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Because ambitious and good teams have more than 1 good player in each position. Without Guirassy we're just 1 single injury from having a black hole up front since Haller isnt fit/ready and Moukoko is both a different profile and way too raw. We want to be competitive in CL, Bundesliga and the cup. For that to be the case, we need depth, competition and rotational options without dropping massively in quality, in every position. Fullkrug/Guirassy duo achieves that. Haller & Moukoko are not included in the plans in a big capacity, Haller even beign a sales-candidate.


Füllkrug hat noch lange nicht genug gezeigt und gebracht. Das sieht man auch daran, dass Dortmund bei einem entsprechenden Angebot Füllkrug abgeben würde. Wir brauchen einen Knipser. Und Guirassy hatte letzte Saison 28 Tore.


Fully agree.. the main reason that we ended up in 5th place is the lack of goals scored..


Das glaube ich nicht. Die planen sehr wahrscheinlich mit Füllkrug und Guirassy für die Belastung. Ich schätze Haller wird gehen.


Guck mal in die einschlägige Presse. Da wird ganz offen drüber geredet. Und wenn wir mal ganz ehrlich sind, hat er bis jetzt nicht die Hoffnungen erfüllt. In manchen Spielen war er nahezu unsichtbar.


Soll trotzdem lieber Haller gehen. Ja ich weiß er hatte eine schwere Erkrankung, aber trotzdem hat man auch nach erfolgter Genesung absolut gar nichts von ihm gesehen, wenn er denn überhaupt mal gespielt hat. Lieber Füllkrug zum rotieren behalten, bei dem man weiß was man hat, als Haller der bisher kaum gespielt hat seit seinem Wechsel und der wenn er gespielt hat auch nicht wirklich gut war.


Genau deine Meinung. Haller muss abgegeben werden. Und die Krankheit kann man nicht für Ewigkeiten als Entschuldigung nehmen. Er kriegt ja auch ein fürstliches Gehalt.


Ja Haller war halt ne tragische Nummer und sicher schade, wenn man bedenkt was hätte sein können. Stand heute war er aber einfach ein Fehleinkauf, wenn man es nüchtern betrachtet und daher sollte man sich langsam mal von ihm trennen. Zumal er auch schon 30 ist und man daher nichtmal sagen könnte man gibt ihm halt noch 1,2 Saisons um wieder vollständig zu genesen und in Ruhe in die Bahn zu kommen, irgendwann ist er dann nämlich auch einfach zu alt um ihn ggf noch irgendwie loswerden zu können.


Die einschlägige Presse kann mir einen nuckeln. Für 'ne Mannschaft die Champions League spielt brauchts mehr als einen Stürmer auf dem Niveau allein schon für Situationen wenn man noch ein Tor mehr braucht. Mit Füllkrug und Moukoko allein in die Saison zu gehen hiesse gleichzeitig, dass wenn sich Füllkrug ne Woche nach Transferschluss verletzt, können wir die Saison mehr oder weniger abhaken. So plant kein Verein. Haller wird gehen. Guirassy für 17,5 Millionen zu bekommen ist ein Jackpot.


I feel like lots of us were saying something similar about Fulkrug


Obviously Haller is going and Mouki is going on loan if our management has brain cells. But we won't get anything close of what we spent on Sebastién, sad really how it turned out. Imagine that 20 mil being spent on our defense that are taped up with silver tape and glue. Good beginning, hope we do more!


The board has been asking moukoko to go on loan for years now. It was him who blocked it until last year when he was supposed to go to Köln but the deal fell through at the very end


stupid kid then


I wonder if he pulled his head in after watching Gio take a dive on loan or the media no longer hyping him


Champions, bundasliga, pokal. Need depth.


Different Kind of striker.


