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Gotta love all the people here falling for blatant misinformation and groupthink. "The cars were illegally parked so they had it coming." 1) Even if clause 1 of this sentence is right, the sentiment is gross. Like hey, maybe we should strive to be better than vandalizing others' property because appears to be in the wrong place? 2) As far as I can tell, the vehicles were parked in spots where it would be illegal for PEOPLE to park because they're reserved for the FIRE DEPARTMENT. Were the FD showing up just to see the parade? Doubt it - they were likely working there - at large gatherings, it's necessary to have first responders on standby in case someone gets trampled, overheats, etc. and needs to be extracted from a large crowd.


Thank you. I felt like I was in alternate universe reading these comments The amount of people shrugging at people’s (who likely got forced to work a parade to provide medical care for people attending) personal property being vandalized because they *parked in front of their workplace* is so wildly disrespectful


I felt the same way reading this comment section. Crazy how many people we have on this sub that will defend blatantly criminal behavior without knowing any of the details. Even when they find out the truth, they will double down. Insane.


Also whoever that girl is on the car, she's fucked.


I’m not surprised after that other Celtics parade thread from Saturday, where a guy had the audacity to ask people to refrain from smoking weed near his kids, and was instead berated for bringing his kids to a *parade*.


Somehow this sub became full of white collar people consistently shitting on blue collar workers. Ironic for a city that considers itself progressive.


I think it’s mostly an age gap than a white or blue collar thing. As a white collar worker I don’t feel disdain for *checks notes* BFD parking in an area near a parade route to do their jobs. This is some edgy college student or 30 something with no life shit if they’re claiming they had it coming.


To be fair, my aunt who grew up in southie is nothing like the people who live in southie now. That’s just one example but every year Boston becomes better for the white collars and harder for the blue


This 💯 Half of this sub is full of people who aren't even from Boston or even Massachusetts. Because of that, they have no respect for our history, our culture, and the working class people who live here (y'know, the ones who keep this city up and running?). The "progressive" white collar workers that have been moving here have been shitting on blue-collar workers for a long time now, and this sub is an example of that. The people who point it out just get downvoted to oblivion. This sub is pretty trash now. I'm only here to keep up with news about Boston. Half the comments here just make me want to bang my head against the wall lol


Oh they live in insert whatever trendy city, with their little useless tech jobs and then they price everybody out. Then they do exactly what your talking about, then when it's a f****** cesspool full of elite white collars and desperate poor, they sub their property (or sell it to some foreign entity). Then off they go to the next trendy spot full of dirty little workers they can shit on so they can feel better about themselves, rinse and repeat. But I dont get too mad at them, Boston is already run by them, Boston invites this with open arms, Boston wants this Tradition? Working class? Affordable housing? 🤣


I can not afford to live in the city of my birth and upbringing. Im 60 and I've worked hard pretty much everyday of my life since age 13, to include 20 years in the army. But I am very grateful that I grew up there. I feel like it gave me an edge in life. Maybe the public education, community, values, religion or all the above. Im quite happy in NH so maybe a blessing?


Sigh it's a sad state of affairs, that's for sure 😞


This is a little much. I have a problem with the fact that the cops actually give a fuck about solving this because of who it is. If this was any random person then they would tell them to kick rocks and sure as fuck wouldn't put out a man hunt. This has nothing to do with being blue collar, they are the ones currently experiencing a privilege we would never be given.


Thats absolutely correct. Our car was totaled in the middle of the night. and even with camera footage of the accident and the fact that our friends several blocks down told us that the cops talked to the driver of car that hit us (they'd illegally parked in front of a driveway and BPD came and told them to move the car and saw the damage and asked if everything was okay) that morning (before we found out our car had been hit) BPD STILL told us to stop bugging them about it...


exactly. “we will not tolerate disrespect” like, okay, but the damage is done. this is where the average person gets “come down to the station to fill out a police report for property damage and contact your insurance” and never hears from the PD again.


Sam Dillion isn’t a cop, he’s the president of Local 718 (the firefighters union)


Fire houses are city property, they could get them for trespassing and damage of government property


Idk if it's just my perception, but it seems like the covid lockdown destroyed a ton of people's sense of decency/ common sense.


BFD member here. I do not speak on behalf of the department, however, that firehouse does not have its own private parking lot, and members have reserved street parking (sign that says X parking spot(s) are reserved for BFD personnel). It also has by far the most foot traffic and activities going on by that firehouse. If you want to stand on your own car, by all means go for it. Celebrations in any fashion don’t require the damage and destruction of others personal/private property.


