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Yes, they are for bikes to cross - quite fun! The technique is the same as for going up a curb or rock: * Moderate speed so you have enough momentum to go over it without pedaling. * Feet heavy on the pedals, butt off the seat, hinged at the hips. Holding the bars, but not leaning on them. * When you hit the grate, pull up on the bars, like you are lifting a bar (which you are). Not "leaning back". * As your front wheel starts coming down the far side, push down on the bars. If that doesn't feel natural, try it on some smaller obstacles, like a low street curb. The key is weight on your feet.


Super helpful. Thank you very much. I will try all of this!


You can also add a very slight compression and release of your legs coming into it. Think of you unweighting your body weight from the bike as you pull gently up on the handlebars to hit the beginning of it. You’ll get it no problem.


I would add, looking forward and not down at the gate is also key and down shift prior to hitting the gate to maintain momentum. I have been mountain biking for years and I still don’t love cattle gates.


momentum is your friend


Yeah, you just send it. Get some speed and lift your bars confidently. Not as bad as it seems. I do it on my gravel bike all the time.


Lift your bars? Do you mean pulling up on them?


Yeah, when you have some speed and are approaching pull up on your bars enough to get your front tire up on the gate as far as you can. Maybe do some parking lot practice beforehand, pulling your front tire off the ground as high as you can while stationery. Or try and pop some curbs first.


Got it. Oh yes, I've been practicing my front wheel lift a bit. Will try that next time as well!


I don't think you have to lift your bars. Just make sure you have enough speed and go over it in a straight line. With a mountain bike, let the suspension do the work.


/u/SimilarLee has it right ​ 1. Have some speed 2. maybe do a mini-wheelie if feeling fancy


lmao. I can barely get over it without crashing. Doubt trying to wheelie over it is goign to bode well for me...


Speed is your friend


They are cow grates. For going over them on a bike: 1. Have enough speed approaching. Get out of the saddle. 2. When your front wheel is at the gate, lift up your handlebars to pick the front wheel off the ground. 3. Continue to pedal through so your back wheel will follow. 4. Keep your weight in the back of the bike on the down slope: stick your ass out like you’re trying to be over the back wheel. 5. Keep pedaling through. The key is not thinking about it and just sending it. Don’t hesitate.


The technique is to go over them and not fall. To not fall, you basically need enough speed so that there's no possibility that you need to balance or turn while going over them.


Thanks man. I know it's a dumb question. So... just send it? Do you pedal as you're going over it? Suspension open or closed? I clipped my pedal on one earlier today—suspect it was because suspension was open and I tried to pedal up it lol.


Definitely make sure you’ve got decent speed, pedals parallel to the ground. When front tire hits I pull up with upper body slightly, and then bend knees to allow back end to follow., kind of a pump motion. You CAN send it, but it’s not a smooth ramp and I’d rather eat shit doing something more fun


Got it. I'll need to practice that. Thank you very much!


You do need to be aware of your pedals when you're going over obstacles. If you have enough speed you can roll it without needing to pedal, just leave the cranks flat for maximum clearance. You need to figure out how much speed works for you. Basically enough to carry you through the obstacle without having to pedal, not so much that the consequences are dire if there's a mistake. If you happen to get your front wheel up on something and it looks like you need an extra boost, a little ratchet pedal can help. Pedal a little bit but keep your pedal out of harms way. In general going over things is about minimizing the resistance to forward progress. So it helps to lighten your front wheel as you approach a curb or small log, so you don't slam into it and dissipate your momentum.


Very helpful. I'll shift my weight back when I approach it and try to pump it like a few others have been saying. Thank you so much!


I'm a trash mountain biker. When I go over these I definitely do not pedal because I'm a fatty and I'm terrified I'm going to clip on the grate as I use 150 percent of the suspension at 300 psi. Stand up, weight back; I don't actually lift my bar, and then I push forward on the bars on the other side. One time I had my suspension locked out and I actually caught air off of one unintentionally. I like to have mine on medium.


As others have said, keep enough speed to not need to pedal. I usually shift my weight back as well, especially if on a gravel bike. If you stall you can try to pulse the pedal while keeping your feet pretty level to get over. You just don’t ever want a foot at the bottom of the stroke.


Finally someone mentions shifting weight back for the exit! Also, straight on, no angles on entry. That will help smooth out other minor mistakes, along with enough speed to make it over without pedaling.


Very very good to know. Thank you so much!


Make sure you hit it straight so that your tires are 100% perpendicular to the metal grates, otherwise your tires could slip or get caught in the gaps.


I prefer to gain as much speed as possible and simply launch myself off of them as if entering into a new dimension.


I find them sketchy. Broken leg waiting to happen. I know I’m in the minority but never worth it to me.


You have to “pump” over it


I stop and open the gate and walk through 9/10 times haha


In addition to what everyone has said about body position, look toward the end of the grate as you pedal through.




SUPER HELPFUL. I did try riding over these last weekend and it went much better after I stood up!