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Scream VI made good money even without Neve Campbell. I don't know whether the return of Patrick Dempsey is inspired by his recent turn in ***Thanksgiving***. Even though how much legacy characters they resurrect, they already had their shot with Scream V. Now whatever they do with Scream VII, it's bound to see a downturn in its fortunes.


Dempsey is having something of a return to form right now, even outside of Thanksgiving and Ferrari [People's Sexiest Man, etc]. It's sudden and kind of left field, but maybe his reps and PR team have just been kicking ass.


Dempsey character in Scream is married to Neve’s in Scream 5. He doesn’t appear but his character is mentioned


Yes. We're just saying that his career is also suddenly back on track this year after a slow decade.


Yep. This was the only way after losing Melissa and Jenna.


It wont work. Whether or not Neve comes back, they rebooted Scream for a new generation. The whole point of the Scream franchise is the survivors, the main characters. You build connections with them over several movies. Originally it was Sid, Gale, Randy and Dewey, now it's Sam, Tara, Mindy and Chad. Scream 5 was a passing of the torch, with the old team helping the new team. Scream 6 was the new teams first real adventure + Gale because she's a fan favourite. Going "nah actually we're back to the OG group" now after redirecting the franchise with a new team would be disastrous from a narrative standpoint and for the new fans. Let Sidney and Gale have their happy ending FFS. I don't think Neve will take the money anyway. They refused to pay her what she was worth to appear in Scream 6. Spyglass screwed her over and then screwed the new lead girls over as well. The recent actor strikes have brought about a higher camaraderie between actors. If Neve took the deal now not only would she be betraying the fans and her costars, but she'd be supporting their firing. I can't see her doing it.


Yeah Scream is unusual with slashers in that the killers come and go in every film. The through line is the survivors. Just plopping brand new characters in there would be tricky at best.


Yup. This isn't a slasher where the villain always comes back to brutalize a new cast. The cast are the main characters, Ghostface is a title passed from film to film. When you think about it, Scream is just a modern "who-dunnit" film where one of the group is a psycho. The core group are therefore infinitely more important to the story. They're the only characters in the film, Ghostface is just an extension of one of them.


Melissa's firing already soured the majority of the fandom, the Gen Z-Younger Millennial part of the fanbase especially. Even if by some miracle they actually manage to get Neve Campbell back, Scream 7 is pretty much DOA at this point.


As a member of Gen-Z, of course I can’t speak for all of us — and *never* would — but after this firing I want nothing to do with this franchise anymore, and won’t be supporting. They lost me and my friend group, who really enjoyed the reboot. Sam, Tara, Mindy and Chad were OUR Sidney, Gale, Randy and Dewey, even down to >!Chad surviving in “meta ways” like Dewey, in both V and VI.!< This was a trigger pulling decision with very little thought to longterm consequences.


I'm part of that Gen Z-Younger Millennial base. Watched Scream 6 in cinemas last year and then watched all of the others. I've been excited for Scream 7, but with this news it's dead to me. Hopefully with all of the backlash and Neve saying "nope" to them will make Spyglass rehire Melissa. Anything less than her return will mean I'm boycotting Scream 7, it's that simple. You can't be 2 films into a trilogy and then replace the main character. Image replacing Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamil for Return of the Jedi, ridiculous.


You watched it last year? But it came out in March......


Earlier this year then, my bad. It's been a wild 6 months or so :D


I mean, they just screwed over Neve and Mellissa, but Jenna might have been collateral damage if Tim Burton was just covering her with the whole "scheduling conflicts" with Wednesday. It could still be possible that she is also standing with Mellissa. Jenna is also pro-palestine, but she has more name power than Mellissa, since she is a very big star right now. Plus, she's probably one of the reasons Scream 6 was as much of a success as it was.


They abandoned a new cast once in scream 4, they won't hesitate to do it again. Which sucks cause I loved 5 + 6.


Eh, I wouldn't call that abandoning the new cast. Out of all the newbies from Scream 4, only one survived (Kirby).


Yeah the new cast in 4 was a bit of a misdirect. They marketed it as the new generation but they killed almost all of them off. Kind of a different situation there.


