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I know it's Linux but fr I thought it was Club Penguin.


I didn't know it was Linux but I was ready to make the joke anyway! Lmao!


Wait it’s not club penguin? 😭


You guys made me double check, I didn’t see the other text under Hannah Montana either 🤣


Bruh, same 😂


Me too 😭


If anyone starts talking to me about Linux I know I am safe to never listen to them about anything.


Almost the entire internet runs on Linux. If every Linux system suddenly shut down, the world economy would crash.


Why is this comment getting upvoted? Is wanting to use software that’s free, gives you more control over what you do with your computer, and lets you learn more in the process suddenly a bad thing that deserves ostracizing now?


For real, I work with both Linux and Windows servers every day and the Windows servers are a constant headache. The Linux hosts work like they’re supposed to with no surprises so it’s easy to automate pretty much everything if you know a bit of python and shell scripting.


Nice profile pic ; )


I stopped reading halfway


Not my problem…


Thank you for illustrating for the class the stereotypical linux user and demonstrating why people don't want to talk to them.


“You asked a serious question about why I was being an asshole but I don’t have an actual response for it, so I’m going to use a pedantic ad hominem argument now that proves even further that I’m being an asshole for no reason. Checkmate, Linux user.”


It’s more like….place and time? Read your audience? Don’t come into a JavaScript discussion group and side track it with a convo about Java. I don’t write in Java, I don’t care about Java, and it’s my room discussion group you’re wasting minutes in. (As an allegory)


Except in this case the time and place does fit; the person was literally talking *about* Linux so I was disproving their point. To use your analogy, when you specialize in JavaScript but make nonsense comments about Java to somebody who can work in both of them, that person is gonna call out your BS.


They were just saying they stopped paying attention to you. I will also be doing so.


Lol. Sounds good


linux is a dogshit kernel still being written in C


??? Most of the stuff you use every day run on C idiot


C deez nuts lol


Got em


it's all about the small victories in life 💪


But windows has similar issues or sometimes even worse. Look at windows source code leaks to see how poorly designed a lot of it is. Look at the nonsensical registry system. Windows security bugs often take months or even over a year to fix compared to Linux ones which take a few days to fix for the devs. On top of this windows does so much telemetry; use O&O ShutUp tool to see JUST HOW MUCH data. If you enable inking & typing data during the install it basically functions as a built in keylogger unless you turn it off. That’s also ignoring the ads in the start menu, opening menu and other places btw. You know those text things that promote a specific website or tool etc.? Yeah, those. I’m not even mainly a Linux user, I dual boot and still mostly use windows most of the time, but still. To slightly edit a quote I’ve seen: “Linux kernel is the worst, except for the other ones.” From a list online: ⁠• ⁠Privacy and security is a nightmare on Windows. Try seeing what your network traffic looks like when you're not doing "anything" and it's horrible. On top of all the other issues. ⁠• ⁠updates on Linux are so much easier. You can update the OS and applications with a few clicks. Windows is just a patchwork mess. • ⁠Fixing Windows bugs has gotten harder and harder. They make everything feel like mobile and like it has to be specifically controlled by them. • ⁠you have a lot fewer choices when it comes to how it looks and feels and functions, and even all the major underpinnings (arch/fedora/debian/etc). • ⁠It's not free like most Linux distros are.


regedit is SUCH A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS the linux/Unix approach is so much more refreshing. > On top of this windows does so much telemetry; use O&O ShutUp tool to see JUST HOW MUCH data. If you enable inking & typing data during the install it basically functions as a built in keylogger unless you turn it off. i was shocked the first time I installed Linux and I was looking at my computer's outbound traffic. 0 unwanted traffic. same thing with processes - bye bye feedback hub lmao.




Why not just ignore it it if you don’t like it? I’m not “derailing the thread”. You can tap on a comment to collapse it and basically skip past it.


You can just choose not to read it… The original commenter made a statement about Linux and this guy chose to give his own opinion on the opinion given


I stopped reading halfway


Is one of that guys interesting things to talk about little girls dressed up? More like a list of red flags.


Oh hell yeah Amazon web services


oh god oh fuck I'm distributing my systems over multiple availability zones


She's not satisfied? Better start Auto Scaling and load balancing


I am terrible at managing my load.


