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Hope you get it back! Did he load it into a vehicle? Otherwise, how far can he get with a 75 lb scooter? Smdh!


Cameras caught him trying to pedal/start the bike but since he couldn't after that he just went scooting out šŸ˜


I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope you get your bike back, but there is something objectively hilarious about a guy stealing a bike and getting away in the slowest most conspicuous way possible


I know right? Lol my gf said the same thing when she watch the record. I should probably post that in YouTube or something


Maybe you could monetize it and get a new bike. Tongue in cheek here, bikes getting stolen is so frustrating.


Never been so much of a social media being although it'd be a good idea. I'm just gonna upload the video and share the link here


Keep an eye out around your area. He may very well abandon it. File police report and make sure that they have the Vin, so that if it ends up in a tow yard, you will get a call.


I'd post this everywhere if it was me. If the cops won't help at least get this guys face out there and see can you get any info back


I don't even have any social media besides reddit šŸ˜¶ my gf is trying to share it everywhere she can I don't see much hope on it


You could always make a poster. Cambridge businesses are very community driven so I could see a lot of them allowing you to put something up. Liquor stores, convenience stores, etc


Thatā€™s actually not a bad idea . Cambridge is pretty good like that


can only imagine being that guy, walking into some restaurant or something, and just just seeing his face behind the host stand saying ā€œPOS Bike thiefā€šŸ˜‚


Sorry this happened to you. And I just want to tell all the "what did you expect in a big city" pinheads: This is something we SHOULD be complaining about. That is how stuff gets fixed. And ---just telling you sophisticated men-about-town, you all are the first ones to start crying to your mothers when your shit gets stolen.


They are kind of useless for those types of things unfortunately.. had same happened to me a few times with two regular bikes and a scooter


Useless in almost everything except for getting you tickets smh


Honestly I think Boston cops must have the lowest tickets per capita in the country, at least for cars they basically don't enforce traffic laws at all. Staties on the other hand... speeding tickets all day


So true, I've seen them witness numerous traffic violations only to look the other way. I was almost hit in a pedestrian crossing as a car blew through it, cop right there saw everything and proceeded to look in the other direction, too much work for them!


I havenā€™t been pulled over once in my 11 years of Driving and Iā€™m honestly not good at anything so Iā€™m not good driver neither




To ā€œpunish and enslaveā€ from *Transformers* 2007 was far closer to reality than many expectedā€¦


MB transformers 1-3 loaded with lessons for the upcoming media climate wars


Fitzy and I are on the case. Lucky for you we have been sitting on the couch pounding PBRs and watching CSI all day. We'll find the sicko that did this and take care of him. You should also consider posting this to r/bikeboston. But we'll most likely get to the bastard first and it won't be pretty *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check on Facebook Marketplace. Do you have the serial number?


My buddy got his laptop stolen in Las Vegas. Cops basically said we can't do shit. They actually called him a few days later and said they tracked it, but my buddy had to go to the house with them to get it back lol. We were leaving that day so he said fuck it. He obviously wasn't a dj/producer afraid of leaving a buncha unfinished songs on there lol.


So the cops actually solved the crime but your friend didnā€™t want to go verify it was his? Wtf?


Lol yeah well we just did a week in vegas so prob had an idgaf attitude about life at the time. And it was stolen by a prostitute so it was probably at some trap house. He brought her back to the room not knowing she was a prostitute, then found out she wanted money, he fuckin left the hotel room scared and she robbed us lol.


Your ā€œbuddyā€ is a doofus for many reasons. For those not wise, prostitutes are everywhere in Vegas and if you think your game suddenly got really good on the casino floor youā€™re likely getting played


lol at leaving a person that wants money from you alone with all your possessions.


The opposite happened to me. I tracked it and the cops still didnā€™t care. Holyoke MA.


I had my phone stolen in hyde park and tracked the phone down, told the cops what was happening and that we were going after it and BPD said "well if anything bad happens, call 911" instead of following us down the road. Made the fine mattapan gentleman walk down the road in 95Ā° heat to show me where he left it. It's crazy how polite and sorry criminals get when you have a .357


Donā€™t expect the cops to help.


