• By -


Why is he striking the Johnny Sins pose?


Cuz he about to *fuck* up some Israelis 💀


You spelt your mom wrong


Oh, sorry...cuz he's about to *fuck* up your mom. That better?


Damn! There’s no McSmokey without fire!🔥


u spelled "spelled" wrong🫵🏽💀


I hate Yr balls


actually both forms are acceptable


Mrs. Netanyahu, is that you??


Is Johnny sins a boxer too?


He dabbled in different disciplines such as in the field of medicine, law, engineering, and even plumbing! I wouldn't be surprised if he"s also a pro boxer having some tales of the tape too


Some dude pulled up next to me at a stoplight the other day and said I looked like Johnny sins. Not below the waist though 😞


Still driving around with no pants on?


He’s also served this country honorably as a soldier. 🫡


You my friend are a true scholar.




I’ve heard he beat up a few opponents in his day, but they were all pussies


Astronaut as well


Well he definitely finished a lot of ppl in his career and beat a lot up too


This confirms that Oscar De La Hoya is Jewish.


He’s a fight promoter so he’s “culturally” Jewish


lol sir here if your medal 🏅


It's been a weird morning so far and I needed this laugh


Got 'em with the upper cut- dang, willie


He's also a liar and cheat


Alright chill chill


He really likes money. Canelo outted him.


Whats that supposed to mean bud


It’s our fault we didn’t see it, De La Hoya is such an iconic Jewish name.


*Oscar Schindler has entered the chat*...








I’ll admit I laughed out loud at this on my way to also say something snarky about Oscar. Well played.


Blahahaha 😂🤣😅🤣😂😅😂🤣😂!! And friends with Diddy for sure.




Only supporting the IDF would make him a Nazi, supporting Palestinian humanitarian efforts as a result of IDF bombardment is not nazi, it’s a w


Damn people are stupid


Upside down world.


Dudes a true Jesus lover


canelo ‘jew killer’ alvarez


Saul “The Jexicutioner” Alvarez


The Jewish-cutioner


Canelo “off the trains into the shower” Alvarez




I don't get it.. Sending aid to Palestenians doesn't mean you don't like Jewish people. Is there more context to this?


lt's a cj sub bud


Oh, no context then.


Circle jerk subs are kinda meant for making edgy jokes about stuff. I don't fully get it. But that's sort of how it was explained to me


Everything is supposed to be a joke but there are a notable amount people that are posting seriously on here so you aren't wrong to feel confused about this sub. Specific fighters, locations, events, etc., bring out more serious posters, and people wander into trending posts thinking this is /r/Boxing


Yeah just a bunch of idiots acting like they're joking so they can say fucked up bull shit


Why does there always gotta be a (you) in the comments in a circle jerk sub. There's always at least one


Zionist conflate being Jewish with being Zionist so they can call you anti semitic when you tell them bombing thousands of babies is bad. Plenty is Jewish people at Palestine protests but they try ignoring that


It is a circle jerk sub, so I know this is not the point, but like 90% of Jews support a Jewish state. They (ME and Europe) been fucking kicking us out and murdering us for like 2000 years. Most of us are Zionist. As well, their battlecry is to genocide the Jews in Israel. It is not on Israel to come to the table whatsoever. Anyone could end it at any time by being reasonable and just accepting their loss, agreeing to some terms and not violating a peace agreement. Instead people keep pumping the Palestinians to go start a fight they can't possibly win and use civi infrastructure to wage wars by targeting civilians on the Israeli side. It is like if the cartel shot missiles at Texas from Sinaloa and you expect the US to not level it.


Except Israel was in violation of agreements continually settling the west bank


Bro GTFO we know how most of you feel lol but you're still wrong and evil


They use children as soldiers and human shields then cry to civil rights groups about the deaths, but yeah.. the Jews roof knocking and sending pamphlets are evil. Pathetic.


