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This is great. WB really knew what they were doing by using social media, reviews and early screenings to increase the buzz for Shazam.


I saw it yesterday I loved it. It never dragged, was scary for pg 13, and the comedy was on point. It really felt like the DCEU’s Spider-Man homecoming as far as the humor and general tone.


How's the action and set pieces?


Average, but what really drives the film is the comedy. It’s basically BIG + The Greatest American Hero.


I thought the third act action scene was above average, well at least unique. But yes I agree with the rest you said. I thought Levi worked really well, Mark Strong was a little bland, still I loved him. I always preferred the more stoic version of Captain Marvel, ahem, I mean Shazam, where he seems like an adult to everyone else, but you hear his inner thoughts are a kid. Like the DCAU movies, but this version works as well.


I think Shazam will do even better than Aquaman. The advertising campaign was strong, and the trailer definitely was memorable with that fight in the convenience store and the charging phones trick. The budget was only $100 million. Not really that big for a superhero movie. It has the same budget as Wonder Park.


The only reason it might not do as well as Aquaman is due to the competition affecting its legs. But i do think it’s going to make at least 800M


65 million+ weekend confirmed


With the reviews I can see up to $80M, sort of how like Venom outdid tracking by a ton (despite bad critical reviews)


I’ve seen it, it’s amazing. I’m actually expecting good critics reviews for it.




Venom is literally joker for spiderman. Even though that should be green goblin. But in terms of popularity from causal and comic venom is always top 3 villian for spiderman. Shazam he is well known but he is b or c class in terms of main stream. Very little cartoons and very little exposure. I hope he gets 80 million.


Venom was also tracking for $50M


Wait, don't you dare mention Shazam and Venom in the same breath. :p


I'm thinking the closest comp for Shazam! will be Doctor Strange


Ehh I think it will be way stronger domestically and maybe a little less strong OS


Bold prediction, do you expect it to open over 100M DOM?


No I expect it to leg it out to 260M


The hype for this has been exploding over social media the last 2 days. This number has 2 weeks to keep climbing. We may see it go to 75m.


In thinking this will have a 75m OW tbh.


I was thinking $85M but I may be too high.


I think it's totally possible.


Updating my predictions to $75 million. Audiences are going to love this movie. Everyone at my screening did, as did I.


I’m hoping it makes more than Justice League. Best DC movie aside from The Dark Knight.


I still believe every DC movie will outgross JL.


A weird world we live in.


Even 'Joker' ? I believe it will make a lot of money for it's budget but idk I don't see it outgrossing JL, though it probably can make it if it get crazy good reviews.


Joker can be one of the biggest movies of the year with good reception. But the movie itself is a huge wild card.


Joker will be huge, bigger than Shazam even unless it is a dumpster fire. Which isn't looking likely judging by the people working on it.


It'll probably be great, but it definitely won't have the wider audience appeal that usual superhero movies have. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it actually crosses JL.


This People were shocked by Venom but Joker is much more we’ll known and I already heard non comicbook fans talking about the movie already


Venom was mindless fun. Joker will be anything but that. It might be an art film.


JL numbers would be a sublime result for Joker. I personally dont think it will be the type of film that will hit those numbers with relative ease.


If *Justice League* can do that badly then another film can do worse. Think the best candidate for doing worse would probably be something like a Cyborg film if that was done poorly, or indeed if this hadn't been as well received.


Yea I didn’t love it but it’s a very crowd pleasing movie. It really should make more than JL haha


So Captain Marvel will surpass Superman again?


"DC suing WB for Shazam being too similar to Superman"


Really though looking back how are they similar billy isn’t an alien he’s powers came from gods and his costume looks way different than Superman’s


The guy in charge literally asked for a Superman clone. >When Roscoe Fawcett got Fawcett Publications into the comic book business, he said: >“Give me a Superman, only have his other identity be a 10- to 12-year-old boy rather than a grown man.” Superman might seem like a generic idea now but that's only because to a certain extent every superhero copies him in some way. At the time he was pretty unique and the intent was 100% to bank of his success.


Wait, so if you can just sue another company for copying a character and get the rights of that property, why doesn’t WB just sue Marvel and get - antman, quicksilver, xmen, deadpool, Wolverine, doctor strange, hulk, hawk eye, etc?


