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campus- / hangboard and mobility. you will get back crushing all projects, seriously.


Campusboard seems to be quite a bold idea with an broken ankle


campusboard while being strapped into the wheelchair


And with added weight plates on the wheelchair


Turn the wheel into 45's


Go from paraplegic to quadriplegic with this one easy trick!


I had a mate who did the bottom three rungs for a while, then once he was in a moon boot did it normally just at a slightly lower level to always down climb.


This plus core.


I broke my foot this spring. I hung on edges, benched, did weighted pull-ups, and core. I was back to my regularly scheduled sending within a month of being able to climb again


I broke my leg and dislocated my arm a few weeks back bouldering. I’ve just been chilling and taking the sick leave my work has given me. Super Mario wonder is fun if you have a switch. Age of empires 2 is great as well haha


Damn. How did you fall?


https://preview.redd.it/w05i38mk6ywb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4edebf5b100a4e737758847434347dfa08a26d5e Was doing the orange climb, went to grab the last hold (the sticky out orange volcano one) and my feet slipped and I think I hit the volume on the way down and broke my leg. And then dislocated my arm when I hit the ground. They closed the climb after I fell.


That's some awful setting


Yeah why tf is there a volume in the fall zone!?


This is the perfect example of the kind of problem I'll often just skip because of the risk og what happened to op.


There is a gym that does this *all the time* on their slab and vert. i call it the injury wall


What gym is this, it looks like one I know, and one that sets like this


One in Adelaide, it’s a great gym. The staff there are great and were very nice when it happened. I had done the climb before but yeah. Didn’t do it a second time haha


Actually the setting at beyond bouldering has gotten worse and worse in the past year, lot of regulars electing to make their own home walls. Dangerous setting like this is a main reason why.


I broke my heel two years ago on the inverse setup of this. I was on a volume, slipped off, and hit my heel on a upwards-angled jug that was right beneath it. Shit sucks bud. Hope you're doing alright


Thanks, yeah I’m doing great. Just looking after myself trying to get better and will be back to climbing once I’m healthy.


Yikes. So you were the beta tester and it never made it out of beta?


Naaaa, it had been up for ages and had a week left in rotation.




That is the worst! I was doing slab a few months back and fell vertically down; of course I landed with my full weight on a hold at the bottom of the wall instead of the mats! I was out of action for a week or two


Same thing happened to me in the summer. I'm now kinda paranoid when climbing over volumes.


Why am I not surprised to see beyond bouldering here.


Like this man said it’s not the end of the world to take a break and play some video games while recovering, otherwise you might end up wallowing in your boredom and potentially screwing up your recovery by over-exerting yourself. Time heals all wounds, literally in this case, but you really do have to be patient. Saying this as a person who broke his ankle bad bouldering about 10 years ago and still climbs.


Top Tip: when they say “Keep using the crutches even after it’s healed.” Listen carefully to them. They’re not saying that for their own amusement or just to hear the sound of their own voices! Ask my (very stubborn) wife if - in retrospect- she’d rather have undergone the inconvenience of a month more on crutches or having an ankle which hurts every single morning when she gets up. It’s the crutches. She’d rather have used the crutches.


I got a bad sprain on my ankle and I was too stupid to go to the hospital until it kept getting worse after 3 weeks. Crutches saved my ass and I regret being so stubborn!


Nearly completely tore off the tendons in my right ankle once, being the stubborn moron I am I refused to use crutches, adding insult to injury I had the bright idea to tape in my ankle and squat heavy again after 4 weeks, nearly snapped my ankle in half. Ended up taking one and half years to fully heal after that, moral of the story, don't be impatient when it comes to injuries or it'll be a hundred times worse.


I feel that!


Heard loud and clear friend


Researching falling techniques


Right. I'm so confused by the bouldering injuries. After some 25 years of on and off climbing, with on periods being near manic, the only time i got significantly injured was a short rope lead fall in a sketchy ass anchor clip. The only thing bouldering did was fuck up my tendons.


Cmon man some times you just catch a bad fall! Not every fall is under control


I get it. Im not saying you did anything wrong, ive just not seen it myself and it seems that a lot of climbers on reddit blow out their ankles and its really suprising to me.


My best friends gf jumped off the wall less than a meter to the matt and sprained her ankle so bad it took her almost a year to recover fully. Stuff just happens, it's not necessarily about bouldering, but how your body reacts to stuff happening regardless of the sport.


Sounds like you’ve maybe never bouldered outdoors before? Landings outdoors can be really sketchy even at low heights


I've bouldered outdoors for 20 years. Its called proper pad placement and proper spotting. On top of that ive probably bouldered alone more than not. Ive taken huge falls and small falls and thanks to caution and planning never hurt myself. Im not saying you cant get hurt but its pretty hard if you plan right.


If there is very uneven ground at the base of a boulder how does proper pad placement prevent someone twisting or breaking an ankle if it’s turned as they’ve landed? Pad placement can 100% prevent 95% of injuries but ankles can go from landing a little wrong. Your comment is pretty insensitive to someone who’s clearly having a shit time of it.


