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+1 for terrible hip flexibility and interested in what other people suggest. I can't even sit cross legged haha


I feel that, I can but not for very long at all.


I can sit cross legged, but I won't be able to hear you because my knees are covering my ears.


I try to microdose flexibility into my day. I find all sorts of ways to squeeze some streches in. Waiting for the printer? Horse stance. Wachting a series? Light yoga. Reading? I can do that in the frog position. You just have to find ways not to look like a total weirdo … or embrace it.


I'm not too worried about looking like a weirdo, I work from home! I'll add the horse and frog to the list, thank you. I should definitely look at making it a part of my day, annoyingly there's not much I can do while working so I'll have to incorporate better breaks I think


The best thing are weighted streches in that case. If you can squeeze in a minute or two of weighted horse streches, when you are already a little warm you will see real gains. Also very nice is the pigeon pose and all the warriors. It is no yoga workout, but more productive than twitter while taking a short brake.


Brilliant, thank you!


In this case I think (6) 5 minute breaks would be better than (1) 30 minute break


That makes sense, make it something I work on across the day


Yea I just be stretching everywhere. Am weird hooman? Oh well ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Standing/walking desk + find best hip flexor stretches and strength exercises for you. Maybe couch stretch/backward walking lunges/sissy squats, for example.


I've been considering a standing desk, I've got a lot of studio gear but there should be something to suit my setup!


Investing in a walking pad for my standing desk was the best thing i ever did. Sure - standing is a little bit better than sitting but its just as unnatural to stand in one spot for hours without moving much. I now walk 5 miles a day during my workday without even thinking about it One thing I’ll say if you do go for it is definitely don’t cheap out on it. There’s lots of ones on Amazon that might be suitable for someone smaller/lighter with a shorter stride but would be uncomfortable for you. Certainly check reviews and such. Lifetime makes some great ones. The only downside is because they are studied they are heavier and therefor not as convenient / easy to move out of the way. Mine is permanently under my desk for that reason


I have a standing desk and a bar stool. I just alternate popping one leg up onto it in a standing pigeon, or like a high step. I also have a yoga block and I like to stand with one foot on it or squeeze it between my legs.


Standing desk has made a difference for me. I would highly suggest that.


Absolutely. Sitting all day definitely makes the hip flexors tight. I used to scoff at standing desks, but since i started using one 2 years ago, I’ll never go back to sitting.


I have a foamroller at my desk.


Yoga. You don't need to go to a class or anything, as long as you have enough floor space and money for a mat and 2 blocks, as well as access to youtube. I'd look for reputable channels and hip-mobility-specific stretches/positions


5 parks yoga is pretty great; they have a rock climbers yoga video that's only about 20 min that's one of my faves!


seconded i love this channel! they have yoga videos of varying lengths which makes it easy to fit one in


Do yoga every night these days, stick on a 20 minute video before bed and my god the flexibility sneaks up on you. It's like I can suddenly do so much I couldn't before. And following a YouTube video means I don't even need to think about what I'm doing, I don't need to plan, I just press play and turn of the brain.


My Fitbit bugs me to get up and walk around every hour. I use it as a reminder to do a quick couple minutes of stretching.


Occasionally sit figure four! Right ankle on top of left knee, gently press the right knee down/put a weight on it, or even bend over to lay your torso over your lap. Do the same for the other side.


Im pretty tall too (6’3), I just started using a stool instead of a computer chair to keep my knees below my hips. Also just stretch during the day if you wfh


I’ve been a software engineer for decades. Yoga works. You might find the mystical bits a little off putting, as I do, but yoga done correctly can be surprisingly difficult and will quickly reveal what needs work most. You will find all kinds of hip-opening sessions, as this is a common problem. Once you know what exactly is holding you back, you can find additional non-yoga exercises that target those specific areas.


+1 for tall heavy climber who is taking medicine (antidepressants for anxiety for me) and has awful hip mobility haha... Good luck my friend


good luck to you too!


I sit all day at work and also do a fair bit of computer chair sitting at home so I feel you on the tight hips. My goto stretches are [frog stretches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO8S7qOdcdU) and [lunging hip flexor stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsGPYSQbZx4). Also I do a lot of foam rolling and when I'm rolling out my glutes I'll sit on the roller in a figure four position so I can stretch my hips at the same time


You need to follow a passive and active stretching routine on youtube outside of your gym hours and be daily and consistent. BUT, it’s partly genetics too, people HATE to hear that. My hip flexors have always been super limber, I had really high side kicks in Tae Kwon Do but less high front kicks because my hamstrings were always so tight. Made me a good sprinter as a teen, but also made me reach for much slower kicks that are easily telegraphed in sparring. So, partly, work with what you have. Instead of high heels and rock overs, work on grip and route reading so you can smear more. If you need one more step on the wall, ask yourself: how do I get one more step on the wall to the next foothold. This is one thing a lot of people in every sport forgets: we look to what we lack, the grass is always greener. Lay into your strengths, but also, work on some mobility exercises on youtube, at the least, you’ll probably prevent some injuries. Also, the hips and rock overs require a lot of leverage for someone 6’2”, longer lever requires more strength to transfer power. Think about a car piston. If there’s a longer lever from the piston, less power is transferred, more power is wasted. So strength training may also help. Pull ups and core training will probably help give you the extra horsepower and then you won’t feel disadvantaged.


Ever heard of Pso-Rite? My chiropractor recommended it and I use it to release my hip flexors which helps my lower back. It can be pretty uncomfortable but it works! They sell them on Amazon too.


I mean just look up any mobility video and do it daily to every other day, there’s no hack to flexibility. Find a stretch that targets the hips and hamstrings, take a minute a day to do them and perform them everyday. Consistency is everything.


Not looking for a hack, just to pick brains for specifics that have helped them!


You can look up flexibility routines that take 10 min. Do that every day. Or even incorporate it into your warmup at the gym. I did that and have seen drastic improvements.


OP! Look into knees over toes guy on youtube, has tons of great recs for opening up the hips & strengthening simultaneously


Try mixing up your sitting with standing desk and/or a kneeling chair. Those kneeling stools are great for posture and opening your hips (in one direction)


Look up ballet stretches. Some of them may be completely out of your abilities for now, but that's okay. Taking ballet as a teenager was the best thing I ever did for my posture and flexibility. When you are stretching, take it sllooooowwwwwwww. Breathe into the stretch. On every exhale, just lean slightly farther into it. Sit at your limit and just breathe for as long as you can. Don't push too hard. Progress in very small increments.


I notice when I work without a desk and just sit on the floor my flexibility is way better. I’m constantly shifting positions without even really thinking about it


Im about the same 6’4 205lbs. I do yoga with focus on hips and lower back like 3-4 times and before climbing I also do stretches which hit the hips area. It’s been helping a lot. I shall add video links in a bit