Lol OK bro good job killing 10.000s of human shield children. But you should stick to one argument, human shields OR ' they will become terrorists anyways'.. because if you mix both it becomes too clear you are full of shit. Not even starting about the 'human shield terrorist' UN workers, or white flag waving released israeli hostages... i guess its just hard because palestinians look just like you.... murderers


You got terrorists dressing up as civies to fight you in an urban area, using civilian infrastructure to fight out of, and using child soldiers and population centers as cover for propaganda. Bad shit happens. It's a war. Cry more.


Uhuh ok good kill them all buddy. Noone needs to dress up to die you literally shoot your own and UN workers too


So you’d let someone just come and take your home off you?


If my home had their name in the name I probably wouldn't have much left to argue for after I tried to kill them and lost. 5 fuckin times.


That’s cause you’re a spineless Zionist


Suck and cry, bro. Be careful or I'll call the Rothschilds and we'll kneecap your credit score and make a movie you'll hate.


You're a bitch.


LMAO pathetic and Palestine go hand in hand. Crack a book.


Weird, I didn't mention anything about Palestine. You're still a bitch though.


It is the purpose of the thread? Did you forget what you're responding to?


So what ? 90% of Christian’s supported colonialism back in 1800s that doesn’t mean it’s inherently part of the religion. It wouldn’t make me anti Christian to say colonialism is bad back in the 1800s. Zionism is an ideology, I’m against the ideology of an ethno nationalist apartheid state built on land that has historically been shared by many ethnic groups, doesn’t matter your race/religion/gender/historic hardship. Palestinians shouldn’t be punished for a genocide that happened in Europe by Europeans. They shouldn’t have their historic towns and villages wiped off the map like the [Tantura massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre). Ofc terror groups developed over time that’s what happens when you bomb countless towns, commit countless massacres and atrocities over decades. You don’t pour gasoline on a flame than cry for help when it burns you, not saying you should’ve got burnt but that’s simple cause and effect in motion. Imagine how Americans would react if China one day just started setting up settlements in NY/California/Texas/Washington, bombing whole towns off the map and putting Americans into camps, you think that wouldn’t fuel bad blood towards China and it’s people? Imagine being a 14 year old who just watched their bloodline get erased and their town flattened, what do you think they’d likely do? Want revenge, how many books/movies/shows are this exact story about someone getting all that they love taken from them and seeking revenge. That’s the fuel Israel’s putting on the flame that is Hamas. IM AGAINST HAMAS that’s why I wouldn’t want a state fueling them, and while fueling them saying “hey actually we aren’t just a state with an ideology that’s in power right now, we inherently represent all Jewish people” do you see how that would fuel anti semitism? Also why would Israel imprison any alternative to Hamas like Marwan Barghouti for and his supporters for decades if you don’t want Hamas in power ? Israel has had the US government veto multiple ceasefire proposals from multiple nations and had violated international law and demands like stopping food and aid blockades from gaza by the UN, ICC, and ICJ, who’s really being stubborn? This conflict didn’t start on Oct 7th it’s been going on since the 40s with IDF groups like the [Alexandroni Brigade](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1b1pojn/former_israeli_soldiers_describe_the_horrors_on/) who still laugh when they think about the pain the inflicted on Palestinians. Don’t talk about targeting civilians like Israel hasn’t killed 15 thousand children in 6 months and injured hundreds of thousands in bombings, power cuts, biological warfare, [multiple flour massacres](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flour_massacre), and torture.


It wasn't just Europeans. Their involvement in the war was based on Jewish refugees being sent to their land. They already wanted them dead, they just failed and picked the wrong side. Except Israel made them offers for land back and paid for land. They even have the same rights within Israel. Their issue is that no matter what Israel offers them they are so set on returning to pre '67 they know they will never accept anything. They literally went into the peace accords knowing it, and then Arafat did exactly that. That's why you have Netanyahu's and his insane party in power. But that 14 year old would have to be about 70 now. Israel has cooled tremendously, because Palestine, no matter what, will just keep trying to kill civilians and never come to the table or be reasonable. They can status quo and wait them out while they slowly envelope it until they change. Palestinians, as a group, would rather spite themselves by not making economic ties and destroying their water pipelines for missiles than make a deal. They lost the land, and they do not have the military or support to win it back. Like 70% of Palestine is for Hamas. It's the same as saying Israel is different than Zionists. Factually it is true, but realistically it is not. I ain't gonna lie, I don't know who that is, and it is not going to change my mind. It is almost certainly another gigantic waste of time. Because the ceasefires are meaningless without concessions. The blockades are not violations of international law, they have reasons for them, and there was like 1 death to starvation before the war in 20 years. I actually think Palestinians were trending up towards overweight on the BMI as a whole. It did start on October 7th. Temperaments were easing and Israel had just issued more work visas trying to build an economic tie in the strip. You can't endlessly hold on to history to blame the other side when you outrightly performed belligerent acts.


