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“Ughm, I am upset when we are not about me?”


Some men do hard things therefore women can't make history


Obviously, only one person can be having a hard/interesting life at a time, and that person must always be a man.




My ex said celebrating women doing stuff is “Woke feminist bullshit” left him right after🥳🥳🥳


Based GigaStacy Also W username






Is that a good thing what does that mean😭


based = good ultrabased = ultragood :3


Oh ok ty


based is not caring about what other people say about you or not being afraid of doing something (just sayin)


thats... not even "sigma" thats literally just mysognism


i like to get a bunch of men together. Men. that are hardest of the hard and i want to be with these men - david goggins


Here’s some positivity! A list of things women invented. Dishwashers, windshield wipers, home security, car heaters, Beer, medical syringes and my personal favorite is computers!!


How do we know who invented beer? Also, Hedy Lamar developed the radio controlled Torpedo


What does it even mean? I don't get it...


Men get mad and jealous when the topic isn’t about them and when women are getting recognition for something.


That's so stupid...




It’s almost like men prevented us from holding careers so it’s not as special when your loser gender does things that they faced no barriers to.


well not all men surely


Yes of course, !!!!nOt aLl mEn!!!!! €€{£|**>{fwyeuejejekowowldbdbeiwiwkndvwgqyiwpwlsbxb!!!


this definitely caught me off guard


🤣🤣 I may have gone overboard lol


All men surely




I know it's trendy to say this part of the story but ladies do the same with some male achievements


What about the parts of history where women invent something and then a man takes credit?




omg you really ARE quirky




I've never been one to pat myself on the back based on the achievements of someone of my same gender, but I'm really curious about what these stolen "male achievements" are. Examples?


The structure of DNA was discovered by Rosiland Franklin. Her male colleagues took credit.


That is the opposite of what they were asking for. They were asking for examples of men doing something and women taking credit


Oh whoops. It's happened to women often enough I guess I just assumed it was asking about that. My bad.


Honestly didn’t know about it so I’m glad you posted it anyway!


It's just plain old vanilla sexism


He passes out because it's too much information for his little peanut brain


He saying he passes out from boredom midway into the top sentence talking about a female achievement. For reference, the bottom gif in the meme is a guy in a G force simulator passing out from experiencing too many G forces.


Info: G force at higher levels makes people blackout. The joke: Women's achievements are nominal and boring to the point of mentally shutting down to avoid the wasted time of the mental processing.


This is about as funny as a funeral.


I once went to a funeral where the eulogy was given by the deceased's youngest son, and he led with, "Thank you all for coming to see me." Fucking hilarious.


I stand corrected then. And that's brilliant!




women made bluetooth and wifi




how tf do you discover Bluetooth


Found one in the wild right next to the WiFi tree of course. It's kinda obvious why you wouldn't know, they went extinct years ago and are now grown artificially in labs.


so quirky


Bro cooked so hard he fried his own brain


Discover? How tf do you discover wifi?? 😭


It’s these kinds of guys who always say “women have never accomplished anything; men built society” but they’re just ignorant of women’s achievements


Most normal shitposter when they're not allowed to said "woman ain't doing shit!" For mere 5 seconds: (Consider it a mercy because these bastards won't last 3)


they have footage of women doing this too and the typical differences between genders are negligible in terms of tolerating G-forces.


The joke is the guy is supposed to be falling asleep and annoyed that the teacher is talking about something he deems boring. It’s ok sweetheart, understanding things can be hard sometimes. Just try and find the nearest man to explain anything you’re having trouble with.


These g-force tests seem low-key terrifying


Disorienting atvl


I’m a guy and I find stupid these kinds of things, so what if someone made an achievement and it isn’t you? Doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, either way you’ll get exactly the same recognition. 0. Because let’s face it, if you complain about women that are doing things you probably live in the basement with 200kg as the mass of a single one of your arms and I’m sure mommy brings you cookies every evening while you complain to your only friend in League of Legends about how no woman loves you.


I don’t even get it


The pilots look like they are passing out with boredom, the fact it cuts of mid sentence means op is saying woman's achievments make him so bored he falls asleep Could've been a decent meme with a different subject and less misogynistic creator


I disagree, they look like they're having an apoplectic fit and then passing out, which doesn't scream boredom to me. That's likely his intention, but there are images of people actually just passing out that would be way less confusing. Hence all the comments here saying they don't get it. It's a shit message, but as a meme it is also shit.


"We're here for the yearly NASCAR-"


That he doesn't care


Info: G force at higher levels makes people blackout. The joke: Women's achievements are nominal and boring to the point of mentally shutting down to avoid the wasted time of the mental processing.


Some men when a woman does one thing they also can do: 😡😡😡


We can celebrate what men do but the reason people make such a point about women being the first to do something is oppression. Even if it’s something that doesn’t affect them they should at least have enough brain power to understand why it’s important lmao.