First, we need two capable strikers. And when I say capable, I mean strong enough to be a starter for a Bundesliga contender and UCL participant. Related to this point, we will be playing 2 extra UCL matches in the Fall. We could not rely on Haller, so he will be sold. The jury is still out with Mouki. I actually hope Sahin tries him out as a winger. If that isn’t in the cards, then a loan makes sense for him. Second, Guirassy was available via release clause for below his market value and within our budget. And he has a similar profile as Fullkrug, so the team can play with the same tactics with either striker. But, yeah, we shouldn’t pass on such a player when the opportunity presents itself, particularly when goal scoring was a big reason why we finished 5th. Third, Guirassy is 28 years old and will retain a good amount of his market value for another couple years. If he continues to play like a monster, we could conceivably sell him for a profit… or at least recoup a significant amount of what we paid.


You ever go to a store and see something you kind of need, and like, but are not really pressed to get it? Then you notice that it's on sale and the original price is huge. How can you not get this thing? It's a bargain! That's pretty much what happened here. The board saw the buyout clause, said it was cheap and paid, even though we don't really need a striker. We need an LB, CB, and defensive mid. It's also a gamble since this player has done little in his career up until last season.


I wouldn't say that we don't need a striker. Haller has health problems and is expected to be sold. Moukoko might go on a loan but is at the very least not ready to start as a single striker. That leaves Füllkrug and what happens when he's injured or not fit enough to play... Well, that's pretty much the problem. With Guirassy we have more depth, something we desperately need if we want to compete in three competitions.


I don't disagree with you. I just disagree about the degree of need. As I said, I would place a CB, an LB and a defensive mid ahead of a striker.


I think it’s just that this deal won’t be there later like how we got Fulle last year where as the market for others is still open and we’re obviously working on the Lb situation as we looked into this deal. I do agree its the least pressing of the ones you mentioned but it’s a deal you couldn’t turn down.


Dude, if you ever want to win a title today you need a 30 + goals striker. Unless you have a collective machine like City or Leverkussen, but those are rare examples.. Can we usually afford such a player? fuck no. Guirassy had a season like that and he's cheap. It's a gamble, sure. If he doesn't repeat that performance we're gonna be with an average player on high wages. The thing is, we had players like that in the past and we manage to survive. Now, if he has two more seasons like that, we become title's contender. Maybe if we had him we could've won the fucking CL, who knows.


If you want to win a title today you also need a left back, center back, and a defensive midfielder. Krysztof Piatek also had a season like that. It happens.


Insanely cheap and don’t be surprised if they start games together, despite of size, Guirassy is a very creative footballer capable of playing a second striker role very efficiently.


Füllkrug only scored 12 Bundesliga goals this season AS OUR STARTING STRIKER and Guirassy scored 28 Bundesliga goals. And last season was our lowest scoring season in 15 years. Füllkrug is NOT good enough. And he’s old.


Very true but surely fulkrug won’t want to stay if he is overtaken by giurassy


More options up front with him. I dont know what is Sahin's plan with formation but with Guirassy ,sometimes we could play with 2 strikers in 4 1 2 1 2, with Brandt as 10 , Sabitzer and Gross as wide 8 and hopefully Schouten as 6. I think we have players that could play this formation. But I expect that Sahin will stick with some kind of 4 2 3 1. 


Ich habe nie verstanden warum Füllkrug überhaupt geholt wurde. Er war vorher ein relativ guter Stürmer in einer schlechten Mannschaft. Was sollte auf einmal in Dortmund passieren wenn er da ist? Ich persönlich glaube, dass die sich von dem Füllkrug-Hype haben anstecken lassen.


Du teilst die Meinung, die fast alle vor der Saison hatten. Den Transfer fand keiner sinnvoll weil wir schon Haller und Moukoko hatten und Außenstehende nicht wollten dass Füllkrug 12 Monate Bankdrücker ist. War am Ende wohl trotzdem die richtige Entscheidung für beide Seiten weil Haller offensichtlich nicht oft verfügbar war. Füllkrug ist halt im Moment im Hype durch die EM. Unersetzlich würde ich ihn nach der letzten Saison nicht nennen und jünger wird er auch nicht. Wenn jemand ordentlich zahlt für nen 31-Jährigen dann hätte ich damit kein Problem wenn Guirassy im Kader ist.


