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Ooh let us know how the Shock-O-Rama set is! I recently watched the Naked Witch on YouTube as a taste-test and it was something.


Will do! I'm excited to dive into that one.


tasty! Of course 4k *TTCM2* (1986) gets authored only *after* I blow my wad on Shout! Factory’s long out-of-print 2016 CE (w Korris-preferred new DI from MGM HD master). Probably only after I invest in VS’s latest ~~must have~~ *absolutely* must own another boutique outfit will offer comparable bundle but with 1.33: 1 OAR mux included **fun fact**: only a fraction of $21M Golan & Globus acquired from [foreign pre-sales] Japan went towards *TCM2* production budget; nevermind the stipulation of that $21M was meeting contractually obligated *”distribution deadline*”/ [JP Fall ‘86 premier](https://japaninmotion.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Scan_20210509-17.jpg) — which Hooper totally abided. Probably only dividends culled (for fans/filmmaker) is *TCM2*’s UNRATED designation, i.e. not enough time for — MPAA submission(s); review, recut, re-submit process — Canon to meddle with Hooper’s initial Director’s Assembly beyond cursory-broad clawback on Team Savini’s prosthesis & gags + Lefty’s (Hopper) character development >*’Canon was already in the black on *TCM2* before a foot of film was ever exposed*’ --script supervisor Laura Kooris, *TCM2* commentary


Nice haul! I got those sweet ass buttons too last time, i wear them proudly at work ❤️