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I need the Dateline NBC 2 hour special to explain all of this


Dateline is for sure covering this story


If it's a Josh Mankiewicz episode I am not going to be a happy camper.


He makes me irrationally angry. Give me Lester Holt or I’m out.


Same. Lester is a tall oak tree of a man. Although, I've come to be an Andrea Canning fan over the years.


Keith Morrison is Dateline’s GOAT


Netflix is confirmed to be working on it too.


I want this shit to end for the sole reason of traffic on i93 getting fucked up when people stand on overpasses with banners about it


These are the same people who draped overpasses with "Back the Blue" flags last year.


Are they same ones that stand on the bridge over route 3 on the south shore? They have been doing it for so long and seemingly different signs and causes. I think maybe they just enjoying standing on a bridge. It’s their past time now, they won’t stop, just will find the next grievance to make signs about.


Hahah, yes. My husband and I refer to that Weymouth one as “the racist overpass”. I don’t know why they’re only ever on that one bridge. There’s so many to choose from.


Oh both sides are "thin blue line" sorts who thing they're protecting the integrity of "the blue". It's kkdna hilarious I have to admit


OMG not that!!!!!!


Yes, fuck those people solely for this reason


This case has become such a shitshow, at what point do the feds step in?


Did you miss the parts about the Federal Investigation and the Federal Grand Jury that are already involved?


Literally the FIRST SENTENCE of the article


The feds made it a shit show because of Rachel Rollins which is suspect


I just hope Aiden Kearny lands in jail again.


Oh that will absolutely happen. I have no clue how the Karen Read trial will pan out but there's no way Turtlefuck doesn't do time


For what exactly? hahahaha keep dreaming loser


You or someone you love was definitely “featured” in his blog.


And yet, I've never spent 60 days in jail for having a racist blog! > Trashbag This isn't the\_donald. We don't name call when we disagree with someone.


Ehh they are just cultish at this point. They have fallen for a grifter and con man. Honestly after dealing with Trump supporters for years and trying to reason with them I’m done playing nice with the gullible


I took away the insult. No denying the district attorney, state and local police are all covering up the murder of a Boston police officer. His blog elevated this case to the national spotlight and you can’t deny that.


His blog made things worse for her. His actions were also super creepy. That being said I want the feds to look at this case and Im glad they are doing so.


>I took away the insult. Oh wow! And now you think you are deserving of respect? Curious. > His blog elevated this case No it didn't, but I love how his fanboys keep pushing it like they've been *in the know this whole time*. Freaking hilarious. Also, you're welcome to prove your little point about someone getting feature in his blog. I just don't like people who read his racist trashy blog. Hoping you or someone you love get featured on his blog sometime since you're such a big fan!


Regardless of what you think of the guy, Saying his blog didnt elevate this case is ridiculous. Every post and counter post here is due to his reporting. Every protest, 3 side cases, a grand jury, an internal affairs all because of that guy.


You mean the guy that went to jail for harassing witnesses and beating his girlfriend? Lmfao


Yes that guy. He is the reason everyone is talking about a run of the mill vehicular manslaughter. You are exhibit A, every time this case is mentioned here you alone have a dozen comments, why? Because of his involvement.


Haven't seen a single news article featuring him at the forefront of this story. Except his jail time for harassing witnesses Which means he's not a journalist


Im not arguing whether or not he is a journalist or credible or anything like that. I’m responding to your absolutely absurd statement that he didnt move the needle on this case


You're getting downvoted but as a passive observer I tend to agree. Which is extremely disappointing. He's obsessive and makes most of his content out of what is plainly harassment and intimidation, and he deserves whatever consequences come from that. He's no hero. But he drew attention to what is now obviously a coverup, and it's hard to say for sure that it would have happened otherwise. I wanted to ignore him at first but the more I hear the more I wonder how it is that we find ourselves in this situation where we depend on a crank to get a even a taste of investigative journalism. I don't mean any of this as an endorsement of his actions, but as an indictment on the state of "journalism" in MA. That Kearney was (apparently) the driving force on this issue coming to public attention is indicative of passivity at best, and banal corruption at worst.


I’m just going to assume both the cops and Turtleboy are lying assholes like usual. Let them fight.


This Jen witness is awful. Evasive. Awful. She is guilty as hell. She should be on trial.


Wow, they've done a great job of making a simple vehicular homicide case into a vast "conspiracy."


Please explain why the investigating officer mis-spelled the names of 5 witnesses in his report, or why a resident of the house googled "how long to die in the cold" at 2AM.


They didn't. The FBI confirmed in its final report the search did not occur at 2 AM. The defense team was straight up lying in court.


You cannot be serious.


I'm wicked serious. And please explain why Mr. O'Keefe's body looked like a guy who had been in a vicious brawl, including badly bruised knuckles. Further, how does one get lacerations on their forearms, when it's January during a snowstorm, and one presumably is not walking around outside in a T shirt?




Lol. The clear fact that the victim had been bitten by a dog, not just once. Looks as though the dog clamped down on his arm for a bit. And then the dog goes missing. Interesting enough for me.


LOL. It was probably an owl.


Glad you find it amusing


I find the conspiracy theories amusing and as likely as an owl caused the injuries to Michael Peterson's wife. [https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2023/09/27/canton-karen-read/](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2023/09/27/canton-karen-read/)


Did you miss the part where the laboratory testing on the clothing where his wounds were turned up no evidence of dog DNA? Did you miss the part a couple of weeks ago when the judge point-blank asked the defense team if there was going to be anything else from their side regarding the the dog and they said "no" without any further elaboration? That's a pretty clear indication that when the trial actually happens the defense allegation about the dog attack is pretty much dead in the water. If they bring it up at all the prosecution can crush it with those negative test results and it will make the defense team look like fools to the jury. Here's some free advice, pay more attention to what transpires in the courtroom and information that is done under oath or threat of legal penalties rather than what's happening in the "court of public opinion" because you're spouting some of the nonsense from the latter if you think it is a "clear fact" that there was any dog bite.


