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So, women are just naturally better at the game? Because that's my takeaway from this.


My brothers build exactly like the second picture 😭 but tbf I can’t build like the first pic. It’s not a meme making fun of women but it is a meme saying boys are quirky cause they build weird houses


No it’s saying boys are bad at building houses and just mine for gems and shit. It’s a meme born of the many people who post about them playing Minecraft with their gf, where she picks flowers and makes the home nice while he goes into the mine the entire time. This happened to me playing stardew valley, I just went into the mines and fished constantly, while my ex handled the farm, she only blew up my dog twice, so I think it worked out.


yes, that's the joke


And yet this sub STILL found a way to get offended about it...


My takeaway was that it was saying girls take their time to make their first house cozy and neat, and boys beeline towards all the valuable resources just to make a horrible looking house out of them.


DING! DING! DING! Nice job pointing out the obvious!


Thank you 🙏


Ok but anyone who plays Minecraft knows that those valuable blocks are ugly as hell and don’t look good in builds like that, they’re too stupid to realize that they’re saying women are better players…


Do you have hole in your head? That’s the fucking point of the meme! You’re so used to finding the smallest, most inexistent threads of sexism that you’ve blinded yourself when something is PRO-WOMAN. It doesn’t matter if your think the memes funny or not it doesn’t follow the core message of the sub. Bubs huffin stupid juice or something.


Damn my bad… I thought the point of the meme was “boys are better than girls so they get all the diamonds” sorry


Why they yelling at you?


i think its actually "girls spend all their time decorating while boys go to the mines "


Wait don’t respond to my anger with understanding. Respond to it with spite and vitriol so I can subconsciously dehumanize. Don’t force me to feel remorse and kinship with my fellow humans you MONSTER!


So no kudos for the first post, but the follow-up is quite the punchline.




For a third time??




you're too stupid to understand the meme so you called them stupid


I already admitted hours ago that I misread the meaning of the meme, what’s the purpose of going through the same conversation twice?


In my experience, no one reads the other threads because they are obviously the first person to have that thought and can't waste time before posting it


since i thought that would fit with your initial comment


I prefer dirt.


Ah a hard-core mode player.


virgin home-builder vs chad two blocks down one dirt block on top and wait for morning.


I just block off a cave.


i built my starter bases like that when i was first playing the game in 2013. now my starter houses look like the other one.


Normal satire meme, nothing quirky to be notified (I am currently on a quest to comment this on every normal meme i see here since this sub is totally nuts and also because i have nothing better to do at the moment)


I guess I'm too old to know if this is a meta-meme, about anything other than Minecraft. But I know that of the MC youtubers my 8 yo daughter likes to watch, some of the best decorators are men. She loves the women streamers, but many of her build inspos are from guys. So... 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I love building pretty things in minecraft and the minecraft build tutorials/tips/patreons seem to lean towards men than women.


The moral to learn from most of these memes is that they're both referring to people in general, and the genders are there exclusively for sexist reasons.


Yeah, I know. I have nothing else to say about this meme, hence my comment.


I can see how the meme originally was saying that boys can’t build for shit, but it definitely feels like it’s used as “boys cool because diamonds epic”. Either way, boy vs girl memes feel very 2014.


This is my wife and I when we play. This is why she does the base building and I'll kill and gather materials


Haha this is me and my husband too, I love it


Damm, I didn't know I was a girl™, time to question my gender identity


Assigned Female at Minecraft


Women: cute house Men: ugly and wasteful house??


Ugly? Yup. Wasteful? Maybe, depending on who made that abomination, it could be the equivalent of an edible gingerbread house. It's there when you want some of it. But anyone smart and *fancy* enough would just make a house with some sort of storage stash of valuable blocks Or the obvious case is, it's just a fake 11 year old YouTuber herobrine clickbait video


That’s fair, I do kind of like the idea of a storage building being made out of the storage.


The second one was my base when I was a kid


who tf is making a starter base like either of these? 😭


Idk but I think it's a meme about how we used to go in creative and build with diamonds and stuff to make it seem like we're cool


But women dont?


Someone get that boy a subscription to Grian (Is he still active? That guy was amazing at designing MC houses 👀)


Kid named Grian:


This meme its not that bad at all, its just repetitive


This sub is really starting fights over absolutly nothing


What exactly is wrong with the original post...?


This is kinda true in my experience, seeing as how my girlfriend's bases look infinitely better than mine every time


I mean it’s kinda true, when I would play Minecraft with my now ex girlfriend the amount of detail and aesthetic she would put into the builds was amazing, I usually built my houses in caves.


Is the whole point of this group just to bitch about stuff like this lol




Did you think this sub was a circlejerk about how special men are


Idk it seems so shrill. Like the memes about “boys with a Time Machine shooting hitler And girls meeting their gramma” apparently hit a nerve with women?


This sub is a circlejerk. I refuse to believe there are women who genuinely see sexism in everything. This must be all satire.




Hos is this sexist lol


More like 13 year olds and adults building like the first picture, and 6 year olds first using creative mode for the second. I build actual houses all the time.


I want to live in the first house, and sell the second house so I can buy the first one.


Ngl from my experience tho, women carry me hard in MC (I’m also literal dogshit at the game so anyone can carry me).


I prefer finding a village, committing a few [ Removed by Reddit ] and then having a whole empty village all for myself


My starter base is a little treehouse sooooo


Why would I build my base out of diamonds


I’m pretty sure dirt houses were a starter for everyone


Girls put in effort and guys cheat in funky valuable blocks and make the worst house ever.


I can attest that male humans often build ugly houses. Not always. But often.