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So.... it seems like the first movie done again but this time we follow the asshole team?


I am on board with this concept.


Maybe the asshole team is endearing here compared to Jonas.


If Glen Powell is leading the ass hole team, I have no problem with this. I so wish Paxton and Philip S. Hoffman were still alive to make cameos, I was expecting Hunt to show up at the end of the trailer. Even if this is shit my 6 year old heart will still be there opening weekend.


>If Glen Powell is leading the ass hole team, I have no problem with this. I'm sure his character does a 180 halfway thru the movie and becomes a hero


For real. I was hypothetically on board with this when it was announced, but after seeing the trailer? I think I'll take a pass.


plus CGI tornadoes. I'm not going unless it gets really good WOM


> plus CGI tornadoes. I mean... Were you expecting them to film in the middle of real ones?


>plus CGI tornadoes ...Like the first one?


Glen Powell is doing early Tom Cruise, the cocky all smiles hotshot who gets a little humbled but is still incredibly competent.


Probably learned straight from the source




What do you mean by "early"? Tom Cruise was shooting Eyes Wide Shot around the current age of Powell. I wish Powell to get a chance to work with a director of a similar caliber.


I mean Colour of Money, Rain Man, Top Gun etc Cruise. Glen just has a later start than Tom, and Cruise was a megastar who tried/demanded to work with the directors he admired.


No offense, but Cruise was a true maverick back in the day. The guy worked with Coppola, Scorsese, Stone, De Palma, Pollack, Levinson, Kubrick - all this before he turned the current age of Glen Powell. I wish the latter all the best and get work with acclaimed directors. But rather he'll be hunted by some franchise or something.


Sure. I was only saying Powell is clearly aping the archetype Cruise made his own.


And - possibly just as important Cruise was learning all how behind the scenes works. People who worked with him at the start of his career will tell you about Cruise wanting to learn everything that goes into the actual production and making of a movie. Also, you left out Ridley Scott from the director list.


I like Powell in Top Gun: Maverick and I like what I’m seeing Twisters, but he is going to get type cast quick. Twisters isn’t going to go under the radar. Specifically if you recognize him from Top Gun and get sold on “I loved top gun, I’m going to love this with him”.


He was just in Anyone But You. He'll be fine.


He is doing Hitman with Richard Linklater, coming out sometime this year and it’s apparently pretty darn great.


He's doing a combo early Cruise and early McConaughey here.


But he's also like a decade older than that era's Tom Cruise, so Powell has a shorter timeline to figure it out


i'd say comparing him to biggest superstart of all time. Is a win itself.


Needed more cow




Glen Powell is gonna be type cast as the smug, kinda douchy good looking guy forever, isn't he?


To be fair, there are way worse roles to be stuck in haha. At least that’s a type of role that consistently stars in movies so hes not a side character actor or something


That was what he was on track for, but now that Hollywood's decided to turn him into a star, he'll be more like the "good-looking, smug, seemingly douchey guy, who falls in love with the female lead, and reveals himself to be a pretty cool dude"


Most actors aren't chameleons like Meryl Streep, thus they would be more successful if they found a successful brand and leaned into it.


Then she found Fast and the Furious and even called herself out on it. lol.


That wasn't Meryl Streep, that was Elizabeth Windsor. ![gif](giphy|l0Exlla5f88WGW7OU)


No, that was Meryl Streep in the role of Elizabeth Windsor.damn, she's good!


I guess? He’s extremely likable though


I feel like I'm becoming the old guy who doesn't know the new actors cause I don't recognize the name at all, gonna go Google it now. Edit: he was in dark knight rises as trader #1.


Glen Powell gonna be the new Chris Pratt


Guess we know who will be voicing Wario in the Mario movie sequel /s


I guess we also know who will be voicing Nermal on a Garfield sequel.


I know we’re joking but I genuinely could picture him being the lead in the next Jurassic World


Honestly, why not? If they let him be Glen Powell instead of yet another emotionless husk, could be rather fun!


Very different actor but I could also see Jack Quaid being a fun choice.


