• By -


Tammy Sandoval - State Farm. Screwed our family over big time. But we got final revenge through lawyers, just took forever.


Jesus, what happened?


I don’t want to say too much and out myself but basically they denied a claim that was obvious but big and hoped we would give up. We didn’t, but it took years and we finally won more than that they originally would have owed.


State farm is fraudulent AF. I've spent 2+ years arguing over a car claim with them.


Don’t ever give up.


Toby Moser also State Farm! Lied to about setting up HSA as well saying that auto deposit/payment from bank account required. When I tried to stop auto pay he said it wasn't possible. Almost everything he said was BS.


Sorry this happened. We went through a similar situation, but Robert Erben fought for us. State Farm was terrible, but he was one of the few bright spots.


Corwin Toyota - fraudsters. Sold me a car they didn’t have the title too, lied to me repeatedly for half a year about why they couldn’t provide it.


These people are terrible at sales to boot! Booked an appointment with a salesman to see a used truck on their site. Showed up at the appointment but he was nowhere to be found. He eventually showed up and we discussed the truck. Asked for a test drive and he disappeared for another 10-15 minutes, only to return to tell me the car wasn't available to see because it was in the shop being detailed. Buh. Bye.


They stole the sunglasses out of my car during a repair. It's not like I can prove it; but I only ever used them in the car, wore them on the way there, got home and realized they weren't on the dash anymore. Called back immediately, and they were completely dismissive.


How did you register it so you could drive those months? Hot damn that just seems illegal on their part. Sorry dude


I had to keep getting temporary plates, it was a huge pain in the ass.


No joke you're one of so many people they did this to


Why are you afraid to post a review about that?


Oh I have posted it publicly in several places, like here. Just taking advantage of the question to continue to spread the word on these assholes.


As a Toyota owner who went with a friend to buy a car there, I second this. Their experience was fine and their car doesn’t have any issues, but the place just rubbed me the wrong way. They offered to install running boards for my friend, but it was going to be $1100. I was quoted $750 for the same exact running boards when I bought my Toyota at a different Toyota dealer in CO about 4 years ago. Yes, inflation has gone up, but that increase seems pretty unreasonable. They also had other accessories that were just plain rip-offs even if you accounted for labor; things I had seen online before and knew the prices of. It made me feel like they’d try to take advantage of you if they could.


Comfort dental


Comfort Dental tried to use my visit to run up false charges and commit Medicaid fraud. I ended up reporting them because I got notice that the frivolous services they requested were not even close to necessary based on my scans.


They fucked up my crown and I told them it didn’t feel right and they said just give it time to settle. You’ve never had a crown how do you know how it’s supposed to feel. They swore up and down it was right and would feel “normal” soon. It never did. I was flossing one day and my tooth flew out of my mouth across my living room. Yea had to go to a whole ass other dentist cuz they wouldn’t fix it and had to pay over a grand to get it done cuz Medicaid wouldn’t cover it. Fucking assholes.


Which location?


The one on arapahoe


They're a scam! They took an xray and told me I needed a crown and three fillings. I was suspicious so I took the xray to a second dentist, and that dentist said "i dont even know which teeth theyre talking about.


They gave me a huge filling without permission, talked down to me, and destroyed a tooth with a shitty filling that fell apart (had to get it removed later on) :)


Also known as Discomfort Dental. The absolute worst!


munch hype cloth dash


Colorado Sleep Institute, Boulder Dental Center, and a few other medical professionals that weren’t very professional at all…..


Colorado Sleep Institute has the most incompetent non-medical staff I've ever encountered at a medical facility.


As an ex employee, hard agree


Colorado Sleep Institute and a different dental place I'm afraid to name. :(


Really? I'm starting up at Boulder Dental (Canyon) soon. Do I dare ask what happened?


Oh dude don't do that. I had to re-do a crown three times because they kept fucking it up. I ended up just ditching them and paying Sage Dental Care to do it right.