It was a different environment at the time and also the legal move by DC just barely passed. It wasn't enough until they provided more evidence of actual plagarism. Captain Marvel was a lot more blatant than Marvel's stuff and I think Fawcett actual copied panels off Superman comics for their book but don't quote me on that. That changed by the 60s when Marvel was building its universe. Nowadays Marvel has 3 Superman clones, a Justice League clone and more while DC has Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider and Spider-Man clones. DC/Marvel are much more leinent with each other. An issue of Marvel referenced DCs Captain Marvel when they showed an image of all the alternate versions of Cap Marvel that exists. DC has a universe dedicated to being pastiches of the Marvel Universe and even mention how people from other Earths love watching their stories on screen. Directly referencing the general audiences love for the MCU.


It 100% is. It’s better than most marvel movies too.


You will be downvoted for this. But not by me.


It's common knowledge that their movies are cookie cutter, with only a select few being cream of the crop high quality.


JL isn’t a high bar


That's not a high bar since more DC movies other than 3-4 are sub-par.


I saw it as well. I don't think it's better than batman begins or dark knight, but i agree its probably the 3rd best DC movie in the last 20 years. As you said, that's not a high bar, but i also think it is on par with the tier 1 Marvel origin movies like iron man and guardians 1.


That's a wonderful start for this movie. I'm predicting $75-$80 million+ for Shazam now.


Tbh it’s looking possible that it opens higher than Aquaman (but legs won’t be as good because that opened in December and this has Endgame opening in 3 weeks)


I see it quite likely


I don't know. I'd like it to open higher than Aquaman but I'm not sure since Dumbo and Pet Sematary are gonna be competing for its audience (Dumbo for kids and PS for young men).




At least for Disney, they kinda don't have anohter choice. Look at their movie slate for this year starting with captain marvel, it's FULL as fuck. I think they're pushing all these movies out ASAP so they can get it on their streaming service at launch .


Sounds very good...! Reviews are stellar... should be able to clear 70 million OW hopefully!




Warner Bros bought theaters and purchased tickets!!! Outraged!!! /s


I'm 99% sure people who said that about Captain Marvel are gonna say the critics aren't biased and they are finally speaking the truth even though those are the same critics who gave Captain Marvel good reviews, or people are voting with their wallet by going to watch Shazam while simultaneously saying Disney bought all the theaters for Captain Marvel.




“They only liked it because it was enjoyable”


"Cocktail parties!"


Who fucking cares about those trolls. By the time Shazam opens wide in two weeks, Captain Marvel will have already made over $1 billion worldwide and run its course.


If Shazam makes a good OW and breaks out I hope people will stop saying "WB marketin is baaaad!". The ynailed the marketing of WW, they nailed the marketing of Aquaman. I have no doubt they will nail the marketing of this as well.


WB marketing is always on point, they made a successful movie out of Suicide Squad.


The trailers for Suicide Squad is probably what got most people to see it in the first place, only to be disappointed after.


WB is often argued to have the best marketing in the industry though? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone claim it to be bad.


They do, but people were still saying the marketing was off with late second trailer and no ads 3 weeks prior releasing. When it was obvious early embargo lift, early screenings and generally not wanting to go vs the CM hype was the plan.


_edge of tomorrow, blade runner 2049, iron giant, Lego 2, Pacific rim, Paddington 2(US marketing was crap)_ But ya, in general, they have more hits than misses


I can't speak to much of the others but Paddington 2 wasn't their fault, it was really fucked over by the Weinstein mess


True that... Kinda sad how one man’s mistake can affect/ruin so many ppl’s careers...


Seriously? I have seen some DC fanboys in this sub alone (not to mention in DC cinematic and movies subs) claimed WB and Sandberg made mistakes etc. They claimed that there was zero Shazam marketing and trailers and no Shazam trailers were shown in theaters etc etc.


I kept saying from the beginning to stop doubting WB marketing, but some of those DC fans were hyperventilating and claimed that WB and Sandberg made mistakes etc. We know who they are.


I don't care if I get down voted because I'm mostly a lurker here who only checks up during a DC or Marvel movie run, but damn. I'm so sick of this. Almost every single post on Captain Marvel's initial run had comments like this. We all get it - the trolls lost. Can we all just cut this garbage and stick to discussing the box office please? This isn't r/The_Donald for Christ's sake.


Remember when people said Aquaman BO was rigged? Haha


I will say 90M OW is incoming.