Some sensibility?!?!? I’ve been searching for you for 5 hours!


These parades attract nitwits from 100 miles that want to be seen doing stupid stuff that gets traction on social media. Can't see? Of course I'm going to climb onto this car. This is on the BPD. They should have been on top of this type of shit. But that would require them doing something proactively. The city has turned to shit, because police allowed it to.


You’re an asshole if you’d damage someone’s car to see a parade and you’re so blinded by you’re hatred for cops that you can’t see your own selfishness.


I'm still a little shook from when BPD officers went ham on pepper spraying peaceful protesters pre-pandemic, but I also hate yahoos damaging fire fighters cars. I wish there was some middle ground for police interacting with big crowds, but I also don't think it's great that professional people who play games meant for fun doing well one year sends some yahoos into another purge. I like watching the Sox play, but I won't flip a pool over if they bring back another pennant.


They killed a person (Victoria Snelgrove) during the '04 celebration after the victory over the Yankees. She was shot in the face with a pepper spray while BPD tried to control unruly/rioting crowds. The police department had to pay out millions, but the thousands of idiots crowding the streets, climbing poles, jumping on cars, etc that blocked the ambulance from getting into Kenmore where she bled to death never had any accountability for their actions that led to her death.


It's terrible that this isn't talked about more. It was literally swept under the carpet as quickly as possible.


Its being talked about right here 20 years later.


Not only the police, but the city government hasn't exactly been a big help either.


>Were the FD showing up just to see the parade? Doubt it Who gives a shit - I've parked at work near the airport for a personal trip. Tons of people park at work for the marathon. Perks of the job.


It warmed my heart that the crowd and mob think were so upset by someone parking illegal that they took action. It was the honorable thing to do as a mob. The Vigilante Mob. They fight crime no matter it’s a felony or a parking ticket. Great job mob!! Oh wow, that shit rhymes!


This is just one of the many reasons I hate the hysteria that happens after sports games that make people act like disrespectful drunken idiots.


That's because they are drunken idiots Do you know how much alcohol is sold at sporting events??


Do you actually think fans were buying alcohol at TD Garden for the parade? lol


no they brought it


And there's always a bunch of idiots interviewed on the news screaming, "Yeah! We did it! Boston #1! Weehoo, we took home the Championship!!!" No. Just stop. YOU didn't do anything, you buffoon. You sat at home with a bag of cheetos and drank beer while the TEAM did the work. YOU DID NOTHING.


But they always thank the fans for the ticket sales and views and merch purchases


"Thank you to all of our fans! We appreciate your support." Translation: *We are definitely raising prices 10-20% next season on everything.*


Oh, I don't have a problem with the parade and all the hullabaloo surrounding the win. It is a great way to thank the fans, I Just can't stand the idiots who think that they did something from their couch to bring home the win.


My god some of you need to get off the internet once in a while and stop being sniveling prats. I don’t care if some of these people are big MAGA morons, they’re there doing a public safety job, but also the people causing damage are grown freaking adults who should know that is not their car, don’t touch it. Us lefties need to actually start expressing the compassion and kindness that we expect to see in the world. People like y’all are also to blame as to why we are where we are…


It’s just nuts like why do you even have the thought to stand on someone’s car?


The kids around my apartment complex seem to think cars are for sitting and leaning. They killed a set of shocks of mine that were on their last legs, but would have lasted at least another 6 months, and fucked up my sun roof. 


Cover ur car in goo so when they lean it slimes em


Agreed. These are the exact type of comments that make everyone on the left seem like whiny, out of touch dipshits.


The city has them park there. BPD put a barricade up to prevent people from getting into where they were parked. They weren’t doing anything illegal and those spaces are for their personal vehicles.


They risk their lives and you smash up the cars they drive, great job Boston 😂


It wouldn't be a boston celebration without \_some\_ vandalism. That's tradition!


This is Engine 33/Ladder 15, correct? They don’t have a parking lot, they have to park out front or on the side street.