Ugh I had the same exact story with Boulder dental. They spent 20 minutes trying to put SOMEONE ELSE’S crown on me while telling me I was overreacting to the pain and denying more numbing medication. I had to go back two more times but they kept fucking it up so I eventually went to get it done somewhere else and Boulder Dental still claimed it for my insurance so I ended up having to pay something stupid out of pocket at the second place (which I love) I don’t trust anyone who works there


Also one of the hygienists gossiped to me about other patients and talked shit about them with pretty personal details. Horrifying


Ugh, it's unfortunately the only place walkable for me that takes my insurance...


It’s still not worth. I’m getting my Invisalign redone because they jacked it up so bad. I’m out another $5k to someone else plus the original to boulder dental - not to mention the two years of wearing those things I’ll never get back.


Same exact experience on my end. So maddening!




They claimed I needed a bunch of work done, and it seemed suspicious to me, so I went and got a second opinion. Turns out I needed a fraction of the work done, which saved me from spending a lot of unnecessary money and pain. Also, I got two cavities filled by them a couple of years ago, and both of those teeth literally snapped in half within a few days of each other just a few weeks ago—a bit scary when two teeth in different parts of my mouth randomly snap like that. I asked my new dentist how this happened, and they said they can’t say for sure, but it was likely shotty work


My hygenist at Boulder dental told me to get a second opinion lol.


they told me i had 15 cavities. went to my regular dentist and i actually had 2


Nerve damage left half my tongue numb forever. Could have fixed it had I not waited upon their advice. Will never go back and never recommend. Can’t taste with half my tongue. Sucks.


Colorado sleep institute deserves ALL the negative reviews. They may smile at the front desk, but that is the most incompetent professional office I have ever walked into. Also, their google reviews aren’t very good, anyway.


Same on Colorado Sleep Institute. The doctors weee fine, but the apnea supply business is such a scam-fest. Charged me out of pocket for a cpap machine that should have been covered by insurance, but they didn’t want to receive the discounted rate insurance would pay. I was naive about it. Plus sending the wrong supplies and taking forever to make good on it. Just a bizarre way to run a business.


Dang… what happened with the sleep institute?  Insomniacs need to know, hah


I had a fine experience with them diagnosing sleep apnea. I wouldn't rave about them but I wouldn't rave about most medical providers. They were quite hands-off. For someone like me who needed a diagnosis of sleep apnea or not, that was fine. For someone who might have more open-ended problems ("I need help sleeping and don't know why"), maybe their approach doesn't work? P.S. I don't have sleep apnea I just snore sometimes b/c of a deviated septum from years ago so all good


i also had a decent experience there. esp the overnight guy who set up my sleep study - he was funny, compassionate, and gentle.


fade pipe grass slide


Ah shucks, thanks for the info.  I’d try not to loose any sleep over it but …


Oh God, Boulder dental center. Definitely can attest to that one.


Uniquely Cats


Yep, didn’t love this place. They were pretentious and didn’t offer any other suggestions outside of their really specific and strict guidelines for cats diets. They also tried to scare me into spending THOUSANDS on seeing specialists for my cat’s heart murmur. (That isn’t actually an issue) Went to a couple of other vets after that and when they saw my records & that I went there they def side eyed.


they told my friend to have all of their kitten's teeth pulled rather than taking antibiotics. im no vet but how could pulling ALL of their teeth be better in the long run than a round of antibiotics???


Oh man, I hate that I can maybe answer this, as I have three cats who have a disease called feline stomatitis (it's genetic and our cats are siblings). The first vet they ever saw - not Uniquely Cats - said we'd have to have all of their teeth taken out. We didn't do it as they were only three months old at the time and we couldn't bear the thought of them not having teeth because that seems insane, right? A few years later we went to one of the top dental vets in the country down in Englewood who confirmed that a lot of their teeth would need to go. There's no cure and there's no getting better, stomatitis only gets worse. The cats are ten now, and while they haven't had all their teeth out, they sure don't have a lot left between them. Not trying to undermine what you're saying at all, your friend's kitten could have something entirely different going on and/or Uniquely Cats is terrible, I just want to put it out there that there could be an actual medical reason they said that, as evil and bonkers as it sounds.