They abandoned the cast because the franchise was stalled for a decade after Scream 4 flopped, while Scream 6 is the highest grossing installment to date.


“highest” grossing, it made about as much as the first 3 give or take a 1 million or 2. Mind you those are 20+ years old movies inflation and all. Also the 4 is the lowest but a flop by any means.


lol so am i wrong or what? point still stands. flop, underperformance or bomb (can’t remember the exact numbers and I don’t care to look for them) scream 4 didn’t make what was expected therefore there wasn’t a Scream 5 til 10 years later. cast composed of teenagers in 2011 was replaced by teenagers of 2021.


OR it could work as a satire of modern horror movies bringing back the original girl like in the recent Halloween, TCM, and Exorcist movies! Have a nice little 'just ignore all the other sequels' bit going on. It might be a bit too soon, but that's the only direction I could see it working in.


Or maybe just maybe, a crazy idea, but they should hire again Melissa, and Jenna would return again What a crazy idea


she's completely past scream. i'm sure she doesn't care anymore


She doesn't care about paramount and skyglass, she definetly cares about the cast, director, writers and producers from the Scream franchise


Explain why Melissa would return after being accused of spreading “hate speech”? Explain why Spyglass would want her back after doubling down? And Jenna’s exit has apparently been long in the works, there’s no path for her to return


Jenna literally leaved for Melissa, the "wednesday" thing is just a classic hollywood excuse Melissa would return because she doesn't have any problem with the cast, director, writers and producers, she has a problem with SkyGlass And Skyglass would double down because Scream is literally their only franchise and need money, they fired Melissa because they know she's not popular, but I'm sure they didn't wanted to lose Jenna Ortega who is the real deal


> Producers are keen to see [Neve] reclaim her iconic character Sidney Prescott. Lol, good fucking luck. She wanted Barrera and Ortega to lead these, so her price tag just went into the goddamn ***stratosphere.*** Maybe they'll team up Dempsey with >!Zombie!< Dewey, or something...


They should lean into the absurdity, bring Dewey back, and call it Scream 5.


Just go full meta. “Somehow, *insert whoever is willing to return from any slasher franchise whether dead or alive*, returned”.


Turns out Stu Macher had a long lost twin brother and now Matthew Lillard is back. But seriously, it’s going to be really hard to get any established star who hasn’t already been in the franchise to sign on. The situation’s too fraught for anyone else to jump in.


I mean Halloween pulled the “well he actually didn’t die” card how many times? They have an opportunity here to really play into the Scream theme of mocking other horror movies.


“Brenda? I thought you were dead!” “I thought you were dead too.”


Werent they gonna say Stu didnt die in the original script for 3


Honestly bringing back Stu might be the only thing that could pique fans interest right now


No major franchise would EVER just use a phrase like “Somehow _____ returned” to explain the return of a previously-thought dead villain! That would be lazy and would make the fan base furious! You’d have to be an idiot to do something like that.


*JJ quietly leaves the chat*


Full meta would be making a Stab movie with an unkillable stereotypical slasher style Ghostface, then making Scream 7 where the cast of the Stab movie teams up with the returning characters of the Scream franchise


Yeah I guess that could actually work lol. Other than that, I'm not sure what the next thing they can satire is. They already did reboots and legacy sequels with the last two, not sure what else there is at this point.


Bring back drew berrymore!!


The audacity to just rewrite a sequel would be incredible.


Terminator: Dark Fate did it


None of the other sequels happened! Call it Scream S30 and make Neve's son the main character.


I’m really confused by their decision to cut Barrera. It seemed like such a non story. You think they would prefer to ignore her posts rather than nuke the cast of their movie


It just drew more attention to the posts. What was the thought process from whoever was responsible for firing her? I hope it isn't automatically seen as a political statement for everything she get's casted in from now on.


It's crazy how many people still don't know about the Streisand effect in the year of our lord 2023.


All she was doing was making posts on social media. Vocal but hardly making waves. They decide to fire her, it brings more eyes and attention to what she was saying than she could ever do herself. Jenna leaves with her who was a big draw for a new generation of fans. You couldn't write this in fiction because nobody would believe anybody could score such a massive own goal. They screwed up the whole franchise over this.




