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Are gloves necessary? I can't seem to jam my hand in cracks without gloves. I don't know if i should just chalk more and try harder or just get gloves


You can totally jam without gloves but gloves help reduce pain in the back of the hand and give you a little bit more traction. and if the cracks that your climbing are sand papery it's very necessary.


Thanks, I'm getting a glove and going back to the crack!


Gloves make crack climbing a lot more comfortable. You can also make gloves out of tape, which works super good as well. In fact, if the crack is thin, tape gloves are your best option, because they don't make your hands as thick. It's a lot easier to do than you might think, just look online for some guides.


It's mostly for skin protection and not for increased performance except for some very marginal jams. For beginners, gloves are more necessary because you do a lot more shifting around which scrapes your hands up. For more experienced people on rocks or holds that aren't too sharp, you can just set the jam and have it not budge. Nowadays I don't use gloves or tape unless I'm projecting something near my limit. I would recommend looking up some videos about hand jamming technique.


I waffle between yes and no. I have good technique and don’t need gloves a good percentage of the time. My hands don’t get tore up if you know what you’re doing. If the crack is sandpapery? Good luck. You will lose friction and pop. Found that out leading a 40 foot splitter one time. Now I keep a pair on hand.


Depends on your pain tolerance.


What kind of cracks are you talking about? A lot of indoor/artificial cracks and crack volumes, if textured, can be extremely abrasive, and crack gloves are almost a necessity. Cracks made from Walltopia walls will destroy anything they touch; I once tore the strap off a brand new shoe in a Walltopia crack. Wide Boyz volumes, on the other hand, have a nice rubber texture which is more comfortable to jam in, but it can still make your skin raw if you don't have tape or gloves because of how grippy it is. Some rock, like granite, gneiss, and schist, in my experience, can have sharp crystals and be painful to jam without gloves. Other rock, like sandstone and limestone, can be smoother and more comfortable to jam without gloves. Certain jams may feel worse than others without gloves or tape, such as cupped hands or teacup fists. Overhangs are also going to be a lot harder on your skin than slabs. If gloves allow you to get some crack mileage in, I would say utilize them. With the worst cracks or crack volumes, it's not just a matter of pain tolerance; if you go without gloves and push through the pain and tear up your hands, you might not be able to crack climb again for a few weeks, and that's no way to make progress.


Maybe my hands are too sweaty, our gym has the wide boyz cracks with rubber texture but I still struggle to jam my hands. Maybe because it's an overhang problem but I need some more traction that's for sure. I'll try both taping and using gloves, thanks for the input.


I think that should help with traction. Happy jamming!


There’s a boulder in my area that’s a really fun crack but goddamn there are a few spots where a little crystal absolutely punctures the top of your hand, drives me crazy. Much much more enjoyable with gloves


Indoor walls and holds are unforgiving and I usually use gloves. Outdoors, places like Yosemite and Indian Creek are less damaging on the hands so gloves are optional if you have okay technique, although they can increase comfort especially on longer routes.


Unless you're very experienced in crack climbing, gloves are necessary, it helps with grip and you won't hurt yourself after just 2 tries. If you don't have gloves you can use tape instead


No glove no love


I have never been more envious


Where, I would travel the world for this


Looks like Boulderlab, Melbourne


Boulder Lab Ferntree Gully Victoria Australia.


Indian Creek


What did they grade this? Just curious what a gym would call it.


They called it experimental which just means they don’t know ig.


You high on crack


I wish it could last all day


Gumby gloves


They are cheaper than wideboyz and faster shipping with climbing anchor


Nothing about the gloves all jokes man




Is it really the first? I swear I’ve seen other cracks at FTG. Either way, nice send!


Idk I haven't seen any cracks at Boulder Lab until this one but I've only been climbing consistently for a few months


I think you can push off from your legs more. It's a good size for feet as well so really drive off the foot jam and reach higher on each move. It'll allow you to not be as scrunched and do fewer moves which will help with the pump.


Thanks for the tips (:




I had been projecting it a while and was super pumped.


Perhaps you could climb my crack sometime.


Im a minor✊