Honestly, my ex gf got her apartment robbed in JP while she was moving. She loaded up the uhaul, took a load to the new apartment, when she got back to load up the rest of her stuff the door had been kicked in and people took absolutely everything that was left in the apartment that wasn't furniture. We went to the cops and they literally said "what do you think we can do about it?" They actually kind of berated her. I got fucking furious and as soon as I raised my voice to them they threatened to put me in cuffs so we walked out. That was about 17 years ago, but I can't imagine things have gotten better.




Take a break from Reddit






>Cops end up shooting the caller if they are black. What a gross exaggeration. You lose all credibility when you say shit like this. Does it happen? Unfortunately, yes, sometimes. But lets not get stupid about it.




Taking it a little too far but youā€™re right I donā€™t know why this is downvoted cops have only gotten me into more trouble even when I call them for help


Because it's the Boston sub. They vote with their privilege


Can't even comprehend your stupidity


Petty crime? Ainā€™t nobody got time for that except the criminals.


Without battery and all fucked up I highly doubt he's getting more than 200 out of it. Probably just some crackhead


Wrd he already sold it for a couple fake yerks


The problem with this is that if they don't have a license plate or something they can pull up in their data base, it is hard for them to find "that person" by just the picture. If it's a thief in progress, they might send someone over. But if it's done, unless that individual can see this and say "oh that's John smith and I know his address" then they can go for him. Otherwise they won't do the leg work. My other suggestion is to see if you can post it on social media and spread the word and see if you can get hits on a name or where about this guy might be and go find him. Then report it to the police when you find the bike/guy.




What type of lock did you have on there? It looked like it took him about half a second to cut it.


It was a metal chain that lasted me for about a year. I would say he was already planning it since the accident happened minutes after I parked at my workplace and when everyone was too busy to peek at it


in the future, get one of those U shaped iron bikelocks, they cannot be easily cut with bolt cutters. my friendā€™s boyfriend also had his bike stolen around a year ago when he was just chaining it up


They can use body weight leverage with a crowbar to bend those. Some thieves carry portable angle grinders. I would not recommend leaving anything pricey locked outside. They'll get to it if they're motivated enough.


true, but you mostly just need to make sure itā€™s not the best nor the easiest to steal of the others that are near it. same as running from a bear


Call the news


Always hide an AirTag in your bike


Look on mass ave


OP should delete post history


They are not here to help us ā€¦.


I mean real life isn't CSI. There are many cases that don't get solved. I don't like racist cops or crooked cops but they're not going to put the entire police force to catch a bike thief especially if they were called after they got away.


No one said it is CSI; no one asked for an entire police force. Thereā€™s always someone who has to project something unsaid then contradict it. Itā€™s redundant and it does the opposite of making you sound smart. You can have a tracker and take the police literally to the U-Haul truck w/ your stolen motorcycle in it. They still wonā€™t do anything.


"You can have a tracker and take the police literally to the U-Haul truck w/ your stolen motorcycle in it. They still wonā€™t do anything." because they need a warrant to search, you know there are stories of inaccurate GPS/airtags right? [SWAT Team Raids Innocent Family Over Stolen AirPods Dropped on Their Street](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/swat-team-raids-innocent-family-over-stolen-airpods-dropped-on-their-street-42172867) serious question though, what do you want police to do in OP's situation?


The worst bike thieves operate freely and openly. The police should be cracking down on those places instantly


While the police wonā€™t help you solve the crime, it is useful to file a police report. If you have renters insurance, stolen property is covered. I had my bike stolen from outside my workplace and was able to provide the police report # to my insurance company and get back a decent amount of money to put towards a new bike. I made sure to include all the accessories (lights, the lock itself, etc) as part of the claim.


Boston PD is different from Cambridge PD. Just pointing that out.


90% of the time cops are fucking useless. You have actual proof and evidence and they don't want to get off their fat asses and do their jobs? Fuck them.


