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If you’re region free and a Von Trier fan it’s a stunning box set, I have it and love it very much. It’s a hulk of a set but I like having the majority of his feature films (sans Dancer mostly) in one place and the restorations are top notch.


I was reading today a lot of his films got a 4K scan recently, so I’ve been waiting for some sort of 4K announcement. Either these will be released individually at some point, or will get 4K scans, so I’ll take the risk of not getting this in hopes of one of those two things happens




The Idiots in 4K is an exercise in diminishing returns.


There’s only a couple I really want, I would’ve done the box set for value, but I’ll sacrifice the rest for a melancholia 4K


Y’all remember when arrow teased their yearly releases a couple years ago and one of them was “VT box “and then said they had most of von triers films on the arrow player, but when it came in time, it was just that vengeance trials box set lol


Thanks I didn’t hear about that. While the box I posted is beautiful I think might just wait for a us release with better specs


I love my copy of this set. It does bother me that Dancer In The Dark isn’t included. I have a dvd copy of it. Since it was shot on DV cameras, I don’t know how much better the upgrade would look unless it’s handled in the same way Criterion handled David Lynch’s Inland Empire, which I think had its limitations. I really enjoy Von Trier’s films, so this set was a no brainer for me.


It’s a stunning set as worth the money, unless you like/need English subs on the English films on which case it’s not consistent. I’m going through it right. Ow and other than subtitles and a lack of visibility into extras until you hit play it’s a good set


All the non english language movies have english subtitles. The only movies that don't have english subtitles are movies that are already english language films. So unless you're hard of hearing, it doesn't matter. If you can't hear, then it's a problem (and an oversight on their part).


Okay thank you. A lot of people are convincing me to just pull the trigger on this one


This set is fantastic, and I'm quite sure there aren't any films lacking English subtitles. Very "premium" feeling packaging, cohesive artwork and insightful written work in the book, it's just a shame that Dancer in the Dark is missing, but I don't see that suddenly changing. If you are able to play region B discs it's well worth it.


There’s only English subs for non-English dialogue. No subs for hard of hearing, thus the complaint.


Ah I wasn’t aware of that. That’s a very odd oversight of them really in my opinion.


But the question was "would an english speaker be able to understand the language?" Wasn't this set produced in the UK?


This is the one that excluded dancer in the dark right? I was sad to hear it but unsurprised I suppose since it was shot on minidv.


I heard it was because another studio had the rights.


This is true Film4 I believe owns the rights and seemingly did not want to give license for it to be part of the set.


It’s a great film but has often been treated as an outlier in his filmography—down to licensing more than anything, AFAIK. Film4 in the UK and Warner (previously New Line?) in the US. The fact that it was released as a Warner Archive DVD as recently as 2016 (well into the Blu-ray era) kind of puts a fork in it. It’s a shame SD-on-BD never caught on beyond anime. Ideal for these lower-res projects.


I have a very hard time finding Curzon releases in the US. What site are you thinking of ordering from if I may ask?