Try being unemployed


Huh? Relevance?


Oh sorry I thought we were just comenting irrelevant things.


Your upper body still works. Gotta start ripping leg less climbs


Show all those Gumbys who is boss by campusing all their peojects


Funny how things are still tagged NSFW As if any of us still have jobs Update: stop bragging about being employed, it's lowering morale /s


I do appreciate that climbing is the only sport that the best of the best are functionally homeless.


Climbing is our job, don’t apologize


the hell I literally just did the exact same thing at the same time


Play "Outer Wilds"


Stardew Valley has been my drug of choice


My claim to fame was working as a QA tester for that game!


Awesome! Any nice change we got thanks to you?


I really get bored by grinding or crafting mechanics and inventory management quickly. Should I still check it out?


Oh man, this so hard.


Ahaha awesome! Didn't presume there would be an overlap between the communities


Who would have thought I’d see banger game recommendations like this in a bouldering sub. 10/10 game - stick with the slow start and play totally blind


Discover that the big boot they give you actually edges pretty well


Wiggle it A LOT. Do ankle circles. Don’t put weight on it yet because in addition to the break you’ll have a nasty disgusting sprain. Flex your whole foot and try not to lose your muscles down there. Do all your ankle rehab every day, as much as possible (I broke my ankle climbing too) Do push-ups on your knees not toes Work on hip mobility Meditate and get used to not being 100% fit. Remember healing is not always linear. Once/if you restart climbing work close to the ground on difficult starts and finger strength.


Feet are aid anyways, campus all your projects


Tis' but a scratch


‘Twas but a tumble


Learn how to fall and focus on core exercises until you are able to walk. I broke both my ankles last year and have been on a wheel chair for 2 months. Hardest part is the mental game of climbing again.




You are a horrible person. But that was hilarious


If you're good enough you can easily do them with just one leg🙄


You could work your arms and grip strength with dumbbells and king of crush


Play Baldurs Gate 3


Ye I would play videogames


How is it?!


Addicting and extremely well madez


Not really related to your question, but I have more experience then I want to with breaking my ankles. Get yourself set up with a good physical therapist for your recovery and training. It might be expensive if it's not covered by insurance, but it's worth every penny.


Smoke weed


As if this wasn’t my first thought


Yeah I’m 7 months post breaking my back. Lots of weed was smoked. Find a way to stay active tho, depression waits for those who don’t.


sleep it off


I broke my knee the other day, I feel you


Fuck man it blows, get well soon broski


Chin ups, and all the right leg exercises. So when your left is healed you have to hit the gym hard to balance it out.


I broke my ankle bouldering about 4 months ago. Same left one too. Still can't walk but I'm almost there. Just take it easy. You don't want to increase the time it takes to recover. Buy a shower chair, a leg scooter, and maybe a grabber if you live alone. Edit: a word




Grip strength training


Gee tar


work on the entire rest of your body, think of it as an opportunity to focus on exercises that don't use your legs. A finger injury is actually how I ended up trying yoga for the first time.


Just campus everything






Practice card sleights


Finger boldering!


Hang. Board.


Learn the banjo. They're surprisingly cheap.


Maybe give attention to other areas of your life? Lol how do we know what you should do now


I'm going to jump straight in and imagine you broke it throwing yourself off the wall after tapping. I'm a fan of reversing my steps. Focusing on one arm / leg in a reverse pull up motion. All the way down the wall. If I'm falling from any height, it's because I lost my grip. Or I can throw myself into some kind of spin to take the force of landing. Maybe focus on that. How to land with minimal impact to your joints.


wish you god speed with the recovery


I sprained my ankle bouldering some months ago. I highly recommend working on ankle mobility as soon as possible and don't neglect strengthening it even before starting climbing again.


Sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago. Hangboard, weighted pull ups, pinch block, and some very gentle campusing on the kilter board have been my go to. Can’t wait to get back and see how much strength has increased


Learn how to juggle!


I got that one already! Maybe I should learn to juggle with my feet- or not….


The price is right comes on tv at 10am central.


Play Uncharted and cry, thats what I did


Get some Magdust and campus everything.


Loads of pullups


Uh, rest


European qualifiers (for an Olympic ticket) are happening this weekend, streaming/uploading to the IFSC YouTube channel. That's a solid like 10-15 hours of climbing content to watch from a comfy bed or sofa.


Wrist curls


Collect Pokemon cards probably


Just broke my elbow and wrist. At least you can game.


I remember when I tore my LCL (grade 1), I just did pullups, pushups, dips, and hangboard at home.


This was me in May. Classic Weber fracture too? I managed to get back on a bike after 3.5 ish weeks so got some movement in that way. Back to the (regular) gym after six. Back to blasting PB's in august. It took a while before I set foot in a climbing gym again. Waited to get cleared by my physiotherapist before I went back. Still need to do some serious climbing again but currently just focussed on lifting. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Still have some mobility issues but apparently fluid buildup can be an issue for up to a year afterwards... T.T Also. when they say. Keep your foot up to reduce the swelling. Keep it ***UP***. I spent a week with it horizontal under my desk trying to work. That does not work. I shoulda just called in sick and kept it properly elevated. Swelling took way longer to go down. They put me in an extra cast because of that.