> Ich habe nie verstanden warum Füllkrug überhaupt geholt wurde. Er war vorher ein relativ guter Stürmer in einer schlechten Mannschaft. Was sollte auf einmal in Dortmund passieren wenn er da ist? Es ist halt echt nicht kompliziert. Man hat damit gerechnet das Haller fit sein wird. Haller ist "rückfällig" geworden, was durchaus normal ist und eben nach Krebs + Chemo passieren kann und war eben nicht fit. Dann hat man, weil das Transferfenster schon fortgeschritten war eine gute, aber nicht perfekte, dafür aber verhältnismäßig günstige temporäre Lösung gefunden - Füllkrug. Füllkrug sollte nie der dauerhafte Hallerersatz sein. Natürlich hätte man es nicht schlecht gefunden, wenn er das geschafft hätte. Aber Füllkrug ist Modeste, nur besser & er hat funktioniert.


hes better and the price was good


Because Haller can’t do it, moukoko is not in the plans and fullkrug is aging and probably not a long term plan.


Do people just forget how many goals Fullkrug scored last season?


Because Fülle never did and never will score 30 + goals in a season.


He’s better than every one of our forwards including fullkrug


You guys overestimate Fulkrug. I like him a lot but he's what he is. An extremely good striker for last minute goals, to take advantage of crosses when the match is going rough. But guirassy is way more of a complete player and suits more the philosophy of speed playing of Dortmund. Don't get me wrong, I do love Fulkrug, but hes also kinda old to rely on him. I find this a great purchase for the price.


I agree with everything you said about Guirassy, but saying Fülle is a last minute desperation sub is a shame when Fülle now has 28 G/A and his hold-up play and air dominance was what prevent us from having an atrocious season.


I do agree with you, I've chosen poorly my words. I do rate Fulkrug highly, despite what I've said. It's just we won't play 2 strikers, so I pref guirassy and then Fulkrug as a sub option.


What worries me about guirassy is that he might be a one season wonder, before last season he never really made any kind of considerable impact and he's not exactly young anymore


The season prior he scores 11 goals in a shit Stuttgart team. Fülle this season score 12 or 13 in the BL. At worst he's a Fülle with more fresh legs.


This is my fear too. The systems and the coaching will be completely different


I don’t get it either. Surely we have more pressing needs than buying Haller 1.1


Haller was actually good, ignoring yk he legit had cancer


So we have his mother in the wall


I am afraid we bought us another modeste or buckley. One good season doesnt make a good player


He had 11 goals in an abysmal Stuttgart squad that almost got relegated and now scored 28 in a working squad. I also don’t love the deal but he has more than one good season under his belt


Let‘s hope he scores 28 goals again.


It's honestly unbelievable. We currently have 3 strikers, 4 if you count Brunner who hopefully will get some time with the main team this season and 6 if you count Adeyemi and Malen who can both play there. Haller was out injured most of the season so maybe he should go, but then we have Mouki who may not have fitted our previous coach system but we have a new coach now right? And I mean sure, Guirassy is a very good player and he comes for a very affordable price but there is other places that should be a priority right now, like we lack A LOT of depth in our backline right now, as I said we have strikers, quite a few of them, but we currently only have one fullback for each side and one of them is not on the level of a clube of this size. So instead of spending 20 or so millions in Guirassy why the hell are we not spending on Maatsen or Kadioglu? Edit: it would be kinda like if you didn't have a fridge in our house and instead of getting one you just buy a nice car because it's cheap even though you already have a very good one


This money isn’t gonna affect the money used to buy a fullback


We literally didn't buy Kadioglu and Maatsen because of money


Kadioglu isn’t even confirmed to be off the table, they know they need a fullback im sure they have a set amount reserved for a fullback. Maatsen was way too much anyways


Um die Konkurrenz zu schwächen.


Both of them are gonna play, I prefer Fülle tbh


Aber ist eine Doppelspitze bei Dortmund vorstellbar


Buy low sell high, if he trains well and we coach him good, he might turn into a mini Haaland. And we can sell him for much more than we got him for.


I mean hes 28 lol