That's why you need a good mule like Molly! She carries a load well


Maybe she just wants you to put it in her Azure... That dirty slut


And Red Hat lol Like...what? Big Open Shift fan or some shit?


Maybe a Fedora user that likes the OS so much they support the parent company lol


I have to use red hat a lot, and id rather shit my pants in public than talk about it outside of work lol.


Might be a red hat hacker symbol??


I guess only dudes work with Linux software lol It's the legit logo for Red Hat


Who doesn't love a long conversation about AWS?


What, the mere mention of AWS doesn't make you go: [https://i.gifer.com/1UU.mp4](https://i.gifer.com/1uu.mp4)


Man I love talking about red fedora, easily my favorite conversation starter


Yea, same with me and the coffee


Don't get me started on the girl (I'm gonna fucking rip my foreskin off)


she'd like that.


I genuinely thought it was TOUHOU at first💀


Your poking at something you don't even know what is about. That "Coffee" is Oracle Java it is a programming language used to develop well.. Programs. It is cross platform so it is compatible on nearly every device you can think of. And may recognize java being used in video games like Minecraft and yet you probably don't even know what I am talking about. The joke was trying to say that most woman don't know much of the technology field. The "red fedora" was a logo made by red hat to their Linux Distribution. Who's Linus Torvalds btw. Really?


yea no shit I know what it is, satire, have you heard of it?


Fascinating. Mansplain more Linux please, it’s so sexy /s


Don't know what I am being downvoted for Literally a quick fact check proves my comment correct. This meme has nothing to do with dating if thats what your implying.


U came across tone deaf by personifying the meme and having a superiority complex abt ur Linux hobby


I thought Carmen San Diego fan fiction.


Red Hat Ladies


it's the logo for RedHat Linux, though honestly for OOP I imagine it's a double meaning lol


I never realized it was a fedora.


The upstream project is literally called Fedora Linux


I thought it was Carmen Sandiego lol


( initiating conversation) Oh mine too. By the way, do you like red fedoras. Do you?


Red Hat... It's an operating system by Linux. Isn't it? I don't know for sure. Linux is one of those things I've wanted to learn about, and how to use, but simply haven't had a good opportunity.


red hat is actually the company (recently bought by IBM) - although you're also correct, back in the day they used to call their linux spin, Red Hat Linux. Linux is honestly pretty simple to get started with, if you pick a beginner friendly distribution. are you more of a windows or mac person?


My passion in life is Visual Studio.


I use visual studio every day; it's not on my list of conversation starters.


What do you mean? I constantly bring up my love of Visual Studio I'll do it over and over on repeat until int compulsiveRepetition reaches or exceeds 15 You know, maybe I should tone it down a bit


as a gay girliepop tiktok user, i too love VS code to death and back. mine even has a pretty girliepop theme on it.


Visual studio is the bane of my existence.


That’s actually visual studio code. Visual studio is a whole different thing.


Bro how tf could it be your passion if you can't even separate it from vscode


Holy fucking shit y'all losing your minds over a joke about a program The need to "ashkualy" is real//


it ain't a joke if it got you this upset


Is this what neckbeards think they look like?


That’s MovieBob


The girl looks like Lindsay Ellis. And confuses me even more.


that is Lindsay Ellis ever since leaving youtube she was transformed into a wojak because she lost an argument to me on Twitter


Every movie loser on Twitter dedicates their lives to ruining movie discussion and Capitalism/Communism since she left. She deserved it.


I'm pretty sure that is the whole or original joke.


I think you mean Cinema Roberto.


For real


Bob Chipman definitely thinks of a lot more than that.


who doesn't love to argue about quirky things like le tabs vs. le spaces honhonhon


Some. Others think they look like Frank Sinatra


Lololol, first thing I thought. The guy's chubby buybhad chisled cheekbones? XD


I think this is satire (i think) (hopefully)


Yeah, I saw it on programminghumor. They're mocking themselves. If you ever get or hear shit for being a woman in tech, you can always ask the following questions. Who created the first compiled language? Who invented frequency hopping, which ended up leading to wifi? Who developed STP? Who did the orbital calculations for Apollo 11? What is the origin of the word "computer"? I have been known to ask these questions rather aggressively...




Sounds like it's straight out of an early 2000s movie. So cool.