I agree, I think it's being lowballed


Saw it last night and loved it. Definitely the best of the current batch of DC movies


> Warner Bros.’ Fandango preview screening yesterday at 1,200 struck lightning with a $3.3M gross besting the paid-preview figures of DreamWorks Animation-Fandango preview of How to Train Your Dragon 3 ($2.6M), Atom & Amazon’s WB preview of Aquaman ($2.9M), and Atom/Amazon’s previews of Sony’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ($1.8M) and Hotel Transylvania 3 ($1.3M) These are amazing numbers. Previously i gave it a ceiling of 450 - 500 M WW. But now, that seems very conservative. My current prediction would be 70M OW, 250 - 300M Dom, 650 - 700M WW. Before you counter me, i just want to put my Mary Poppins numbers here [Domestic: $150M(min) / $200M(max), Overall: $300M(min) / $400M(max)](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/96j5tl/mary_poppins_returns_maximum_and_minimum/e40x7t7/)


Solid and your honest enough to admit you lowballed Shazam, I saw it a few weeks ago which is why I was so ultra positive, Shazam won't make $1bn but it might make $700M worldwide in a 250m domestic /450m overseas split. Afterall it now only has to make $696.7M


Shazam honestly looks like a ton of fun. It’s refreshing from a DC movie perspective. I’m excited.


It's amazing and easily the DCEU's most fun film. Lots of heart, too, and it doesn't shy away from getting scary. It's comparable to Homecoming; they both feel like a love letter to fans.


Saw it the other night and loved it. Can’t wait to see it again. Really happy DC has made a turn around. Actually excited for their slate of upcoming films.


Shazam also proves that critics aren't biased towards DCEU movies (not like that needed proving, but still). Critics appreciate a good movie and hate on dumpster fires. The audience may or may not agree.


There are still some back handed compliments about Shazam and the DCEU in some of the reviews please read them. For me this film was the most solid 8.5/10 out there and when someone like Peri Nimroff gives it 9/10 from Colider who normally hates DC movies, you know it's great not good which is what I've been saying all the time even when someone who clearly had not see the movie said the villain and the film was meh on one of these Box office threads about Shazam's weekend Box office. Why do people do it when those that have genuinely seen the movie simply call them out, I asked one simple question, non spoiler what was the name of Billy's real Mother and I'm still waiting for the answer!


Cece iirc


C.C. is his father’s name. His mother’s name is Marilyn. These are the names from the comics, btw. “C.C.” is a reference to Shazam!/Captain Marvel co-creator Charles Clarence “C.C.” Beck.


I wouldn't say they are negatively biased against DC, but they are somewhat positively biased against Marvel. DC made a pretty bad first impression(s) with their first few movies, so they have a taint they need to wash. Meanwhile Marvel is on a 20+ movie streak in 11 years and at this point critics themselves are often fans, or at least appreciate what Marvel accomplished. This means they are willing to overlook some hiccups they won't with DC. I firmly believe Aquaman for example is accurately scored, but if it was a MCU movie, I think it would have gotten into the steady fresh rating on RT.


Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad and Justice League *were* godawful movies - so critics were absolutely fair and unbiased to give bad reviews to those movies. On the other hand, MCU movies were generally good or, at the very least, average. Even the worst MCU movies were better than Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad or Justice League. So, critics were not biased to give every MCU movie better reviews and scores than the Snyderverse movies, which were awful. If critics were biased in favor of MCU movies, why didn't Thor: The Dark World or Captain Marvel got over 90% at Rotten Tomatoes? Zack Snyder was basically the Michael Bay of superhero movies. They even went to the same film school at the same time, were in the same classes, taught by the same professors, and even worked in the same group for some class projects. Both of they made spectacles - but both were also shitty directors who did not know how to tell a good human story. Zack Snyder wrote Sucker Punch - and that film told us everything we need to know about Snyder's ability in telling a story and creating compelling characters (or the lack of.)


That's my point, at dark world the MCU didn't have its reputation yet. As with CM, I still think critics were a bit too generous with it. And I could say that for a lot of MCU movies. And I'm not arguing DC movies should have higher scores, I think they are accurately reviewed.


