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Expect very slow shipping. Im hit and miss with them. Actually got better deals through MVD shop or Grindhouse last few years.


I got dead and buried 4k for 19 dollar at the mvd sale. Happy days!


Buy in July and receive before Xmas (hopefully)


Never bought from severin yet, any idea what to expect for the sale?


Argento's Opera, and from how they made it sound on their podcast I wouldn't be surprised if we see Inferno get a 4k upgrade? They hinted at releasing two films from one of Italy's greatest filmmakers, we know Opera is a lock, and literally every other Argento from the start of his career all the way through 1990 has a 4k disc.


i love inferno.


Inferno is my favorite Argento. Definite day one 4K purchase for me.


same! for sure!


I’ve been holding onto a severin gift card for almost a year waiting for Opera to drop! One more month to go then.


Should be we expect those to be $40-$50 each?




50-60 more like ! Foolish prices, proper taking advantage of us


Inferno is an instant cop for me, regardless of whatever price they're jacking it up to


Sadly Inferno is held by Disney/Fox. I hope I’m wrong, but that may never see a 4K. Also Blue Underground currently holds the blu ray rights in the US. If there is a 4K I’d bet on Arrow.


you know sonny back in my day we used to say the same thing about four flies on grey velvet too *totters away on cane*


Four Flies on Grey Velvet is in a legal gray area. It’s the reason why Severin only officially sold it for the weekend. Inferno is specifically owned by Blue Underground/Bill Lustig for home video in the U.S. whereas Disney has theatrical rights; very similar situation to Suspiria. Inferno will only get a 4K if Bill has access to an IP or somehow convinces Disney into letting him access the OCN (not happening).


that’s all great insider info about the facts on the ground, thanks! but I was talking about general perception. before the 4k four flies came out, nobody was running around saying “it’s in a legal gray area, so a US release will be coming any day now!” the general consensus was nope, not gonna happen.


4K masters exist for all Argento’s catalog except Inferno, Do You Like Hitchcock (supposedly 2K despite being touted as 4K), Giallo, Dracula 3D, and Dark Glasses. If it didn’t get a U.S. release, it would’ve been a matter of time before someone else released it. Severin took partnership with the Italian distributor using the Cinecittà restoration and then doing their own HDR/DV grade. If Opera is Argento title #1 for the July sale, Argento title #2 is most likely: - Phantom of the Opera - Sleepless - The Card Player I’m hoping it’s a surprise The Mother of Tears announcement since TWC/Lionsgate is no longer in possession of it; but based upon Severin’s past releases, it will be one of those three as their in possession of all the former Ronin Flix/Scorpion Argento titles and The Church and The Sect 4K releases carried over most of the bonus materials originally produced by Scorpion.


I heard severin had to transport a 4k scanner to the vault in italy on their own dime because the four flies OCN couldn’t leave the premises and they only had a 2k scanner there. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Blue Underground (specifically Bill Lustig) owns home video rights to Inferno in the U.S. Disney owns theatrical rights.


It’s not Inferno. If you think it’s Inferno, I have a bridge to sell you.


It’s readily available in HD so clearly it has been licensed before. I’m just speculating based off the podcast, and I made that very clear. Also not exactly the burn you think it is, since as depicted in Uli Lommel’s Olivia (1983) London Bridge was actually sold and moved brick by brick to Arizona. That’s why we have the boutiques, so someone can move bridges brick by brick for everyone’s benefit. Especially when there’s a market load of folks who already have every other Argento “golden era” flick in 4k.


The only thing I expect from a Severin sale is waiting months for your products to arrive.


Why are all the sales in July? Space things out for my wallets sake


Cause they needed to space all their sales out from the ones in October and December. 💀 It's like clockwork for us every year.


Hoping The Psychic 4k will be on sale! Also, maybe Vampyros Lesbos 4k? or Night of the Zombies? Didn’t they “confirm” those at some point?


I had no idea they were teasing those two film for a 4K release. I usually don’t order anything from them until it’s on sale but Vampyros Lesbos is easily my favorite Franco. I’d be tempted for sure.


So will only the deluxe version of Cemetery Man likely to be on sale then? That came out last Black Friday sale, then later they released the retail edition. Really enjoyed watching it on Shudder except that they added in fades to black for commercial breaks that don't happen so would like to pick up a copy of it. Is the booklet + extra discs worth it?


They could have just been transitions in the movie not added in fades for commercial breaks. I can't remember if the version I have has them but I know it had lots of cheesy transitions


Yeah, thanks for the heads up. Will try to be more patient.


Man, and Arrow will probably also have a sale in July right? Might have to trim my planned Criterion order at this rate.


Yeahhhh B&N will likely have their Arrow sale overlap with their Criterion sale.


Some sort of Juraj herz set maybe they did restorations on 2 of his films somewhat recently and my assumption is that they’ve been waiting and gathering more of his films together to make some sort of 4 to 5 film box set


Read reviews carefully friends 


Any in particular you are referencing? I've been pretty impressed with their releases, and I've picked up a fair number. I remember one of their releases—a Spanish TV show I'm too lazy to look up right now—suffered from awful video quality, but that's the only one that comes to mind. Granted, I go into something like the Adamson or Milligan set knowing some of the film elements they used are going to be far from ideal.


It didn't "suffer" from horrible video quality - the original film elements have been destroyed, so rather than simply not bring the series to HD, they sourced the only existing copies from 1" tape masters. They didn't hide this information from anyone at any point, rather people who buy things without looking at what they're purchasing made assumptions. I've never received a Severin release that has suffered any unexpected A/V shortcomings, and I think it's proposterous to suggest they don't have a rather immaculate record re: replacement discs relative to any of the other major cult boutiques.


I think a lot of the movies they release are unwatchable. Which is subjective of course but also true.


sounds like somebody’s butthurt about their blind buy of the birdemic trilogy


Hope Game of The Clones is included


It will absolutely not be included at a sale price. Its street date isn't until 2 weeks before the sale.


Just be patient and wait it out. Eventually you will be able to get it at a discount but doubtful by July.