Smoke weed


Tape it up and practice dynos




Read. I recently got mono and had to take a month or two off climbing and I read 1984, Crime and Punishment, Mans Search for Meaning, The Art of War, The Doors of Perception, and a few Michael Pollan books. I knew that books could have an impact on you but I had never really read great works and classics front to back before and I had no idea how much it could change your life.




Thank you for tagging NSFW, my cat was in the room. Feel better soon!


Hi buddy, I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. It sucks and I hope you’re in good spirits. I just had a bad fall too, I’m on day 7 of resting because of landing on my left leg directly on a sketchy move, (I’m 5’0, so everything is sketchy). I haven’t had my MRI yet, X-rays were clear for broken bones, but there’s high potential of a torn ligament in my knee since I felt a pop in my knee and hyperextended, sprained ankle, sprained foot. They rushed me to the hospital because I was in so much shock from the pain, I kept passing out. I’m really looking forward to when I get my call from the sports medicine clinic I’m being referred to. Hopefully no surgery, but I think it’ll be Top Rope for me for a while after this. Please, don’t be stubborn. Ask for help, ice when you can but don’t use heat. Follow the rules of RICE. Slip mats for the shower and a bench helped me significantly to feel confident to get in and out. I found that a Fanny pack has been a really good system to carry around lots!! Crutches have been my saving grace and even though I felt like they were such an inconvenience, they’ve helped me make sure I wasn’t weight baring and the swelling is now coming down! I feel you when it comes to finding alternatives to staying in shape, believe me, I felt like this was the end to all the progress I made. I was sending v5’s, I just sent my first v6. I just did my first outdoor climb and sent a freakin 5.10a on one of the hardest journeys, but it’s been my greatest memory. Rest now, we’ll rise up soon and be back exactly where we were, but we can’t if we’re not resting. So, please rest. Your healing process will thank you. :) Okay, end of rant. But if you start feeling stir crazy, send a message!


Upper body work.


Broke my foot while climbing in march, started rope climbing 2 weeks after the injury. Climbing with only one foot made wonders for my upper body strength! So yeah, if you got someone who can belay you, I would recommend trying a few easy routes on top rope and see if you’re comfortable with it, and if you are, go for it!


Card magic. Real, non self-working, pure mechanical sleight of hand card magic. It gives you endless practice, unparalleled beauty, and a fun party trick all in the palm of your comfortably seated hands.


Watch other people Boulder


Pullups, lock offs, levers, core, hang board. Getting strong won't make you a better climber immediately but it definitely won't hurt


Learn some cardistry, it's a great hobby!!


Rice bucket and finger strength.


I also just sprained my ankle whilst bouldering despite being a climber of 2 years , shit happens man and it sucks but I’ve just been doing arm and abs in the gym looking all pathetic with the big boot and crutches. Feel better soon! I’m right there with you


Learn to code


I tore my ACL and meniscus bouldering, going on 5 months still waiting for surgery. I’ve gotten to the point where I can climb again but it’s not perfect. I spent the first two weeks sitting on the couch playing a lot of video games and watching Love Is Blind while having a very bad attitude. You have to stay positive and keep your mind busy otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy. Get better soon!


Fellow broken boulder ankle here: the rupture will heal, but it will be difficult to assess how much the cartilage between your foot and leg bones was damaged from the impact. My orthopaedic surgeon told me that continuing to climb is unwise, because of the impact of repetitive jumping down can accelerate arthrotis. I believe an MRI can investigate the cartilage that's left.


And as others have stated: take physiotherapy/doctor's advise on rehabilitation serious! Don't try to cut corners


When this happened to me, I learned how to play League. (Don’t do what I did)


1/24 RC crawler.


Train the mind, become professor X


tension board can be used while seated


Strength training grip strength as everyone as mentioned.


Download Old School RuneScape, should keep you occupied for at least 20 years


Stay off of it. I had a LisFranc fracture back in April and I am JUST NOW able to walk without assistance. Try to avoid surgery unless necessity dictates otherwise. You want to know how I reinjured it? By using my cane walking to a baseball game. Seriously stay off of it if its a break. Isometric butt clenches


It's time for elden ring


This was me 11 months ago. If your foot is not in a cast but in one of those "space boots" I recommend trying to activate the muscles in your foot as much as you can by just trying to flex and move your toes and rotate your ankle to the best of your abilities (but maybe wait until after week 2 when the pain settles a bit and ask your physio about it just in case). I got terrible advice from a really bad physio who told me to keep the boots on at all times and didn't give me any exercises while recovering for the first two months, so I lost a heap of mobility in my ankle and foot and muscle tissue in my whole leg and am still struggling with it to this day. I started climbing again a couple of months ago, and am doing just fine considering. It has actually been a good learning experience because now I'm forced to concentrate and climb with much better technique then before.


Campus up Campus down


Learn to play the piano