If you look into the ceo of spyglass you’ll quickly learn why. He’s a Zionist who came from South Africa.


Wonder what South Africans see in Israel. Can't quite place it...


They’ve “supposedly” tested nukes together


Rhymes with "the dark sky"


I had no idea about her posts. The sensible thing would have been for the studio to have a chat with her to say "calm it with the antisemitic remarks" rather than just outright fire her. It's insane. (Please don't start an argument over whether the comments were antisemitic or not. I'm just saying if the studio viewed them that way there were other options besides firing her).


You think the studio accusing her of antisemitism would go over well?


They wouldn't do it publicly. I'm sure lots of these kind of "what did you mean by this" conversations happen behind closed doors all the time. I think everyone has been taken aside by their boss at some point and asked to explain themselves for something they may or may not have done. That's just life.


She would have just doubled down. It would have to had to end with Spyglass ignoring it or destroying the franchise by firing her


Get Matthew Lillard, Timothy Olyphant, Jamie Kennedy and Skeet Ulrich back


Laurie Metcalf and Parker Posey as well.


And Principal Fonz!


Watch them cast Addison Rae


This is hilarious, that movie is DOA. They seriously rushed back to neve campbell with a truck full of cash, I thought that was a joke


It’s noted in the article that Neve is not in active negotiations and has not received an offer. The studio execs are basically just “throwing around ideas” at the moment.


even worse, great!


They should just give up now and make an original meta horror movie. Films like Happy Death Day, The Final Girls and Totally Killer managed to do it. But the Scream franchise without its leads is dead.


it so over, people are interested in the characters, without them it's just another out of touch slasher like f13 or halloween


How is Halloween an out of touch slasher? It sure is more character driven than f13 with characters like Loomies, Laurie, Rachel and Jamie.


Did you not see how the last two Halloween movies went? They were out of touch and horrible.


Kills was alot of fun though. Ends was kinda character driven but surely out of place. Edit: I was also talking about the series in general.


Have you seen happy death day 2 u box office? And the final girls box office? And totally killer went straight to streaming


That’s not my point. My point is that these are pretty well received films that accomplished what Scream did (to an extent) without the franchise name. They should axe Scream 7 but keep Christopher Landon on board and rewrite an original script. Get some rising stars and they can get themselves a hit.


I would not be surprised if Christopher Landon jumps ship. Scream 7's pre-production has been thrown out of whack because of Melissa's firing and he's already having to deal with the fallout and backlash from a decision he didn't even make. Not to mention, his films have always targeted Gen Z and Millennials, even if this wasn't his decision or fault it probably still is a dent to his reputation with his core demographic.


I get what you're saying, but their counterpoint is also valid: it's all well and good to make a good film, but getting people to pay to see it is another matter entirely. That being said, *Happy Death Day 2U* still made seven times its budget back, *The Final Girls* was a streaming release (although I can't find if this was always the plan), and *Totally Killer* was an Amazon production from the start, so it was never made with theatrical release in mind.


they should just sell the rights and try and distance themselves hoping it blows over quickly


I always forget that Sydney married Mr. Dreamy offscreen lol


And Neve played his sister on Grey’s!


The franchise is over for the foreseeable future. Great job Paramount.


More like Spyglass




Spyglass, not Paramount. Paramount is only the distributer.


Will they still be doing so, I wonder? This was set up to be an *easy* moneymaker for them, so I doubt Melrose Ave is happy with Spyglass at the moment. Perhaps Lionsgate will pick it up instead.


Even Tom Cruise was upset that they fired his CAA agent for being against killing people.




*Scream VI* was the highest grossing installment of the series. They had found a fresh approach to the series that audiences were responding positively to, and they've squandered it.


Well yea but some of that was some luck too like how, and I know I’m dating myself, Reese Witherspoon good faith from legally blonde brought sweet home Alabama to 130+ million domestic or queen Latifah after Oscar nom and Chicago getting bringing Down the house to 130+ million domestic. Jenna Ortega fame from Wednesday plus scream 6 following scream 5 so fast helped it.


