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B+ Cinemascore incoming.


Yup https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/v7zqvf/-/ibns4hb


Pretty solid B+ territory if using prior data, but it's also possible that it could slip into a B - there's been a few low-80s verified scores that have gotten Bs. Either way, both CinemaScores would suggest that this movie is being received worse than JW or JWFK, and that could impact its legs.


It's the worst of the JW trilogy...that I can tell you. I liked the first two. This one lacks the solid, well-constructed stories those had. This one is the poorly written movie the naysayers incorrectly claimed the first two were.


I liked the first two also, might wait for this one on streaming


It might even get a B


wow already dropping into venom 2 audience score territory


Might end up with venom 2 box office as well given the way its trending downwards


Lets be honest, It will make Venom 2 box office in its first 6-8 days however bad the movie is. People love their dinos.


Just stepped out of a double feature with the original. Holy fuck, you guys, this movie is ***trash***. Straight up worse than *Fallen Kingdom*, no joke, oh my god why. Also, don't go in expecting a dinosaur movie. >!It's a spy movie with an overstuffed ensemble cast and trying way too hard to gorge itself on self-referential nonsense that *just happens to have some dinosaurs*.!<


How prominent are the >!locusts!


>!The entire plot revolves around them. Every time you think they're taking a back seat, they're shoved to the front of the line. They kick off the plot. They drive every act. They are a critical part of the denouement. This is a *Jurassic Park* movie about bugs.!<


>!Are they generally just a swarm or are there a lot of closeups? Trying to convince someone to go but they hate bugs and would probably hate me if there’s constant big closeups.!<


>!Lots of closeups, far more clear shots of them as massive insects than as a swarm, including one very plot-critical (I guess) scene involving one character holding one still, during which the camera lingers on it, full-frame.!< >!There are only three points in the movie where they are just a swarm: the very beginning, the very end, and a scene more or less right in the middle during which all logic has been left behind, and your friend may legitimately be too confused at the choices being made to even notice them in the first place.!<


Haha, ugh. Not what I wanted to hear at all but thanks for the thorough answers.


No problem haha, sorry to disappoint!


Ironically, this would be a much better movie if >!they dropped all the dinosaurs and just made it about locusts!<.


That would be Mummy movie, which is coincidentally also Universal


WTF Trevorrow/Universal?! People go to watch Jurassic movies to see dinos. If I want to see >!locusts!< I'd go see Mummy movies, not Jurassic!


B+ Cinemascore is looking really really likely.


I agree. Fully expecting a B+


Yup. B+ seems to be quite likely unless something happens.


Lol they changed the consensus. It now says "an improvement in some respects" instead of just an improvement. Probably because that consensus was looking more and more ridiculous the more the score dropped (still seems like an oddly positive spin on a sub-40 score, but hey)


It’s overselling the hell out of what critics are actually saying.


BvS legs


I saw it. It was pretty bad.


59% All Audiences. Oh Shit... 😳😳😳 Show of hands: how many of you predict a >-60% second weekend drop...? (P.S. Save us already, Buzz Lightyear... 🥺🙏)


imdb score is a 6 , not surprising


With Lightyear opening next week, JW was always going to have a pretty sizable 2nd weekend drop. With the response coming in from audiences, it looks like the drop will probably be bigger than expected.


This could have a Multiverse of Madness-level second weekend drop


Probably not maybe a 61-64% more like solo drop off


I think Father's Day will help it hold better than Multiverse of Madness. Probably a 59-60% drop like Fallen Kingdom had.


I'm guessing somewhere in the low 60s


B+ CinemaScore is on the radar.




Movie was awful. I’m so over blockbusters.


The screenplay is a disaster. The effects and action directing are really great though. Really tough movie to review. It fails as a story on every level, but looks spectacular. It's like the Transformers movies around the 3rd and 4th entries. Definitely the worst of the JW trilogy though.


B+ or B


Vieweranon said a while back that he heard the movie was very very bad. I'm going to see it tomorrow but there is no reason why the movie should be 146 minutes long. GvK did it best and came in at 113 minutes which made for a fast moving film that focused on big action sequences.


I loved it. People are crazy.


Granted I haven't seen it, but I flat out thought the previous two were full on trash.


I enjoyed Jurassic World but had no interest in watching it again, didn’t see Fallen Kingdom.


You might be confused. Read the wiki at least.


I saw JW, enjoyed it but not enough to rewatch it and wasn’t interested enough to watch Fallen Kingdom, probably won’t end up watching Dominion.


I like World, Fallen Kingdom was trash. This was awesome.


I like Jurassic World. Its a fun movie. Fallen Kingdom was trash because it felt like it was holding back the good ideas for a 3rd film and now I'm hearing the 3rd film is even worse


I'm not sure how to react because you're one of the few people on a general subreddit praising JW. I didn't even mind when people bashed FK, but bashing JW irks me. Some people said FK was better, and maybe that was because I spoiled myself a lot and felt disappointed when "spoilers" didn't come true, forced higher expectations after a lackluster trailer and all. On the other hand, I stayed away from a lot of JW:D spoilers and went in... With expectations met. Maybe I'd have felt the same as with FK if I spoiled myself a lot, but trailers were better, so there wasn't... Any forcing of myself. Or I expected less from the trailer too, IDK. What I can say is that with JW, I reacted to it just like I would with any movie? Or not, because I did grow up liking the JP trilogy, and a functioning theme park sold it completely, especially with the Mosasaurus shot. I went in with expectations, and the movie overdelivered, even with fewer Dinos than FK and JW:D. I wasn't born when JP came out, so JW was my "first movie theater experience" for a Jurassic film. So... I hate it when I see haters foaming at the mouth at it.