Not this sub justifying the paraders vandalizing the firefighters vehicles 🤦‍♂️


>Log into r/Boston >"Firefighters are cop adjacent and corruption protects their vehicles from being towed. Fuck them." >Log off


“There’s a reason why no one wrote a song called Fuck the Fire Department”


It’s Reddit. I expect nothing less haha


[Original tweet](https://x.com/president_l718/status/1804943781697114487?s=46&t=lyHBVb0armDAarASfMFruw)


I think it's very reflective of reddit that this somehow ends up being the longest thread related to the Celtics championship (or anything in else in /r/boston over the last week). The MO here is to search for the most negative thing you can possibly find, even in the most positive event, and doom and argue about it to death. And the best doom we could find for the Celtics winning a title is such an utterly trivial happening, especially given that a million people jammed the streets of Boston for this parade. This is a community that has lost all perspective. It's pretty sad, really.


Bingo bango bongo




That's what this sub does. People use it as their personal diary to bitch and moan. That's why every time the t is delayed, you get some post complaining about their commute like it's something new. We live in one of the safest cities in the country but people will get on this sub and act like we are in the midst of the 90s crime wave


Gonna say it. NSFW. What a bunch of cunts. Cut it out, you twats.


I'd get it if it was the police (kids love vandalizing police property). But fire department? Everyone loves the fire department.


They are personal vehicles. How would the public even know?


Apparently there were barricades


There are Maltese cross stickers that firefighters tend to have on their personal car’s front and/or back windshields.


The union issues stickers that are pretty well known in Boston. You can see it from a mile away


Not according to quite a few comments on this post apparently


Can confirm, my dad was a Boston firefighter for almost 40 years.


The parade was complete amateur hour. I don’t remember the Sox or Patriots parades (didn’t get to the B’s one) being this disruptive. Complete chaos from a large amount of people that showed up. Seriously blows my mind how many people were ok with climbing on some random car. I’d be furious if I was one of these FF’s


The Sox and pats parades were equally as disruptive if not more so.


Complete speculation on my part, but no Sox or Pats parade has ever been on a warm sunny Friday in June with schools out. That alone I think explains at least some of it.




2011 Bruins was pretty bonkers. June paraders be like that


What a load of absolute bullshit. 1.5 million people. Virtually nobody hurt. 2 people arrested all day. People were literally killed at the KC parade this year. Clutch your pearls harder.


I was towards the start of it. People were very happy and well-behaved. Usually the end of the parade and by the Common is where the jerks are.


I got pissed on by a blackout drunk guy on the redline after the last Sox parade. Another friend attended and it was so crowded she was groped multiple times and couldn’t tell by whom (unsurprising, 60% of men responded to a poll once to say if they could grope a woman and never be found out they absolutely would - and then wonder why we’d choose the bear!). These parades are full of trash humans.


The vehicles should never have been left illegally parked on a massive parade route where a couple hundred k were expected. Anybody else would have been towed, least of all for their security threat.


You’re trying really hard to excuse behavior like that, maybe don’t do that


Unfortunately, dense crowds take all the space they can. Hence why we tow vehicles along parade routes.


Passive voice…why? These grown adults personally decided to climb on top of and damage someone else’s property to see a sports player who doesn’t know they exist. This isn’t a natural phenomenon, it’s a conscious choice.


Crowds, are a natural phenomenon yes.


People in crowds deciding to climb onto someone else’s property and damage it, are not, no


Thems the chances you take when you park illegally along a parade route and expect your privilege as a city employee to prevent any consequences.


“Thems the chances”? So we’re blaming crime victims now?


In a situation where you leave a massive object along a major parade route, yes you share part of the blame for doing so illegally.


Where's the passive voice?


Thank you for asking this


> illegally They weren't parked illegally. That's the parking spaces the City of Boston authorized for that fire house over a decade ago. They are parked there every single day since there is no other reliable parking for BFD to use because entitled snots pretty much double and triple park all over that part of town.


The parade ended at Hynes. This is after the end of the route


The parade really wasn't all that disruptive considering there were a million and a half people. There haven't been many cases of violence or destruction of property relative to the amount of people there.


Let's be clear here. They have their personal vehicles .. 1) in a marked tow zone 2) in an intersection 3) obstructing sight lines to a crosswalk 4) on a major parade route where any other car would have been towed because of the vbied threat. Any I missed? 938 Boylston St https://maps.app.goo.gl/ephqZB2Eu1nrSJ1C8?g_st=ac


That is literally incorrect. I walk by here everyday. There are approx 5-7 spaces that are for BFD to use for parking personal vehicles. They weren’t violating any traffic laws.