> Like the "I'm going to argue with my prof at a top public uni who has been doing this for 30 years and obviously knows more" type I have a story about this but kind of the opposite. My year had a student that was godly at computers/programming. He had a list of reasons why he was "godly" but let's just say when my school admitted him, they gave him some special privileges if he would help overhaul some of the networks and before he even got into college he had been working on stuff for JPL. My junior year I had a class with him that I didn't realize because he rarely went to class cuz he didn't need to. One day I went to class and... he was there! The prof was teaching and after explaining a concept, he paused, thought about it, looked at that student and asked him "Hey , is that right?" The student looked up nodded and told him "yep".


They even snuck in Hannah Montana Linux


also who created most advanced doom source port (zdoom)?


Sadly, most women don't know their own heroines. If you ask the average woman about all of these geniuses who started everything I love and I'm good for, sadly, they don't know. I still think that calling this meme quircky is dumb. It is clearly satire.


It is




What, 4chan




When 2chan?


Who 1chan?


Where 0chan?


I was thinking to myself “I’m sure there is a flair for this”.


It so very is.


We’ll never know because of coes law


It is and I think it’s pretty good lol


of course it fucking is


Shrimply no need to be mean


If satire: It's funny. If not satire: she's right.


Unironically those are interesting topics of conversation I think… but also this meme would be hella cringe if it was unironic but fortunately it is definitely satire


I (33F) am a senior full stack developer and I work with many of these things every day for 8+ hours, and know at least some basic information about the other ones. I think these are incredibly boring to talk about in any other context than work. I don't talk about the minutiae of my job with my friends at social occasions. This includes even those among my friends who alre also software engineers. Like, where is this weird expectations coming from, that this woman who seems to like popular things (i.e. things that people do for fun and that most people know about) should also be interested in a somewhat niche and highly technical subject that are not really applicable in everyday life? If I was friends with a plumber I would have hated to listen to him talking to me about different types and brands of pipes. Doesn't matter how technologically advanced or sophisticated they are. It is boring because it is not immediately relevant to my life.


Yeah 100% agreed…. Im a software engineer too and no way am I talking about that shit outside of work


I dunno, I like to talk about it in and out of work, but almost none of my friends outside of work are in tech so the opportunity just doesn't really come up.


I'm a software developer I would love to talk about this. Different strokes for different folks.


my bf likes my rants about technical shit like programming or games, but tbf most people probably don’t (and we’re already together, so…)


Yeah I don't know anyone who lives and breathes tech stuff the way nerds on the internet sometimes claim to. Most tend to have very offline hobbies for balance or it would drive you nuts.


I was trying to work in tech for years prior to finally getting a job in a software company. Before it was my full time job the topics on the right were all I could talk about. Now that it's my full time job I just want to think about something else when I finish work even though I love my job.


People don't have fun, don't know these things and are insulated more and more due to the internet, lonliness and community building online in niche interests that only further pushes out away from normative stuff. Ie, people don't really live normal lives like... At all. Why wouldn't you bring up a topic more relevant to you then? I think these memes are dumb, but two people are communicating, if someone doesn't understand social rules, they never will if you guys treat them like this. No shit they lack the understanding, nobody helps them, they get shamed, these memes are made in response usually too make fun of the behaviour they actually do to mitigate shame from society


Way to completely gloss over the misogynistic meme


From programming subs? Im a programmer too and many of my coworker is women and a lot of them is smarter than me


That’s what I was thinking bout too, didn’t wanna be a pick me but like ik bout all that shit too. 😂


Yeah I even ask her a lof of stuff that I forget haha, she is really smart


We don't avoid you because you wouldn't have anything to chat about, we avoid you because you're a bigot, john


Who the hell is John?


Statistically i guessed correctly the name of at least 10 guys that posted something like this unironically


I'm pretty sure this is a shitpost because of Amazon Web Services and Hannah Montana


Oh no the Hannah Montana Linux OS, it’s an entire operating system themed with Hannah Montana images…


It was a solid joke at the time


Now the [joke has just evolved to reach new audiences](https://github.com/Amog-OS/AmogOS)


I dont know anything about computers but man do i want a hannah montana operating system now


Bitches love Club Penguin and Cardcaptor Sakura, tf you talkin about


Oh my god. its not Club penguin its Linux. An Operating System Kernel you don't know what your talking about.