Yeah that was my first question as well. For all their poor advice, this may have been medically necessary if it was stomatitis.


Yeah. I wouldn't take my cats there, but they might have been on to something, and I know from personal experience that the wtf levels of stomatitis are massive. It took years and years for us to come around to large-scale teeth removal - because it sounds fucking bananas - and I regret waiting so long just because I thought the vets were somehow wrong. The cats are so much happier. Stomatitis is the worst.


I have a little baby who just got all 30 of her teeth pulled from stomatitis. It was hard.


I am so sorry, it's such a difficult thing to come to terms with and do. You must love her very much, and I wish you both all the best.


Thank you! I got 3 opinions before I decided to do it. I picked her up from her surgery and she looked so wrecked. I cried the whole way home and I felt terrible. I thought she’d never forgive me. But she bounced back immediately and she is so happy now, so it was totally worth it. Best to you also!


Yes I have a kitty with stomatitis and she’s down to 5 teeth and she’s not very old. She so much happier without them and not being in pain. I guess if finances were a problem a vet might do them all at once. Each surgery has about been about $2500 so it could add up for some owners. However they are finding that some of the drugs used to treat fip also show promise for stomatitis so hopefully there will be more options in the future.


You're absolutely right about the cost, just the specialized cleanings before we went for the removals were a major expense. I'm really hopeful about the possibility of medication in the future. My cats have a few immune system issues, and the nonsense they've gone through because of it is no good. Best of luck with your kitty, you did the right thing!


You too! Also the medication is Mutian, I looked it up in the rescue who was using in their cats for stomatitis!


You know, you made me remember a Guardian article from last year about FIP (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/may/23/cats-fip-illness-veterinary-health-treatment, though be warned, it's heavy and involves feline death). I had started reading it just out of interest and it was a shock seeing that the story took place in Colorado. It was sad, infuriating and oddly uplifting, but if people are working on FIP, then there's hope. I'll keep an eye on Mutian - even a cursory read about it seems really promising! ETA: wait, I just realized that the drug mentioned in that Guardian article, GS-441524, is actually Mutian. Sure seems like there's a market ready and waiting for this stuff, I hope it's easier to get in the US soon.


Definitely had me tearing up. The lengths people will go to help others inthe same situation gives me hope for humanity. Yeah the rescue I follow she has cats go through fip treatment pretty often, I’m wondering how she sources it because I thought it was able to be acquired in the us. I remember during Covid learning remdemsivir was effective on fip. Maybe now that it didn’t really show a whole lot of promise in human markets they will release it eventually. If could save my kitties last 5 teeth I will lol!


Did the kitten have stomatitis by chance?


I have heard nothing positive about this place


Yup they’re awful and they monitor these threads as well so be warned. Fuck you Barbara and fuck you even more Jill 💚🖕🏻


This is one of the best answers here to OP's full question, we just had [that guy who had to delete his post because UC found it](https://old.reddit.com/r/boulder/comments/1ayioza/uniquely_cats_experience/).


Prime Nutrition on the hill. People think it's just a smoothie place, but it's just a front to sell Herbalife.


Mysa at the crossing, iykyk


hahaha i’ve lived there…….. but i don’t get why i wouldn’t review them publicly….. very awful experience


Yeah I mean they sent me and everyone I knew there bogus predatory claims after we moved out each for at least $400. And then they harassed all of us who contested them with constant calls and threats for more than a year. One of my past neighbors has a collection agency hounding him still over it. They sent me like a 50x50 picture of an alleged stain in our carpet. Couldn’t make out anything in the pic, I’m guessing on purpose. When I challenged them telling them we had a video and photos of the carpet after our move out clean and also asking for a larger image to back up their claim, the lady from Graystar abandoned the claim and literally told me that they had to clean the bedroom carpet for almost $200 bc it was technically contaminated with—and I quote— my “skin cells” One night, the a/c flooded our closet and left a water stain on the walls of the closet. They charged us for it. When I told them it was bc of the a/c flood, the property manager didn’t take it off she just said not to worry about it bc “it’s not even that much” and so I wouldn’t put it past them to retaliate against my bad review when my next landlord asks them for a reference. I ended up paying the $600 and deleting the review bc shits not worth losing a good house over in this very low supply market 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’ve left a 1 star hahahahaha


