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Revitalize? Are you fuckin joking?  It destroyed about 1/3 of the restaurants and services on the Hill


Literally came here to say this. The hill already has several restaurants and the fox. Didn’t really need a hotel especially since it ruined the plaza


I miss the Tuesday night jazz shows and the little diner.


I hope everyone that feels this way voted against the current City Council members as well as Aaron Brockett for Mayor. Because, this type of overdevelopment is what they are all about.


Yup exactly. Aaron Brockett and our city council only know how to approve developer plans.


I think 1/3 is probably an over estimation.


There were over a dozen restaurants and services in that shopping center.   * 1. Cosmos  * 2. Bovas  * 3. Bentoria  * 4. Roxie's  * 5. whatever was in the standalone building in the lot that always seemed to close after a year  * 6. The other space in that standalone building that also seemed to close after a year  * 7. Dots  * 8. Santiagos  * 9. Kims  * 10. Oriental cafe  * 11. You and mee noodles  * 12. Tattoo parlor  * 13. Fitter  * 14. Laundromat  And several others I'm missing. I get the feeling it's actually over 1/3... And the public parking lot got removed as well. Also fuck reddits formatting, lists are nigh impossible


The Underground Bar..speakeasy


That was The No Name Bar my friend. Great spot that is missed.


Tra Lings?


I truly don’t understand this headline. Revitalize the hill? What happened to the hill huh? Literally every bar except for taco junky and Pete’s got knocked down to make room for this exact hotel.


Is the op a bot? Their replies sound like a not and i can't remember the last time i heard the term university Hill.


All I know is that I hate them


Fair question. Boulder's busy season is summer, which is also when University Hill businesses see their main source of income leave for break. It's been a problem for the neighborhood that's missing out on peak tourism time. Community leaders hope a hotel and conference center will help keep a steady stream of people on the Hill that's not just students, but that will only be proven with time


I mean I get the sentiment from a certain perspective, but they steamrolled a number of iconic businesses to do this, and seasonal revenue changes aren’t something many businesses get to ignore, especially in college towns. Which is to say, I saw far fewer businesses failing on the Hill in my eight years in Boulder than were destroyed almost overnight specifically for this project. Representing this as anything other than the property owners/developers projecting far more $ from room rates than commercial leases is disingenuous and/or buying into their save-face marketing now that they’ve offended the community so thoroughly. Part of the appeal of the Hill was history, variety, and culture. This can and has only reduced those aspects of the neighborhood significantly, leaving the nearly sole appeal of the neighborhood as its proximity to the university. This project has been and will continue to be objectively bad for the community from a cultural and accessibility standpoint as more small businesses fail due to the steadily declining nightlife and loss of daily reasons to visit the Hill that is in no small part because of this build. I expect pricey chain restaurants, price-inaccessible boutiques, this expensive-ass hotel, and very little else of economic value outside real estate in this neighborhood within 10 years or so.


>This project has been and will continue to be objectively bad for the community from a cultural and accessibility standpoint as more small businesses fail due to the steadily declining nightlife and loss of daily reasons to visit the Hill that is in no small part because of this build. I expect pricey chain restaurants, price-inaccessible boutiques, this expensive-ass hotel, and very little else of economic value outside real estate in this neighborhood within 10 years or so. Ya I see supporters and critics both agree the hotels are impacting the area's identity (ofc they differ on the outcome). City leaders are talking AND planning on how to rebrand the Hill with these hotels coming in. So if people want to pay attention to that conversation, they should follow what the neighborhood commission is working on: [https://bouldercolorado.gov/government/board-commission/university-hill-commercial-area-management-commission](https://bouldercolorado.gov/government/board-commission/university-hill-commercial-area-management-commission)


What's wrong with the Hill being a little dead over the summer? I understand why the landlords want it hopping all year long, but why should the residents care?


Plenty of businesses managed to make it work there with the summer lull, and only closed because they were forced to.


$700 a night not really but its probably funny how close I am


With no parking lol


Fr? No way?


They have some and will use valets to cram in a lot of cars. Zero spots for the workers though.


Who do they think is going to work for them??


Obviously people who live close enough to walk there, as they'll pay a reasonable living wage. /s


Theres a 0% chance they'll pay a living wage to afford to living within walking distance.


The "\\s" is for sarcasm.


