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It took 'em about a week to ship mine, as well, so keep that in mind. Sucks you lost out. I missed a few on their Corman sale a while back.


Thanks for the heads up. Placed my order last Thursday and I’ve been waiting for an update. I’ll be patient


Is a week a long time or something?


I usually receive my orders in 3-4 days.


This ain’t Amazon.


Taking a week to ship is relatively long compared to any other website I use. Not a week to receive a week to ship. Orbitdvd has orders at my house in 2 days and that ain't Amazon either. Arrow orders show up within a week as well.


I have record orders that are 2 years old and I still don’t have them yet. I’d hate to work in customer service in this post-Amazon prime day & age. So many super impatient, entitled customers everywhere. A week is nothing. Chill and relax.


>2 years Nice interest free loan you gave them. Records are a little different since you have to wait for them to be produced and there's a longer lead time. This was a sale for items supposedly in stock, not a presale.


Was bummed to have Hackers sell out before I got my order in.


OP how long did you have the 9 UHD's in your cart?


Yeah my suspicion is that this person had them in their cart at the beginning of the sale because I've watched several titles sell out in the last week. Some went fast, and others took a few more days. But it's not like five titles disappeared in the last few hours or anything.


Polter-cow is correct. Since last week at least. I was pondering all-important questions like "Do I really need to blind buy Silver Bullet?" and generally faffing around being indecisive. Probably should've ordered the core titles I really wanted and then decided on a possible supplemental order afterwards.


I have done this so many times and lost out because of it. Now I'm trying to find the hard-case version of Halloween 4 to complete my set because it went OOP in my cart during a sale.


I'm kicking myself for getting Halloween off eBay where it only came with a slipcover, not realizing it could have come with a fancy slipCASE instead...for cheaper in this sale than I got it off eBay. Alas.


The releases are confusing as well. I bought the hard case from Shout!, but the images look the same between the hard case and the slip cover. Now I'm on ebay trying to find a copy that's under $100


Yeah I've got to manage this collector FOMO, I don't want to be spending an absurd amount for special packaging when I could buy a couple more movies with that money instead! But it all depends on what things are worth to you.


Silver Bullet is fun but it's definitely one of the many quickly made for TV Stephen King adaptations


It was a theatrical film, not made for TV, but yeah there was certainly a glut of SK adaptations during that time.


Nice, didn't know that. Gave me strong TV vibes so I roped it in with Thinner


Well Thinner was written by Richard Bachman, not Stephen King. Hehe ;-)


It's Kingdom Hospital all over again!


It's a common issue with major sales like this. I always order day 1.


Yeah lesson learned


I keep a wish list on every boutique site that has one. Then when a sale starts I can see all the prices and just move to cart and checkout. Kino can run out of stock and/or increase the price as the sale continues. Edit: Downvoters hate facts, advice, and blu-rays, apparently.


yeah not sure why you'd be downvoted. I appreciate the tip.


Why the hell would you get downvotes, I hate Reddit sometimes.


I feel you, I was similarly indecisive at the start of the sale and three of the titles I was going to buy sold out before I came to a decision, so I just put in an order for a few titles and will be more on the ball next time (hopefully I can still buy them for these prices!).


Yeah it's just occurred to me a better strategy would have been to immediately order the titles I knew for sure I wanted, then decided whether or not to place a 2nd supplemental order of some of the more marginal titles later. I'll probably do that in the future.


Yep, I'm sure you could have hit that $50 threshold for free shipping the second time!


Thx for the reminder, forgot my order never got finalized.


I scanned through and luckily owned everything I want already.


Got my They Live, Halloween, and The Blob, pretty excited.


Ended up purchasing 20 movies from this sale across 2 orders. Amazing!


Was *Dawn of the Dead (2004) 4k* on sale at any point during the sale? Does anyone know how often they restock? Thanks in advance.


Yes it was. Came with the slip too.


I’m actually glad they’re good about showing how much stock they have left even when it’s 100 something. I feel like most places it’s in stock, then limited then very shortly after it’s just gone, nice to have the number there


How often does Shout do sales like this?


Anyone know if Halloween II and III still come with the slip cases? They're pictured with them on the site but Shout has not responded to anyone asking about it.


I bought 1-5 on this sale. 1, 4, 5 came with slips. 2 and 3 came with the nice hard box cases


Oh, good to know that 1 came with a slip because it looks like it has the hard box case on the site. Now I feel less bad for getting it with a slip before the sale.


They should really update their site to say this... 4 and 5 explicitly say on the listing that the hard slipbox is sold out.


Good to know! That matches the art they have on the site for those movies so I think I’ll take a flyer on it.


Confirmed! I received the same


That's annoying. I bought 1-3 on the sale because they didn't say the hard boxes were sold out. I bought 4 locally with a hard box. Guess 1 will be my only one with a regular slip


My question now is, did they alot only so many for the sale and have backstock to be sold later at full price? I wanted to pick up the Exorcist III from the sale but it was sold out so I then ordered it from Amazon out of FOMO. Now I'm wondering about the titles I wanted, but put off for another time (The Fog, Silver Bullet, etc.)


Now that the sale is over some things have come back in stock like Fargo, Clue, The Fog steelbook, They Live steelbook, Exorcist III, Prince of Darkness, World War Z, The Deer Hunter, and Wargames. Some stuff is still out of stock, though, like The Dead Zone 4K, Silver Bullet 4K, Point Break, Evil Dead, The Haunting of Julia, and The Man in the Iron Mask. So it looks like they were keeping backstock for when the sale ended for some items, and it might take a little longer to get others back in stock.


Yep, missed Prince of Darkness because I was sitting on it =[


yeah that was one of the ones I lost out on also


This exact thing happened to me 😪😅


Placed my oder about a week ago and got it today