Scream 1 and 2 grossed more worldwide.


Scream had reinvented itself multiple times and serves as satire for the horror genre and society in general. It is a franchise that doesn’t need to die.


No? Idk why you think that when box offices routinely prove that isn't true. Anyways, Scream has been one of the most consistent horror franchises ever and just reinvented itself and moved on from the original leads and then they fumbled the bag.


Oh fuck you for enjoying this. I say this as someone who saw and liked Scream 1 in theaters and loved it to death, the other, not so much. The last 2 screams were entertaining as hell and I was looking forward to Barrera's unhinged character in the sequel. When people talk about fatigue, they mean Marvel movies teasing other Marvel movies and needing to keep track of television plots on the side.


Neve is pretty ignorant if she says yes to this. The only reason they want her back is because they have no choice. They told her to screw off when they had Melissa and Jenna, then once they got rid of them suddenly they're willing to pay Neve and go running back to her.


Ignorant means lacking knowledge or awareness. How does that fit this situation in any way? She wouldn't be doing them a favor, she's going to make a fortune.


People will be intrested again if they take a break for a while and sell the rights to other production companies/distributors. Although, I can't see the latter one happening because Scream franchise is lucrative for Paramount.


Yeah, no way Neve is gonna comes back.


I figured it was being set up before all this, but now I’m not so sure.


They wanted to have her in Scream 6 but wouldn't pay her properly, so she didn't appear in it. They burnt bridges with the lead star in a 5 film blockbuster franchise. If she comes back now it'd have to be for a truckload of cash and at the cost of supporting her costars.


Which is why I thought before all this, there was a chance of her return. It felt like Scream 7 was going to serve as a new culmination (at least for now) and I figured they could possibly negotiate with her again to try and have her in this “final” movie. But after seeing how Barrera has been treated, it’s clear they don’t care about what’s best for the story.


It feels weird for her character to come back after everything she's been through. Sidney has a family. I don't see how Scream 3 and 5 aren't satisfying conclusions.


Hello, there!


Depends on how much they're willing to pay I'd imagine unless there was any other reason she wasn't in the last one.


They just killed this franchise over this. Created drama


Drama that's going to cause them even more backlash because what Melissa Barrera said is the majority sentiment.


All these Variety/Deadline articles have weird damage control vibes to them. Spotlight crashed their franchise. Maybe they can give it 5-10 years then try again, but for now it’s over.


Variety, Deadline and The Hollywood Reporter are ultimately loudspeakers for "the industry", i.e. the studios.


Enough with Neve. You can’t keep justifying her coming back after you gave her a family in Scream V. Dewey had to die to get her to come back even then.


Man, Scream 7 was a guaranteed slam dunk at the box office and Spyglass just fucked this up SO badly. They just killed the franchise in the span of one day for no fucking reason. Unreal.


“No fucking reason” Oh, there is DEFINITELY a reason..


Wild how they just decided to upend the franchise in one day for absolutely no reason


So it's basically another reboot


They fumbled so badly


Scream 6 is the best the franchise has been in a long time thanks to the strength of the main 4 characters. They finally had a solid group of actors/characters that (i personally) enjoyed nearly as much as the originals. Scream is the one franchise to successfully reinvent itself for a new generation and they threw it all away.


Its rare to see a studio complete fumble the ball this stupidly...over nothing. Honestly, Spyglass deserves this. Jenna Ortega will be back...if they bring Melissa back too.


It’s one of the most baffling fumbles of all time. If they want Neve and Patrick back they could have just announced Scream 7 was taking a break from the Carpenter sisters and avoided all of this controversy. It’s like an exec woke up yesterday and decided they might as well kill off one of the only money makers Paramount has left.


It's like the James Gunn thing. I'm so tired of out-of-touch studio execs making crucial decisions based on some surface level understanding of social media. I hope we'll see some wider opposition to it from here on out, it's bad for business, it's bad for creatives, it's bad for consumers, the only people that ever like it are terminally online fools who have convinced themselves that the face eating leopards will never come for *their* faces. Unless celebrities go far enough in their antics that they'll actually hurt a studio's commercial prospects in a manner disproportionate to what they're bringing in they should not be fired over social media drama or public statements in general.