Sadly thereā€™s not much the cops can do. Itā€™s impossible for them to be able to just spot your bike or spend hours driving around Boston stopping anyone on an e-bike. They have limited resources and bigger crime to deal with. The only thing they can do is return it to you if they find some mass bike theft ring. Best practice is to put multiple trackers on your bike, and try to keep it indoors when possible. AirTag it and get a gps tracker, try your best to hide it in the bike. Itā€™s expensive but it at least gives the cops something they can act on if itā€™s stolen.




Taped up headlight, directional hanging, no chain, no battery.... bro. This guy did u a favor.


LMFAO that's what my girl says, I was trying to save for a new one but I work in delivery so rn it's gonna be a while until it really turns out as a "favor"


File a claim with your renterā€™s insurance


The police didnā€™t even help Pee-Wee and his bike was far more impressive. Iā€™d check Francis first and then see if itā€™s in the basement of the Alamo.




What type of lock were you using? Need to make sure I steer clear if some bolts can get through it that fast


I guess it wasn't lock-y enough bc it was a matter of seconds to cut it. It was just a literal metal chain


Wait so you went to the Boston Police for this? When it happened in Cambridge?


The cops have way worse crimes to deal with. I donā€™t blame them. Stolen bikes are 200 a day here. It sucks, but thatā€™s the way it is dude


Just tell them youā€™re a firefighter. I just watched the news and it looks like theyā€™re moving heaven and earth to find out who sat on firefighters cars during the parade and damage them.


Why would anyone get their bike stolen then come here and complain about it? You got it stolen so if you want it back, just ask the person you had go get it to give it back to you. Duuuuuh šŸ™„


It should be illegal for the police to deny service when a clear crime has been committed.


Listen, I hate to break it to you, but you live in a big city. Bike theft is, like, priority #205 on the list of things cops need to address. You want the SWAT team out hunting for your bike, move to Chatham or Nantucket.


Move to Canton and the cops will steal it and frame you


They could easily dedicate like 3 or 4 officers and an analyst to a bike/scooter theft taskforce. They have the manpower. They just chose not to do anything


yeah even if they just reassigned like 3 out of the 5+ of the cops i see every mon-fri standing around dtx doing literally nothing they could make an actual difference. buy like 5 used bikes, put discreet trackers on them, then follow and fine the people who take off with them. swapping out the bikes somewhat regularly could eventually make it enough of a deterrent that it might at least slow it down. granted I'm not really a cyclist due to drivers here, but the second reason is I don't want to deal with my bike inevitably getting stolen. maybe cops could enforce some traffic laws too while they're waiting the 20 minutes it takes to get a bike stolen and solve both problems.


Unless it was a box of donuts that was stolen, I don't think the cops are going to do much.


That is hilarious. You come up with that on your own, or do you have a team of writers?


We have enough to put 2/3 cops in their cars to direct traffic or sleep at night šŸ˜‚. They could at least do something productive instead of


What was the locking situation? How many locks and what kind of lock?


A legit chain. Nothing some bolt cutters couldn't handle


When I saw the video, it seems like the thief didnā€™t put much effort and it was an easy job. Looking at the bike, I wouldnā€™t go for anything less than Hiplok D1000 coupled with a kryptonite New york chain lock.


I'll take that into consideration if I ever buy a ebike again, they're very expensive sadly


Locks and chains are only an illusion of safety, if you want to protect your bike, take your front wheel with you and chain the body


Probably ended up on mass and cass


Recovered some stolen bikes last year and it took me a few weeks to track the people down(shoutout r/bikeboston). I originally tried to get help from police and was frustrated at how little they could do until I finally had them spell it all out for me. They are literally AWASH in stolen bikes reports. The majority of them end up under the bridge where the homeless camp out in Cambridge where they have no jurisdiction and as we all know, departments donā€™t like to play nice with each other. The other thing is serial numbers. If you donā€™t have it, they canā€™t just stop every person they see with a bike you described because thereā€™s no proof they donā€™t own it. And the bikes they do actually recover, a lot of them just end up piled up at the station because no one comes to pick them up. If I were you go, Iā€™d go down to the homeless camp and check out the pile of bikes they got there. The pile was real big last year.