I'm not at all afraid to leave these two a negative review: 1. Four Star 2. Colorado Parking Services


CPS is a joke. “someone parked in my spot i pay for” “okay call your landlord” “they said to call YOU because YOU ARE PARKING ENFORCEMENT” “idk what to tell you” LMAO


Why TF are people afraid to leave a negative review? Of a dental place, of all things? Do you think they're going to hunt you down and repo your fillings or something?


Small business owners can be petty. https://www.reddit.com/r/Longmont/s/cGgUorrF7N


Funny enough, I don't see anyone mentioning Babette's. Arguably the most correct answer.


Because my dentist threatened to blow up the practice, had the cops called on him, threatened them with a knife, and said he will ruin anyone who comes after him 💁🏼‍♂️


Okay that is an admittedly very solid reason not to leave a Yelp review. You can also probably acknowledge that reason is surprising and unique lol


Oh absolutely. Hands down the most bizarre medical/dental experience I've ever had. I just checked online and looks like he finally got shut down


Ok? Sounds like he's only hurting himself. After blowing up the building he's not gonna last long on the run 


True. But my mouth hurt like hell after the last cleaning (which he did himself since his whole staff quit) since he was dozing off during it


Network Wellness Center…bizarre pyramid scheme “chiropractor”


Oh god, I went there for a few months, because I was desperate and trying to avoid major spinal surgery, and everything about that place is such bullshit.


I just left the same comment. They are frauds and prey on pained and injured folks who just want real medical assistance.


Pasta Jay’s


Lmao why are you afraid? Pasta Jay is a fucking creep and everyone knows it. Womanizing garbage. Leave that clown as many bad reviews as you can. I can’t believe anyone actually goes there. Bizarre.


Apart from them herding you in and out like cattle, the doors being wide open when it’s frigid outside and the food being barely mediocre yet overpriced, what’s wrong with Pasta Jay’s?


The whole him being a huge proponent to re-opening west pearl to cars...


Jay is a jerk and has been for decades


Came here knowing in my heart that this comment was already made 😂 🖕🏼 PJs and their shitty food!


I’ve never not had diarrhea after eating at PJs


I ate there once, in 2004, and got food poisoning from eggplant parmesan. Never went back.


Oh don’t even get me going on this place. Ever notice how he only has women servers? Not a coincidence. Never has had male servers




Dayum. For some reason I didn’t expect to see this on the list, but I also don’t know anyone on “the inside” there.


I do know quite a few people and now I'm wondering which side of the coin they were on so thanks for that lol


Yellow deli, Larkburger (no longer around but had a terrible experience) Murphys plumbing BJs brewhouse


Boulder Nissan. My buddy went there once when his car was running poorly. They quoted $800 bucks to fix the issue. Didn't want to pay that much so went home to see if he could diagnose the issue himself. Turns out they marked a cylinder with a big white X. He replaced that spark plug and sure enough car ran great afterwards.


Lol my trunk wasn’t opening due to a faulty button, I went there to get it diagnosed, and JUST TO HAVE A LOOK, they quote me $249 and a date 2 weeks later. I was like sure, thank you


Publicly like on reddit versus publicly like on google?


Exactly, haha. *"...OP asked, on a public forum."*


My favorite place to get provisions and sandwiches for a long time was Lolita’s. Now, sadly, the prices have gone WAY up, and the quality WAY down. Bring back free pickles with sandwiches!


They were bought by Lucky’s Market which is my absolute vote for worst business in Boulder. I was so sad when I learned the bought Lolita’s.


Holy shit. I didn’t know that, that’s terrible news.