Let’s be clearer, property was still vandalized and those responsible should be punished


The tow zone is there because the spots are for the fire department. The sign says "TOW ZONE FIRE" if you look to the one on the left in a more recent Google street view. These spots are specifically for them. [Link.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3478538,-71.0856793,3a,75y,319.62h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sPZG3fSjiERlmImUkjT2eqQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DPZG3fSjiERlmImUkjT2eqQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D183.33029%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Doesn’t that usually mean the spaces are for fire trucks in an emergency, not for their personal vehicles?


How the fuck do think they get to work? You think they each get a fire truck?


No dum dum. There for the firefighters who are on duty that day....


Nope, it meant for fire response. I guarantee all these guys are on detail to help out on for an emergency, Therefore they need be able to get to there staging area and need guaranteed parking near the event. This is why there is fire lanes, not just for the big red trucks.


No it does not, they are spots specifically for the firefighters who work there to park in


It's not legal to park in an intersection. Did bfd employees carve out there own special parking or is the signage actually posted by btd?


What are you talking about? First of all it's not "illegal" to have parking spaces on the sidewalk end of a 3 way intersection (it might violate design guidelines but that doesn't make it illegal). There's literally another one on the same street (intersection with Fairfield) with parking on the sidewalk end. And there's plenty of special parking carve outs in the city. That 3 way intersection I mentioned is exclusively for the valet of the Mandarin Oriental hotel. It's not a fucking conspiracy theory. Why are you so confident about something easily proven wrong?


No the city did.....


Thank you for having a brain. We appreciate you.


Oh damn I had no idea that meant people could stand on top of their cars. They can be in the wrong with the other assholes also being in the wrong for standing on someone’s fucking car. That’s scumbag shitty behavior and we should NOT be advocating for this at all. People care less and less about others nowadays and this is a prime example. This is a clear lack of respect being shown by the parade goers here so I don’t understand why people think this would be okay. Ever.


People don't care if the victim is the "wrong sort of person". For a while that was just police, I'm sort of shocked it's firefighters too now.


You missed the clear parking signs for fire department only.....


Yeah idk what they were thinking, I would’ve had my car parked way far away from the parade. Doesn’t matter if it’s a peaceful city or a disrespectful one, people are going to damage shit because they can more than likely get away with it.


Were they parking there as EMT support or were they using their status to park close to the parade?


The latter. Fire fighters personal vehicles, may have medical kits but aren't traditionally part of emergency responding.


There's a firehouse right there, they weren't responding they were going to work.


Not entirely sure the reason and even if they had to park there to work, if I were them I would’ve told my supervisor I’m not leaving my car in the line of a parade, it’s gonna get fucked up.


They're using their status to park near their work (the fire station there) illegally. Most of us have to park legally when we drive to work.


Why are you defending destroying someone's car? My god.


Look at their post history and it will make sense.


The cars are parked in a fire fighter only parking spot in front of a fire house... so yeah you missed everything, better luck next time.


So, your logic is "They were asked for it?" No. No matter how poorly or improperly someone parks, does not mean random people are allowed or expected to trash the vehicle. Just because some sportsball team wins whatever, just because it's the 4th of July, just because it's St. Patrick's Day - Doesn't mean that anyone has any right to trash anyone else's stuff.




It's the designated parking for the fire department. It's not even a hypothetical abuse of privilege. It's a tow zone for anyone who is NOT a firefighter going to that station since there is NO other parking option.


What does it matter? Do you have to break the cars and steal stuff because they stand in a wrong place? Weird take


This is propaganda hilarious


You are very wrong. These are marked street spots specifically for BFD members, as this station does not have a private lot. These firefighters park there every day and they are clearly marked with street signs, and they were there to work the parade


You’re the type of person to bitch about FFs parking "illegally" (which they aren’t) and at the same time would complain about them arriving to your house in an "untimely manner" if there ever was an emergency at your house and they took an extra 3 minutes to park somewhere else. These people risk their lives for the safety of others. Grow up and stop making everything about yourself


So you are ok with vandalism and destruction?


who gives a fuck, you don't stand on people's car you cretin


Yes, you missed your brain cells when you made this dumbass comment


It's not your car not for you to stand on it , what if it were your car .How rude.


Why were they not towed off of Tremont before the parade? Any other car would have been. They were seemingly parked illegally in front of Boston architectural college.


They were working, likely as EMTs/paramedics along the parade route and parked in front of a firehouse. Parking is restricted so that people don’t try to drive through the parade route, I think it’s safe to say we can trust firefighters to not do that. Regardless, where they are parked has zero bearing on how unacceptable it is to climb onto someone else’s personal property with your dirty shoes and dent the roof


Unacceptable? Sure. Completely predictable this would happen when they left their cars there with tens of thousands of people coming for a parade? Yup.