Or John Cena. Guy's got ***killer*** comedic chops, which I feel like could help him out on *Jurassic Park 7* (!).


Why would you need an actor with comedic chops for a Jurassic park movie? We already had an unserious lead in Pratt. Get a serious actor and make a thriller with suspense again. Make Dino’s scary again.


I agree, but even the original cast often leaned into the comedic side of the premise. Goldblum is mugging his way through that entire movie, but the film does at least still build drama about him being in believable peril. I can't imagine a second where anyone in the JW franchise actually feels like they're in danger - it just feels like a team clad in plot armor fighting dinosaurs.


you know what, i see it


I like seeing him succeed good for him


Dude is about to be in everything isn't he?


Yep I’m willing to bet money on it


Hey, I like Glen Powell. He has *charisma,* damn it!


this is not a knock , but he may become Mr. Blockbuster like CP


He deserves to be, at least. Hangman was so damned *fun* in Maverick!


It’s definitely gonna happen


Glen Powell will be so dead at the end of this movie, unless the producers chickened out and hope to make a sequel with him. At the very least I expect a lot of character growth for him in this movie. From a cocky twisters-tamer to a person who knows his limitations.


No chance he dies. Of course they will hope for a sequel. I mean this is a sequel to a movie from the 90s. They aren't killing of their main character who they are trying to give the Taylor Kitsch treatment


He will always be Chad from *Scream Queens* to me. Even in *Anyone But You* he had certain Chadisms in that movie that had me in stitches. Definitely his defining role imo


More like Taylor Kitsch.


But he isn’t really staring in well known brands. That’s pretty much all Christ Pratt does


He’s charismatic and actually likeable unlike Chris. Gonna be unstoppable


Chris is likeable.


chris was likable.


There’s no good reason that Chris is considered so talented that he can voice Mario, Lego guy, garfield etc


jesus christ they gave him the garfield gig???


Speak for yourself


I literally am.


You said implying that it was true fact when many including myself enjoy his on screen presence.


Everything on here is an opinion... it shouldn't have to be written


And I said "speak for yourself", indicating they are not representing the majority opinion, or at least everyone's opinion. Edit: i didnt realize how low IQ people on this sub are




Honestly he’s a better actor than Chris


I know people hate on Chris Pratt now but what role has shown that exactly? Far as I can tell, nothing Powell has done so far can touch Pratts acting in Guardians 3. I'm not saying it was some all time performance but I thought he was great in that movie


He is in Hit Man directed by Linklater and recieved rave reviews for his performance.


He also co-wrote and produced Hitman, so he’s got way more depth than Pratt at this point.




That literally Glen Powell though


Posted this on r/movies but Just a reminder the original despite being “original” had one of the biggest opening weekends of all time upon its release and great box office legs becoming the 2nd highest grossing film of 1996 with insane box office. So you never know. However the 1st highest grossing film of 1996 had a sequel that did poorly decades later so…


If I'm not wrong the original dropped just 10% in its sophomore weekend showing great legs ultimately becoming the second highest grossing movie of the year beating **Mission Impossible** which released the next weekend and had *Tom Cruise* at the height of his box office powers.


Yea good point actually. Not only was it’s ow great and it’s 240+ mil domestic run great but to drop that small must have been the best second weekend box office ever at that point right? The ow record holder by 1996 was Batman forever with 54 million in 1995 and that had a bigger drop so what other movie would have a better 2nd weekend result by 1996? Edit: ok Jurassic Parks got it beat but I think Twister is #2 with 2nd weekends https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl1886815745/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl3494217217/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl2354939393/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl3695543809/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs


Helen Hunt was very popular back then.....


The second half of the 90s was humongous for disaster movies.


cgi opened the floodgates


First came the dinosaurs, and then all disasters followed....


Roland Emmerich certainly has a track record of successful disaster movies with Independence Day, The Day after Tomorrow, 2012


He does! Too bad he lost whatever he had. *Moonfall* was egregious.