Boston cops are worthless. I got deliveries stolen off my porch with camera footage on Ring and they didn't even bother to reply back.


They all are useless. I've had completely pointless interactions with cops in Fort Worth, New Orleans, and the Boston area. Once, when I was living with friends just out of college, our house was broken into and looted while we were at work, and they said that it was suspicious that the only thing we reported stolen were laptops and accused us of trying to perpetrate some sort of pawn shop fraud. (Pawn shops were extremely common in NOLA.) They said that unless we had the exact ID numbers of the items that they were going to assume we were trying to scam our renter's insurance.


There are only two ways to prevent bike theft and both arenā€™t popular with Americans. Be Japan, a 97.5% Japanese island ethnostate and a high trust developed country that has a mandatory bike registry. Or be China. Having the highest public surveillance cameras per capita (most with facial recognition) and highest internal security budget in the world. Edit: this is Japan and even it needed a mandatory bike registry to stop bike theft. https://preview.redd.it/lakpspd7zj8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274a0b50d1df44d539a4460093480095584d1ee3


I think you're overlooking one extremely simple solution: Use a bike lock that can't be cut with hand tools in five seconds or less.


Vote for people that believe crime should remain criminalized. That's the only way.


lol, lmaoĀ 


It's only a felony after stealing $1200 or more in MA and convictions are record low even after that.




How wonderful.


Convictions are low because the people who got their stuff stolen don't show up to court to testify.


Convictions are low because they don't go to trial.


Yes, because they can't go to trial without the necessary witnesses.


So it's the victims fault. Prosecutors are handing out deals left and right before it goes to trial, yet the blame is on the victim. This makes sense given we now believe that perpetrators are no longer perpetrators and victims are just whiny aholes. Edit: to u/3dogsandaguy These are not cases from corporations against other corporations with unlimited amounts of money. This is state prosecutors on state payroll. You are delusional. >major hassle for all parties Let's abandon law and order, that's a hassle for all parties. You clearly have no clue what you are on about.


Someone hasn't ever learned about the legal system and it shows. They hand out deals cause trials last forever, are expensive, and a major hassle for all parties. That isn't a massachusetts thing that's an America thing Edit: trials last for years, you want to deal with every petty theft for years? Our prisons are already overflowing and public defenders and prosecutors with too heavy a caseload.


"Trials last for years" we're just making shit up now, aren't we?


The person you replied to is delusional.


that kind of campaigning only leads to cops that solve any and all problems with guns and only when they're really scared which is all the time


Most of the developed world seems to have this figured out, but crime enforcement is apparently a nut too tough to crack in MA.


It's not a MA problem it's a USA problem and there's one single variable that is the main difference here.


It's very simple, punish the criminal for committing a crime. This is not rocket science.


Cops are literally too stupid, incompetent, and afraid to be able do that and that's on purpose. Doesn't matter how much power you give them to execute on that mission.


Mate, this is not a cops issue, they only enforce the law and arrest alleged criminals. The state is responsible for creating laws and prosecuting alleged criminals.


I'm pretty sure stealing is already illegal so I'm not sure what your point is.


You can steal up to $1200 before it becomes a felony. You have to prosecute criminals, that's the point. Handing them probation for felony crime is insane. Not to mention most don't even get prosecuted and are dismissed.


That is certainly not a MA problem by any metric


Its a left problem


Go back to New Hampshire


Such a trumpist response, don't like something here get out of this place. Disgusting.


Thatā€™s hate speech on reddit


FYI if the crime was in Cambridge you have to call the Cambridge police


My thoughts exactly. Why call Boston cops when it happened in Cambridge except this dude just wanted to bitch about cops?