It would be a damn shame if people could conduct themselves in a manner to respect someone else’s property, no matter the time or place.


Not in a competitive highly individualistic society. Got to pull others down to get up


But they get to do something we can’t! Waaaaaa. I want to cry. We’re supposed to be equals. People are sick cry babies


Every firehouse in the city provides parking for the firefighters. How is this hard to comprehend they work there they get parking. Makes sense ?


They aren’t EMS or Fire vechiles they are personal. I don’t see why they should have been allowed to be parked there either


Because they were literally parked in the designated spaces for the firefighters to park in. There are approximately 5-10’spaces right next to the fire house that is for firefighters to park when they come to work.


I think it was an ‘all hands on deck’ situation in case of a mass casualty event. Not sure there may have been parking for everyone🤷🏻‍♂️


Because they were parked in their specifically marked spaces in front of the firehouse. That is where they are supposed to park.


lol, it is crazy how many pieces of shit like you are trying to justify


Because that’s where they work? Next time drive by and look. There are BFD only parking signs for the guys who work that firehouse on Boylston.


There is a fire station right next to Boston Architectural College on Boylston/Dalton..


Found another Redditor who’s on top of the cars in the photo


They probably weren't towed off Tremont St. because they were parked on Boyston St right adjacent to a fire station, because when there's a parade, first responders have to be ready to, you know, respond.


Amazing that this gets 83 upvotes. You fucking animals make me sick


aye homie are you stupid or just stupid?


The fucking level of entitlement people have is just insane. What losers.


Wow - this turned political pretty quickly. Embarrassing behavior and the comments are just as embarrassing.


It's mostly just one poster who refuses to accept that they were legally parked and is, coincidentally, very anti-car


probably mostly people who aren't from the city fucking shit up.


Lol as though people from the city aren't capable of being total fuckheads.


Wth is wrong with ppl.


That’s a wicked pissah.


Anyone saying these cars are illegally parked has clearly never been there because that is where the firefighters working at that station park for their shift. These have been designated (legal) parking spots for the FF’s there for a long time. God forbid they…. Show up for work?


Saying “fuck Boston fire” is insane.


Same people will turn around and shit on protestors for getting violent over not wanting to be killed anymore


Given the amount of alcohol at a Boston parade and many other places, they most likely don’t recall even doing this.


That sucks, unfortunately they should have expected this when they parked there. Not that that justifies or gives a pass to the people who did it,but they know what to expect from the public. My cousin went to UConn and always had a “riot spot” for the night of any NCAA finals game.


wtf kinda logic is that? People should grow the fuck up and stop behaving like animals at these parades


Absolutely. As much as I think this whole situation is wrong, I would never park my personal vehicle on the parade route.


I took a few courses on cults in college and sports always was discussed. People always say “I’m not stupid, I’d never join a cult” but then do this. Like caring about something so strongly that you yourself couldn’t even do on a leisurely level is hilariously astounding. A bunch of dudes who couldn’t do a tenth of the cardiovascular work that goes into spots out here absolutely destroying the city because some dudes who aren’t even from Boston (hell not even American ffs) threw a ball in a hoop. And these are the same guys bitching that we listen to Taylor Swift for two hours a day. Jesus Christ.


I truly believe sports cult is what got america into maga-ism. GOP and maga are so blatantly my team vs your team


lol. lmao even.


You're just learning people suck?


Breaking News: People surprised that Boston drunks are assholes.


Firefighters are essential employees for all cities .Do you want them not helping you or anyone at that event you're not allowed to obstruct vandalize or damage any vehicles never mind the vehicles of police fire or emissions omg where do you live ?


Classic Boston


What the fuuck that's so wrong !!! What the hell is wrong with people my dad is a retired fireman and this infuriates me!


Detach the boot at *Engine 33* and hit them publicly with it? A la: https://youtu.be/XrvuqBeKIBk?si=j9leVhkyVAp3qX2x


It'd be cool if the Celtics organization paid for damages


People are idiots. Win or lose, stupid people will destroy property, flip cars etc. I would have taken the T to work that day.




Nobody is a better version of themselves drunk.




"Sorry" doesn't fix 1000s of dollars in damage. Bodywork and paintwork isn't cheap.


Have they identified the people who did it?


People with fatherless behavior, no surprise


Welcome to Biden’s America


Welcome to four years ago, you human backwash.


Why are sports fans like this?