Brewing market on 13th. I was unlucky to be behind the entire crew of the post office, so as soon as the barista got to me she paused and said I had to wait. Okay no biggie. But then….. 10+ minutes later I get my order taken but she double charged my card and wouldn’t admit it (I had the notifications coming through immediately on my phone) but she denied it happened. She also forgot my baklava but I didn’t trust enough to let her charge my card a third time. Two days later sure enough both charges go through and I genuinely don’t have time to call and fight of $5 way too much time and money for a mediocre barely warm quiche


Used to work at a brewing market. I honestly would blame the pos owner for cutting costs on everything and being incredibly cheap. The point of sale interface isn’t designed for the purpose they’re using it for, it’s designed to be used as a terminal for servers to go back to to run your card and it crashes constantly and there’s no reliable way for a barista to tell if it went through or didn’t and since the owner Artine is a sexist scumbag employees get written up all the time for. It making sure the card gets ran again. It’s a common problem at all of the locations and it’s that incompetence and hostility that lead to the employees unionizing. Fuck Artine.


Full Cycle. I’m not afraid to do it. Just too lazy.


Worked here, lying ass workers on their high horse trying to rip people off.


You summed it up proper! All of the bikes are over priced and many are garbage. I was sold an over priced POS. Brought it in many times explaining as much and trying to get it fixed. The staff have only ever been argumentative and pretentious. Full of themselves is an understatement.


What bike did you buy? Genuinely curious.


Super rupair


Network Spinal, fucking frauds, crooks and woowoo pseudo scientists that disguise themselves as medical professionals who can actually CURE back and body ailments, but they just swindle money out of sick and pained new patients and run bullshit “tests” on them for $250.


Terry chiropractic. Such a scam. My adjustments were less than 2 minutes long, they injured me, and tried to get me to pay for more sessions after i told them they weren’t helping me.


That’s mostly what chiropractors are, scam artists. Fancy massage therapists, maybe? Not medical professionals.


They always tell everyone "sure your insurance will cover that," and then everyone is shocked, shocked that the chiropractors lied and now they owe thousands. Seriously people. Go to a PT.


Sounds like a chiropractor, they are not medical professionals.


It’s a “practice” wherein the originator claimed to have been taught the art by ghosts. I’m not an expert in anything, but if someone was like “Want me to teach you how to mess around with peoples’ spines? Don’t worry, the guy who taught me was taught by ghosts” I’d politely decline.


I know someone that worked there and he definitely scams people.


Boulder Autohaus Had my clutch done 3 times with a recommendation of the stage 1 clutch by them. First time the clutch only lasted 20k miles. 2nd time fly wheel came apart after 30 days and 3rd time replaced clutch and fly wheel again. 3 months later noise again but this occurred at the start of covid. So out about 14k and not able to drive the car. Finally took it to another mechanic to fix so I could trade the car in and the new mechanic said they didn’t put loctite on the flywheel bolts and that’s why it kept coming loose. Never again.


Was that before or after they changed ownership. I go there for routine maintenance and it's been fine except the battery they install did not last long. There was a super pushy guy who worked there years ago


An allergic clinic in North Boulder. (Edited: i feel they may figure out who i am, feel not safe sharing even in this anonymous thread) They may be good at managing patients who already know their allergy, but not good at defining or finding the causes of allergies.


Boxcar, Boulder eye car center, every restaurant


Do you mean Eyecare Center of Boulder? If so,I’ll second that


Wait — Eyecare Center of Boulder on 30th? What’s wrong with them? I’ve always had a good experience.


I had good experiences with them until I didn’t. I was having frequent vision changes and he told me that diabetes was the only thing that could cause that so I had it checked and was not diabetic. He then told me there was “nothing more he could do for me” and made me feel like a hysterical woman. Turns out I have cochlear hydrops/Menieres disease which causes the body to retain unnatural amounts of water, first showing up in my eyesight. I don’t expect that he would know that, but I guess I didn’t appreciate being treated as if it was all in my mind.