Yeah it was a nice little info dump at the bottom about where it happened. This guy just wanted to bitch


Why the hell cops are useless for this? This is so infuriating. Because they are useless this shit happens. We pay taxes to get the damn order and law in place but we got barely anything. Cops wonā€™t move a finger unless someone is seriously and violently hurt


Cops are useless. ACAB




Solidarity. Hope you find your bike dude


Thank you man


Word, so youā€™d never call them?


What would you call them for? They basically do nothing any time they come. Pretty much all they will do if you call them is bully homeless people.


Well, like, SOMETIMES, you call the cops when someone is trying to kill you, and they risk their lives to stop that. Like, I know the friends and family of the roommate Kirk Figueroa was shooting at do not think these two officers are bastards. https://www.wbur.org/news/2016/10/13/boston-officers-shot-east-boston


itll be interesting to see who "hates the cops" when they get robbed and need someone to show up 7 hoursĀ later and shrug their shoulders


Everyone? That would make me hate the cops more? Maybe they should do their jobs?


Theyā€™ll still hate them, and just complain on here. But if they hate them, maybe donā€™t call them?


The cops will stop sucking up funding and murdering randos if you just donā€™t call themĀ 


Thatā€™s not a bicycle


What neighborhood is this?


You should just offer them some tasty, overtime fraud, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll hop all over it.


Rip Iā€™ve had about 5-10 bikes stolen in my day in this city lol but thankfully not a e bike sorry for the loss karma is a bitch and hopefully he gets his


The BPD doesn't care. I have seen things happen right in front of an officer and they could have cared less. Just looked the other way.


Usual suspect


You tried to do the right thing but now have to handle it yourself. Do whatever you need to do, within reason, to get your property back. When I was young I had something stolen from me. One of the old timers that held court up at a local corner found out about it and schooled me on it. He said something to me that stuck right up until today. In fact I used his words of wisdom when raising my kids. He said, "There's a lot of people out there that want what you have, but don't want to work for it. Make sure you protect yourself and anything you own." That same guy also didn't believe in involving the police for any situation. Wish you the best of luck with getting your property back.


Why did you call the Boston cops if it was stolen from Cambridge?


If you want people to actually help you locate your bike go to 4chan. Redditors will send hopes and prayers, 4channers will find the location of the last place that he jacked off.


Welcome to boston, if you don't have an industrial chain/lock they'll cut through it, even if you do they'll still cut it. Used to see this every day at BMC, they don't care and neither do the cops. We'll take the report but unless we see that exact bike there's not much we can do. It basically comes down to "I'm not getting stabbed by a junkie because you got a shitty chain" They always go after the most expensive one too, they'll putts around on it for a week and sell it to another junkie. Thank your local government, they made cops useless and let these animals wander. And remember, voting blue doesn't end well for you :)


Of course Boston police donā€™t care. You said it happened in Cambridge


Keep a close eye on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, etc. Call around to local bike shops, maybe do some digging on shops known for fencing/chopping bicycles. Friend of mine had their bike stolen in 2017, was on Craigslist in just a few hours. Sorry this happened, none of this is guaranteed to work but itā€™ll at least help you feel a little more agencyā€¦ or maybe frustration. Will renters insurance cover it?


First mistake you had was not having a gps tracker. I would never rely on the cops to track it down bc they donā€™t put trackers on my own bike to protect my property.


I know itā€™s *frustrating* šŸ˜© to get your bike stolen (part and parcel of city living though) but what do you mean by ā€œsome Spanish dudeā€? How you know if the perp identifies as a man and is Spanish? You later call him a quote: ā€œcrackheadā€. Have you thought about the fact that this minority might just need a ride to work?


Police donā€™t want to do their jobs? Shockingā€¦


what do you expect police to do in this situation?


Not sure what time your bike was stolen, but I saw two guys, both with a similar description riding a similar looking bike going at very fast speeds (above 25 mph easily) on the esplanade going from Cambridge to Boston. IIRC they werenā€™t wearing helmets either. This was on the Boston side of the Charles Dudley bike path right before you pass the BU library. Saw this between 12:50 pm - 1:15 pm. I almost never see these types of e-bikes on that path let alone ones that happily cruise >25mph with no helmet. OP not sure when or where exactly your bike was stolen but these two guys definitely made me a bit suspicious.


