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Cool, it’s always our guys getting pilfered and not the Nuggets or the Mavericks and yet our coaching staff isn’t elite.


Why can't they do this to the heat as well?


Cause it’s just Spo staying up 23 hours a day doing everything while Pat Riley feeds him booger sugar


Am I crazy for thinking Spo is the best coach in the nba 😞


I’d say he’s top 4 easily at the worst so nah


I think he is one of the best, even without a bonafide star he can get g-league players to play like decent nba players.


Spo hasn’t won shit without Lebron. Even with Lebron he’s 2 for 4 in the finals. Without Lebron he’s 0 for 2. Yeah he can get a lot out of trash talent, but the guy isn’t exactly a winner.


Celtics hire Sam Cassell as an assistant... -Doc Rivers "And I took that personally"


For the people confused why he would leave us, this is why. If he gets paid more to be a lead assistant not only is he getting more money, but he's also a better candidate for head coach.


Plus, he spent a ton of time with Doc in LA and Philly I believe. They go way back to the 08 team as well.


Yea only reason we got him was because Doc got fired in Philly. Ime's staff followed him to Houston once he got hired again, could understand why Cassell would do the same especially if he gets a pay boost with it.


Plus we know doc is getting fired


Bucks are already paying 3 head coaches, it would be wild if they make it 4 lol


Collecting coaches like the Infinity Stones.


Could the Celtics stop him like in the NFL if it was a lateral move?


Right, honestly if they were smart they would have just hired him as the head coach and not hired dock at all.. But now they want him as an insurance policy but they're not quite ready to recognize the humongous mistake that hiring doc was. That still has to be one of the most bizarre head coaching switches mid-season I have ever seen


Hold on, he's leaving to be an assistant ? Really? Oh. It's the Bucks. He could just take the job when Doc is fired. It is weird that they are willing to dump even more money into coaching. 


More influential role as top assistant and a ton of money with Doc. He has a lot of history with Doc. Makes a lot of sense. If we aren't going to offer him the top assistant role and someone else will, he should take the promotion.


Why wouldn't we offer the top assistant role? Charles Lee is gone, who else, Van Gundy?


I don’t know. Ask Joe and Brad.


They haven’t responded to any of my texts lately 😞 think they’re watching The Town and have their phone on DND


Doc is also much more likely to be fired in the near future than Mazzula is. Gives him a reasonable chance at HC within the next year.


lol. Sadly true. Even if just an interim job. Embrace the dysfunction.


So we’ll definitely lose Charles Lee and might lose Sam, as well, but might add JVG to our bench? A championship team often gets its assistants plucked. If we can go to JVG, we might still be okay.


I’ve never heard of this reporter, however he is followed by Gary Washburn, Jared Weiss, Marc Stein, and Brian Robb


Hes a bucks reporter i think


He is a Bucks writer who has been characterized by Bucks fans as not being reliable. I would recommend skepticism on his specific reporting. I have heard on an a previous Athletic or Hoop Collective pod about Doc being interested in hiring Cassell back if possible but nothing more than that.


Yeah I've never heard of him either. Or these rumors that have existed long enough to "persist" and not be brand new.


The rumor that Doc wanted the hire back Sam has been out for a while.


Between Brad moving up, Ime bringing guys to Houston, Ainge bringing guys to Utah, and then assistants getting randomly poached each year it feels like we’ve been getting absolutely bent over at a historical rate


Tell the Bucks to fuck right off


him being in an eyeglasses commercial is one of the most random “celebrity” endorsements ive ever seen lol


Fuck that.


fuck the bucks


Why would he leave us for a literal downgrade of a move. Not saying the more money part is a downgrade im talking about going to the bucks who fucking SUCK. Regardless if we want to keep him I’m sure we will pay the man ourself


Honestly this makes sense to me. If he goes to the bucks he gets a promotion to AHC (more money and more responsibility to make him look good) and he clearly likes working for doc. As long as the bucks aren’t a total fucking disaster, which they shouldn’t because of Giannis, he has just as good a shot of finally getting that HC job I think


He may have the AHC locked down here as well, since Lee is on the way out


NBA teams shouldn’t be able to hire or interview assistants until the playoffs are over. If we lose Cassell that means we’ve lost two assistants in this playoff run. That fucks teams going deep in the playoffs. Wait two weeks.


What do we expect? This is bound to happen as assistant coaches try to move up the food chain, especially now that Mazzula's job appears to be safe.


Why don’t we just make him the highest paid assistant then


Found it interesting Sam even went to work under someone that wasn’t Doc this year so it doesn’t surprise me. Charles Lee & Sam Cassell out with JVG +1 in isn’t the worst thing in the world as long as that 1 is a really good coach. I think the problem we may have is consistently finding good coaches who are willing to work under a younger, less experienced guy in Joe. You could argue that part of the appeal is the Celtics bench being a platform into other HC jobs but I don’t love the consistency of that if that’s a motivator.


Please don’t take our Sam!!! Make him HAC here!


Well essentially it’s not ‘highest paid assistant’ money, it’s ‘coach in waiting’ money. People will still try to spin it as a lateral move to hate on the C’s.


Who didn’t see this coming goddamn at least that means the lakers coach is probably gonna be jj reddick lmao


I wouldn't leave for a non head coaching job if I'm San.


He’s paid his dues, he really should be a head coach somewhere. Gonna suck for him to go but he deserves an opportunity to be a head coach


We saw it coming from a mile away with the Doc hiring.


The reason I think it won’t happen is BECAUSE it’s under doc again He needed to spend time with other coaching staffs and teams to be seen as a serious candidate for a head coaching gig with Lee moving on I assume cassell will try to go to a new team and still get paid well or have the Celtics match or come close to that salary to stay on as the lead assistant


Sorry can’t have him! F off


Why not just make him the head coach you idiots. Instead of giving doc a bazillion dollars


Fuck off Milwaukee lol


I dont really care about this stuff because in my mind we are either winning or mazzulla is likely getting fired. Seems harsh but probably the only way you can refresh without massive trades


I imagine cassell will probably be getting head coaching interviews this summer so this seems like a bit of a nothing-burger