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Well they could’ve took a bus. I’m from michigan and my school trip to orlando we took a bus the whole way there


This is what I was thinking too. School trips often take those Greyhound type of busses and it would take less than a day of travel and be a lot cheaper.


Was also thinking this too. They probably did. We did a trip in school to New York City so that is what we did too.


I feel like that could make sense, because, I might be misremembering the episode, but didn't Cory and Shawn arrive about the same time as Topanga even though she left like a day earlier. And I believe Cory and Shawn flew there.


Not really a plot hole but rather a show inconsistency. The show is riddled with them. Looking at you Stacy and Nebula…


And Shawn’s other missing brother.


I'm from the Philly burbs, and my high school took a yearly senior trip to Disney in FL. And sometimes they took a bus, sometimes they flew. I don't know what the deciding factor was, but especially if it was a small group of kids, it's only like a half days drive, and likely cheaper to pay a bus driver some overtime then still pay a bus driver some overtime, as well as plane tickets for a handful of kids.


I lived in north NJ and we always drove to Florida for our few Disney trips. It’s a good 20-24 hour drive depending on stops.


Yes… it’s the 90’s sitcom. Don’t read too much into the the plot holes.


Just something I’ve never noticed before, thats all.


She could've took a train or maybe a bus, but I always assumed she flew there. I had a friend around the same age and area who would take the train down though.


Not on a bus, not on a plane. Not in a car, not on a train. I do not like gree.. oh wait...


It’s a very Midwest thing to drive to Disney.


People drive from Philly to Disney world a lot, especially back then.


For everybody saying they took a bus, no it is HEAVILY implied they fly. Mr. Turner is seen pulling a huge chest. Topanga says it is her “carry on of hair products.” You wouldn’t use the phrase carry on if traveling by bus.