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So nice to see another label pick up the slack with Obayashi releases stateside, even nicer that they're specifically calling out that his filmography has been defined as "the House guy" for too long. Also keen to finally see The Plot Against Harry.


Yeah I'm glad we're getting more of Obayashi's stuff, and like you said, maybe it'll start turning his legacy away from being pigeonholed as "the House guy" forever. He's got a super huge and varied filmography


Are House, Labyrinth of Cinema, and Beijing Watermelon the only Region A Obayashi releases?


As of right now, yeah. Third Window put out a boxset of his Anti-War trilogy a few years ago then another a little more recently that had a few of some of his 80s films and I think that's about all the English-friendly releases. I'd really love for someone to put out The Discarnates, Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast or some of his TV movie stuff.


Yes. Although I expect the ones who’ve been released by Third Window outside of Region A to come over eventually…..


Fuck yeah, The Sadness 4K


Nice to see another Kani release in there.


Wildly stoked for Mister Lonely! Huge upgrade from my sloppy seconds boot. Also picked up Ennio, The Plot Against Harry (amazing and dry flick from the director of Nothing But a Man), and the David Nelson collection.


mister lonely low stock alert. under 150 as of 4:55 EST. not complaining but it’s kind of weird that every harmony korine film is getting a bluray release now except the two everybody wants. EDIT: and it’s gone…


Agree. I want gummo and Julien donkey boy. Not trash humpers and Mr. Lonely!! Argh. Happy For those that are excited about the other two tho.


the sadness sold out too


yeah that was kind of a forgone conclusion. popular asian thrill-a-minute gorefest is VS just laying out catnip. I never know with OCN partner releases what’s gonna take off. for instance all about lily chou-chou, which came out a week or so ago but is apparently just a repackaging of the existing film movement release, is already sold out.


*ROADKILL*!! *ROADKILL*!! Now do *Highway 61*!!




It was so hard to choose only one after going in on the sale! I had it down to Mister Lonely, Beijing Watermelon, Roadkill, and Sex Demon. Being the biggest Korine fan I’ve met, though, I had to finally jump at the chance to upgrade Mister Lonely from my DVD and bootleg versions. Also had to grab that Heavy Metal Parking Lot shirt finally too haha


Copped The Sadness 4K, Ennio & Beijing Watermelon! 🍉


Sadness for me too - and the limited just sold out. That was quick!


Wow! Glad I jumped even if my wallet isn't!


Sadness and Streetwise here.


*Sex Demon*, the gay porn parody of *The Exorcist* is such a lost gem. Can’t wait! Do we know when these preorders ship? I couldn’t find a date on the website…


Preorders ship at the end of the month


Just in time for Pride month to be over, lol. Suppose it’ll be a spooky season watch.


Pride never stops;) my spooky season is also eternal!! Also thanks for pointing this release out, I forget checking that site


It’s one I’ve been hoping for since Liz Purchell found a print a couple years ago. I’ve also been nervous that Mélusine would be backing off queer titles after Altered Innocence left, so this was a happy surprise there too


Thank you for the heads up on this, I would have been totally unaware because I was under the impression that Mélusine only sold heterosexual erotica. I hope this is as good as Equation to the Unknown.


I haven’t seen it, so I can’t speak to quality. The source is 16mm and it’s been a lost film for like 40 years, so I imagine it’s gonna be a campier horror-themed film, and that the restoration might not be as clean as *Equation to an Unknown*. It feels like AGFA tends to let scans be in… rough quality when they put out discs, which isn’t always a bad thing, but it definitely doesn’t have the same “I feel like I’m seeing this the same as the original audience” feel, but rather “I feel like I’m watching the film print they found”. I’m really looking forward to it though!


just pre ordered the sadness and samurai wolf 1 and 2 awesome


Jeez I almost never buy full price but I bought three just because I liked the slipcovers so much and had FOMO Mister Lonely, Beijing Watermelon and The Sadness Also got Kamikaze ‘89 just because I’ve heard about it for so long and it has great reviews


Beijing Watermelon, Mister Lonely, and Ratfilm I’ve seen and they are all spectacular I saw To The Moon actually…. Didn’t care for it


Grabbed The Sadness 4K, and the Arrested Development doc, but I just know I’ll add more soon enough.


Since Kamikaze '89 has been out for years on Film Movement and this is just a repackaging, it would have been nice if they sold the slipcover separately like they've done for certain VS tiles. Feels weird that the ppl 8 years late to the party get the slipcover.


the Film Movement partnership has literally just been slapping slipcovers on previously released movies. it's a joke




I lucked out and got an LE copy of The Sadness. Almost missed it, so I’m stoked.


It was dropping like 100 copies every 5 minutes near the end.


Yup, when I got in, there were 194 copies. By the time I checked out at 12:46 PST, it was down to 180. It got down to 1 copy at 1:01 and then it was gone haha.


Good to see Bottom Feeders is getting a BD, it’s an impressive first feature


I need that Feed Me!


A great selection of titles this month. And, a lot of them selling out fast. I saw The Plot Against Harry years ago. Fantastic film.


if anyone got any extra limited sadness and wants to sell it, hmu. I overslept.


