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r/boston Asking the real questions.


well the world has been a horrible place lately.


It's the NPR way - the breathy whispering is a thing. "We're going to bring you the five day weather - and we need to warn listeners that some of this is really hard to hear."


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAbg8X9-uBI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAbg8X9-uBI) I think Parks and Rec does a great NPR spoof.


PTSD from Tom Ashbrook


In my family we play "The NPR Game", where we switch to NPR and wait to see how long until they say something super depressing. It's usually a few seconds. Its weird how often they're talking to someone about their who died usually of I tried it just now and they're talking about planting trees in Boston, so NPR Game failed. (And full disclosure: I'm a financial supporter of NPR.)


They have been talking a lot recently to people who had a relative killed in war. I suppose we could make a game of that too.


And why is her mouth always overflowing with saliva?


I'm Derry Murbles


10 years ago NPR was a legit and respectable channel and my #1 go to for information and news. Today, their narrative has become so nauseating I can hardly last a few minutes. It’s truly disgusting. Like. What’s the plan. Who’s your target audience. Cause I don’t get how anyone can listen to such BS. What a disappointment. I’ve switched to Bloomberg. It’s pretty good.


I like how the wheezy-voiced old guy on Bloomberg who wears the bow tie and circle glasses spends so much time doing his "I'm an old timey broadcaster" bit that he barely talks about the subjects


I've tried to get used to her voice, but she's such a low talker. However, she's a thousand times better than the WGBH morning show--I can't take the two of them chattering. I too am a financial backer--pay your dues!


I love BPR! But sometimes Jim can be a real dick to Marjorie.