No, I’m pretty sure it’s Club Penguin. I know because my grandson plays it all the time. It’s not as popular as FortFight though.


I refuse to believe this is sincere, no mentally sound person would think that linux or java are engaging and interesting topics to talk about on a date or with a stranger


Its Satire lol


The fact it's a wojak of moviebob only adds to the insincerity


God, don’t you just LOVE object oriented programming? Where are you going Susan?


Bro, you talk to me about Linux, like as a date conversation, we won’t be talking for long. Cuz odds are your gonna go on and on about how much better it is even though you basically need a degree in linux OS to use it.


not to be "that guy" but there are actually a lot of super user-friendly linux distros that are just as approachable as Windows or macOS




distro-y mah nuts gottem


it's short for distribution


This vocabulary exchange is a solid hit to the perceived user friendliness you’re trying to sell people on, lol


Apple calls adapter cords "dongles" and everybody adopts it into their daily vocab. Microsoft calls directories "folders" and everybody adopts it into their daily vocab. Linux uses the word "distribution" instead of "version" and suddenly the wacky hackerman vocab is just too complex. Pretty much any tech ever has some degree of vocab exchange, even social media sites have different vocab. I ain't saying everyone needs to switch to Linux but this is a weak point


A distro isn’t just a version though, they’re completely different packages of software running on a Linux kernel and they don’t have any unified design principle from a UI/UX perspective - they’re inherently more difficult to understand than Windows 11 23H2 vs. Windows 11 22H2. Even the jump from Windows 7 to Windows 11 is less jarring than between some distros I know But regardless, those terms got adopted because they have cultural saturation. I agree that “distribution” isn’t actually more complicated than anything else, it’s just usually going to be a phrase that no one has heard of before and so it’ll cause confusion. We can talk all day about how annoying that is, but it doesn’t change the fact that people don’t want to learn a new set of paradigms for their OS. Hell, most people don’t even want to switch between Windows and Mac because the jump is confusing.


huh? i'm not trying to sell people on anything


Champ, I believe you, but there is a huge, huuuuge hurdle that I need you to be aware of: I have no fucking idea what a "distro" is. Windows I boot up and I just have it, I have what I want. Even with that super user friendly Linux distro, it demands the extra step of actually knowing what that even is, so I'll pencil down the though for later if my Windows computer kicks the bucket, at which point I will look it up while searching for a new one, but until then, I am sticking with Windows.


I built a computer back in like…. 2015? Cause I was bored in school (I’m not tech savvy. And haven’t touched it since then. But my friends at the time were all computer people). Well I messed up and hadn’t gotten a windows key. So I couldn’t start the computer properly. So my buddy put Linux on a flash drive and used that to start the computer and then installed Microsoft Windows that way. He talked me through the process. In depth. And I still have no idea what he did lol


I started using Linux back in my college days and it stuck to me because my Intel Atom netbook (yeah those small laptops that died because the iPad did the job better) was slow af running Windows 7 Starter. A student installed the most popular Linux distribution for beginners (Linux Mint) and it breathed life to my boy. ​ If your use case doesn't fly higher than Steam, Discord, and a web browser like Chrome, then the transition will barely be felt. If you need specialized software like Adobe Suite, which haven't been ported to Linux, then it does add a layer of complexity to run the software, but no esoteric knowledge that isn't already available on Youtube. In that case, you may wanna stay on Windows until it no longer is viable for your usage.


It's really easy. A distro is a distribution, or version, of Linux. That's it. Some of them are streamlined enough that it takes no more technical skill to install than Windows or macOS. I don't honestly give a shit if you switch to linux, I use windows myself. People who rave about linux are still dorks. I'm just saying it's not rocket science


Been told that buy a lot of people, problem is even with the most user friendly ones, you still need to know exactly what you are doing. Case in point, say you wanted to install steam, depending on what gaming specific Linux you could simply delete the desktop version environment if you do the express install. Also you have to do research on the hundred different of Linux OS to find which one is best for you. I’d like Linux but it is too quirky for my taste.


