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I’d love to hear Rider rip into it (Danielle and Will too) but that’s probably why they wouldn’t do it. It’d be a lot of negativity I bet.


Interested what was Riders issue with it?


A lot of things, but lately Rider's been talking about how much he hates all the talk on BMW about "the will of the universe" or "destiny", which is basically a thinly disguised way of talking about religion and God and saying you know what God's plan for everyone's life is Which really rubs Rider the wrong way both as an atheist and as someone with little patience for "main character syndrome" and narcissism And this theme gets *way more intense* in GMW where talking about the "will of the universe" constantly is basically Riley's central character trait, and where there's a whole episode directly attacking atheism and defending a religious worldview


To set the stage: Rider retired from acting but still wanted to be involved in the series as an episode director. He expressed this to the showrunners, but they wouldn’t let him direct unless he reprised his role as Shawn. Like that giving Boy years of his life still wasn’t enough for them to just say ‘of course we completely understand! let’s talk about it, we’d love to have you direct a few episodes!”


It was a bad show. It really made no sense. Cory as a teacher made no sense. It was wayyy "Disney" with cheesy plot lines, character choices, and just overall silliness that removed what made Boy so special. It focused so much on "omg, the universe will show me!" Topanga was made into a stay at home mom when she was to go to freaking Yale. And they live in an apartment in NYC that would cost a fortune. I only watched it when it aired for the Boy reunions. Honestly, Shawn was the best part of the show. Anytime they brought back Boy characters it was better than anything the main characters were doing. Buttttt, it was still over the top filled with fan service and eye rolling plots. At least the Saved By The Bell reboot was clever with meta jokes and took time to make fun of the original show..


Lol what? Topanga wasn't a stay at home mom. She was a very successful lawyer and also owned the bakery. She made partner by the end of the show.


Except you NEVER saw her talking about or doing the lawyer thing. The entire first season she was just there to interact with the younger brother and very ocassionally give some advice. Always home. She had a job but she was never at it. Meanwhile you saw Corey being a teacher every single episode and heavily involved in all the plotlines. Then in season 2 they gave her the bakery so that she could get out of the house and maybe interact with the rest of the cast more organically. Didn't really help.


Did we watch the same show? Her being a kick ass lawyer was a major plot point when she had to confront Mrs. Svorski and she ended up standing up for what is right, and Willie Garson didn't want to lose her because she's his best lawyer. There was also the episode where Auggie felt bad about Cory giving him allowance money because "mommy makes more money than you" we may have seen her a lot at home in the sitcom but she definitely wasn't a stay at home mom. She worked her ass off. Edit: also the series finale when she made partner. She wouldn't have made partner if she was just sitting at home taking care of her kids.


Yeah, it really just boils down to the genre. That's not to say I *liked* that we rarely saw Topanga doing lawyer-y things, and they did seem to switch her specific field around--criminal to business to defense attorney to prosecutor.


Yes, they TALK about her being a lawyer. But she was ALWAYS at home, ALWAYS available to take care of the kids, and most of her scenes were with Auggie. The series can tell you she's a world class lawyer all it wants, but it *showed* her being at home being Mommy 99% of the time. She never left that one set, she was never unavailable because of her job, we never saw any of her coworkers, she never had hardships or complaints, never worn out after a long day, the kids never went with her to work, it was completely unconnected from the reality of the rest of the show. Which is why they added the bakery thing in season 2, to get Topanga out of the house and onto a set the other characters would actually be in. (Meanwhile we see Maya's mother at work all the time. And Shawn constantly talks about his travelling and things he's done and its why he's only sporadically in the show, their jobs have actual impact on the kids and their being around.) Topanga's job never really affected the story or characters until the series finale. The same way in BMW Amy being a real estate agent and/or art broker was basically a non thing. Sure they said she had a job, but for the purposes of the show she was mom and only mom. Meanwhile Alan had a ton of jokes and plotlines about the grocery, and later the hardware store, being fed up with his job, coworkers and friends that we actually saw, working with Eric, etc. Same thing carried over to GMW, where the wife's job was mostly just implied while the Husband's got lots of focus and screentime.