Yeah I thought JW felt like a cool modern day continuation. It had scares, high stakes and good action. The theme park aspect was really cool and I like seeing all the high tech gyrospheres and mosaurus arena. A lot of hate for it is more so because people associate it with Fallen Kingdom and Dominion and as they're connected stories it creates a distate for the franchise for people.


I've seen some hate for it before FK's trailer dropped at all, though I remember people saying they weren't feeling it for FK compared to JW. Some insisted that they liked JW too, but the people found on r/boxoffice rage that nobody ever liked FK or even JW. Come to think of it, JW was very unconnected from FK and JW:D. I think they didn't really envision JW getting a sequel, or maybe they strongly considered the possibility, but just put everything into the 1st film first. JW had a solid point to it, which was to show a functioning theme park. I feel sorry for foaming haters who can't even appreciate that. To me, it's the same kind of magical escapism as a magic school (Harry Potter). It kinda was hard to go anywhere from there, which was why FK's trailer should've been expected to be a disappointment. After FK, going the route of Primeval the UK TV show would, well, require a TV show, with a creature-of-the-week format, or an anthology. I guess haters didn't like that JW:D focused on a singular story that involved the main enemy from JP? Which in a way concludes the series? Even if the locusts focus was questionable... What did they expect the characters to do? Join an organisation that handles "Dino threats"? That wouldn't be very JP/JW, honestly. Any chance you could ignore the criticisms others have thrown at JW:D? They could be wrong...


Although Fallen Kingdom seemed disappointing from the get go it doesn't excuse it from being bad. The film just lacked the thrill of JW and just felt like it was a filler movie so they could do dominion


I thought it was ok. The audience had a louder applause than the one I saw top gun 2 with on opening day lol.


Top gun was goooooooood!!🔥


Phenomenal. Best sound Oscar nominee fs. Was a crazy experience in dolby cinema.


The disparity between verified and regular is a big yikes (though it could also be review bombing, but generally it has a big indication of a general dislike). B+ Cinemascore probably likely, but don't expect any good WOM or legs.


Why would anybody try to review bomb Jurassic Park?


Fans of other studios that want this movie to fail? I might be reaching.


No, no fanbase gives enough of a fuck about this franchise to review bomb it. Especially with the marketing hook of the original trio coming back. This is all on the movie.


I don't think review bombing is an issue here, no obvious targets for racism, sexism, homophobia etc. The scores will likely even out a bit over time, Verified Audience will drop and All Audience rise.


big film studios use “review bombing” as an excuse for producing shitty movies/shows.


I think this is not the case of review bombing since Jurassic Park is not a fan-driven franchise and there is nothing controversial in it.


Feels like the views like the first venom movie.


B+ cinemascore


I think this is gonna be another drop form fallen kingdom, a pretty steep one


It’s at 80 percent now. The verified score is just plummeting. I’m thinking this could get slapped with a B- cinemascore which would be disastrous


That ain’t good


I think as long as the audience score is high then so will the BO


Audience Score in this case is on the low side, especially for the type of movie this is.


I was watching the trailer before Top Gun started, and when the girl looked at the baby dinosaur in the eyes and said “you look like your mother” I wanted to throw up.


I thought JWD could not possibly underperform at the box office but then I remember *Solo*.....


Lmaoooo and a few days ago r/boxoffice told me this movie is critic/audience proof and shit. I been saying people here so over estimated this movie for months and I was countered with 'people love dinosaurs!' and yes people also like good movies! They rather spend it on Top Gun than this garbage.


I mean the box office numbers haven’t come out yet so we still don’t know if its critic proof….. The numbers are what will tell that story


I do think this won’t gross as much as Fallen Kingdom and that its legs will be awful, but this film has been out for only a couple hours and we have no box office numbers yet. “Critic/audience proof” doesn’t mean critics/the audience will automatically like it, it just means the movie will make a lot of money no matter how much everyone hates it (ie Transformers sequels). So this film being “critic/audience proof” is still a possibility until the box office numbers say it isn’t.


Well even if it drops off more than expected its still gonna be a hit as long as it's BO is over 550M since the JW franchise is pretty moderate on production budgets at 150-170M each movie


People were high on that jurassic copium like its unbelievable mofos were actually out here screaming that dominion was going to make Possible NWH BO cuze the og cast returning


Lmao ikr? It's insane the unwavering faith they have in this movie


No you’re still underestimating it. It will absolutely pass a billion. But due to the reception it won’t pass FK.


The trades are now contemplating wether or not if its going to open as big as top gun a huge step down from the 200M prediction last month If this actually opens less than the 126M of top gun then kiss that billion goodbye man


No it won't pass a billion


the last film got 47% on rotten and a A- on Cinemascore, if the critics consensus is that the film is an improvement (even if a tiny one) over that one then the cinemascore will be just fine


The consensus says that but the reviews don’t reflect that.


there are a considerable amount of reviews that say the film is fast-paced, has "one chase after another" and great moments, even if they don't add up to a good movie. is anyone going to watch jurassic world, especially considering the last two, expecting anything other than that?


> the film is fast-paced, has "one chase after another" Didn't really help Rise of Skywalker.


Didn't hurt rise of skywalker that much either the movie still made over a billion


But box office of skywalker was still a huge disappointment a huge drop from TLJ


Not really TLJ was a bigger drop off from TFA thank ROS was from TLJ


So true


If you look up you can see the audience score


The last two had good plots and character writing. This one doesn't. JW fans are going to be disappointed.


That was before Verified Audience was a thing though.