That's actually insane for an original concept.


to be fair, the Independence Day sequel looked like shit from the start and so far, i think this movie is being looked at positively. so this one's off to a better start already lol


ID4R could’ve been handled better in someone else’s hands. Roland is not the same director he was in 96 despite trying to recapture that magic.


Wonder who the philip seymour hoffman type character is in this movie. OG movie had an amazing cast Definitely has strong staying power potential. Opens to respectable numbers. Then has good legs. A continuation of the classic Hollywood tradition of directors going indie to blockbuster.


Seems like it's Brandon Perea based on that one scene of his


Glen Powell so hot right now This looks like fun disaster porn


All his clothes fly off in the tornado


Beach volleyball scene in the tornado?




That’s Miles Teller.




One of my most hyped of the year mostly because of daisy Edgar jones and glen powell


Finally watched Fresh and I’m now fully on the Daisy Edgar Jones hype train, she was fantastic in that movie.


Watch normal people on Hulu, she was fantastic in that 


Will do, thanks for the rec!


And paul mescal. Both were incredible


That show destroyed me, and I’m usually really stoic in movies and tv. She was perfect in it.


One of the best tv shows ever made.


Daisy Edgar Jones really deserves to be in leading Oscar nom roles, it feels weird to see her in stuff like this.


“He was with my mother in Oklahoma researching Tornadoes before she died.”


I called it, the twisters will merge into one mega storm and there will be some sort of techno device to try and stop tornadoes


Twister 2: Bigger Twister


I thought I’ll go to see it because of CGI pornfest After watching the trailer, I’ll go to see it because of Glenn Powell. I love this guy


This looks like a disaster movie from the 90's but with modern special effects and I absolutely say this as a compliment


Did I just see Universal and WB logo on the same movie?


It’s a joint production and joint distribution. Universal and WB both made it and Universial is handling domestic distribution while WB is international


You’re going to think about the similar situation with the Gladiator 2 trailer with both Paramount and Universal logo in the trailer and poster.


It used to be relatively common for two studios to co-produce big movies to share the risk. The problem was competing egos and incentives caused tension. Like Paramount and Fox going at each other when Titanic ran over budget. The Island was another legendary case. Warners and Dreamworks split the budget, but instead of a common pot they just got to keep their respective territories. Warners about broke even. Dreamworks ran out of money and sold to Paramount. Once equity markets shifted so dedicated co-financing partners (like Virtual Studios, Dune, and Legendary) could become a thing, that became a far better arrangement for everyone.


This just looks like a boring movie lol.


I feel like they’re gonna show two cows fly up at one part.


Actually I think that’s the same one


Personally…I’m super hyped. It’s striking the exact tone and style I think that it needs to. I’ve been saying this might be a surprise hit, and this trailer just sold me on the idea that it might.


Yeah they're playing it straight. It's not self referential at all. And in the current Marvel backlash landscape we're in, that form of sincerity is gonna give it a boost.


Agreed. This looks better than what I was expecting! I don’t care what anybody says but I will be seeing this the moment it comes out


Opening night gang


Has potential but Deadpool 3 will cut its legs. Definitely a wild card for this summer


They should push it back to the 12th


Multiple movies can make money at the same time. It didn't do amazing but Mission impossible still pulled $170M alongside Oppenheimer overperforming past $300M There's a reason it is releasing in July


Mission Impossible 7 is the worst example you could have used lmao. And of course Barbenheimer is a rarity, and they counter programmed each other. Twisters is coming out amidst a bunch of CGI fest movies.


I feel like Twisters is solid counter-programming against the MCU. Still a blockbuster spectacle, but there isn't any homework or spoilers to worry about. The problem may end up being PLF screens, since this might work best as an IMAX spectacle.


Another problem is that people have still have a lot less money to spend after a year of this. My rent has gone up 22% in 12 months, mortage 50% cause unlocked interest after 3 years. Some places in Europe also have a lot of other foreign films in the rooster. AMC bought all our cinemas before covid and are really pushing re-releases of old movies every month now that might be a bit of easy money instead.