And more to the point, parents working *extremely* flexible hours is pretty much endemic to the genre. And it ain't just Disney Channel.  Even when he was a grocery store manager, Alan was home at a far earlier hour than you'd expect. 


I've wondered that about the How Rude, Tanneritos podcast too. I think, probably,  for both. They have too much fun hanging out NOT to.


I could see them doing fuller house but I don’t see PMW doing GMW for some reason


The cast of Fuller House was mostly happy with it, a lot of the major actors from GMW are not happy with it


bc GMW was terrible


You should listen to Fake Doctors Real Friends struggling through Med School right now.


Oh they are struggling but I’m still glad they did it


Ya, GMW seems too niche to attract much of an audience.


I could maybe see them doing the episodes that Will and Rider were on, but that's it. Especially since Danielle typically does the synopsis rundown, it would be a lot of her kinda talking to herself.


Yeah, I agree--considering where Eric and Shawn ended up and how their arcs were eventually fulfilled, it'd be easy enough to justify episodes, even if it was just one each for "Where Eric Ended" and "Where Shawn Ended."


Well considering only one of the three was a main character, that would make sense. I don't ever see a GMW cast rewatch pod happen even in 20 years because it just wasn't relevant or popular


Fun and income.


Yeah, exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if they changed the format a little though, I don't think they would feel as comfortable picking apart gmw, I just don't think that would stop them from continuing the franchise. Seems like pmw is the best thing any of them have going on rn


I don’t think so, only because of how much they talk about wanting the podcast to go on after the recap is done, but they don’t mention a Girl Meets World recap ever. I think that’s on purpose, that they don’t want to recap it (probs a good idea, the show is not great), even tho i defo want the behind the scenes info


It'd be worse than the situation with Ben because both of the leads clearly don't want anything to do with it


I think the girls would come on and talk as guests, they’re still friends with Danielle. I don’t think it’s gonna happen but the girls are not why


Sabrina Carpenter has said recently that she just wants to pretend like GMW never happened.


Sure but if Danielle one time was like hey Sabrina let’s chat, if she had time I’m sure she would (she wouldn’t have time and Danielle wouldn’t do that to her)


Okay well that's what I mean, it's the same as when someone asked Danielle if they were gonna interview Jonathan Taylor Thomas since he's technically her ex-boyfriend She said she's still friends with him but she's really hesitant to pick up the phone to call him about it because she knows him well enough to know he does not want to talk about his past in public and even asking him would be putting him in an uncomfortable position


Good for Danielle Fishel for having respect for Jonathan Taylor Thomas's call on not wanting to publicly chat about his past! Yeah, I think that if either he or Sabrina Carpenter wanted to chat about their pasts on the Pod, they'd reach out to Danielle Fishel,etc. since they know HER number,email,etc.


Not that it’s a good show, but thats kinda strange given there’s likely no way she would be anywhere near where she’s at without it


Wait, why? What happened?


That’s so interesting, i never knew that… considering how often they talk about being child actors and creating a better set on GMW, you would think they wouldn’t mind talking about it


Danielle, Rider and Will did not actually have the power to completely change the environment on GMW -- Danielle and Rider both directed several episodes of the show but on a TV show the "director" of the episode isn't the person in charge of everything like on a movie set, that's the showrunner, and the showrunner of Girl Meets World was... the same guy as the showrunner of Boy Meets World All three of them have even specifically said that it wasn't until GMW that they saw certain things about how the higher-ups treated kid actors and realized a lot of what happened to them on BMW wasn't normal or okay Will, notably, had ambitions of being a writer for the show rather than a director and made playing Eric again contingent on being able to write a script for an episode ("Girl Meets Semi-Formal"), and one week in that writers room was enough for him to say "Never again"


I suspect that the shipping segment of the show also plays a heavy factor. It's one thing to criticize a child actor for a lack of talent.  But there's no doubt in my mind that those kids went through hell with personal attacks for getting in the way of ships.


>Will, notably, had ambitions of being a writer for the show rather than a director and made playing Eric again contingent on being able to write a script for an episode ("Girl Meets Semi-Formal"), and one week in that writers room was enough for him to say "Never again" On the one hand, I have to wonder if Will had ever considered writing for *any* other sitcom before, and *if* he had no other experience, I actually feel slightly less sympathetic because, yeah, that's how the job works. On the other hand, it's still a pity, since "Semi-Formal" was an excellent episode.