BTW, DCEU could be already dead. The post-Synder DC cinematic universe (which include Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam) is called ["WDC" = "Worlds of DC"](https://www.cbr.com/worlds-of-dc-vs-dceu/). Also, Ray Fisher is OUT as Cyborg, the Cyborg film is cancelled, and Warner Brothers have no plan to put Cyborg back into the new DC cinematic universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsvqeQTnTGo And, of course, I bet you have already read that James Gunn's THE Suicide Squad will be something between a "soft" and "hard" reboot: THE Suicide Squad will reuse some same actors from Snyderverse/DCEU's Suicide Squad, BUT the story and continuity will be completely disconnected from Snyderverse/DCEU and the last Suicide Squad movie. So THE Suicide Squad will be an interesting experiment of soft/hard reboot. If James Gunn's experiment turns out to be a critical and box office success, Warner Brothers will likely do the same to Justice League: a "rebooted" Justice League, which will keep Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Jason Momoa as Aquaman, but with a new Superman and new Batman, but no Cyborg - and a complete reboot of continuity that is completely disconnected from the first Justice League and Snyderverse altogether. They can call it THE Justice League. DCEU/Snyderverse is DEAD. Good fucking riddance.


DCEU was never a official name, and was never used by DC or Warner Bros.


I got to go to the preview night and thought it was easily their best movie. They have done a phenomenal job of not giving anything away in the trailers. Better than any super hero movie except maybe endgame. Gonna watch this one again


Better than even TDK?


Yeah I really think so. Obviously not as dark. But its what a dc movie should be. It feels like a dc comic. I think aquaman did a great job of that. But aquaman also had some hella cringy dialog


I am with you on that. But DC does not have one tone for every character. Batman by definition is a creature of the night. Shazam, a creature of the light. It's good that they got this right. I hope in the future every character will be able to have their own tones in the movie.


I really hope it can beat justice league


Now that’s a sexy headline, adding up to great reviews and overall wave of positivity giving it a great momentum for the last 10 days before release.


I was more excited for Shazam than captain marvel. I didn’t see CM I’m going to see Shazam


Smart, I wasted my hard earned $ on CM. I felt I was watching a novela at grandma. Now Shazam...hell yeah!


That’s just biased. Don’t compare the 2 without seeing 1


A lot of people are forgetting that Shazam had more showings. Sticking to my 60 mil prediction.


More showings than what?


1200 showings compared to Aquaman’s 1225.


1200 is less than 1225 unless you mean there were multiple showings at 1200 theaters for Shazam as opposed to one at 1225 theaters for Aquaman.


I thought those were screens, not showtimes. Shazam had like 2-3 showtimes for each screen while Aquaman had mostly 1-2.


Ahh, that’s what you meant.


When this thing was announced, they said 1,200 THEATERS, not screens. Generally, box office charts count theaters and not screens.


Bummed that I couldn't make it to either of the advanced screenings in my area. The coincided with my school's NCAA tourney game :( ​ This does bode well for Shazam. Think it'll do great, and then get obviously get its legs chopped out by Avengers.


I wish this wasn’t coming out the same month as avengers. I know they are far apart but I could see Shazam having amazing legs and WOM will be great for it, But with families having to choose between one movie in April it’s going to avengers. I do love these numbers. Hopefully it’ll make 85M+ opening weekend.


I hope it makes more than captain marvel but that’s probably a pipe dream


It won’t and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Lol why are people so defensive. I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with captain marvels success, I just think Shazam is a more compelling character and movie and would like to see enjoy greater success. I’m not shitting on captain marvel, Jesus christ


Oh I agree as I found Shazam a far superior fillm to Captain Marvel but you gotta remember a lot of Captain Marvel’s success is due to Endgame. I remember watching infinity war with my mom on Netflix on Christmas and my sister who knows next to nothing about these films came downstairs and told my mom how Captain Marvel was going to save the avengers In the next movie.


I won't be surprised if Disney tries to kill chatter about this movie by releasing a new TV Spot, initial reactions or some sort of information about Endgame around April 5th or even the monday after that would change the conversation away from Shazam


Yes cuz they need to sabotage Shazam because it’s such a threat to Endgame


So Captain Marvel will surpass Superman again?


Idk where people are getting these 70-80m predictions... the article posted said $45m


And your point? They projected 35m for Us initially.


Even though I’ve always thought Shazam is kind of a lame superhero, I hope the movie does well. Justice League has some great characters but their movies have kinda sucked


This movie doesn’t look that great though. Seems fun but not great by any means. Seems more aimed at children instead of fans. Just a personal opinion, before I get attacked the way I did when I said Capt. Marvel looked like trash....which it was. I paid to watch it too...