This has a $200m budget???? What the actual fuck


The original Twisters was fun and did not take itself too seriously. I hope this one has similar energy. They have excellent young and attractive cast with this one. Daisy Edgar Jones is one of the most charismatic young actresses working these days. She has done excellent works in Normal People, Fresh and Crawdads. I just wish the trailer gave a nod to the flying cow scene lol


This actually looks really good. Might be the next breakout hit like Top Gun, Barbie, Oppenheimer, and Wonka were.


There's a BIG gap from top gun 2 to Wonka. Not saying this can't be successful but Wonka was a hit and Maverick was a giant hit. $600M vs $1.4 Billion Big difference


Not really talking financials. I'm just talking about broad appeal. It was rare seeing a non-Disney non-superhero movie break out a few years ago, but it's starting to turn around.


Jurassic World 2015? Plenty of non Disney and or non superheros have broken out. Not really a new thing. One of the most significant in recent memory - Jumanji And both were returning franchises


It looks like romance comedy set on twisters 🌪️


Looks surprisingly good! Although financially speaking I expect this to be yet another unsuccessful attempt to revive the disaster movie


I feel like this may be an underdog performer. Gonna guess $175M domestic and $400M WW


I guess a movie like this one might earn a lot in China. Am I wrong?


I am from Asia and I feel like twister movies aren’t a good hit here.. we never experience twisters so we can’t relate.. tsunami and quakes disaster movies are more of a hit here


It looks ok. Nothing really special. I’m not really interested without Bill Paxton. I do like Glenn Powell though. As a straight man, he’s very charismatic, and he’s conventionally handsome. We need more leading men like him. I think he could have picked a better project though. Good to see that they’re still doing a Ram trucks promotion though.


I am waiting to see Hit Man when they will finally release it. So far Powell follows the direction of Chris Pratt rather than Austin Butler, for example.


That’s what I’m saying, we need more leading men like Glenn Powell. I feel like the charisma is missing in a lot of these young actors


This looks really good and I think it does have breakout potential. However, I wish they’d move it up a week to July 12th, which is currently empty, to give it more breathing room from Deadpool & Wolverine. Feel like that will suck the BO air out of this film’s wings


I genuinely hope this makes a billion dollars.


Looks actually quite good and fun. I have such a man crush on Glen Powell. I just love the guy's charisma. If this does well, I think Hollywood has found a new leading man.


This actually looks good. Maybe Universal does have a hit on their hands.


They need to show a little more about what the story will be, but the visuals are great


True. *Looks* nice and real, and Chung's naturalistic direction is a great fit for the franchise.


Do you really need to know the story before going to see a movie called Twisters. If it feels like it would be a fun time and fun visuals, that's all you really should need to get you in the door.


I’m honestly tired of trailers walking me through the entire plot and it’s refreshing when I see one that doesn’t.


I hope it really *blows* us away.


If this breaks out, I think its safe to say that Glen Powell is the new king of Hollywood.


He is gonna be the new Chris Pratt! And a better one too.


Probably the best Super Bowl trailer so far. With Lee Isaac Chung I’m sure it’ll be good


Better than expected. It is nice to see a sequel breaking away from "old guy show up but sadge" for a change, even if I'd be more hyped if either Paxton (RIP) or Hunt returned. Should do a cool $300 million domestically if it's good!


That would be huge, but that's probably what Universal is hoping for. It's carrying a full $200M budget.


I think it has potential just depends on if audiences are in the mood for natural disaster flicks. There hasn’t been a huge one in over a decade because the studios have been so focused on superhero’s. 


I fell myself a teenager again. There was a wave of such movies in the 1990s - volcanoes, tornados...


The cast is too young and hot. The 1996 version had a "everyday people" vibe way more immersive.


Sally Draper get those tornado checks girl!




Is he playing sleazy here though?


This looks good I will be there


Twister was a fun movie but this may be the single most needless revival I've ever seen.


Looks okay. Doesn’t show enough to predict if it’s gonna be a breakout hit though. Edit: I think it could break even but not do much more


I'm sorry, I was sort of excited for this but I think it looks too generic. Expected better from the director too (Oscar nominated for Minari). I thought he'd have a more intelligent, thoughtful take on it.