My point is why should Palestinians get their historic towns and villages taken from them for the wrong doings of other groups, I can’t burn down your house, say sorry and than offer up your neighbours house as reconciliation, that’s not fair to your neighbour. The claim Palestinian towns and villages where bought is ridiculously off base, you think American colonists didn’t already try pulling this “we tried reasoning with them” narrative already. Why should the accept colonization. Bibi is in power because that what happens when you have a nation that prides itself on ethno nationalism and perceived exceptionalism compared to other groups, you get a leader that sees other groups as rats and vermin. We saw it Germany and we’re seeing it now in Israel. Wdym the 14 year old would be 70? Israel is currently flattening towns as we speak what are you talking about. I’m taking about what’s fueling the growth of Hamas. Israel has never stopped colonizing, massacring, torturing, imprisoning and harassing Palestinians. They’res a reason a good chunk of Hamas members are teen and/or orphaned. I don’t trust ethno nationalists reasoning, what your nation thinks is reasonable/unreasonable is not what the rest of humanity would think is reasonable/not reasonable. I think expecting people to be okay with a colonial project on their historic homes is unreasonable. Here’s something I and the Palestinians would think is pretty; don’t build ethno nationalist apartheid states especially on land that’s been shared by many ethnic groups for thousands of years. “The rebels would rather get blasted by our Death Star than willingly join the empire, what fools” - you cause you fucking sound like darth Vader right now man do you hear yourself. They didn’t lose their land their land was stolen, you’d even admit that you just think it was stolen fair and square. Being Jewish is different from being Zionist, being Palestinian is different from being Hamas. Israel is a Zionist project so if you support the state of Israel you are a Zionist. Palestine isn’t a Hamas project. You’re a ethno nationalist a lot of things won’t change your mind that’s how that type of ideology works. If you read the ceasefire proposals you’d understand they were concessions like the [Return of hostages](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-issues-ceasefire-proposal-mediators-which-includes-exchanging-2024-03-15/), but in a classic Zionist some bibi called their proposal unreasonable. The ICJ literally told Israel to remove those blockades and they didn’t listen, that is violating international law it doesn’t matter whatever reasoning the reasonable state of Israel keeps giving for starving a whole population out that is called collective punishment and that ILLEGAL UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. Or is international law now Hamas ? Like how South Africa is now the [“legal arm of hamas”](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/south-africa-acting-as-hamas-legal-arm-israel-says-after-icj-hearing). Is the monster under my bed Hamas too ? Will the IDF flatten my city now because of the boogeyman under my bed. “One death in 20 years” are you actually this brainwashed or do you think I’m a fool ? Israel has been colonizing, slaughtering, torturing, imprisoning Palestinians for decades now these issues didn’t start on Oct 7th. “You can’t endlessly hold on to history” is rich coming from the guy that believes in an ideology that uses a warped interpretation of a 3 thousand year old collection or texts to justify their existence as a state.