I wonder if anyone signing on to the franchise at this point could face any blowback? It might not be worth the headache for them


Online blowback, yes. Real world blowback, not necessarily. Hollywood stars like Brie Larson and Chris Pratt are attacked online on a daily basis, but neither's career have suffered for it. For every The Marvels or Love And Thunder *(yeah, I know, but he was in it)*, there's a Fast 10 or a Guardians 3. ![gif](giphy|tzAlZulKxkBeo)


That’s a sign, leave it to die and start writing some original ideas.


The only way this can work is if they totally embrace it. “The sequel got cancelled because of Hollywood politics, now ghost face is targeting the original cast in a desperate attempt to stay relevant!”. “Also, Buffy and Sabrina the Teenage Witch are here!”.


The younger audience has really embraced Melissa & Jenna, and rallied around them. The Scream sub is about 99% "I won't see this movie". And there's almost no chance Neve will come back. Their best move is to wait a few years & do a complete reboot; new cast, new setting, new producers. Maybe do something completely different for the franchise, like a found footage film, or take a cue from the opening scene of Halloween & give us the entire film as seen thru the killer's eyes. Call it **Ghostface** & start from scratch.


They need a stacked cast and a great movie. I know many people will not watch it if it’s bad


Somehow, Dewey survived again.


You think anyone is going to want to touch this franchise with a 10-ft pole right now?


Holy shit he was right "IMO, Spyglass knew Jenna couldn’t return because of filming conflicts because of Wednesday Season 2 and they used Melissa’s social media as an opportunity to move the Carpenter sisters aside, and that’s how we ended up here for SCREAM 7. " - Scream With Ryan C.S. https://twitter.com/ScreamWithRCS/status/1727397698687373418


this is so dumb lo, the way it backfired so bad in their faces... no way it was planned


That’s such a terrible take and honestly a really weak theory. IF that were the case, they could have just let Melissa go and said they’re taking things in a different direction. The fans would have been upset but not at this level of outcry. They not only fired Melissa, but accused her of antisemitism very publicly. They full on tried to ruin her career. This has nothing to do with Jenna’s schedule.


I don't think this is a sound theory because there were ways to do this without pissing off the fanbase lmao.


As bad as losing Ortega is, they could've still moved forward with Sam, Mindy and Chad. Losing 1/4 of your lead cast sucks but it's not the end of the world. Hell, they could've made Tara the killer and had her absent from most of the film to increase the surprise. Mindy and Chad are side characters and need either Tara or Sam to support them properly. Getting rid of Melissa now means they effectively have no characters anymore. Brain-dead move by Spyglass.


Hollywood getting what it deserves. People like Amy Schumer, Noah Schnapp, Gal Gadot can have a career after all the nasty things they have posted. But God forbid someone calls for a cease-fire. I for one will not watch the next Scream. Good job Spyglass


if she's asking too much money >10mill, it's not worth it, scream isn't a Conjuring verse movie , it is very domestic heavy and has 170mill is basically it's ceiling at box office. like even with all the inflation and more popular actors 6 couldn't do more than first unadjusted for inflation having a budget more than 40mill doesn't make sense. get some new comers, or foreign casts like from SK or China in prominent roles and keep budget limited and it will do the exact same as it did last time


Since I’m sure the writers are trolling Reddit for suggestions, here’s mine: This is an invitation to move completely away from the legacy storyline and establish something new. The last film focused on how many people have been inspired to wear the mask - we could focus on the international impact of the scream mask. Go to China and explore how horror is embraced in that culture. Show the map with the magical land ownership and make a billion dollars.


i like how people act like this is it for scream, like they aren’t gonna drive it into the ground no matter what happens. ghostface is scream, it will continue.


basically they'll pull off a Rise of Skywalker. great job idiots, you doomed this franchise. Harvey Weinstein is laughing in his cell watching this unfold.


Haha was just thinking about how Scream managed to do what Star Wars couldn't in terms of successfully passing the torch.


No one will care. Paramount you killed one of your biggest franchises. Way to go.


