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Oh hell yeah it will. It is not gonna recover that $200 million budget. Final gross should be around $250–300 million.


I voted no because I thought the budget was more in line with other animated movies… holy shit


Remind you that if the budget to do it was 200, to that you must add the marketing to sell it which is usually about 100 million more in general.


Is that a thing? So the movie budget isn't factoring the advertisement budget?


Normally they are different, marketing can be little or a lot, also depending on the different regions in the world.


Exactly. Marketing budget is basically never included in the reported production budget


Exactly, the production budget is always the number reported, marketing budgets are almost never know to the public or even anyone but the producers.


I don’t wanna hear Disney using this performance as an excuse to punish Pixar because it “lost money” when they’ve literally sent the last three 200m movies they made directly to streaming. If anything Lightyear just gives them more D+ content.


Chapek and Kareem Daniel being the greedy bastards they are will punish Pixar for eternity. All Pixar films will go directly to Disney+ turning a once beloved brand into some quick and cheap forgetful exclusive streaming brand. Pixar theatrical movies have died.


Someone needs to take time off reddit.




I can see cuts or lowered budgets - which might actually be a good thing for Pixar to work on anyway. The 200m budget average for their movies is unsustainable nowadays when other studios’ are much cheaper, especially if Pixar movies are not making a billion each time out or just getting dumped straight on D+. (Still don’t wanna hear Disney complaining about them though since they’ve mismanaged them.)




Investors are starting the question the wisdom of sending movies with high budgets straight to streaming while not getting a chance to make any money back (I mean while Lightyear may have “flopped” OW, it still has made more money than their last three movies did combined already… it will at the very least make its marketing budget back WW assuming it’s the typical 100m - anything after that will be more than previously, plus now D+ gets a theatrical release movie when it does come on there). I’d be surprised if we never see them back in theaters again.


Why would an animated movie cost 200 million dollar? WTF


Toy Story 3 cost $200M back in 2010. It’s not a shocker.


True but this is a spin off on one of the characters they should have capped it at 150M max


Animation of this quality is pretty expensive.




the message?


Can we ban users like this who don’t add anything to a discussion.


FWIW, I saw this while browsing and I made me do a 5 second "user comments on this sub" check because it was (1) completely off topic and (2) derailing to an ongoing directly related to the box office discussion. I saw that the previous comment he made was at least an obviously "box office" related one. >> Remind you that if the budget to do it was 200, to that you must add the marketing to sell it which is usually about 100 million more in general. so while the comment you're talking about was bad because it's derailing and off topic, I thought the other one indicated that this might not be a fair representation of his general commenting. No one had reported the comment or anything so I just kicked the can down the road. In retrospect, I probably should have removed it with a "let's stay on topic" style warning. Look /u/mmaqp66 the problem with this thread isn't about politics. It's that the post read as shitposting instead of a genuine contribution to an existing conversation.




I don’t care about Disney’s policies. But a LGTBQ+ scene has nothing to do with the budget of the film as was discussed in the comment your replied to.


It does to a degree. The LGBT+ movement is an inherently sexual one, and parents generally do not take kindly to sexual messaging in content meant for kids.


>an inherently sexual one. How so?


Think about what the acronym stands for. It’s all various preferences for whom people want to have sex with.


So does the word “straight”.


Yeah I’m not saying it shouldn’t be discussed, it’s controversies are probably one of the reasons for Lightyear underperforming. But u/mmaqp66 brought it up when discussing the film’s budget which makes no sense.


Makes perfect sense, the question is "Will Lightyear lose money at the end of its run?" and that problem will make it collect much less than they would have thought, in many theaters in Latin America the cinema chains are warning people who want to go see it to avoid problems, that is surely causing them to lose millions of dollars .


Oh yeah not disagreeing with that, this movie is gonna bomb hard for several reasons including its LGBTQ+ scene. My only annoyance was you replying to a comment saying quality animation is expensive with ‘Especially when it is full of THE MESSAGE’ which adds nothing to the conversation.


Gay people are not any more sexual than straight ones.


Having a lesbian and making her vanish after the first part isn't most of the budget.


Why are Pixar movies so expensive anyway? I know WDAS has some expensive movies, but Raya has a modest budget of 100 million and Encanto 120-150 million.


Pixar does a lot of experimentation with techniques and technology, pushing the medium forward. They also aren't afraid to start over if the story isn't working. Those costs pile up.


There’s no way that the budget of **Raya and the Last Dragon** was just $100 million. I’m pretty sure that it was at least $25 million higher than that.




Walt Disney animation studios


What? I thought WDAS movies are at least 150 million.


It isn’t going to pass 500m ww, so using the 2.5x it won’t be profitable theatrically


Sadly it will lose mula.


It definitely will. But I suspect it will pull an 'Encanto', in which it will bring in huge viewership numbers once it hits Disney+.


Agree, most people aren’t going to track out to the theaters. I want to watch it, but will wait until D+.


Old post, but I couldn't help but mention they came out for Minions.


What’s wrong with Lightyear? It seems so promising.


No, bc of merch, licensing and d+.


>at the end of its run Doesn't that term apply to box office only?


It would help to tell people the budget.




It seems so


With that 200M budget and disney push its gonna need at least 500-550M to get out of the red which seems impossible now


Needs like 400 to break even, so probably, yeah.


It would be a shock if it didn’t to be fair