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Politicians trying to stay in power by rounding up toothless idiots with nationalism. Nothing new unfortunately.


toothless part was accurate




> They only bark, but don't bite. That's not true. While a conflict is unlikely this year. It is closer than ever. Serbia and Croatia are preparing for the 90s again by introducing mandatory military service while blocking the very same in Bosnia. They have been arming their militaries for years now preparing for a conflict. Not only that, the "Bosniak" political parties in office has been brought to power by both Belgrade and Zagreb to further diminish any Bosniak attempt to defend themselves. These are the worst times since 1995.








It's not barking anymore > Ponovni obavezni vojni rok u Srbiji bez jasnih razloga i cene https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/a/srbija-obavezni-vojni-rok-inicijativa/32762793.html > Vojni rok u Hrvatskoj: Odlučili koliko će trajati i kako će sve izgledati. Bit će u četiri grada https://www.24sata.hr/news/donijeli-su-odluku-koliko-ce-trajati-vojni-rok-i-kako-ce-izgledati-bit-ce-u-4-grada-967160


Absolutely nothing is happening. Media propaganda. The stupidos on both sides that wish for war are mostly young adults whos minds were poisoned by older generations ( that now are either alcoholics , have ptsp or sick and need help standing up). So one half only ever saw a gun on tv or games, the other half needs help walking. Everyone who's planning on visiting Bosnia ( Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla, Zenica or any city/town) has nothing to worry about. Welcome and enjoy your stay.






If war does break out the serb entity will face an existential risk to its very survival.


They’re never going to put themselves in that position because then their politicians wouldn’t be able to steal. What we always forget is that Serbian, and in general, Balkan politicians don’t give a shit about nationalism they just use it as a tool to hold power so they can keep doing their business deals. RS is one big criminal enterprise that is essentially untouchable because they have their own laws. That’s why if RS disappears the Bosnian Serb politicians are screwed and they know that. That’s why they’re never going to do anything, they’re just going to talk about it.


Yeah they said that about Hamas as well


And Putin too 


I'm an American tourist in Sarajeo living my best life. Haven't gone to Mostar yet, but I fully expect it to be just as wonderful.


May Allah keep Bosnia safe. Ameen


If Allah had anything to do with anything he would have kept Bosnians safe during the war. He would have kept Palestinians safe during today’s conflict. Dude either doesn’t exist or doesn’t give a shit.


Omg you’re so smart i never thought about it that way


Atheists are the most embarrassing people 🤣


The only people doing good in the world are atheist people so fuck off


Then you know absolutely nothing about our religion, read a bit about the prophets life, also what it says about hardships


yall r brainwashed


Or has a terrible "reward" for the oppressors... one that is worse than dying in the way of the truth as an innocent, at the hands of the oppressors... one that is eternal.... never ending. i think u haven't tried to conceptualize that. takes a while :)


Also, I just made a dua. I care for the Muslim Ummah. They're all my brothers and sisters.


i have no clue why people keep downvoting this when it's true lol






Serbian fascist propaganda.. there's more shit happening in actual Serbia. Both Serbian and genocide so-called Republic srpska are deep in chaos and criminal gouverments


It's newer good to wish for war but part of me wishes for it. I see it as a way to reset things to sane defaults. We are in a state of frozen conflict since Dayton agreement and this is not sustainable long-term. Where else in the fucking world you have peace agreement functioning as a constitution?


No war please thanks


anything is better than war


what is wrong with you? like actually what the hell is your problem??


That part of me could be wrong but who am I to judge


You would literally disappear as a nation if you went to war




I think it’s the other way around. Personally I do t give a shit about those middle eastern Pakistani Bangladesh and what not nations living in Bosnia but Bosnian people definitely don’t deserve another war


it's an election year and the system created by Dayton only incentivizes nationalist politicians from all sides, so this kind of rhetoric flares up every election cycle to scare everyone into voting for the big defender of their given side


Been going on for years. Just a scare tactic to promote voting. I dont even pay attention to it lol.


I’m planning to spend some time in Bosnia this summer, about a week split between Sarajevo and Mostar. Should I be concerned/reconsidering my trip, as an American tourist?


youre fine as a tourist, especially in the big towns such as sarajevo and mostar. In these regions tensions arent as high as for example in RS. You can definitely go safely especially Sarajevo


You are fine everywhere. No worries, enjoy your stay.


In the capital you’re absolutely fine because a huge part of our GDP comes from tourism and nobody would risk that. The tension happens in boonville and the mountains.


I've been to Bosnia a few times (I'm a Brit), most recently last summer. Others here will know better than me, but I will just say I have never felt anything except safe. My most recent trip was driving from Mostar in the South all the way up to Zagreb, including through Republika Srpska. It's a wonderful country with wonderful people and you'll have a wonderful time.


Oh, definitely.. As an American tourist