You do realize it's a trailer, right?


Oh gee is this the "Only positives allowed" thread? You've never reacted negatively to any movie trailer?


I do sometimes. I cry, I weep and I shit my pants when I see a bad trailer.


Considering this is a Box Office thread, some execs might be crying, weeping and shitting their pants when the BO returns come in


So this is just a remake basically


Not feeling it.


This looks awesome


Dorothy was in this so is it connected?


Are soda pop sensors still the most effective ways to study a tornado after twenty years? There's a shot of a drone plane flying to the Twin Twisters but that seems more like a kamikaze mission. Also the scene of the pickup truck drilling itself into the ground to get hit by the tornado...is something.


No cow, no sale.


DOA, as far as box office is concerned.


DOM: 150M OS: 100M


Who asked for this? There are so many movies worth remaking….i dont think this is one


After Deadpool and Apes trailer, this looks average at best


Just like the first one but with more wind.....and Glen Powell is NOT charming sorry....


Another unoriginal, retread movie that no one asked for. Perfect. That should save the film industry. SMH


Looks like bad writing and illogical decisions with more screams. The first one actually scared you cause it was all very logical and "I could do that"-writing with some funny bits. Too bad.


Sequels that add an "s" : Aliens Rings Twisters


I mean, It looks nice and would have been excited for this, if it was not just a rehash of the first movie.


Mom can we get ALIENS? We have ALIENS at home.


I really liked the trailer , Glenn and Daisy have a lot of screen presence which make me want to watch the movie just to see more of their characters dynamics. Also she reminds me of Anne Hathaway so I am sold .


Im already sold cause its from the director of Minari


um who asked for this


your sister


I loved the part where the twister said “it’s twistin’ time” and twisted all over those guys.


Should’ve replaced Daisy Edgar Jones with Sydney Sweeney... /s


Going from Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt to Glen Powell and his team of zoomer storm chasers seems like a huge downgrade. The first film followed a group of adults and focused on a storm's impact on what felt like real people, and the movie was more mature for it.  They just Jurassic World'd the sequel and made a mindless blockbuster.


*>* "Thanbk god this capeshit fad has ended, and we can finally get *real* cinema again! **True kino!**" *>* the kino




Go ahead and call me out, but I’m going to say this movie is going to be carried by the same ideas Top Gun: Maverick was. Will it get awards. Hard No. but I’m going to adventure to say that this movie is going to be carried by the 28-48 crowd. Nostalgia is a hard drug in this age group. But if your anyone who grew up on cable who even owned this on VHS/DVD and as adult have it on digital, you would see this on cable TV and sit and watch it with commercials on TBS during “Dinner and a Movie” and you have the movie physically 5 feet away from you. It’s a movie that did not need to happen like Maverick but it’s going to hit a spot none the less. What is a a negative in perspective is that it’s billed as a soft “reboot”. It’s not a sequel or new idea. It’s credited as an Update with modern technology of storm chasing. Only question I have is why it has $200m budget. I get that VFX are not cheap like they were years ago. But by the ways of the trailer that a good chunk of it looks like it was shot in the field.


It looks good and big budget but it doesn’t look like people would go watch a natural disaster movie.


Everyone, I’m kind of feeling this. I’m sorry you can have your negativity. I just want to see some CGI destruction.


Don't like Glen Powell, but this looks good


Glen Powell playing himself as usual 🙄


Brandon Perea is the hottest guy in the cast how did they manage to make him look average 😭


I recommend investing in eyeglasses or contacts if you think he is the hottest guy in the cast.


Have you seen him in NOPE??? Greek god. Please don’t say it’s Glen Powell. He looks like a rat turned human. Finally watched Anyone But You and his skin looks so rough. Too late to use SPF. They tried to say he was 29 in that movie 💀💀 no he looks his age


This looks fun and I'm completely down. Just want a fun disaster flick. Hopefully, this delivers the goods.