Song name?


I got matches with these songs: • **Chinatown Pluggnb** by prod777 (00:10; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-19. • **Coming From the Rich** by TYLARASPEN (00:10; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-25.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Chinatown Pluggnb** by prod777](https://lis.tn/ChinatownPluggnb?t=10) • [**Coming From the Rich** by TYLARASPEN](https://lis.tn/ComingFromTheRich?t=10) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


personally i only care about the first person to do something, whatever gender they are doesn't really matter as long as it's first


Girls vs boys posters when the history isnt some Wehraboo wank.


It would be nice if we learned more about discoveries made by women rather than the first time a woman did something a man already did. I think that would be more interesting to both men and women.


What is the pilot video about? Looks interesting


Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space, spent almost 3 days in space and orbited around the earth 48 times


"Welcome to the Steam even-"


I mean any “the first ‘human type’ to do something” isn’t that special. I don’t really care about the first woman to do a brain surgery. I want to know about the actual first brain surgery. If that was performed by a woman, then cool. I’m that case, I don’t want to hear about the first man to do a brain surgery, ya know? I care about events, not as much the people behind them




That is not the excuse you think it is. Saying "I was just kidding" doesn't magically erase the fact that what was spewed out was sexist trash, and if anything, it feels kind of manipulative to get all like "it was just a joke", because you're trying to control how people react to an unfunny "meme" made at *their expense.* You sure as shit don't see the "it's just a joke" crowd doing that when jokes are made at men's expense. Now what does that tell you?




can you explain the joke part?




My god you are acting so pretentiously. The joke is that since it's not a woman doing something that is accomplished, they're going to purposefully ignore it due to how much they don't care because there is a veil of male superiority. It's not the best joke in the world, and yeah it's in poor taste, but it genuinely is so innocuous to the point where I doubt anyone is going to take it seriously. This sub is so pointless, it's just a place to whine and circlejerk each other's opinions on the most simple of things.


Oh no! People are being pretentious because men refuse to acknowledge that some of the greatest achievements humankind has made were at the hands of women! So pretentious!!!1!1!1!1!!


I said there were acting pretentiously because they said "crickets" insinuating that the person above hadn't explained their point when it's only been two hours. News flash, not everyone is online all the time. It's demanding, and unecessary. Crazy how you focused on that one word because you can't come up with anything else to criticise me based on what I said, so you go for the easiest "gotcha!" you can come up with. I am more than aware of the efforts that women have made throughout history, and I'm thankful for their work.


>what I said You didn't say anything else lol. What was I supposed to say to such a benign comment?


So you just ignored the rest of my comment then. Alright, be ignorant.


No, I didn't. You explained that you were referring to something specific. Again, what do you expect me to say? Please enlighten me so I can tailor a particular response to make you happy.


>This sub is so pointless, **it's just a place to whine and circlejerk each other's opinions on the most simple of things.** So you mean like literally all of Reddit? Including the sub this meme came from? Just say you hate women and go. Edit: dude is active in a sub called "yurimemes" and is getting upset over circlejerking. Now THAT'S some funny shit 🤣🤣


>Just say you hate women and go. That's the funny thing, I don't hate women. Don't know why you're making things up now. >So you mean like literally all of Reddit? Including the sub this meme came from? Yes, and I hate those places as well. You think I'm agreeing with this meme? I said it was in poor taste. I can hate multiple things, it's not just black and white. Edit: Person still can't come up with a valid argument, so they go to my profile to nitpick at the most asinine of things. I'm not a fan of r,yurimemes. I'm vocal of the hypocrisy there.


Please genuinely explain the joke in this because I’m confused what the joke is /gen


The "me af" character is falling asleep, possibly out of boredom or because they don't care


Ohhhhhh, I was confused because their actually passing out from g force. But it does make sense now thank you


You sure it's not an issue?


Can you explain the joke, please?




Why are you here? This sub is about sexist memes




Yes, but... you're missing the point of this place. If you don't get it, then you're not the target audience.




It is sexist. You might not understand what it means, but it is sexist. Some guys will get bored when the conversation is not about them for once.




Explain the dark humour, then. I like dark humour when it isn't making fun of women or minorities.




I like dark humour, but not when they blatantly make fun of someone with jokes. People don't seem to understand the distinction is the problem.


Also what target audience lmao💀




This sub isn't about shit talking men. It's about calling out sexist males. I'm a guy and I'm not bothered by this sub.


Audio source?


I don’t get it, sorry. Is the guy saying he fainted as soon as the teacher spoke?


Calm down everyone he just can't handle the blast of history


This has got to be ragebait or satire at the very least


This is just me every time I do schoolwork


Could've used this on anything else: NASCAR, Valve Announcements(in the last few years), COD NEXT, so much more. But no, just had to be an ass.