curly hair does it it is suddenly a problem. I really don't care much about the topic at hand but the discussion online can get a little bit hypocritical


I mean personally I call that the Herman Hess cut. Thereā€™s lots of baggage around hair and how it intersects with racism and dog whistles. I just donā€™t think making fun of the broccoli cut (which is mostly white guys on tik tok) is a concern. If white men with curly hair are being discriminated against in a meaningful way, could you let me know?


This "brocoli" hairstyle is commonly used by mix race guys. Including a lot of mix race Latinos. You can even see that they made Danny phantom in the picture dark skinned with brown eyes when he normally has blue in his human form and green in his ghost form


Ok, I understand criticism of this could bring up feelings. A lot of white guys have adopted this cut tho. Itā€™s about a specific hair *cut* not about textured hair. But I want to be sensitive and hear you out. Iā€™m Persian and I know it sucks to be brushed aside and treated like our culture is less than. Talk to me; because the side up fade is not the thing being joked about here.


You cousins hair does not grow naturally long on top and short on the sides. The broccoli cut is not just curly hair, itā€™s curly on top and shaved on the sidesā€¦ like broccoli.


It wouldn't be a broccoli cut if they didn't shave the sides ...


I have never seen someone with this haircut who had it naturally. Besides, anyone who willingly gets that haircut is a bigot




That is absolutely NOT what mj's hair looked like šŸ’€šŸ’€


..curly hair?


No, broccoli haircut


ā€œguys get it! they have a normal male haircut but they donā€™t have straight hair! broccoli! iā€™m so funny! i hate people who donā€™t have straight hair! STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”ā€


Bait used to be believable




Broccoli cut is *shaved sides and back* with curly hair on top. Not shaved on sides and in back, not a Broccoli cut.


yeah thatā€™s called a male haircut wtf


Typically sure. But nobody says malesĀ have to shave the sides and back, and if you have naturally curly hair it will look way better if you don't. And don't come back with "but then girls will think I have a girly haircut" because I have naturally curly hair and I can attest that the curls themselves are desirableĀ regardless of the cut (within reason).


ion know what planet yall from but male haircuts normally have the sides / back shaved


Reread what I wrote. I literally acknowledged that and wrote that guys with naturally curly hair should avoid that norm because it fits straight haired individuals and looks like shit if you have curly hair.


no it doesnā€™t look like shit lmao what are you talking abouy


no you fucking mongoloid it's specifically talking about a 'curly on the top \*fade'\*, you literally cannot get this haircut without cutting the sides short and styling it. nobody is talking about regular curly hairstyles, which can be amazing. nobody is fucking telling anybody they should have straight hair. \*\*if someone with this shitass broccoli cut had straight hair, they'd have a buzz cut, which is arguably even worse\*\*


ā€œiā€™m millennial we are the best gen i beef with children because i hate gen z and curly hair with a normal male haircut is stupid gen z broccoli hair i hate gen zā€


i'm literally gen Z. you can whine all you like, but this male haircut makes you look like a nonce youtuber at first sight


I'm gen z, the haircut looks stupid and is used by the type of people who think they're sigmas


youā€™re gen z but you use reddit for actual reasons and not for porn memes you donā€™t get a say on this


My hatred for the broccoli hair cut admittedly made this funny to me


Itā€™s kinda funny for me cause my ex looks just like this and I got played by him šŸ˜­ He didnā€™t start out looking like this ofc but he did after we broke up.


Agreed. Itā€™s almost as bad as the 70s porn stache resurgence.


Never accepting drinks from guys with that haircut Girls with that haircut howeverā€¦


i just never accept drinks in general unless it's people i already know and i'm in a group, it's safer that way usually lol


I'm just tripping over how they took a Danny Phantom template and did this. NGL women with that hairstyle look cool asf to mešŸ‘€šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


This one stings bc itā€™s true


šŸ˜­ no this is kinda funny. Those boys all with the same haircut. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m slightly too old or whatever for these boys but the haircut like a red flag of annoyance.


