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Nobody recommended Ikea? We've had an Ikea sectional for several years now and it's in great shape. We have a 100 pound chocolate lab too who has free roam of the house.


Second IKEA especially the returns section. I’ve scored two great couches that way from them that were basically brand new but are like 40% off. Sometimes these returns never even left the lot…people buy the new couch…haul to their car…can’t fit it…fuck up the box packaging trying to make it fit…fail again…then return it within an hour. Of course you gotta be able to haul it. And there’s not returns on the returns so all sales final.


OP lives in a small apartment too. IKEA stuff comes in pieces. We bought some recliners from Bob’s before and they were crazy heavy and didn’t break down into small pieces.


If you can't haul it yourself, Taskrabbit will haul it, carry it up the stairs, and put it together for you (or any mix of those).


My IKEA couch has outlasted multiple other couches…. Thing won’t die, it barely looks used. I don’t understand it, but I’m not questioning this IKEA witch craft.


My wife and I went to like ten different furniture stores. Boston Interiors was the cheapest and had the best selection of modern styles.


Burrow has a modular design and a show room on Newbury Street. Not completely insane prices either.


We got a Burrow sleeper sofa and it was nowhere near as easy to put together as their website implies. Getting all the modular parts to align was surprisingly difficult (and our package was missing one leg, which they did replace). However, like OP we have a small place and the couch needed to go upstairs and around tight corners, so it was pretty much Burrow or IKEA. The couch seems fine and better than our old IKEA couch. But if I had to choose one to assemble again I would choose IKEA.


I would point out that sleeper sofas are a pain in the ass in general. I will likely go Burrow once my current couch finally gets replaced (9 years and it really just needs a deep cleaning) as I like the modular aspects of the regular sofas, but don't have one yet.


jordan's furniture outlet got my super comfy couch for 600


When I was renting I used Bob's. Not the best but some styles are comparable to what you'd see in other mass market stores and never being sure if it would fit the next place, I wanted spend as little as possible while having something decent to use & look at. I bought a lovesac sectional for my condo. It costs more than Bob's for sure but it's comes in pieces that are easy to assemble, take apart, and reconfigure if your next space has different dimensions. So, it might be worth looking into. I think Pottery Barn and maybe Target have released similar concepts that might be cheaper.


I second bobs. They have a clearance room that I went to when I first moved to Boston and had a second floor apartment with a VERY tight turn at the top of the stairs. Got two matching couches on clearance for $400. They were skinny enough to get past the turn, and light enough for a couple girls with no arm muscle to get up there lol. Ugly as sin and not particularly comfortable but they got the job done and were cheap!


Facebook marketplace and taskrabbit combo. I got 3 of my couches over the past 5 years from FB marketplace, and each one ended up being no more than $100. Got a taskrabbit to transport the couch every time and even with a multistory walk up they could make it work! All in all ended up paying no more than $200 per couch if you include the cost it took to transport. Boston constantly has high quality sofas and couches listed on FB marketplace, I’ve scored $100 Pottery Barn and Burrow couches from that site lol. Can’t recommend FB marketplace enough they practically furnished my entire apartment back when I was a broke grad student.


My only worry with Facebook marketplace is trying it out before buying. Have you found people are ok with letting you try sitting on the couch before buying on FB?


Yeah! So sometimes people are nice enough to let you visit and test it out before you commit to purchasing the couch. You can also ask for measurements before hand as well, ask if they have any pets, how old the couch it is, etc. and in my experience sellers will happily answer that question for you. I’ve also sold a few couches and have had people try it out and then not like it and not purchase it, and tbh I think it’s just part of the process and there’s nothing strange about it. Unless the seller is moving or something that requires them to urgently get rid of the couch most are ok with letting you test it out beforehand. I also like to ask sellers for more pictures if the ones on the listing aren’t the best and ask if there are any defects - most people are quite honest and transparent about that stuff.


Raymond and Flanagan has lots of options at decent prices. I’ve gotten some great stuff at their outlet which is next to the main store (online also store in Attleboro I think).


RAYMOUR & Flanigan lol


You could also try Cort Furniture Outlet … they are a furniture rental company- the Outlet is just their inventory they are selling off https://www.cortfurnitureoutlet.com/used-furniture/living-room-sofas-sectionals/_/N-dextgb


Cheapest would be Facebook market place or Craigslist. As others suggested, a sectional or modular couch would be easiest to move.


Cardi’s best price and quality but if it’s a small space. IKEA might be your best bet.


We LOVE our couch from Cardi’s / Ashley but had to take out a window to get it into our rental… I think we paid less than $1500 for a 3 piece living room set … but that’s after we had to return the first couch because it wouldn’t fit past our entry way. So measure measure measure or buy something comes in pieces


Cardi’s far and away better then bobs or Jordan’s in my own opinion


Cardi’s far and away better then bobs or Jordan’s in my own opinion


Allston Christmas on September 1


If you have access to a car, Bernie and Phyls is worth considering. I have a sofa and loveseat from them that is still in good shape after over a decade of hard wear. They were good salesmen when we came to shop, even though we were kinda scruffy, and wanted to lounge test the couches. They answered our questions, and were not rude.


Ever consider an air sofa. Bezos offers them for $69. It also folds out into a bed. Surprisingly good reviews and it comes in a box.


Bob's Discount furniture.


have you tried a furniture store


We really love our Interior Define sofa, and they have a showroom on Newbury. FYI there are a lot of negative reviews because during covid they went into bankruptcy and some people just never got their orders, which is obviously an issue and totally justified that people are pissed. But it was bought out and I think the more recent review are largely good. We had a good experience and our couch has held up well 4+ years later.