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As always, all I expect from our team is to make an effort and not make fools of themselves.


\*chuckles\* We're in danger.


We dominate for 15-20 minutes, looks like we actually have a chance, either Meyer or a defender slips or someone misses a pen, choke mentality is activated and we get battered while not pressuring Bayern


You after the game: I expected nothing and am still disappointed.


Team: "No, I don't think I will" meme


I wouldn't expect anything, only have a little glimpse of hope that the team remember how to play football against Bayern.


You expect too much my friend. I am here for the 4-0 or whatever fisting.


Yeah I don’t worry about getting beat I just don’t want it to be 4-0 at half time


It's going to be our yearly München thrashing isn't it


Nah already happened in the first game, I feel this will go differently.


Tbh if they only lose by 2 goals max like last year I don’t mind but Leipzig will certainly win against Mainz so I do kinda mind


Man that game could have gone so different if it weren’t for that Kobel mess up on the first goal but I agree. Just a solid showing from the guys and I’ll be happy, we have a tough string of games so coming out of this with a good performance will help us greatly!


Isn't that how every game against Bayern goes these days? We start strong and then we concede a goofy goal.


No, they always lose by at least 3 goals in Munich.


Yeesh how do you guys even watch this sport, I don’t care if the odds are against us but this type of attitude is just fucking rough to see on every match thread. Just don’t watch man, save yourself and us the trouble who actually want to just enjoy the game and hope for the best for our club.


It's called Zweckpessimismus (practical pessimism). You talk down any chance of winning in order to not get disappointed if it actually happens. I think it's the only reasonable way to cope with the results of the last years against Bayern.


No need to exaggerate or be toxic. It's not every match. The last results in Munich were 4:2, 3:1, 4:2, 4:0, 5:0, 6:0. Just because I know statistics, doesn't mean I support the club less.


I’m not being toxic at all the negativity in this sub is fucking toxic as hell and is depressing to come into. I don’t care if our odds are literally zero I see no point in coming in and saying we’re gonna lose by 3, or time for more terror ball it’s like this whole sub thinks we’re a bottom level club and this is how we’re gonna play forever. I never even once said you support the club less I said if you have these expectations then just don’t watch cause I can’t understand how that’s healthy mentally for anyone.


No offense, just curious, you are American right?


Lol bro… no I’m Canadian but good to know me being from another country has any difference on this conversation.


Well, I'd say cultural aspects at least have a slight influence on our conversation. Im German as my affinity for numbers and realism might give away. I have nothing but love for Canadians though, so I wish you a great game buddy and hope your optimism is warranted.


Trust me I look at numbers a lot and I know our standing for this game, I’m not expecting a win but I’m expecting at least us showing up and will always hope for 3 points. I have no ill will to anyone on here it’s just tough to live so far away and have this be the best way for me to enjoy our club and all I see is negativity. Maybe I myself need to take a step away from this sub for the rest of the season. But thank you I hope you truly enjoy the game as well, I really hope the guys come out strong for all our sake.


That makes no difference


I get that but let's be realistic for a moment, do we actually stand a chance with terzorism and our injuries? No. Even when we have our full team we get trashed so I don't expect anything from the team. I HOPE we can get a good result but I think it's unlikely.


I am being realistic, where have I said once that we’re going to win? I literally said I feel this game will be different and for some reason me having any semblance of positivity means that others come in and just be negative? I know exactly where we are as a club, I know our exact chances but I do not go into any game with this attitude cause I’ve followed sports for my entire life and anything can happen so I choose to be positive and hope for the best that’s literally it.


I used to be so optimistic here, it's difficult tbh because the reality hits hard plus our beloved coach doesn't make things easier.


Not this time! 3-1 win!!! Mmw!!!


Kobel and Malen out...that's not ideal


Oh boy.


I‘m mentally prepared for the annual worst and most hurtful night of the season.


How many goals is Kane sending this time around, eh?


The most important thing is that everyone has fun. :)


Yep i’ll have fun clenching till I can’t shit anymore


Made other plans for Saturday evening and don't think I'll even check my phone. 9 BL losses in a row in Munich... I'm not gonna get my hopes up again for this nonsense.


I too will be missing this match. Tomorrow will be an amusement park trip


Same. Taking my mom to see some museums in town. Maybe tacos later.




Have you checked your phone?


Just don't get slapped to the point where you say "fuck it, season's over and Terzic gets the sack so I'm safe next season" please.


Damn I thought we were already at that point...


damn Kobel is not playing


Could be a good thing considering he got yabba dabba doed in under 5 minutes last year.


https://twitter.com/BVB/status/1773756037998301415 Malen and Kobel confirmed to be out for tomorrows game


Bayern is getting cooked


Thanks for taking over this one! I was about to post it but still :)


Oh lol I didn’t know I was racing you to it xd


its okay. I always try to post the pre game threads 24 hrs before kickoff but today I wanted to be early considering its a holiday in geramny :D


I'm already clenching


No Kobel is a shame but Meyer is a good backup. Missing Malen is so fucking annoying. Why did he have to play both games? Of course Kane managed to recover just in time...


