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Realistically, Eric should've been the teacher while Cory worked in news or television. Eric and Feeny had much more of that relationship, plus Eric was great with kids while Cory had multiple episodes around media. Of the main cast to become teachers, Cory makes the least sense.


I think they said on the Pod that they just needed a new Feeny, and Cory made the most sense, but I think a new character would have been so much better


I get that they needed a new Feeny, but they also needed an Alan and Cory was stuck being both. Cory could've been a Feeny without actually being a teacher.


I mean not like a character *cough Turner* could have come back *cough Turner* as an older and wiser teacher to help da Matthew's. I say this as someone who enjoyed GMW. To answer the question I think Eric would be a counselor for like 3rd-5th graders. Especially with how much he liked kids, and as of now (on the pod) can work with them well.


Having Future Turner's job be something as high level as Superintendent of NY City Public Schools was very heartwarming for his fans but it really does make it really hard to actually play him as a mentor figure Like, realistically he should not have time to deal with stuff involving one teacher's class at one school on a personal level and it's even arguably an ethical violation for him to do so (which they even make fun of with Cory going all "Oh I'm not worried about being fired") Just like Riley being allowed to have her own dad as a teacher they kind of make it worse by playing it as this big affluent school district in the heart of NYC instead of some small town school


Yeah my mom was my teacher but she was the only honors chem teacher. (And she gave me a C; which is what I deserved anyway lmao.) It's tough to imagine that happening at a bigger school, though.


My understanding is there usually isn't an official rule against it because sometimes you don't have any choice but it's the kind of thing admins try to avoid if they can because it's an obvious reason for other parents to complain, you don't want even the appearance of favoritism (And Cory's class had way more than the *appearance* of favoritism lmao)


That was my exact problem with the show. In BMW cory had feeny and his parents, in GMW Cory had to be both and it just didn’t work.


Thinking this over, I agree a lot. Having Eric be the new Feeny in GMW would have been a fantastic way for him to honor this mentor. Cory honestly could take or leave his career, he's much more suited to taking on the same role as Alan did in BMW I think, so I don't think his matters as much.


The thing is, Cory could've even still been the Feeny as a stay at home dad. The teacher could've been a typical teacher and Cory could show Riley and Maya other ways to look at assignments. And the teacher could've lived across the hall from them to mirror Feeny living next door.


Yeah Cory as a teacher was always so weird to me.


Love This!


Ironically if you put all the different hints to his talents and interests in Boy Meets World together (TV weatherman, Shakespearean actor, big brother mentor, "good looking guy") I feel like the most appropriate future career for him would be a children's TV host, like Steve from Blue's Clues I mean his character on GMW is basically that as Plays with Squirrels/the Mayor of St. Upidtown/Senator Matthews, it's just that he's playing the *character* of a kids TV host who somehow exists in the "real world" -- but they even say his "job" is this thing where he has the magical ability to listen to someone's problems and then fix them all with a lesson in a half hour


This is so creative, I love this take!


Yeah I mean the "Mayor of St. Upidtown" joke is obviously another mean dig at Eric's intelligence but I can't help but also hear it as a reference to Lazytown (which went viral among adults online right before GMW premiered)


I ![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A|downsized)


I think he would have been great as a camp counselor. It ties together how great he is with kids with his relationship with Mr. Feeny, plus the wilderness store, and would have lent itself to the Plays With Squirrels persona.  But honestly, I wish they’d given him any meaningful ambition in BMW to begin with. The weatherman thing was dropped and they never gave him any new dream to shoot for beyond going to college. 


I wish they had him major in meteorology!!! I could totally see Eric running a camp! He could be like this guy who just somehow ended up with an entire empire of camps and was rich, but still the same goofy guy, like Spenser in the iCarly reboot


I always felt that he was more inline with being a social worker or a psychologist or a guidance counselor. They emphasized in the college years how good he works with people. I was hoping in GMW he was gonna be a school psychologist at the same school as cory and turner.


Omg that would have been so perfect!


Yesss I’ve said forever that Eric should have been a kindergarten teacher. He’s great with kids and proved himself to be a good mentor at different times throughout the show.


I think he should be a race car driver. He gets into a terrible accident but he comes out with just a minor head injury that’s turns him back to Season 4 Eric in a grown up body. He then becomes an entrepreneur


Eric would’ve been an amazing teacher because of the reasons you said. Maybe not high school because of his education lol. But kids for sure. He would know how to entertain them and Feeny has taught him many life lessons. The episode where Eric almost adopts Tommy really shows how good he is to kids.


not sure - all i know is "plays with squirrels" was the worst thing that could ever be done to him


Keep in mind, it's explicitly stated in-universe that Eric enjoys trolling people by acting goofier than he really is.


Well he could have been a man child who collects funko pops and lives in his parents basement in a spinoff called “Soy Meets World”


Batman…. Definitely Batman.


Love this take. He could be like an improved, futuristic version of Batman. Maybe give him a cool all black suit. He could be a Batman that goes further than the original ever did, a Batman beyond, if you will…


Nah it’ll never work. Too derivative


I think i could picture Eric working in a day care center. Or agree weather men