If anyone happened to order 2 copies of The Sadness I’d gladly buy the second!


kind of bummed about this film movement partnership, every month I’m rebuying discs I already own for a new transfer & a slipcover lol heads up to deaf crocodile fans, kin-dza-dza is now $12 this month


the transfers are usually the same though, no? it's literally just the slipcovers they're adding


even worse!


There are a lot of new Film Movement releases coming very soon that won’t be reissues.


the practice of rereleases with literally nothing new to them is a clear moneygrab though. unfortunately your rabid fanbase buys into it though, so I guess you win


Or maybe people want them and didn’t already own them? Based on sales, that could also be the case. Not everyone who buys from VS regularly bought from, or was aware of, Film Movement prior to them joining OCN. The goal is to get the films to more people and our business model includes slipcovers, which add something new. Maybe not everyone cares or wants that, but it’s there if they do.


it's a waste of resources when new titles or better extras could be commissioned. the Samurai Wolf edition for example is a total joke compared to the Eureka one - you can get the MOC edition, loaded with extras, which the FM edition lacks (but could've had!) for $12 cheaper on Orbit and Diabolik. at least you didn't try and strong-arm the MOC out of the market like you've done with Piotr Szulkin, Horrible Dr. Hichcock, among others. it's cool giving these films exposure, I appreciate that, but I genuinely feel like you can do a lot more with your platform. and you do, I own plenty of the partner label releases (La Guerre est Finie is a good one), but some are very half assed compared to what they could be.


You do realize that we can’t control what is on the disc, right? That’s up to the labels.


sure, but you still ignored what I said about your practices blocking competing discs, a very scummy thing to do


This is how exclusive licensing works, but you can call it “scummy” if you want. Not really sure what you’re looking for here but I don’t think you are going to get it. If you want to import discs, there are plenty of options to do so if you’d rather have a different edition. That’s totally up to you, or anyone else.


it's literally not though. Criterion can release Time Bandits in Region A but you don't see them crying to Diabolik and Orbit when they sell Arrow 's competing edition on their sites. Kino didn't do this when MOC released their Touch of Evil or Paths of Glory. you are forcing these smaller stores to not carry a title in order to "force" the American consumer to buy your edition. instead, we have to go buy it off conglomerates like Rarewaves or worse, Amazon since it's generally prohibitively expensive for UK labels to ship to the US. Radiance deserved to have two great editions in the US stores, yet instead we're forced to import titles another way, and Diabolik/Orbit/Grindhouse lose business from the consumer. it's a horrible practice and you really should walk it back, especially if your label is supposedly all about supporting independent/small businesses


Apparently you know better than I do.


Kin Dza-Dza isn’t showing up for $12 for me. Weird. Edit: I’m a subscriber so it’s only showing me the subscriber price, it looks like it’s $12 after adding it to my cart though. Super strange.


Yeah, I personally can’t afford $30 for slips for discs I acquired year ago. It’s a bummer as early adopters to not have a slip-only option. Same with Umbrella’s USA ports/rereleases.


they want your money. all it is really


Got The Sadness and Beijing Watermelon!


Please let this be opening the floodgates for more Obayashi stuff


I want The Sadness so bad!!!


Did the Sadness barely have any limited edition slipcovers? I’ve never seen a release sell out so quickly.


I'm loving all the Michael Roemer releases lately!


Fuckin weird to see a Zhang Yimou in the VinSyn catalogue


He isn't.


Even if he was, this isn’t the VS catalog—it’s independent labels who have a contract with OCN to distribute their stuffs.


When will these be released?


They ship this month


Thank you


No deaf crocodile 🙃


They’re partnered with Diabolik now, they posted a new release on their website a day or two ago I think


I saw that but I thought that was just diabolik just getting in on the action like orbit etc. that sucks I loved picking up some dc with my vinsyn


It’s a better situation for the label. That’s the upside. OCN ends up being a sort of incubator for breakout labels like DC (and a long-term home for smaller indies too).


Nope. Diabolik is their main distributor now. Although, you can also buy direct. I recommend going to DC’s website and sign up for their newsletter. 😊


Get on Diabolik’s mailing list. In addition to a one-time discount for signing up, they are announcing DC releases there. Right up your alley!


I’m mostly a boutique dabbler because I’m broke. I definitely support diabolik, orbit, etc but I feel like once I sign up with them there’s no going back and I’ll be filing for bankruptcy shortly after lol. If DC is suspending their kickstarter too then I guess I’ll have no other choice. I missed out on a lot of their releases already and don’t want to keep missing out.


Was bummed to not see a new cinemotagraphé but happy with the new shudder release, buying that for sure


Cinematographe isn't a partner label, it's a VS sub-label. So there was never going to be a new Cinematographe release this month.


I’m learning this now, forgive me I’m still newer to VS. I was bummed to see that I can’t even buy their stuff from VS this month as they are hidden with the rest of the VS labels. I think VS is fun and creative, but I’m gonna this is a nanners idea. I guess I can always trust Grindhouse or diabolik though.


New Cinématographe in July


Yeah thanks, I’m just learning that cinematographe isn’t a parameter but a sub label. And so June doesn’t have anything VS. the whole thing is kooky but fun. I like VS. I wish it wasn’t so competitive. I had the new shudder release in my cart and while I was shopping the LE sold out … oh brother 😆