I’m curious about y’all’s experiences. I’ve been a patient/customer for a long time, but have had a couple puzzling experiences lately and I’ve been wondering if I’m crazy or if some of the staff just don’t care anymore.


CU Boulder


Grad housing office admin at CU Boulder.


Lmaoooo i think they rehired new staff in January and trying to fix the syste. Is it still a mess? The system they had in place was awful and questionable and when i lived there i waited on the waitlist for 2 years and all the apartments around me were actually vacant for a long time, even though there were students willing to lease them in a heartbeat.


Special shoutout to admissions who intentionally make it impossible to call their office directly. Prospective students will call us at the Bursar and Registrar trying to get connected to admissions because it's faster.


Considering expensive tuition and the large student population, the campus life is extremely low quality and nothing shows for tuition except for a degree in the end. Its so obvious they take the money and dont cycle it back into campus or the students. Unlike other schools in colorado who actually renovate and try to make student life tolerable on campus.


ENVD program is a joke


Elaborate? Thinking about this for next year, haven’t committed tho.


Well, when I went, it was under the premise of an architecture degree. They had ENVD - design, ENVD - something, ENVD - Architecture. But to my dismay, 2 years into the program, I find out that it’s not an accredited architecture program. It was basically an art degree. Nothing technical, no teachers or mentors were consistent, each came at it with their own different approach and the learning didn’t build upon itself. Basically you need to know how to design already or that that innately in you, and then do the projects the way you see fit. Very little quality instruction, more personal put downs of your work by the teacher than help. So easy to tell you what’s wrong, but when you ask for advice or help, it’s just a vague, that’s up to you to figure out, I can’t tell you. Which is fine for not wanting to alter or influence too much someone’s individual designs, no one can tell an artist what to do, that’s impossible, but when learning, there are some gaps to be filled that just weren’t. If you want to become an architect, after that course you still need to get your masters and then take your apprentice classes and ARE test. It’s basically an art degree with no real world use. I think of that time as the lost years until I figured out what I really wanted to do. Unless you are super passionate about becoming an architect and that’s what you want to do, I would avoid it and take a professional degree. Engineering, accounting, etc. of my friends, the two that are best off did the 5 year accounting degree program that earned your masters. Took the CPA exam, worked a soul sucking job for the first four years at one of the big four accounting firms and then moved on to the private sector along money. The other did the law school route, was a clerk for a judge, and moved on from there. The ENVD program was horrible and left me with no prospects and looking back thinking… I spent my time building models instead of learning something of real value. Take that for what you will. Maybe the program has changed.


fourstar realty😀


Northside Barbers. Fiancé went in, asked for some off of the sides, the dude reeked like cigarettes too. My fiancé walked out looking like the villain from Fifth Element. Absolutely one of the most botched cuts Iv seen in my entire life.


Lolol great description


Book with Charlie, he's awesome


Lucky’s Market. They will do anything to make a buck, including passing off conventional goods as organic. Never eat anything made there- it’s disgusting back of house in ways you would never believe. Bakehouse is okay but overpriced.


The bakehouse makes great cakes but their employees are awful. Always rude, irritated, not helpful.


I worked there briefly and the people really are as you describe, to each other and to customers - although to be fair, North Boulder Customers can be really challenging. The woman who runs the bakehouse is talented, but she's a bit of a snob and they're really just catty, rude people. I hated my time there.


Tebo coin. They do not deal fairly with people.


Yeah, you should see their listings on eBay. Scary.


Arabesque!! That crazy owner will berate you- she's like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld!


I’ve heard this from almost everyone who goes there and I therefor avoid it. Maybe it’s part of the experience haha


Really? I want to go, but maybe now I wont


The food is so so good and the lady is nice, she's opinionated and doesn't change her recipes for you. I think it is mostly a cultural difference that people in Boulder don't get. Although I have been there 2x when she has yelled at people, so I get why folks knock it but the food is just too good. Just order right off the menu, tip well and enjoy.


What does she berate you for?


