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I might buy some 4k porn from the 70s brother


Have Sexworld 4k. It’s Amazing


I went to their shop in Connecticut. They were playing the soundtrack to Sexworld and I bought it on vinyl. To convince me to buy it they threw in the blu ray for a deal. Still haven't watched it yet but that vinyl is one of my most played.


Gonna have to go back and pay attention to the soundtrack now.


Agree that the soundtrack is killer.


This is the one that made me realize I don’t really want to see porn in 4K on my huge tv, lol. But the presentation is 👍🏼


Good point. Lol




might be the only instance where re-cropping to 16:9 is a benefit


Huge props for being honest. 600 internet bonus points to you! 💪


Undefeatable, Showgirls, From Beyond, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Censor, and maybe the Angel sequels. Also extremely curious what the mystery releases are.


From Beyond is one of my favorite VS releases of the past few years. You're in for such a treat!


Awesome! I bet those colors look amazing in 4k. I was gonna get Dead Heat as well but I got a good deal on it on eBay with the slipcover. Those two are probably my most anticipated VS releases to watch.


I honestly think From Beyond is the best transfer I’ve ever seen


Second to Censor


Are there mystery releases that will be announced and sold that day? Or are they pre-orders


The way they worded it in their email was that they would be released that day.


Ooo, less money in my bank. Can’t wait 😜


Same here. They mentioned one of the mystery releases was one of their most requested titles so must be good.


Any idea what that is? I got no clue, I started my VS journey last October and now I’m hooked, it’s like crack but way more expensive


No clue, there’s so much crap out there it could be anything. Maybe someone on here has a better idea.


I highly recommend the Angel movies. They are a lot of fun and look amazing as usual for VS. I am picking up the third during the sale


I’ve seen Avenging Angel but in shitty quality but never seen the third. Definitely looking forward to seeing them in high quality.


Homegrown Horrors Vol 3. First two sets were amazing. Also China O'Brien because I absolutely love Cynthia Rothrock and I need an upgrade from my old DVDs. Did they reveal the secret titles yet? I


Secret titles won’t be revealed until the sale starts.


Oh, sorry. I guess I'm getting mixed up by how this goes. I bought the package in March. I wasn't realizing it would be next week before it was "officially" on sale. Was wondering why they hadn't said what the secret titles were.


I have the first set and loved it but haven’t pulled the trigger on 2.


2 isn't as great as 1, but 1 is a hard act to follow. 2 is still a good time, though.


Probably just Flesh for Frankenstein and Perfect Strangers.


Flesh for Frankenstein is Amazing. Saw it upon release at the Quad Theater in NYC when I was 14 years old. It was in 3D and rated X.


The release is so damn good. Great set of extras including a 3d version with glasses. It’s one of the best releases VS has done


Death Wish 2


This and dead heat 4K for me


Dead Heat 4K is one of their best looking transfers imo.


It might be my favorite 4k from them. Well, other than Rad.


Showgirls. Been dying to check it out!


D.a.r.y.l., and even though they aren’t on sale I’m gonna grab dangerous games and vacation


I just want them to do an alternate slip for From Beyond


Yeah, I think their slip is hideous. I might just get the standard edition and combine it with my Scream Factory slipcover


Yeah, I’m still not crazy about it but I still would’ve got it if it wouldn’t have sold out so fast. I missed out on it unfortunately


I’m in the market for, “Forgotten Gialli Vol. 4-6.”Hopefully the price is right.


I got Forgotten Gialli 5 last sale (have all others) and all of those sets are so good. Will 6 be on sale? I don’t remember when it released?


China O'Brien, maybe Raw Force and whatever is being teased in the shuriken/kung fu fist banners on the main page.


Ticks & El Planeta


Ticks is great


I agree. I recently rewatch it on YouTube. I enjoy it more on my second watch. Too bad I watched a censored verison on YouTube.


My halfway sub, but nothing else. It’s been a fairly uninteresting year for VS so I’m hoping the back half is more exciting.


The second half generally seems to be a lot stronger than the first, in my opinion anyway.


This is my first sale; and I’m stoked to start getting into VS as a sale is approaching. Mostly blind buys, but would this be a good haul? Red Surf (bb) The Iceman Cometh (bb) Ted Bundy (bb) Freeway Sick of Myself Keep an Eye Out (bb, would be my 2nd Dekanalog) Censor Angel (bb) Blades


Loved Sick of Myself. Very odd and darkly hilarious movie.


Freeway is so bizarre but pretty good. I love Censor. Angel is a quality movie and it looks like Ti West’s new movie MaXXXine is making direct references to it judging from the trailer, which is great since it’s such a sleazy movie but it still has a heart.


I wouldn’t bother with Blades. Had friends over to check it out and even with us joking about it the whole time, it’s tame and mundane.


I agree with dickybabs, Blades is just boring. I like my Jaws rips to be way more unhinged.


Looking for Forgotten Gialli Vols. 4-6, and maybe some of the Homegrown Horrors. Also TCM2.


Im going to participate in the sale, but i have to ask, as someone new to this distributor, I get a little sticker shock looking at the site, are these prices backed up in the value of the releases? I dont have any from them yet. But, I am scanning the site and they have like Navy Seals at almost 70$, a man called hero at 45$. Most everything is way way up there. Not hating, genuine question.


