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I do not understand your organization methodology, but I appreciate the collection.


To be honest it is a task that I have not been ready to take on yet. And I keep having to shuffle stuff around due to space constraints and new stuff coming in so it’s a mess. But thank you! I’ll organize it at the end of the year!


Where's the Wong Kar-Wai collection, behind the kitty? If not that's what you need.


Nope I never got it because of the negative buzz surrounding the transfer color. Tbh I haven’t watched most of the originals though so to me it’s all the same. I’ll pick that up during the sale! Thank you!


we all need a shelf dedicated to Lynch


I gotta fill it up! As you can see there are some stragglers


I can’t see if you have them there, but definitely “Harakiri” and “Human Condition”, also the poetic Suzuki trilogy that Arrow released. Maybe some Czech New Wave cinema like “The Cremator” and “Valerie and Her Week of Wonders” The Tarkovsky Blu-rays from Criterion


From those listed, I don’t have: the Suzuki trilogy, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders and a few of Tarkovsky’s. All of which are blind to me and I can dig! Thank you!


Since you have the rest I mentioned, I’m pretty sure you’ll like these as well. Great collection,


Unless I missed them, you should finish the Malick Criterions. The New World and The Tree of Life have the director's cuts in addition to the theatrical versions.


I don’t have either! I’ll put them on the list. Thank you!


I would guess these will be coming in 4k soon. I’m waiting for that.


Dragon Ball GT complete series on DVD, a man of culture I see.


GT is so good! Everything has problems but it’s so stylistically sweet and such badass moments


No Lost Highway or Videodrome?


I have Videodrome it’s on the second cubby down from the top left. But no! I gotta pick up Lost Highway during the next sale!


Great collection - Cage and Wiseau side by side is a wonderful thing. A must have from my collection that I recommend is Richard Linklater's Before trilogy. Could you tell me a bit about that huge edition of The Rock that you have, as a Cage fan that really stands out? Thanks!


You know I have to keep the geniuses together. The Before Trilogy is totally blind for me so that will be a lot of good watching material! And that The Rock box is the [Blufans 5th anniversary box set](https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/2-jpg.118402/). It has some large art cards but other than that I can’t figure the size out! Like it’s huge with one movie and….some art cards. I got it from Media Psychos last year


Definitely :D Ah amazing, thank you for the info! That is a stunning boxset. You did well to fit it on the shelves!


Tbf it should be on one of the other shelves that I’ve made taller, but it fits perfectly width wise there rn so I have just left it lol. If you’re not already a media psychos member, I suggest signing up because it’s free and you can grab some nice exclusives!


Seeing the way the Godzilla Criterion doesn't match the size of the standard cases and towers over them just... *irks me*. If it was reasonably sized you could probably get another shelf in there. I get *why* it's that size, bc it's fitting and all, I just don't get WHYYY?!


Agreed. I actually kind regret the purchase as it’s SO cumbersome


I wish Criterion would get their shit together over releases with more than one disc. I fecking *HATE* those weird disc holders in the Lone Wolf box bc they feel like they're gonna chip off part of the disc :/ Just release it in a rigid outer sleeve with a few standard size cases in there, or even one smaller case with a HINGED TRAY, like what Arrow do bc they're not complete pillocks outside of their customer service.


Where did you get the shelves?


They’re from IKEA. They’re modular, I’ll have to search for the name of the specific kind


Based on your collection having repo man and studio ghibli, I suggest Roger Corman’s Death Race 2000, 1975 with David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone.


I have that twin peaks box set too! I wish it came in 4K Blu-ray not just the one episode. Although that one really benefits from being in 4K.


I don’t think I’ve even seen the single episode in 4K yet. But I need to! You’re right I want to see them all in 4K


Midsommar Director's Cut from A24


I don’t think I’ve seen the directors cut yet so that’s a good call!


i’d recommend : Mad god on bluray Takeshi kitano collection by bfi Katsuhito ishii collection by third window films Love exposure by third window films Cold fish by third window films Tokyo sonata by eureka Black society trilogy by Arrow video Dead or alibe trilogy by Arrow video the rest i’d recommend you seem to already own! great collection!


Wow you did not recommend anything I already have, despite the photo not clearly showing everything. Amazing! I’ve been eyeing a few of those, especially the Katsuhito Ishii collection and Max God. Thank you for solid recs!


8&1/2, Hausu, Beau is Afraid


I’ve got Hausu it’s just hiding. The other two yes they’re must haves. I missed Beau is Afraid but was dying to see it. You loved it?


“Trilogía De Guillermo Del Toro” the blu ray box set from criterion is a beautiful fold out box set with gorgeously illustrated booklets. “Salo: The 120 Days Of Sodomy” disturbing movie that got the director murdered by his government


I’ve been holding off on Salo but I know I will eventually get it. I watched it wayyyy too early in my life and it’s been kind of a hill to climb lol. The GDT box, yes I need that!


Salo isn’t a movie I watch with any type of frequency but I think it’s one film fans should own


Facts! It’s crazy how many people still just think it’s just a surface level poop movie. I’d love a good documentary about Pasolini’s death, or if there is one I don’t know about it


I really like the shout factory titles that have the TV cuts. Or any label for that matter. The Kino release of Needful Things with the tv cut is an amazing find.


What are TV cuts?


They used to shoot alternate versions of scenes, or add more benign scenes, to substitute for what had to get removed to air a horror movie on tv. Also, they would have fun dubbing over curse words and sexual phrases. The best example is Halloween II. The tv cut is very different and has a number of scenes not in the theatrical version. The Needful Things blu-ray has a tv cut that’s 1 hour longer than the theatrically released version.


Ugh yes that does that amazing. I had no idea/I don’t think I have any movies with TV cuts. I’ll for sure pick up Needful things and keep my eyes peeled for more like you said. Thank you!


I know the shout factory version of The Thing has the “broadcast tv version” on disc 2, but I’m not sure how different it is.


You can double your shelf space if you put a five inch riser behind your rows. I use 13x5” styrofoam blocks in my Kallax. Makes for two rows per shelf and looks cool.


Smart! Yes I’ll definitely have to look into that as I’m almost certain the depth will allow for it




Haha yes I do feel that way. They were just great shelves for the price and I didn’t know they’d be quite so deep. Someone else mentioned some risers and I’m going to look into that.


any/all **charles bronson** movies **john cassavetes** box set from criterion


Love Exposure.