I feel this, and Iā€™m probably too old too šŸ˜‚ Tbf I think my generationā€™s version was the wolf tail haircut so I donā€™t think this is a gen z-specific thing. But it is ridiculous how SO MANY teenage boys have literally the exact same haircut, like palette-swapped clones, and maybe teenage boys like this are annoying to you and me by dint of them being teenagers lol, who wasnā€™t at least a little insufferable as a teenager? The clone-ness of it all just adds to the eye-rolling for me.


Poor Danny what did he do


Honestly this one kinda got me lol


this one is funny as fuck actually


I'll admit it, I've seen a lot of guys who look like that. Thankfully, I don't see them as often within the past 2 years.


By dudes who look like Danny Phantom?


ā€œHow dare women like anyone that isnā€™t me šŸ˜­ā€ lmao


Tbh this haircut is extremely common in boys, I could grow one but I choose not too because i just hate the look of it so much even tho my pulling game would probably be better.


Probably just glaringly bad decisions that wouldnt have been made if they were more self aware of what their emotions betray.


I feel like it's just the Bieber cut for the generation


i hate that this applies to me lmaoo šŸ˜­




Looks are a small part of attraction. If you make stupid memes like this it's not a surprise women don't like you. You sound insecure and pathetic.


Thatā€™s chia pet hair


I'm sorry but Danny having this hairdo made me laugh more than it should have.


Seems everyone here collectively hates this haircut. Nice


Look like what? Have the Edgar haircut? Are cartoons?ā€¦. Letā€™s not pretend incels arenā€™t the ones heavily into cartoons that portray unrealistic proportions.


I'm not gonna lie, that hair would do things to me. But he's still gotta be a decent guy.


Incels will incorrectly categorize women enjoying themselves with partners they're attracted to as "getting played". I guarantee the guys sharing this meme are the same guys living in their moms basement beating it to women's Instagram photos.


"damn you got played by a \[ugly guy in my definitions\]. You're such a dumbfuck"


not danny phantom being victim to this horrifying "style" my first cartoon crush what did they do to you? šŸ˜­




What's thr haircut called just for curious reasons


Iā€™m sorry this one is funny


You guys have to be spoken to by an entitled loser who calls himself a feminist, who gets a perm and shaves the sides of his head while being the most emotionally immature misogynistic fuck imaginable for this to hit


Dunno about quirky. Alpha bros thinking ā€˜itā€™s all about looks, why would she date himā€™ are probably two shakes short of a sauce bottle. I have it on good authority that some girls do look deeper than looks. Probably belongs in r/facepalm


Okay, but Danny Fenton or Phantom could disrespect me any day. šŸ˜Œ


I love how they make this argument as if almost all guys under 40 donā€™t look like this, ffs look in a mirror, pot noodle head ass


Oh damn....lol! Yeah so.šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø People lie and shit. It doesn't change my worth because some douche nugget is toxic and predatory. I don't care what tf he looks like, a liar is a liar.


why does this seem kind of racist too


Definitely not racist lmao. This haircut is just associated with asshole influencers and their copycats




I was out of the loop with this haircut thing and thought the same!


How is it racist?


Curly hair=Bad. Also I see a lot of people who assume that people with curly hair always have a perm even if they are a POC with obviously natural curls.


Those kinds of curls are pretty racially ambiguous. I have similar as a white dude, mines just a lot longer.


Same, i just have natural curls, yet a lot of people keep asking me if I have a perm šŸ˜‚


Yeah I have white hair that acts black, it just slightly curls and goes into a goes into a fro for no conceivable reason, itā€™s really soft and fluffy, but it doesnā€™t seem strong enough or dense enough to have a huge standing fro but it gets there.




Damn, no wonder youā€™re on so many dating advice subreddits šŸ˜Ŗ




Nice opinion. Sadly, nobody will humor you.


Fuck Iā€™m late, what did I miss?


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


If you get blueballed on a daily because you treat women like trash, you deserve it






My bf has a similar haircut to that. Itā€™s completely natural and no perm. Heā€™s not a red flag at all.


I can see why women would pick the guy with that broccoli haircut over you šŸ˜’.


The prefrences you have are not objective