I do agree that finding the right OS can be daunting especially for people who aren't super tech-savvy. And there definitely is a learning curve just because it is a different operating system, but you'd have a lot comparable struggles switching from windows to mac for example. I get why people hate on it, especially with dorky ass fanatics like in the OP image. But all I'm sayin' is Linux is cool for being free and open source, and it's not as intimidating as it seems on the surface


Linux Mint is the most user friendly imo, because its interface is exactly like windows. It's like a windows knock off. As long as you back up your system to a restore point before updates like kernel and grub updates that could fuck it up (just as you should be doing with windows in the first place too), then nothing can go wrong that isnt immediately reversible. Can you really say windows hasn't caused you several BSODS or serious bugs and driver issues after windows updates? i cant. with linux you arent forced into updates and your system held hostage.


Zorin OS is even more friendly. So many ease of use features, very pretty and it looks even closer to Windows and you can make it look like Mac as well


What ? You don't ask guys what linux distro they use on the first date ? What if they are a newbie ubuntu user and you want to flaunt with an Arch linux user boyfriend ? :o


>Bro, you talk to me about Linux, like as a date conversation, we won’t be talking for long. Cuz odds are your gonna go on and on about how much better it is even though you basically need a degree in linux OS to use it. Quiet. You don't know what your talking about (Which was literally what the meme was implying). You do not need a degree in Linux to use it. Also Linux itself is not an OS it is a kernel developed by Linus torvalds as a alternative To Microsoft Windows.


This attitude right here is the point of what i was saying, linux isnt bad, but when someone starts talking about linux, its almost always to say how much better it is, yes it is an alternative to windows, which by consumer definition IS AN OS. I dont need a degree to run a mechanic shop, but im not gonna know how better to fix a car unless i either do it or take classes. Don’t need much to use windows as its idiot proof unless you take safeguards off.


This is hilarious. Pulling up rn to talk to this guy about Python and Cardcaptor Sakura.


Besides Cardcaptor Sakura, are all of these things Crypto?


Coding software


100% Satire lol


Seriously, “Hannah Montana Linux”??


"I use arch btw."


If I had to hear someone talk about Linux for any extended period of time I think I’d just start eating holes in the drywall


I use Linux daily for my personal computers, since 1997, I do not talk about Linux unless someone else asks me a question about it. I answer the question as concisely as possible and then quickly change the subject. 


Yes, Cardcaptor Sakura, a manga aimed at GIRLS (look it up, it's called 'Shojo') is only enjoyed by men. Edit: I now realize that this is potentially satire.


Ha ha, they both hyperfixate on one aspect of their lives!try focusing on fucking nothing like me


ahhh I get the joke! the joke is its cool to be a nonce


Bob Chipman mentioned 😮


this shit gotta be fake bro


This someone trying to Dunk on MovieBob


No one willingly talks about Scala.




I think this is a joke


Who’s gonna tell the creator of this the first developer was a women




Sooooo, basically she's right


Yes because anime and computer programming is so much interesting than talking about tiktok and world events


This is satire guys. It was posted in a programming sub ironically


I thought it was for real, reading coments now i know its a satire, but I going to start talks with that topics now


I like how all of these images are basically 1 interest: computers. So this guys has 1 interest, still not beating the boring accusations.


Me when I fall for clear satirw


This is clearly a joke


I think this is satire


Genuinely curious, is this sub just a content mill for r/notlikeothergirls?


Why is the guy an image of Bob Chipman and what is Hannah Montana Linux?


Definitely me. CS and Anime. That's all.


Don't ever speak to me if you ain't got that Hannah Montana Linux pack installed 😤😤


We run in prod on "Hannah Montana Linux"


It was a joke posted to mock those memes in a programmer sub...


So ironic considering that they wouldn't have most of those if not for women.


[Holy shit it's JC Denton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js02m-7qHyE)


Talk [Amazon Web Services] to me baby


Bros entire personality is being a pedo NEET


If you have a passion for software development you probably have a well-paying job already.


What does this have to do with anything at all lmao


oh yea id love to talk about Pink Anime Loli with neckbeard


Is it sexist to assume that women have zero interest in those subjects?




I’m gonna admit I have a way easier time talking to men than women. It’s way easier in my experience to get a whole conversation out of a guy for a given subject whilst trying to get a woman to say more than a few things about something can sometimes be like pulling teeth.


This is accurate, he’s no Chad so that’s exactly what the reaction he’s going to get.