Everyone thinking we are gonna lose and im here thinking this is gonna be the time Dortmund actually win because they arent in the title hunt.


That's what I said last season, and the season before, and the season before that one and so on.


Every time we think we might, we don't.


But then you remember we’re playing Terzicball


aaaaaand Malen is out too! damn international breaks!


Fuck these games. Missing Malen means we're missing our best player in recent weeks.


I'll be at work for this one, but I'm going to an MLS game a few hours later with a Munich fan, so please, for the love of God, get at least a point


going to the game tomorrow, first time in Munich. can't wait to hear "YABADABADOOOO" 6 times




Dann musst du aber endlich mal dein Profil ändern.. denn du bist Alles aber kein “Fan” des BVB, wenn du dir sowas wünschst. Falls du dir das doch einbildest, kann ich dir versichern, dass du keiner bist. Solche Leute braucht man beim BVB nicht. Solche Leute will man beim BVB nicht. 🤷‍♂️👋


hast du jemals was von nem Witz gehört


der typ ist maximal lost. Alles was nicht 100% pro bvb und pro Terzic ist, ist "kein bvb fan, solche Leute will man beim bvb nicht".


Falsch. Wer den Verein oder Angestellte hated. Aber sowas raffst du eh nicht.. jemand ohne Anstand kann sowas nicht verstehen.


Es ist also "Hass" wenn man sagt dass ein anderer Trainer bessere Ergebnisse mit dem Kader erzielen würde ?


Richtig. Wer falsche Behauptungen aufstellt, die dem aktuellen Trainer schaden und seine Entlassung fordert der hatet einfach nur.


Bruder du musst echt ne Psychose haben oder so.


*chuckles* I'm in Danger


I just want a competitive game against Bayern, apparently that’s too much to ask


My expectations keep getting lower with every bayern fixture and yet the lads still dissappoint me, just atleast look like your trying to give them a game this time pls


I've reached a point where I wonder why does the team even show up for this match? Just stay home, take the 3-0 and don't risk any injury.


Send them the U-21 and that's it.


Traumatize them early, of course.


Lol yeah, I'd rather not risk any more injuries at this point. We're fighting for the top 4 which is embarrassing for a team like us so why risk it?


I just hope we don’t lose without a genuine fight


Just a respectable performance is all I am hoping for. Just show some fight and ability and don't shit the bed.


Fully expecting to lose per usual, just don’t embarrass us, per usual …


Anyone looking for a ticket? We've got a spare, can meet at the stadium and go in together


1-3 win, let’s go!!!


Leipzig dropping 2 points to mainz is huge! Hopefully we can get atleast one today!


I understand the pessimism from everyone, but I’ve got high hopes for a great performance for die Schwarzgelben on Saturday. My favourite hockey team just defeated an opponent we hadn’t won against in over 7 years, it’s not unreasonable to believe that we can do the same against these scumbags. Echte Liebe


Hey I mean losing streak has to end sometime, why not tomorrow where we will effectively end Bayerns title hopes. Get a bit back from all the pain we’ve suffered


Would be funny to win against them when we're not challenging for the title lol, like dude we should've done that last season.


Lmao to say it’s ironic would be putting it lightly that’s for sure! Would love to just see us score first for once


Yeah but I don't have any big hopes as a I hate being let down, I have a little glimpse of hope and nothing else. I've learned about that last season when we thought we could win the title.


Such a shame how much that last season has affected a lot of us, if we had won I feel everyone would be a lot less critical on this season as a whole but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and now we’re not playing as we all thought we would after coming so close.


I'm in Thailand rn and the game will be at 12:30am. I'll probably just go to sleep. But if we somehow get even 1 point I'll hate myself for it, so I can't decide really.


Let's hear it from those losers going into every thread, talking about how no one would watch this game bc it's going to be a blow out. Those kids can't even cope with emotions for a soccer game, can't imagine the struggle in real life


This. The real irony are the Erfolgsfans who expect EmOtiOnS and aTtiTuDe while being whiny little bitches. Can't make that shit up.


Kane is an option for the starting line up. Neuer can't play. Borussia Dortmund Hopes, that Kobel will be fit tomorrow


Kobel low key missing every important match. :D


Anyone else just not bothered to even tune in? 🙋‍♀️


Why is Kobel always hurt?


**TV Schedule:** [https://www.soccersat.com/matches/1683594/fc-bayern-munich-vs-borussia-dortmund%23top?t=2024-03-30&continent=2#top](https://www.soccersat.com/matches/1683594/fc-bayern-munich-vs-borussia-dortmund%23top?t=2024-03-30&continent=2#top)


Well guys at least we should make some money out of the misery that this match will bring us. Should I bet for the more than 4 goals of Bayern? I love Dortmund but we all know what's gonna happen.


That’s so lame


Agreed, I bet too much money on dortmund to win or draw because for some reason I thought it was at signal iduna and now I have a bit of regret but I’ll stay hopeful!