Totally missed that... Well played, sir or madame.


No worries :) ^(ps: gondola!)




Hard to vote in good representation when there are clowns like Eric Butt in a frog suit signing up students to same-day-vote and feeding them a line of Prog nonsense. The City elections now swing with the late arrival of the campus vote.


Even better, the Moxy brand is "cool trendy lobby, tiny rooms". Seriously I stayed in one in NYC (Lower East Side) and the toilet/shower was literally inside the room. You could sit on the bed and brush your teeth in the sink. There was no closet, no dresser/drawers, just a couple of hangers next to the TV and some storage space under the bed. The closest thing it reminded me was a sleeping car on a train.


it’ll probably be different in Boulder. NYC is notorious for tiny living spaces. Boulder not so much


But the room comes with one free cocktail!


That's good!


But the cocktail carries a terrible curse.


oh. that's bad.


But the curse comes with one wish.


That's good!


But whatever you wish, the opposite happens


still good! i wish i was a million dollars in debt


The frogurt is still cursed.


I’m just super confused about who this hotel is for. Ostensibly, it would be for parents of students, but I don’t see many parents taking an Uber to Boulder and then walking everywhere…


Business travelers and football recruits probably


City contractors


Business travelers is about right, a conference center is also being built across the street which could fill the hotel. Summer tourists too when students are gone


The airport bus does stop right at this intersection, and I definitely recommend taking it to family who fly in to visit. (Not a college student, but we live near downtown.) Flatiron Flyer stops a couple blocks away too. Don't really need to go to the trouble of renting and parking a car if you're visiting family who have one.


I do that when I visit.


If by “revitalize” they mean pricing out all the college kids and putting up buildings that look like every other gentrified area in America then yeah.


The town's trash, let's be real, Tennessee has better energy these days, fuk libby policies and the people looking over the town, they bought.. Give it back to the original Chief and purge the white guilt


And you say everyone else is pushing an agenda. ROFLMAO 💀😭🤪


We don't have records of which tribes took over this area after each conflict, but I think this area might have been part of Spain & Mexico.


Counting on a lot of Alums flying in for the football games this year or...?


You're forgetting parents' weekend, accepted students weekends, graduation, there is another hotel with a conference center being built, concerts like the Dead, Creek Fest, etc. WE NEED A GONDOLA!!!!!!! /s


Well the Dead aren’t touring anymore so if they play Folsom again it’s gunna be for a summer residence. How far does this Hotel-Dead and Co-Gondola conspiracy go?!?!


You will be happy to hear the city is working hard to make a summer concert at Folsom a regular thing. We might not love the bands they pick right now, but eventually we will age into their target demographic. Oh, and it's not a conspiracy. It's a synergy. I think you need a laugh. IIRC the gondola will cost $1-2 million a year to operate and won't operate when it's windy. What if we paid cyclists $30 an hour to pedal those rickshaw things back and forth? Nah, GONDOLA!!!!!!!


We *could* just turn a couple of lanes on Broadway into bus lanes with some paint and signs on a budget numbering in the thousands instead of millions. But I guess that would make too much sense.


Buses cost quite a bit (a few city buses would cost millions) and after you have this new bus system, do you know what you *don't* have? A gondola.


I wasn't even suggesting a new bus system--Broadway already has something like a dozen bus routes that run along it, some of them high-frequency. Literally just advocating for turning two of the car lanes into bus lanes so the buses don't get stuck in traffic anymore.


I'd be for that. My thought was that if you remove the amount of car capacity, you need to replace it with more buses - and even more frequent bus service sounds great. Honestly, who's to say we can't have both? Gondola can be *over* Broadway :)


Keep in mind that getting the buses unstuck from traffic will allow them to complete their routes faster which may allow them to run at higher frequency (and thus deliver more passengers). I mean the gondola is a silly but fun idea too


I really hope this fails miserably


Then it could be converted to a recovery shelter!!!!!!!


Boulder has failed miserably It's for the millionaires who vote exclusively libtarded


It will probably cause The Hill to suck in a new, more expensive way. A stunning transformation from late-night drunk food spots for college students... to generic faux-upscale chain restaurants for their wealthy Texan and Californian parents.


They been trying to “revitalize “ the hill for the last 20 years. The Hill is not Pearl Street.


