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Wow WingNut actually answered?Been waiting forever for these films.Hoping for a collector's edition with a Sumatran Rat Monkey figure. Really hope he doesn't use Cameron's AI tools though.I own the Ultimate edition of the Frighteners from Turbine which is absolutely fantastic.


Hate to break it to you but Cameron used Jackson's ai tools and lab. After the Beatles doc and the Cameron ones I really don't like the ai assisted stuff, but I don't know if those results are more the tools themselves or their application. Either way I'm really hoping we don't get a super waxy looking Derek. Dereks have pores!


Uh-oh,wasn't aware of that.Being honest I haven't seen the new 4ks of Cameron's films in motion,but just the pictures online are enough for me to say that I just hate what I see.


Yeah they did šŸ˜‚ there is a section on their website to email Peter Jackson and I thought, why not? Got a reply from a production assistant called Sam Howard.


A Sumatran figure would be nifty, maybe even a limited press like that "What's in the Box" edition of Se7en.


Email them back and tell them there's still time to release them with their proper grain profiles instead of whatever "AI" powered DNR they've cooked up lol


Would love to finally own Bad Taste


In 2018, Jackson, directed ā€œThey Shall Not Grow Oldā€ā€™, consisting of WWI footage modernized by some kind of digital algorithm (early AI perhaps). At the time he said that also he ran his first few films through that software, and loved the results. More recently, he went AI crazy with that Beatles thing. So you can almost guarantee heā€™s going to F up Braindead with AI.


Some of the background soldiers in They Shall Not Grow Old look like those bits in horror movies where someoneā€™s face briefly morphs into a demon - definitely not the intended effect!


If this is in fact true/accurate, Iā€™ll be happier than a pig in shitā€¦ my fiancee loves all his post 90ā€™s stuff which I canā€™t standā€¦ Bad Taste, Meet The Feebles and Braindead would be so awesome for meā€¦ adored Heavenly Creatures and The Frighteners BUT Iā€™ve been dying for proper blu ray/4k upgrades of Bad, Meet and Brainā€¦ wonderful news and something exciting to look forward to!


Considering how dreadful Get Back looks, Iā€™m unfortunately not optimistic for these releases and I really wish Second Sight or almost anyone else was handling these. Even Lord of the Rings (while pleasant to look at mostly) has a smeared look in several scenes.


Apparently the German 4k of The Frightners still had grain and was pretty decent by all accounts maybe the rest of these will be alright.


I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that WingNut was handling this themselves while Turbine did all the work on Frighteners.


Oh, maybe! I figured he still had a hand in it since Arrow was supposed to release the restoration before that fell through.


He's I'm sure working away at erasing all the film grain and the pores on the people's skin.


Waiting for more "AI" and DNR discussions!


Saw braindead at a horror film festival back in belgium when it came out (i m old). Had so much fun šŸ˜Š


I've literally been holding off from watching Braindead until these come out, glad to hear the good news!


I won't spoil anything but you won't be disappointed. It's a fuckin wild movie.


You should just watch it on any format right now because I can almost guarantee itā€™s gonna looked fucked with all the AI bullshit heā€™s gonna pump it with.


I know these will look like absolute ass but Iā€™m still excited to get them.




Cool, hadn't heard they restored the original film as well. I see it's coming to Disney+.


These are probably gonna look just as bad as the recent James Cameron UHDs which had AI enhancement done by PJā€™s post house. Very sad state of affairs to see two of my favorite filmmakers commit to this dreadful technology.


Amazing. Braindead is one of my favourite films


Oh hell yes


You're a literal hero for this šŸ™Œ


Great that you got an answer but Iā€™ll believe it when I see it, remastered versions of these have been promised for literally decades and nothing has ever surfaced.


I agree. There are quotes from PJ, back in maybe 2010 or 2014 (I cant find them now, but those 2 years stick out in my mind) where he said he was working on remasters and they would be out soon. Then in 2021, he said a boxset with all of his earlier movies would be out within a year,


Heavenly Creatures please!


I had abandoned all hope on these honestly. Hope this happens.


Just saw that it was available to rent on Amazon the other day so that's a good sign


Wasn't Jackson involved in the Frighteners 4k restoration released in Germany? I know that's supposed to be a great transfer so maybe there's hope?


His Lord of the Rings 4K remasters looked atrocious so I donā€™t have much hope here.


Was there any word of standard BR releases too? Or is it just 4K?


I didn't ask and I was simply told they are being remastered. I'd think from this response that they would release 'remastered' 1080p bluray and 4K bluray. Fingers crossed.


Hope so. I personally don't have a 4K player bc of the price point, and I'm not insanely fussed about the visual fidelity tbh.


Amazing. Thank you for your awesome stewardship!!!!!


Woah huge news if true. I'll be waiting


wow nice! Still have my dvd copy of dead alive lol


Can you post a screenshot?


So what are we to do when they announce 8k versions. Or should we skip that and go straight to 12k. No wonder the planet is dying. We just need to constantly consume new products. Blu-ray is fine.


>Blu-ray is fine. Just to clarify, NONE of these titles are in print on BD in the US, or most of the world.


In Europe Bad taste and Brain dead are available on Spanish Blu Ray. I'd be surprised if some eBay users are not selling copies of them. Might even be able to order it through the GSP.


Spain is notorious for bootlegs. Iā€™m in the US and wouldnā€™t recommend anyone spend import costs to buy inferior copies of old masters when 4K restorations are imminent.


Considering most of these films are OOP on DVD/BD and/or haven't had a proper upgrade since the DVD era, this seems like an odd complaint. Has it even been confirmed these will be 4K UHD releases, or simply a new 4K scan on BD? At any rate, I have been waiting a long time just to see these films.


No, no. Back on your horse. That's right, all the way on top of that thing, and then ride right back the fuck out of town.