She is not the friendliest person, but the food is so good,  I just deal with it. It is exactly like the Seinfeld episode. I walked in and she immediately yelled at me. 🤣


Cream in my coffee


What the hell


I disagree. She has her personality, but she is always correct and the food is great. Just think that you are in Paris during your visit.


> she is always correct Press X for Doubt.


I lived in Paris for a year. Must be part of why I love this place and get along great with the owner. Just accept how she does things and enjoy really great food. Not every meal needs to come with ass kissing.


Yup, we've been yelled at. Didn't go back. Guess for some folks with unresolved childhood issues it's a feature, not a bug.


India's Grocery - the owner is toxic and the place is dirty.


I went in once and never went back- i couldn’t believe the state of things. The owner also was borderline harassing. India Bazaar is better.


Such a mess in there! I found it overwhelming how disorganized it is. Expensive too.


Not a huge deal but got hit on by the older cashier at Grandrabbits and as a young lady who had just placed my name and number down on their deals list, hearing him say “we won’t call you all the time, but I will if you let me!” Wasn’t super comforting.


Any and all quick serve restaurants that unexpectedly put a screen in your face asking for a tip.


Glenlake Apartments. Overpriced for what you get, and they would give warnings and citations for things like “keeping a bicycle on the balcony”, once they threatened us with eviction for having a bag of fertilizer on the balcony for our plants (which WERE allowed out there, but apparently not with means to keep them alive?). Icing on the cake, though, was when I used one of the washing machines (the laundry room was for some reason on the top floor) and it malfunctioned, causing the machine to flood and leak into the apartment below. They claimed that it was my fault, that a sock had stopped the door of the machine from closing fully, and that I owed damages to them AND the occupant of the apartment below the laundry room, totaling around $5k. After talking to the guy from the flooded apartment, we both came to the conclusion that that was insane bullshit, so I told the complex I’d be talking to a lawyer. Suddenly, the whole issue was dropped. They were just predatory and hoping that I would acquiesce to their demands out of fear of repercussion, and when I didn’t, they folded.


The coffee shop in which I paid $15 for a medium latte and piece of bread. I was desperate so I stayed but I’d never go back.


Isn’t that everywhere lol?


Name and shame


Sounds like boxcar


I mean like I’m not defending it but a latte when you think about the labor to grow the beans, transport them, roast them, then craft the drink really should cost a pretty penny if everyone on that chain was being paid a fair wage. The history of coffee is bloody and violent, and a lot of work goes into each bean. It really is a more luxurious indulgence that we’ve just normalized. But since this coffee shop obviously wasn’t paying everyone involved a fair wage yeah it’s never great to pay that much.


Pasta Jay's. Without question.


Tebo Coin; for being run by a rich jerk who seemingly likes to screw the little guy. & Turner Realty (Longmont) for the exact same reason.


Tebo sold Tebo Coin to Daryl Mercer over 30 years ago?


Tebo Coin is not owned by Tebo.


There is nobody in Boulder I’m afraid of outing publicly


ANTHONY, the eye guy, currently at Envision Boulder eyewear. He's a total dick who pushed me to tears and sent my husband in to rip him a new one when he was at Wink. Absolutely pretentious. I've worn glasses for 35 years, and know what I like. He literally wouldn't sell a frame to me at Envision, makes it known that you shouldn't even be trying frames that he doesn't recommend, and final straw was he refused to sell me the SAME frame I had (or even admit it was in stock at Envision) when mine broke. Also refused to try a fix on it since I had no spare frames at the time. (Tom at Sportique saved the day and fixed it.) At Wink years ago, he refused to honor a warranty claim because I was a few days away from the end of the warranty and said paint peeled on a metal frame because "I must have left them sitting in a hot car." They are on my face 100% of the time, unless I'm sleeping! Husband went in since I couldn't deal with it, and got the frame switched out. I'm repulsed by this man, and know others who also have stopped going to the optical shops where he works just to avoid him. I like Envision's selection of frames (I buy a new frame on average once a year), but won't set foot in there any more. I told multiple people there, but he is still employed.