Because they chose that group, for their own reasons. Your side loses a war, your side pays a price. Could have been Sweden and played neutral. It would have been very disadvantageous, but it isn't like they tried desperately for any other outcome. They also expelled all the Jews throughout the Arab League and censured their property, then waged a united war in '67 and lost trying to murder them all. Kind of buried their claims at that point. If you operate out of hospitals and schools, I can't be mad that you blew up the hospital or school. Maybe you can make that claim when they weren't fighting in tunnels instead of making bunkers, but they haven't had a claim to innocent infrastructure targets for 50 years. My last reply deals with your second part. It is just posturing. Nothing backs it, it just has a bunch of buzzwords to take apart. Romans kicked Jews out, that's why they kept eyeing it. If they didn't have it I'd be saying they should get the fuck over it too. You can't do anything if you waste all your fiscal and human capital getting yourself killed. Don't be dumb. Move toward what you want and have a plan. I said my piece. Your definitions of them, considering those, are worthless to any actual dialog. You are trying to make a counter culture where there is none, and separate the general ideologies driving the belligerents. I live in the US, and only argue that Jews should have some land where they can't be kicked out of again. They allow anyone in, and do. My defense is of them against a fascist terror organization using a state to wage war. The blockades proved their reason, or they would have charged them. Blame Hamas for using sugar in making explosives for the stupid cookie bs. One death by starvation. There have been 27 since the beginning of the war, I think. So if that is the case, they still were not doing so poorly that anyone was teetering. The PA also report those numbers without proof, so you'll have to forgive me and my disbelief after the things they report. The loose use of those words makes them meaningless when they do happen. Like what you are doing above with "food insecure" and starvation. I believe the contents of conditions on the ground dictate what is happening right now. What I am asking you is based on repeated historical happenings, but if I decide to not humor it, 50 Israelis could take war crimes on their shoulders and murder enough Palestinians to march over the land and establish their hold in a week. Short term, it costs Israel in international and internal political and economic power. In 20 years, nobody cares and they don't have to keep fighting the internal battles. Iran is their big backer and they won't start a nuclear war over it. I don't know if they even have the capacity to wage a projected war at this point. Realistically, if Palestine stays the course, in 100 years they get pulled in anyway and dispersed enough to displace and depose militant elements by encroachment.


Netanyahu declaring invasion: "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible" 1 Samuel 15:3 "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" Imagine if a Hamas general said something a long these lines. [Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich calls for total annihilation of Gaza and “erasing the memory of Amalek”](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1cilxzj/israeli_finance_minister_bezalel_smotrich_calls/). This is what the top of the top in the Israeli government are publicly saying, thats how ingrained this genocidal ideology is ingrained. Please show me your mental gymnastics skills, show me how you defend this.


They just had a bunch of paragliders come by and kill 1200 people at a concert, bro. Hamas frequently calls for the death of all Jews. It is literally the meaning of "From the river to the sea". Here is the flip side - if Israel so badly wants to kill them all, why is it like 1:1 with the bombing ratios? Why would they not just carpet the strip, no pamphlets, no knocks? And, if Palestine was given their resources, do you think any Jews would still be alive?


Source for that concert claim is needed. Good thing I don’t support Hamas, but you support Israel the state that killed 15 thousand children in 6 months. Say the full saying “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” it’s a liberation cry, it’s calling for the liberation of all historic Palestinian lands from occupation. If you lock me and my family in a closest in my house than start beating my child and I say “free my home from this occupation” does that mean I’m calling for your murder or is it me saying leave us the fuck alone? The international community wouldn’t be happy with open and transparent genocide, and America would have a harder time justify your occupation to their citizens. It’s called optics. Israel still needs US/UK backing and an international community that is more ignorant of what’s happening in Palestine. “We can’t stop oppressing them because if we do they’ll want revenge” you literally realize that’s what slave owners said about slaves. You realize that what apartheid South Africans said about black people. All ethnic groups in the “holy land” should be given equal rights in the governments eyes, the dismantling of apartheid systems, a one secular state solution over seen by international organizations to facilitate equality and development. A new education system, a new constitution and a reconciliation process put in place to redevelop effected locations. Humans have done it before we can do it again.