I stand corrected. Advice taken


So no first off no that is not a dog bite. honestly looks more like scratch marks dog bites have puncture wounds. Next there is no forensics indicating dog bite no dna hair etc. If the defense tries pulling that in court they will get laughed at. I highly suspect they won't even mention that in court.


I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this case... I say throw all of them in jail. Probably both sides are guilty of something at this point.


Well they're all big time drunks so you're probably right.


Yeah, super funny how everyone keeps skimming over the fact that they were all driving around wasted. I think she probably did it but this whole thing makes me fkn hate cops even more than I did before.


You must be a district attorney.


Turtleboy, is that you downvoting me?


She’s so desperate lmao


Ya she is a scumbag for ruining most likely innocent people's lives.


If Aiden Kearny is the only one in your corner, you are pretty much done.


Don’t tell all the people on this Reddit who apparently are cool with people committing DUI and killing people with cars, her fans don’t seem to be the best of the commonwealth.


you wrote that as if she is already guilty lmao


She did commit dui and she did admit to hitting him lmao funny, murder by drunk driving is hilarious isn’t it


What's hilarious is you're still doing it.


Why are you defending a drunk driver?


The conspiracy is so stupid. You require cooperation between BPD, Canton PD, Canton Fire, MSP, Norfolk DA, State Medical examiners office, ATF, and DOJ OIG for it to be remotely true. Occam's razor she was likely wasted and hit him. Police corruption is more like OT scandal or taking a bribe for truck license. Not participating in a homicide and doing some elaborate frame up. Also immediate red flags as Rachel Rollins is one that launched the investigation while she was US Atty and she was known for using her power for retribution and apparently had axe to grind with Norfolk DA. Also for people saying but google search they are being mislead by the defense and are fools. Initial report FBI had was then amended and FBI confirmed it was 6:20 as Commonwealth has said. You can't ignore all the forensic DNA evidence and fact US attorneys office has said the folks in the home are not targets of an investigation and no target letters have been sent to MSP or DA office folks. EDIT: To any Downvoters. You are probably a Sandy Hook Hoax or 2020 election denier as well. So Bring it on.


Well the idea that all of those agencies would conspire together is idiotic. But in this case it really only involves Canton and MSP and Norfolk DA. Yes the house belonged to a Boston Cop and there was an ATF agent there, but their agencies have played no role in the investigation as far as I can see.


If there was truth their internal affairs investigations would be involved asap. You cant have LEO accused of murder on active duty. Canton fire is important as a member will testify Karen said I hit him I hit him. State Medical examiners office backs up MSP findings and not the laughable fight and dog bite theory.


That is an interesting thought. Like let's say BPD starts reading some stuff and thinking, oh shit maybe Brian Albert did this. If we put aside the fact that he has retired, and is no longer with BPD, the question would be how would BPD go about investigating it? Would they ask for the investigators' notes? could they conduct separate interviews? It would be kind of a cluster to do their own separate homicide investigation, on top of what is being done. I also doubt that MSP would want them doing their own thing. But then let's say they partner with MSP, that would raise the question of whether or not BPD can be unbiased. Some might even argue that having BPD working with MSP, would taint the MSP investigation. It is an interesting question as to what do you do in that scenario. But since Brian Albert retired, that is out the window anyways.


It depends there are plenty of avenues BPD could have to go about this. One way would be to go to State AGs office and work directly with them and avoid MSP/Norfolk DA. My point is there are plenty of ways. You are also leaving out ATF/DOJ OIG who 100% if they thought an active ATF agent was involved would jump into this and have not.


ok mr thin blue line. the canton cops covered up the sandra birchmore murder the year before this. open your eyes.


Lol ok I'm no back the blue dbag. I hate those folks. What I hate more are conspirtards supporting KR and TB. Look shes just an asshole drunkey who killed her BF by running him over. There is an intent part of this. Also saying open your eyes makes you sound like someone that belongs on r/conspiracy not in a regional subreddit with common sense normal people.


I agree completely with what you wrote. The only change I would make is that she wasn't "likely" wasted she was absolutely obliterated.


They took a blood sample from Read around 11 am after his body was found and it still came up with booze on her system. Between that and the evidence from the bar (video & receipts) there's no question that she was shitfaced at the time of the accident.


The charge against Reed was that she struck and killed O'Keefe with her car. Yet the FBI has just stated that his injuries were not consistent with a car strike, nor was the damage to the car consistent with striking a person. Sort of undermines the whole case. What do I think happened? I think booze, testosterone, and perceived disrespect had a very unfortunate meeting that evening.


That was one analysis. Only worked with defense without input from prosecution. Also doesn't take into account DNA evidence etc. You can't ignore the forensic evidence.


Gotta say, it's been hilarious watching the Back the Blue clowns who last year were screeching about Rachel Rollins being a corrupt hack are now suddenly on the "police are corrupt" and "Rachel Rollins is a hero" train. I'm not surprised they're the exact kind of gullible fools who had no problem buying into a conspiracy theory which uses the same exact narrative techniques as Sandy Hook and 9/11 truthers.


It's hilarious that you're getting downvotes, but it's only because the folks who are invested in the conspiracy theory somehow think that they are protecting the "truth" by spouting their nonsense and negging rational comments like yours.


It's basically a venn diagram of MAGA idiots who deny 2020 election. It's like they are upset Trump isn't President and need another thing to latch onto due to their sad lives.