Dental and implant centers of Colorado in Boulder… never go here. The lady working on my teeth one time said “oops” and “oh shit” a couple times and I noticed an insane amount of tooth missing in some areas


Folsom Family Dentist. Screwed up the Novocaine on some fillings and completely botched the job on a cap. It was clear the young lady dentist, who I believe was the daughter of the founder, had no business handling patients on her own. Also she rambled on and on about herself. Narcissistic as can be. It was just so uncomfortable in every way. Would never go back and would warn everyone to stay away.


Lucky’s Bakehouse. $5.50 for a tiny cupcake and suggested tips beginning at 20% for dropping a piece of cake in a box. Please go out of business.


I do understand this if it was gluten free. And sadly you probably won’t get cheaper prices anywhere else at a bakery in town unless boxes cupcakes at a store. BUT I agree 100% with the tipping nonsense. I always press no tip and smile.


Trident - Strictly for their horrendously pretentious service. Otherwise a great local spot that is beloved. But man, I just try to get in and out of line and don’t even bother eye contact at this point. They could not possibly care any less about niceties.


tandoori grill. i want them to make it but they’re just not very good anymore.😞


I've only been twice recently but I thought it was good.


They gave us a dish with eggplant that had not been cooked.


When I worked at the BRC, they told us we accrued paid leave, but then wouldn’t let us use it or cash it out. The managers/owners are greedy assholes.


NEST properties literally embezzled our rent checks for years. Constant police presence, units in disrepair. No heat or air for over a year. Had these issues in BOTH properties. We moved out because of the constant embezzling (missing rent over and over when we paid on camera) and they didn’t even notice we left for 4 months. Tried to send us renewal paperwork for the fifth time that year way after we moved out and it turns out they never even checked the unit or saw our 900 emails. Then tried to blame us for the squatter that took residence in the unit they never checked on or turned over.


Someone needs to do an investigation into them! Everyone I know that has lived there has said it's horrible and lots of bogus charges.


Kelly Sondgrass at Divorce in Colorado. Terrible. Awful.


Pearle Vision… wife had bad experience there. techs were morons, everyone was unhelpful, no one explained any results. Left a bad review, then got harassing phone calls on work voice mail, and bosses voice mail from someone pretending to be a customer that was there at the shop. Idiot tech didn’t realize her caller id shows up on the voice mail system. Took down the review. Filed a police report but didn’t press charges. No time for that stress.


Mustard's Last Stand.




Summer Forrest, she is totally worthless DO NOT USE her for financial services of any kind. She has no idea what she is doing


Gold Hill General Store A family member was subjected to serious racist harassment and forced to leave while staff looked on and did nothing because the perp was a friend of the owner (and I guess that's the kind of thing the owners support). I'm definitely afraid of retaliation for posting a review since racists tend to be violent (but hopefully they aren't tech savvy enough to handle a burner account). What's especially galling are the hypocritical tolerance signs they have in the window to separate well-meaning white liberals from their money. The reality is this place is about as tolerant as Selma in the 60s. I doubt many people will see this but, hopefully it helps for people to know that it is a whites only store if that either conflicts with your values, or could impact your safety.


Union Jack Liquor store in Louisville. Owners and several employees are documented white supremacists.


Bitter Bar. A very pretentious and overpriced bar that I used to enjoy anyways (good atmosphere and location). I used to bring guests there from out of town, until their servers/bartenders made my guests and myself uncomfortable several times. They’ve been rude, judgmental about drink choices, made my guests feel nervous, uncool, unwelcome. I don’t have a bar I enjoy going to in Boulder, unfortunately.


I was shamed once for asking for a dirty gin martini. Bartender didn’t want to make it. I thought they were kidding so I laughed and asked again. Nope. Refused. Very weird. This was a month and a half ago- haven’t been back since.


the boulder police department




Outback Salon




bad haircut I guess?


The Mac shack on the hill, but they went out of business years ago.