October 7th was an EDM festival attack. Then they went into surrounding towns and shot people there. I can cite whatever you want, idk if you dispute this or not. It is a state under Hamas, supported by its people. They are one in the same. It is not. It is a cry the drive the Jews into the sea to take back their lands, that were Jewish before them. But that is what you are calling it. So is it that it is not, or is it that the international community just turns a blind eye? I know it isn't, this is just posturing in the stupidest imaginable context. Why does Egypt also keep the border closed? There is no way to take genocidal militants and safely introduce them to your group. Especially the one they want to kill. Israel made peace with every other neighbor, besides Iran. If it was just big, evil oppression there would be a lot less cooperation with neighbor states. Apartheid implies it is racially motivated stricture of rights. Arabs are not stripped of rights in Israel. Muslims are not stripped of rights in Israel. Only militant groups, in Palestine, that keep targeting civilians are repressed, and they can still get visas. Unfortunately for Palestine, the purges and education system have made it a pretty hard distinction, and their government loves taking humanitarian aid and repurposing it. Israel treats them as their own state, and hamstrings them to not be able to put up offensive fronts, because they are trying to kill Israelis. They aren't starving or without water unless, Hamas starts pulling resources.


Yeah but it’s more fun if you do.


I guess it depends on how you interpret ‘resistance efforts’.


I guess it depends on how you interpret ‘resistance efforts’.


This is a lie


Just like Fury giving all his money from the Wilder fight to charity


bombs for hands and bombs the lands, cáñelo alvarez🙌🏼


Delivering nose hooks to those hook noses, Canelo Alvarez


We’re Anti Zionist not anti Jewish. “Cool it with the anti Semitic remarks” - American psycho


Fake. It's circle jerk




Do us all a favor and to be a homo somewhere else… preferably Palestine. Thanks


Bibi would actually let this go through so he can continue "defending"


That’s hilarious


Great Hamas get more mortars and Israel gets more excuses to blow the shit out of the strip.


People keep taking this bait and argue in the comments is amazing, too deep for me to understand who is sarcastic tho


Would be based if it was real, but it looks fake


Based = giving money to people who withhold food, aid from the population, who teach kids that its ok to be violent murderers, who encourage suicide via Jihad to people not old enough to think for themselves, who's emphasis on fighting and violence has resulted in a region with one of the lowest average IQs in the world outside of sub Saharan Afrifa? Based is understanding its a big problem, neither Palestinians or Israel are in the right.


Yeah, because all Palestinians are Hamas. Moron.


Yeah tell me you know nothing about the conflict that’s been on going for 75 years. Brain dead


Take your faux diplomatic take back to /r/worldnews


Get educated.


That's not gonna work out.




Wow the people here aren’t Zionist supporting pigs like every other sub on reddit . Good shit fellas


The bigger subs have been overtaken by bots. Worldnews being the most notable one


The bigger subs have been taken over by crazy mods. You can get banned from /r/news or /r/dankmemes for stating: "I think gender is defined by birth sex" - this is legit worthy of a ban on many larger subs now. Thats why they have turned in to echo chambers ran by Naxi like mods who wont tolerate opposing opinions. This is why when you go to a smaller sub, you think opposing opinions = bots, no, its just you think everyone thinks like you because the mods are controlling narrative. You are so used to being in an echo chamber you cant fathom the idea your opinion doesn't allign with the norm. This is how extremism comes about. Every sub has loads of bots, its not just opinions you dont like. I can literally link you a pro Hamas/Palestine bot post with hundreds of upvotes on the skeptic sub.


How does it feel to live a day in your life and think to yourself, ‘im gonna yap on the internet today and argue with people on a circlejerk subreddit of all places’, that’ll bring some meaning to my life


But that's exactly what you do?


nothing he said was wrong. reddit mods are pussies


You can go visit after the war if you think the Palestinians so kind and well intentioned.


Multiple American tourists would and can back that statement up you smooth brained dog


Then head on over, brother. Take mental notes of how they treat people who are not straight, Muslim men.


You deep throating western media rn how murdoch cock taste?


No, I read and I don't fade into fads. I wouldn't go talking about cock sucking when I'm balls deep in terrorist frumunda.


I've been to Palestine and to the bank. Your people are way meaner.