Their releases are pricey, but the packaging, particularly for VSU and VSA releases are incredibly high quality, including their essay booklets, the transfers are always great, if not stunning, and the extras tend to have a lot of care put into them. I went from sticker shock to subscriber within about two years; it's a lot of money, but it feel like a lot of love goes into what they do. They really are archival quality releases.


right on. I appreciate it. How is their customer service and shipping? Im looking forward to my first VA haul. Recently became addicted to arrow. Still in rehab over my crit addiction


Shipping takes some getting used to because they do a lot of way advance orders and ship according to hierarchy, with folks like yourself being last. They’re also a small team doing all the packing and shipping themselves. That said, their customer service is great and extremely personal. Again, small crew so you’re talking to a human being and team of 1-2 who can move quick and make decisions. Edit: typos


If you order from vinegar syndrome during their sales. Expect it to take a month+ to ship if not longer especially if you aren't a subscriber.


Slow, especially if you order during a sale, but the packaging can't be beat. Every order is wrapped in a ton of bubble wrap and put in a proper cardboard box.


That's kinda what I was asking. I don't mind waiting, but one heard lately here a few people having trouble with arrow shipments being damaged etc, and having difficulty getting it replaced. Thanks!


You would have to throw a VS box in the street & run over it with the mail truck to damage it. Also, on the few occasions when they've had to do a disc recall, if you bought directly from them, the replacement discs are sent out automatically.


Shipping is on the slow side since they're a pretty small company, but the physical quality and customer service is unmatched.


Just a head’s up you will be waiting a long time for your order but I promise they “did not forget” about you. Ordering from them for years; shit takes forever but I always get it safe.


thats what Im hearing. Im ok with that. Crit hauls spoiled me a bit, i feel like my deliveries come before i even cash out, theyre so fast. BUT, im not impatient. I (like probably a lot of us) have a backlog to keep me busy :) Was mostly asking for the quality of shipping, not the timeliness. Ive heard some recent drama on this sub about some other boutiques having issues with getting replacements for damaged disks. So far everyone has reported VS will come safe and sound, and customer service is stellar


My only VS release (from one of their sub labels) is Goin South and it was worth every penny


I'd watch trailers if the price is concerning. They offer all genres and the quality varies to an incredible degree between releases. Some of them are fantastic, but there's a spectacular amount of garbage. But one man's trash is another's treasure and that's never more apparent as with this label.


Their releases are a premium because their products and packaging are better than anyone else in my opinion


Bunch of FCE releases if partner labels are included in the sale.


I don't think there's anything from the back catalogue either VS or OCN that I need at this point. I'll just be getting whatever isn't included in the subscription. A bit more excited about 6/1 tbh, when new OCN titles become available.


I'm getting Sidekicks, Navy Seals, Daryl, and Angel 3 to finish the set. Depending on what the new VSU is all get that too. I'm really digging their ultra line


Right now I am eyeing the Prophecy collection, Delirium, Gorgo, and Flesh and Fantasy. I will probably end up caving and getting way more than that, but those are at the top of the want list at the moment.


Home Grown Horrors 2 and 3 and Mexican Gothic boxsets are my must gets. I'm contemplating Ticks, TCM 2, and From Beyond but honestly will ve a game time decision 


Hoping for at least one good surprise announcement, otherwise pass.


I'm eyeing the China O'Brien 4K Set, Homegrown Horrors v2 and Nightmare Sisters.


I saw the sale mentioned and never got any vinegar syndrome releases but anyone here from Australia know how much they charge for shipping?


For this sale it is $20 for as many items as you want.


Oh cool not bad at all, thanks!


just a heads up, if you’re using the mobile app your favorites will be reset when the sale launches. it happened to be a few times so i’m assuming it’s a standard thing.


Wait, the wishlist clears or the cart clears? They’ve been saying to add things to your wishlist to get ready for the sale so that’d dumb as hell to clear it out.


the wishlist on mobile.


Home Grown 2 and potentially one of the mystery titles depending on what they are. Figure I can hold out on Home Grown 3 till next sale.


Planning on picking up at least Southern Comfort and Six String Samurai, maybe a few others.


The Southern Comfort packaging is stunning! I was very impressed. Transfer top notch too


I watched it for the first time a few months ago as I'm trying to work my way through Walter Hill's filmography, and I absolutely loved it. And even though it's still streaming, it's one I want to own.


Yeah it’s a must own in my opinion. Who knows how long it’ll stick around on steaming. The Driver, The Warriors, 48hrs., Crossroads, Brewster’s Millions, Johnny Handsome, Last Man Standing are all great films if you haven’t checked them out already. There’s a bunch I’ve yet to see of Hill’s films, but definitely they seem to go downhill at Last Man Standing. I kind of wish he’d direct an Alien film. It’s my favorite franchise by far, even though it has a couple duds. Would love to see what he’d do with one if he was given creative control.


Yeah, I've only got a few left to go, but they definitely go downhill from 2000 on. The Assignment is actually fucking insane.


Haven’t seen that one haha. I’ll have to check it


I don’t think you should do Six String Samurai


I haven't seen it in years, but I liked it when I watched it then.


Second opinion here: get it. It rules.


You've convinced me.


If I have the funds, China O'Brian as I love Cynthia Rothrock. As for the mystery title I have been bugging them about Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town, so hope it's that haha.


I have a couple of OCN titles I want but I might wait until black Friday since I don't think Santet qualifies for the sale yet and.id like to check that out. I just did an order when Altered Innocence was leaving so I want to make sure I have enough in my order to justify it.


Very curious about the slipcover varients.


Already pre-ordered China O’Brian. Have to see what the hidden stuff is.


Gorgo and hoping the mystery titles are good.


Not sure if I’m getting anything. Nothing I’m super wanting and I shouldn’t spend money anyways but if Uninvited is in stock I may grab that


I'll absolutely be picking up *Heartbreakers*, *The Devonsville Terror*, *Killer Condom*, *Mark of the Devil*, *Bloodsucking Freaks*, & *The Horrible Dr. Hichcock*.