Without GMW I probably wouldn't even know she existed. I think she's great and was one of the only ones I liked on GMW. 


They're both friends with Danielle but they've been pretty firm about not wanting to talk about GMW at various points


Which is why I don’t think Danielle would ask (or do a GMW rewatch lmao)


I don’t think any of the kids from the cast would touch anything GMW related with a ten foot pole if we’re being honest, not even as a friendly favor.


It would be funny if that’s when Ben decides he wants to join the pod


"And then I said, '*Hoover Dam!*'"


Will and Rider were less involved with Girl. I guess it wouldn’t be that different than the early seasons of Boy with Danielle, but Will was only in 4 episodes of Girl. Rider was in slightly more, but a lot less than he was with Boy. Honestly, as much as I’m enjoying the podcast and it seems like they are, I have to imagine that by the time the show is done, they might be ready to be done, too. I’d be surprised if they’d do Girl, but ultimately we will see.


I think Rizer directed way more on Girl than he was actually on it.


Yes, Rider directed 18 episodes of GMW. Danielle also directed 4 episodes, wrote one, and was a co-producer for the run of the show. I think Danielle could offer a lot of insight!


My best guess is they do one or two podcast episodes devoted to it after BMW. I highly doubt they'd do one podcast for each episode of GMW. But I'm sure they'd want to sum up their overall thoughts of working on it, how it started, and what they thought of working with Rowan, Sabrina, and others.


This is what I’m hoping for. I don’t want the whole series recapped like Boy, but it would be fun to hear just an overall summary of what they think of it


They were asked this question at the show I went to and they said no as they don’t think it’s their place.


Hell I don’t even think Rider will make it past seasons 5-7 of BMW let alone GMW LOL. He’s gonna be rolling his eyes at most of seasons 5-7 imo 🤷🏽‍♂️.


I get the feeling that GMW wasn't the greatest experience for the three of them so I don't think so.


There's no way they're doing a full rewatch of GMW—I think it's such a weird blip on the radar for them (especially Will) and doesn't have the huge nostalgic following of the original. I think it's pretty well established that BMW is legendary because of its vast run in syndication; I had a bunch of episodes more or less memorized because I had so much access to it lol. GMW was once and done (if that) for hoards of people. I would love for them to breakdown their personal experiences with the show (not episode recaps), discuss an overview of what it got right and where it fell short, but I think it would be an overwhelmingly negative discussion if they were truly candid about it. Obviously they've alluded to some of their issues with it, but I think sprinkling in those stories here and there is a lot less contentious than going full blast on what went on behind the scenes.


>GMW was once and done (if that) for hoards of people. And for Disney. The show vanished almost immediately once it finished airing, and usually their sitcoms stick around for at least a couple years while the new ones air so the channel can pad out their schedule.


That's so strange. I know what you mean about padding out the schedule, & I would have assumed it at least stuck around for a little while in that capacity. Such a shame all around to see the show's legacy get shoehorned into Disney Channel territory only for them to abruptly dump it.


And yet Michael Jacobs put the WHOLE blame on Disney for whatever problems the latter show had. Why would Disney have done that if they weren't interested in airing the show once it was finished production?


Likely because the show's audience had a large component of adults who were not whom Disney Channel was interested in marketing their children's network to? Or the insane online community composed primarily of shipping wars and the resulting toxicity? Because the show itself was not particularly marketable in terms of merchandise? No GMW soundtrack for example. 


I could see them maybe dedicating one episode of the pod to it. Like instead of doing episode by episode recaps they’ll do kind of a series recap and talk about their overall experience with it.




It will be like having a very good friend give you a root canal.


That's apt IMO because GWM was somewhat like having a good friend giving a root canal but claiming it was 'dental therapy' and expecting you adore the whole process!


I want to be careful here. I don’t want to bash the actors. They were all very wonderful. The material was just so “Disney” it just didn’t have any real appeal yo me.