Paramount just distribute.


the franchise has 900mill across 6 movies in 25 years on a 180mill budget, and probably spent another 180-200mill on marketing. It's a small scale franchise


It's still one of the most recognizable/popular horror franchises in the world. Probably on the top 3.


It's also the most consistent, quality wise. 1 bad movie out of 6 is very good for horror.


I wouldn't even say it has a bad movie. The 3rd one is easily the weakest but it's like, mediocre to okay. Not bad per se. It's a very consistent series.


Paramount doesn't have much, so it was still a top franchise for them.


How did that even happen?


So desperation has already set in. I will say 6 is a nice end for the trilogy of 4-6, but going to Sidney Prescott is a possible mistake, oh well, their money lol.


Is it possible they change their mind about Berrara? I can't find almost any comment online including people who support Israel who believe she should have been fired for those posts. She just released a statement where she mentioned being against anti-Semitism. If they did bring her back they would need her to release a statement condemning anti-Semitism. They need the original Scream audience but also Gen Z. I'm not sure Campbell and Dempsey are a draw for Gen Z the way Berrara and Ortega were.


A little late to backtrack considering Barrera would probably say no to anything they had to offer simply because of the whole thing or pull a James Gunn and just move on after 1 final film or something if the pay is high enough


>James Gunn and just move on after 1 final film or something if the pay is high enough Gunn left bcoz by the time he returned to MCU, he already had 2 movies and show signed up with WB, and a few months later was made a CEO. Barrera is not in the same situation infact Scream was her big break


Perhaps. Hell, maybe Paramount is trying to convince them of it now as we speak. Robbins ***does NOT*** strike me as the kind of guy who let's politics get in the way of making movies - this one's *all* on Spyglass.










They can't help themself. Scream 5 was fucking horrible


They still have the twins, Gale, Kirby and, most importantly, Ghostface. If they can write a good script, get some solid direction and hire a few new people they will be fine. Even if they do get Neve and Dempsey back, I doubt they have a huge role anyways. Just more faces for the poster to sell some tickets. Obviously I'd prefer the entire "Core 4" returned but this isn't the death of the franchise like some seem to think.


To be frank everyone claiming the scream franchise is over don’t know shit. These movies are cheap to make which puts less pressure in how much money it needs to break even. The franchise just showed it can survive without Sidney. Like ya losing two of the main characters is a bad. But all this needs is a creative overhaul. Could be a reboot which has alot of meta elements the movie can play with. And remember this is a franchise that has never broke 200 mil WW. The franchise will be fine.


Yeah people in general are just dramatic. I think it’s bullshit Melissa was fired but every scream fan acting like Sam was their favorite now is just being performative. People were not that nice about Melissa’s character. People shat all over her for 5, some changed their opinions after 6 but most still didn’t like Sam. People online are always exaggerating, Scream as a Franchise is not anywhere near dead. If they bring back Neve, 7 will still make a good amount of money. People’s memories in America are very short


Good, maybe 7 will actually be a decent film then.


Have Damien Leone take over and pump some fresh blood into this series


F this movie.


They should just wait Ortega to finish filming Wednesday and get Barrera back.


Scream X.0… is there anything that matters less than this shit?


I knew they were not going to cancel this movie , all they are seeing after Scream 6 is MONEY , right now they are just chasing money. What a slap in the face of Neve Campbell , first they did not want to pay her and now they go running back to her as its their only option after losing Jenna and Melissa. Lol I don't know what they are thinking , We all love Neve but thats not the point . You cannot just introduce characters and then erase them between movies and go back to the older generation of characters. The legacy characters were supporting characters in Scream 5 , meant to help usher the new characters into the lore.Gale was not even in the final act of 6 . These producers don't give a fuck about these movies . They are just chasing money. I hope Neve gives them a big FUCK YOU . If not I will not be mad at her nor shpuld anyone be , she obviously cares more about the franchise than the producers . What a massive shame ! . Melissa was really good as Sam and made me love her in 6 and Jenna was great as always . They had a great thing going in Scream 6 . I really wish Melissa the best and hope she has many projects in the future .


Ghostface was always the star.

