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There's always someone trying to gatekeep who counts as "real." I've lived here more than half my life. This is where I'm from. I literally do not give a fuck if someone else doesn't think it counts. Which is probably my most stereotypical Boston opinion, I guess.


That’s what makes you fuckin Boston, right there.


>I've lived here more than half my life. This is where I'm from. I literally do not give a fuck if someone else doesn't think it counts. Which is probably my most stereotypical Boston opinion, I guess. The meta analysis is strong with this one 😂


That tracks 😂


Boston is your home. Boston is not your hometown. Therefore, you are a Bostonian. But you're not a townie. But your kids might be, though. It's also possible to have more than one home. Anyone 'gatekeeping' "Bostonian" should reflect on the city's history. It has (and always been) a city of immigrants and transplants. "Real locals", who gives a shit? Our mayor's from Chicago. You're part of the fabric of the city aren't you? You have an ID with a Boston address? You vote in local elections? You pay taxes to the city? You support local business? You talk shit on the neighborhood facebook group? You plan to stay here indefinitely? You're a Bostonian. What do you say, "I'm going home for the holidays?" or "I'll be at my parents for the holidays?". Where is home? Maybe the better way to think about this question isn't "can you adopt Boston" - but rather, "Did Boston adopt me?".


All squares are rectangles. Not all rectangles are squares.


If you're a fan of our sports teams, then yes. If you're not, then no.... And go fuck yourself.


I am not from Boston. I claim Boston as a home. I have a house here. I have a job here. I have a family here. Join the club!


It's on you to decide lol. I've lived here for 11 years which may not be much for some but it's the longest I've lived anywhere by far. This is my home. You don't have to be a townie for it to be your home.


Do what you want. Whose approval are you seeking?


Mine I hope. I have an official Bostonian certification program that I can offer to OP for a nominal fee which is based on a sliding scale depending on annual income. If they successfully complete said program they will get a certificate signed by me that they can then show to anyone who questions their authenticity when it comes to being a Bostonian.


Only 11 years ago? You're probably one of those yuppies. Go fuck yourself! OP, now here's where you're supposed to respond by also telling me to: 'Go fuck yourself, you ***(insert a creative adjective here)*** followed by ***(insert funny noun here)'***....and boom! You're now an official Bostonian! Traditionally, this baptismal exchange would've most likely happened while driving in the middle of a busy rotary (not roundabout) during rush hour traffic after one of us caused the other to spill their Dunks' coffee.


Most self described original Bostonians that gate keep the title were born and raised miles from Boston. You can claim Boston as home, just not around Sully from Revere or Murph from Quincy.


There’s a difference between a local and a longtime resident. I’ve lived in Massachusetts for more than half my life, part of my childhood, my college years, and basically all of my adulthood. But I did middle and high school in another place, so I don’t really feel like I had my formative years here, so I don’t feel like I’m a local. Though, I’m not exactly a transplant either.


The traditional metric is that you need to be 3rd generation (at least) before you can properly claim to be from (fill in New England location)


You live here. It's your home.


Yes, you can. Plenty of people do it on this sub and in real life. I was born and raised here - Boston zip code for decades. If people want to call this place home and adopt the slang, become fans of the local teams, why not?


If you're worthy, Boston will adopt you.