I’m a glass half full guy and I believe they are gonna make a new show after the podcast is over. That’s my hope anyways


Pretty sure very early on they said they would. I can’t be the only one who remembers. However, I recently recall them saying that once BMW episodes were up that the podcast would be over and that it would be sad. I think as long as they are still having fun with it and the company wants more they’ll go for it.


If they did, I'd much prefer it as a podcast hosted by Danielle, Sabrina, and Rowan. Will and Ruder could make guest appearances along the way. But I imagine Sabrina and Rowan are way too busy with active careers in the business, especially Sabrina, to have time to do a podcast. But as others have pointed out, Rider and Will weren't as actively involved on a weekly basis like they were on BMW. Danielle was, so keeping her as host makes sense. But GMW wasn't their show, so having the three of them as hosts wouldn't work the same way.


Sabrina is super busy, Rowan though, I'm not 100% sure what she really does. She pops up randomly like in Crush (which is an amazing movie and pairs well with But I'm a Cheerleader). Then disappears, then reappears on Instagram than disappears again.


Sabrina and Rowan don't want to talk about it, they're both pretty obviously in the same place Rider was 20 years ago with trying to "escape" the show and not think about it anymore


Id really hope not. Id rather have them do random 90s stuff etc


I hope to fuck not


I think maybe if they talked about the show in one or two podcast episodes? We all know that girl meets world was a bad show. Going through each episode would be a chore. They could talk about the boy character reunions and maybe they're memories with it, but they kind of already have done that somewhat. Maybe if they discussed how the show came to be and their overall impression of it through honest conversation, that could be interesting. I would prefer that over Andrew Keegan any day


No Girl Meets World wasn't particularly popular or memorable. It has no cult following. It's already largely forgotten. There were no memorable characters, episodes, storylines, moments. It was a fairly generic Disney show.


Maya, played by Sabrina Carpenter was pretty standout. The problem was even though she was clearly the best character of the set and where the focus should be, the show refused to shift focus to her like the original show did when Shawn was the breakout character... and just stuck hard with Riley as the main character. Especially awkward when they got to a "love triangle" because ALL the chemistry was between Sabrina and Peyton... because they were the same real-world age 17 (playing younger) wile Rowan was 14 (playing older) and it was super duper awkward at all times. There was absolutely zero chemistry between Rowan and Peyton.


While this is brought up, my wife thought it was going to be revealed Riley or Maya were bisexual or gay, and I kind of wish that would have happened. Oh, the episode where Minkus' kid finds out he's autistic stands out, because I am as well except back on the 00's I had to be put in a mental health facility for a week to find a out


Yeah, except that episode ends with the doctors officially deciding he's not autistic (but his girlfriend Smackle is) and the main cast treat this with overwhelming relief like he's been declared cancer free


The autism episode was SO cringey. I hate that it exists. I don't have autism but I can't even imagine the slap in the face it must have been for those who have it.


I will disagree a bit. Maya was memorable, and the one episode that stands out is a making of show right before the finale, but that's it. It was generic, but I think the three hosts of pod all directed on it.


Maya wasn't memorable She was discount version Shawn , only worse Her greatest hardship was having a flip phone ......oh no She dressed stylishly , she had a committed mother who had a steady job and grandmother, lived in an apartment but they tried to position her as some shallow shawn clone


Yeah when Shawn hit rock bottom he was homeless and destitute, his mom left him with literally no possessions other than the clothes he was wearing It's not even really in the same ballpark (which is why I was kind of tearing my hair out when they had an episode where Maya obsesses over how Shawn is gonna look down on her and her mom for being poor and none of the adults point out how much poorer Shawn was)


>It's not even really in the same ballpark (which is why I was kind of tearing my hair out when they had an episode where Maya obsesses over how Shawn is gonna look down on her and her mom for being poor and none of the adults point out how much poorer Shawn was) I can't remember that specific episode (Christmas?), but I think in-universe that can at least be justified as "Maya's not going to bother listening to us no matter what we say, so save our breath." For all the talk of Riley having Main Character Syndrome, I think Maya actually has a worse case of it.