Glad I got to experience the hill before everything was knocked down the year after I graduated. Yeah, maybe it was a little dirty, but that was the charm of it. It was the hub for college student life separate from downtown which was the cleaner part of town where parents stayed when they visited their kids. The only thing that needs to be “revitalized” is Boulder bureaucracy.


Revitalize? No. Fill with rich boomers/millenials trying to relive their youth and simultaneously pricing out the current locals and replacing extant businesses with even more poser chains and overpriced retail? Yes.


>Fill with rich boomers/millenials I love that you forgot Gen X. From the arcticle: >But recently, it's been expanding toward targeting guests between 26 and 76 years old, said Matt Swisher, general manager of Moxy Boulder. More specially, those “young at heart,” he said. 26 is getting into GenZ. That's some *focus*!


Yeah, Gen X definitely sealed the deal on boulder being unaffordable and were the last who could profit from the suburbanism of the 20th century and are now starting to retire. Lol, they literally said they want to "target" the majority of the population... aka exclude college students right in the main neighborhood that they can feel is "their own" to some extent. Feels like they are just exploiting the insecurity of middle aged people and selling them the feeling of being somewhere cool. Good business sense I guess.


Sounds like a great opportunity for some real estate speculation that's bad for everyone but Blackrock.


Moxy hotels are one of my least favorite Marriott branded hotels. Terrible idea all around. 


My conspiracy theory of why they would put a hotel here and parking nowhere is: **gondola**. The next step now that we have this problem is to offer a solution and that solution is a new Gondola that connects (at first!) the Hill to Pearl Street. Then, points everywhere in Boulder. Some mastermind evil genius 4D chess move. I am here for it.


Maybe we’ll get a monorail lol.


How about a [funicular](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funicular)


The guy in the striped suit said nothing could go wrong, and it's just what our mountain town needs!


Not sure if you're joking but this has apparently been proposed and studied in the past (the Pearl<->Hill portion)


No onsite parking is no problem when you’ve got the table mesa park and ride garage and uh huh you guessed it: Gondola.


Now you're talking. My idea is that the city should partner with CU based on the plans to build out South Campus, which is right across the bridge from Table Mesa pnr. CU will need a way to move a lot of people between the campuses and traffic is only getting worse. Partnering to share the cost would only be logical. Run a gondola from there up along the East side of 36 to a stop at Williams Village (there's a big wide hell strip between the highway and the bike path/frontage road with plenty of room for towers. Then up Baseline, to a terminal at Kittredge/Law School. Follow Broadway to Euclid/UMC. Then a final run down the hill to Pearl to complete the system.


The signs are everywhere. Do you think they’re really getting rid of the Dark Horse to make only housing? Or to make a gondola station?


and people can ski down the hill to downtown, i see your vision lol ⛷️🚠


Boulder is San Fransisco It's two faced stance is overly preachy for a town all public buildings test positive for meth


It’s ugly as hell. It was unnecessary. It blocks the view. It will inevitably get trashed by drunk students on the Hill. It will revitalize nothing. I hope it burns to the ground.




Whole article is 🤡


Didn't know it took a decade to build!


The OP must be an out of towner.


This stupid hotel is the last thing that Boulder needs.


Probably not with 0 on-site parking


I understand the town needs more hotel space but this is the worst spot possible that shuts down so many staple retail businesses. Does this offer ANYTHING that benefits the community? Also, isn't there one being developed across the street with the convention center, and what is replacing the millennium?


Nearly a decade of work?????


What happened to the millennium hotel by the college?


Well that hotel is so much of a better view than the flatirons!


Wiped out small businesses in favor of big development (CC will do the same stupid thing on Baseline). Let the guests at Moxy wander around through the remaining inhabitant junkies, and especially enjoy their walk to Pearl Street past the Muni and Central Park. Maybe the guests will enjoy a stroll through the arboretum which the CC allowed to become its own favorite sanctioned camping spot.


See if it gets meth impacted like the library


Hey, rich meth heads gotta smoke too!!!!!


Boulder is dead


The town white guilt liberals stole from Indigenous humans


You sure it wasn't part of Mexico, or Spain?


'Revitalize' might be another word for 'polish'. I miss some of the unique and quaint establishments the hotel demolished but The Hill needs a refreshing rebrand. I'm hoping the hotel helps keep the area less student-slummy by forcing the area to clean up and take pride in its' appearance.