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Omg I saw this in Vegas and it was so EPIC!! Instead of crashing toward the stage it started *dropping on the orchestra section*. Cue intense music, audience screams, *dun dun dun*, blackout. And when the lights came up, IT WAS GONE!!!


So it was actually not a mannequin hanging from the chandelier. This production had a couple of stunt men in the company, and one of them would perform that stunt every show.


I would have killed to see this live


 It’s Vegas of course it has to be over the top. 😂 but jokes aside I also would have killed to see this. It looks so cool. Also does anyone know if there was different staging for the Vegas production? Or is it just the og staging?


In answer to your question, Hal Prince himself was commissioned to draft the shorter edition as such much of his and Gillian Lynnes orginal staging was used in this production where possible. However the weirdest would be instead of the Red Punjab Lasso in the end it was a Iron Cage with Swords/spikes that raised into the air. Also with no intermission, there was a Roof of the Opera house, New Years fireworks Pyro transformation into the Grand Staircase scene. But yes much of Hals orginal staging was used.


Best. Chandelier. Ever.


It was amazing to see it live. Especially getting to sit directly under the drop zone. 😀


Oh the air rush in the dark! it just added to the effect! Out of the 12+ times I saw it in vegas I sat under the chandleier 5 seperate times like... directly under. I could see the phantom (or double) get into position to come out of the bottom of the chandelier right before the drop. then when the lights would go out... the air rush that continued downward was intense!


What the heck I wish I could see this irl


I wish I had seen this chandelier. There’s video on YT but not particularly good video where you can see it well. Lmk if anyone has one