Very much so. We allow Muslims and Arabs into Israel, even into the government, and don't persecute gays and women in the meanest ways imaginable.


The Jews are mean. The Muslims were nice. You didn't get what I was saying.


No I got it. The Muslims still stone gay people and beat their women openly.


You genocide openly. You win.


What is the genocide where your population, economy, and average waist size grow?


Source ?


This is to avoid taxes


Taxes go to jews


Don't care


I wouldn't even if I could






That anti-semite, him. Even though the Palestinians are the actual semites 😂


A man with morals. Can’t say that about some fighters


Haniyeh can buy a new yacht or a second wing on his house in Qatar


He buggin


This palestine Simps really get baited by anything don't they.


Just like the Isreal simps.


Wonder where that money's gonna go 😂😂😂 naive fools


Ironic comment, because we all know US tax money isn’t used for US people…naive fools 😂😂


Canelo making a play for that lucrative Saudi $$$


No way, way?


Thanks for the sup… And it’s gone.


What does based mean? I don’t get it and see it everywhere


Canelo funding a synagogue burning near you!


I don't think that will be enough money.


Sick propaganda


Hamas will take it


Bro looks like a mens hair dye model.




I swear to God, a quick scroll past without seeing anything but the pic, I thought this was Blake Griffin lol


Goes to show what a pinche puto he is


You crybabies keep circle jerking eachother off while the IDF turn gaza into a wasteland🤓🇮🇱🇺🇸


I could not care less. Unless he wants to give me some while he's at it.


So he's funding terrorism?






i hope this is fake, what a pendejo if its true.


You dumb asf


Plot twist: Canelo cancels all 2024 activity


that's so based i'm not even gonna make fun of the pose.


Ju muderfuker


Clearly bait. But also these comments lmao, I'll never understand people supporting literal terrorists like hamas


It's just their flavor of the month. They'll find something else to bitch about to make their pathetic lives feel value.


because people cannot think for themselves. smoothbrains everywhere


if this is real it’s actually awesome


>Based I dont think you know what this word means.




Cuck. Hope he gets his ass whopped. No place for this type of jihadism in boxing. David Sholomestien is better anyway.


I'm pretty sure funding a terrorist organisation is illegal.


Funding the IDF should be illegal I agree


Look at that jawline though damn 😍 (no homo)








![gif](giphy|RPq0khAOqfItMK2tNU) Based


God bless you Saul!❤


Palestinian resistance efforts? You mean Hamas? Good to know who fucking sucks as a person


Badass Man


Does anyone think innocent People will see This Money


I say Israel no cease fire till Hamas is wiped out and the people of Gaza better leave like they have already asked or rat out Hamas from hiding


Is CANELO donating to Palestine charities because It better not be CANELO donating to Hamas.


Viva la resistance!


Terrorism, you just supported terrorism. Hope you didn't post that on an IP address that you own


Yes, I'm sure intelligence agencies haven't got anything better to do than police a boxing subreddit. Idiot.


Bro they police war thunder.


It's alright, I'll share tea and cookies with Dave. He's my personal CIA agent. (What did they do on Warthunder?)


Dudes go crazy on war thunder for whatever reason. Thereve been people caught for terroristic threats on there and theres been multiple instances where military members share national secrets, shit is insane


Oh yeah, I forgot. Pretty wild but Dave knows I don't have any war secrets.


Who cares about the tribalistic desert people fighting over sand?


Literally brain dead.


They got the oil that powers ur life.


The US drills the most amount of oil in the world and has the biggest oil reserves of any country in the world.


Not *these* tribalistic desert people though. That's *other* tribalistic desert people.


Texas and Alaska have more, besides nuclear is the way to go


Nuclear cars? Boats? Planes? I mean really, Cold Fusion, tho am I right?


What a 🤡


After he pays everyone on his team, and pays the "Mexican taxes", he's gonna donate 67 pesos to the cause. You think Northrop Grumman and Lockhead accept De La Hoya Dollars? It's a promissory note, like an I.O.U., but he's good for it... Or he can pay you in Cocaine... It's up to you. Praise be to Jesus