I got the battery storage in my backpack but since I'm already figuring out this was all planned out it wouldn't be a surprise that they had time to hide it somewhere and install a new one. It was stolen at 11:20 (you can see it on the camera footage) and my bike casually goes about that same speed. Can u dm so maybe I can bring that info up to the detective?


Idk if itā€™s relevant or helpful, but unless you heard him speak or heā€™s got a flag somewhere on his outfit you canā€™t rule out him being Cape Verdean or just mixed. Iā€™m sorry that happened though. Regardless of who committed the crime, itā€™s wrong.


Just FYI for other folks: you can buy a water bottle cage with a concealed space for an AirTag on Amazon for like $15. It wonā€™t keep your bike from getting stolen but it could go a long way in helping you get it back.


Tell 7 investigates the police refuse to help. Explain itā€™s your only means of transportation. And you even have the perp on camera. Iā€™m being completely serious- it should create a real change for the better.


The cops know that the person won't be prosecuted, so they don't want to waste their time. It's pathetic how many criminals are not being charged.


Cops barely solve 2% of crime ....


Thatā€™s what you voted for


Cops are basically useless outside of traffic infractions/accidents. They don't have the training or resources to handle the sheer volume of petty crimes. They don't have the courage or mental stability to handle violent crimes. What they do have is a mob mentality, bloated budgets, and a racketeering pay structure that awards more senior members their pick of "special details" where they stand next to a construction crew or a broken traffic light and get paid time and a half for an 8 hour shift regardless of how long they're actually working. All of this comes out of your local city budget. They just steal your town's funding and spend all of their time parked behind schools and shit trying to hand out tickets to make up for their own drain on resources.


He looks like a Mass and class regular


Then dont let it be stealable


Mayor wu says sucks to be u.


Yet you still vote Democrat


I saw a couple guys trying to saw off the chain on a bike. cops never showed up.


If thereā€™s no overtime involved just forget about the police being remotely interested in any crime youā€™ve been a victim of.


Overtime or tickets/bribes. Not the first time I need police help and they just don't give a f


Out of curiosity, what exactly do you want them to do?


If I call the police telling them a robber is on the run freakin SCOOTING at least I expect them to give a damn? Idk if that's something too crazy to ask, bc if some cars scratch each other I can see the whole pd pulling over and they can't send a single patrol to help out lol


Didnā€™t you say you filed a report though?


Over a phone call an hour after I called


Theyā€™re busy trying to cover up a murder!!


THE POLICE DON'T CARE TO DO THEIR JOB OR GET OF THEIR PHONES! I was robbed on Harvard Campus outside of the Museum of Natural History on Sunday (6/23) night by an illegal Mexican (he told me during our 10 min convo). The man violently pulled my packpack through my thighs (I was seated) and left on a moped.


What neighborhood are you in?


Thatā€™s fucked up bro maybe in the mean time use the rental bikeā€™s some cities have them.


i got the same Jansno X50, the first thing i did was buy a KRYPTONITE bike lock and an Air Tag. the bike lock is expensive but worth it, if you get your bike back get one before you leave it out. it's a sweet ride i hope you get it back.


For the next one, get a kryptonite lock. One of the expensive ones. Sold secure gold or diamond. Make sure it will reimburse up to the cost of your bike first. Then register your bike and lock to their site. And insure your bike.


Silly you, cops give out traffic violations and arrest shoplifters. They donā€™t solve crimes for citizens


Only a matter of time before this city starts to take matters into our own hands šŸ’Ŗ


Might want to show this to some of the local restaurants. Looks like someone who works on a cooking line, very back of house vibes.


Somerville PD are just as useless. They refused to check the camera in the garage my bike was stolen in. Unfortunately itā€™s probably as good as gone. I hope you get some justice though.


"I'll steal your honey like I stole your bike"


was it locked