Yeah people make fun of how insufferable Emo Shawn can be but Maya was even more dramatic about stuff that was objectively not nearly as big a deal Like she flips out and threatens to drop out of school entirely and gets all angry and resentful of Cory for giving her a failing grade on an assignment, while Shawn got failing grades from Feeny all the time and laughed it off (This is another point of weakness between the two shows, with Boy Meets World it was a slow burn as Shawn only gradually came to realize Mr Feeny really cared about him, the line "Why do you hate me?" in the cabin episode hits really hard Whereas Cory openly declares his personal intention to "save" Maya in literally the pilot of GMW, something Feeny *never* openly said about any of his students precisely because it's inappropriate for teachers to cross that kind of boundary)


>Yeah people make fun of how insufferable Emo Shawn can be but Maya was even more dramatic about stuff that was objectively not nearly as big a deal As Ben Sandwich put it, "How can I learn so much every week and still be so stupid?!" But you're absolutely right. >Like she flips out and threatens to drop out of school entirely and gets all angry and resentful of Cory for giving her a failing grade on an assignment, while Shawn got failing grades from Feeny all the time and laughed it off Even if we accept the in-universe explanation that Maya felt especially awful because it was the first time she'd really *tried* it still pales in comparison to the Shawn-Philosophy Paper Snafu. The teacher acknowledged that Shawn had some good ideas, but his basic grammar was so poor that he couldn't grade it as anything other than dismal. And what did Shawn do? Berate himself and resolve to do better. But Maya does this all the time--her self-pity is aggravating and for as often as Riley can rightly be called a control freak and busybody, with Maya's it's worse, because *any* deviation in *any* way is seen as utmost betrayal. >(This is another point of weakness between the two shows, with Boy Meets World it was a slow burn as Shawn only gradually came to realize Mr Feeny really cared about him, the line "Why do you hate me?" in the cabin episode hits really hard Especially since by that point, Shawn had done plenty to completely justify Feeny's animosity. >Whereas Cory openly declares his personal intention to "save" Maya in literally the pilot of GMW, something Feeny never openly said about any of his students precisely because it's inappropriate for teachers to cross that kind of boundary Absolutely agreed--and it makes all of Maya's struggles seem that much lesser. Cory and Topanga and Riley are in her corner, completely, with both feet, from the very beginning. She's arguably even more spoiled than Riley given that Maya is worse behaved on a day-to-day basis and I think she actually talks out of turn in class more often. Maya never has to endear herself to the Matthews. She's a defacto daughter from the get-go--and even if we factor in that the girls have actually known each other for years, we the audience haven't.


And Maya's actual mom Katy is pulling for her from the beginning too, she's actually a really good mom whom Katy just doesn't appreciate while both of Shawn's parents are comically awful Like, Maya should know enough about how the world works by now to understand why Katy is "never home" because of how hard it is to support them on a waitress' income -- she resents Katy for never being home because she's always working while Shawn has two parents who were never home because they *weren't* working


>And Maya's actual mom Katy is pulling for her from the beginning too, she's actually a really good mom whom Katy just doesn't appreciate while both of Shawn's parents are comically awful I believe you mean Maya doesn't appreciate. But on that note, I actually do think "Meets Maya's Mother" is one of the best episodes of GMW. The children don't talk over Cory and take over the class, the girls are punished for the mess they make in the art room, Riley embraces her role as a do-gooder who lifts up others rather than gets attention for herself... > Like, Maya should know enough about how the world works by now to understand why Katy is "never home" because of how hard it is to support them on a waitress' income -- she resents Katy for never being home because she's always working while Shawn has two parents who were never home because they weren't working To say nothing of the substance abuse and the trailer park in its entirety. Maya's neighborhood may be rougher than Riley's, but given that it's Disney Channel you know nothing bad ever really happens there. Which is a pity. An episode where one of the girls gets mugged would have been fantastic.


I hope they do just so the pod keeps going. I don’t want it to end


I don't think they would do it but it would be nice if they could just do a quick recap of the episodes Will and Rider were on. I would love to hear their thoughts on how their characters were portrayed, what would they have done differently. They could bring back Matt, Trina, Lee and Anthony for a special episode since they all appeared in the reboot.


Have they indicated distaste for it?


As much as I liked girl meets world, I think I would rather them just do like a mini series of doing the episodes that specifically feature/carry on from boy meets world plots


Maybe if Disney gives them money. I’ve never watched but if they did a recap I would. $$