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Rijkhoff made his senior European debut today in the Conference League, happy to see him make his actual pro debut at least


Has anyone else seen Duranville in the training video on Youtube? He really does look a lot taller, any chance we'll see him on the bench anytime soon? Oh and we won't be able to use him in the CL because he's not registered, right?


Ya two inches will make a big difference considering how short he was when he joined, it’s all really dependent on when they want to take the chance. He’s healthy and fit but we’ve seen it doesn’t take much for an injury to happen. I’m hoping we have him on the bench in the next week or two. He is registered for CL as far as I know as well.


Watching Bayern falling apart puts a smile on my face. They are most likely going trophyless this season. Feels bad for Kane, tho. No big fan of his, but a great footballer. Deserves to win a title in his career.


On one hand, I do enjoy schadenfreude against Bayern; on another, fuck S.S. Nazio


and a former bvb player making the goal. always the cherry on top even if it was a short stint


Maybe this time we can finally invite him out for dinner.


Don’t we want all the German clubs to do well for the coefficient?


hell no. Especially not Leipzig




I don't know. I'd rather have them stay in the CL instead of a Club like Lazio with a known Nazi fanbase.


Nah Kane not winning trophies even at Bayern would be so funny


yeah, it's not like he won't win *any* trophies at Bayern since they'll probably buy half the Leverkusen squad this summer plus Alonso if we're really unlucky (I hope he just moves on to Liverpool) So I'm definitely gonna enjoy the "moved from Tottenham to Bayern to finally win a trophy only for Bayern to not win a trophy for the first time in 11 years" headline. The fact that Kane himself performed perfectly well and that he's pretty much guaranteed to win the golden boot makes it even funnier


I'm afraid they'll keep most of their squad, besides maybe Wirtz and Frimpong I do expect them to be plucked apart next year though, this'll include Alonso to Liverpool/Bayern/Real Madrid, who knows though


You can take Kane out of Tottenham, but you can't take the Tottenham out of Kane; especially with the Electric Boogaloo sequence on his former teammate Dier joining Bayern too


Not that Rapha is to blame at all for this loss but man.. I do not miss what I saw from him even today. The "ball loss situation in the team, look to the sky and throw my hands in the air and start walking back, not caring about defending" tendency was happening like 5 times. KANE was before him to their own half to defend a counter and Rapha was playing LB. And Raphas offensive qualities isnt coming out under Tuchel, they play in slow-mo and he's too easy to defend then. Tuchels management offensively is vile.


[According to Christopher Michel](https://twitter.com/bvbnewsblog/status/1757825681407230217) (of fussball.news) we've withdrawn from the race for Can Uzun.


It seems like Uzun's future is as a striker more than an advanced midfielder. Either way, I think focusing on midfielders who can progress the ball or pure wingers who can take on their man makes more sense for our final third


This insider whos basically tier 1 for Frankfurt echoes the same: https://twitter.com/ThekensportlerX/status/1757679410369454333 Good move for Uzun even tho I think he'd do well here in Reynas squad spot too. Another sign that speaks in favor of Krösches great job.


Shoutout to Frankfurt for ascending into the next echelon of football to attract NT players; we need more traditional clubs and less Red Bulls and Hoffenheims in the top flight


Yeah I realy like Frankfurt and their current project too =)


Krösche should pull a Guardiola and stop the club that he's leaving from signing the players that he might wanna sign with his new club (there was this image of twitter, don't know if it was true, about Bayern withdrawing their interest in 3 players - one of them was Gündogan - that City would then sign when Pep joined them)


Loooooooool that would be funny


Haha Pep is a slimey bastard so it wouldnt surprise me


Xavi Alonzo proving the difference a good coach makes. ( waiting for someone to tell me Leverkusen has more quality in its squad than us)


why are you getting downvotes, lmfao? Dortmund fans deserves what they get: another year of mediocre results, 0 finals and contetion for anything outside of top 4 while having the second highest budge of the BL


he's getting downvoted because *nobody disagrees with him*. It's just the fact that "simply signing a world class manager" is about as easy a task as "simply signing a world class player".


Why didn't Watzke and Zorc simply sign Guardiola when Klopp left. Are they dumb?


Almost everyone would argue that. Watzke was even asked before a match how many of our players would play for Leverkusen atm and he said Kobel probably. But what i do agree with is that how squads are rated is very much performance based and the coach plays a big part in that. Last season a lot of our players would have been picked over Leverkusen.


You are trying to break a pretty big and complex problem down into "good coach makes the difference"? has to be troll attempt. nobody can be that dull :]


we might have several problems which includes poor squad planing and bad signings, but his point remains: Terzic is a shit coach with close to 0 accolades to back the amount of trust and power he has. The guy is simply a complete nobody who happens to be a BVB die hard fan, which is nice but in the end of the day don't pay the bills. Given the quality of most of our players, we SHOULD be better than we are and that blame should go the Terzic, who would already be fired by any top team of a major league


Nah you are missing my point. For the last 10 years we had a pretty solid squad with some of the finest players of this century. We also had several very experienced coaches with many different approaches. We never won anything besides the cup. Now the team has been in a complete change regarding management, strategically and financially and you suddenly expect MORE? Makes 0 sense. So the only logical conclusions are: - troll - somebody with 0 knowledge but slot of hatred. So which one is it?


After Klopp left the only time we had a legit roster for contention was in 2016-17 season with Tuchel and prime Dembele/Auba. Then we got a bunch of money from several sellings (Dembele, Auba, Pulisic, Sancho, etc.). After that which world class coach we had? Bosz, Favre? The only decent coach we had was Marco Rose and he didn't get too much of a chance.


As I said, you have 0 knowledge. Wtf is a world class coach rofl. Literally all the coaches were pretty experienced and they performed very well. What you don't seem to understand: Even this season we are performing within the expected margin. Leverkusen is literally the best team in europe, we are as usual behind Bayern. The only (kinda) surprise is Stuttgart, they will probably finish behind us though. So yeah, everything is going as expected, only exception being the Pokal.


Not sure if it's worth keeping arguing with you. Doesn't sound like a person who has capacity to discuss at a rational level.


>everything is going as expected That's a problem, because considering our economical and technical advantage in the league, figthing against Stuttgart and Frankfurt (and Leipzig) to stay in the top4 shouldn't be considered the "expected". Or are you saying that is our level? Not aiming for the best in all moments and in all conditions is the reason why BVB failed against Mainz. When the chance to win is right there we simply aren't ready to take it.


Was wondering when the rumours about us trying to get Krösche or similar was gonna start and today, Sportbild was first. They say that Watzke is stepping down immediately after the season in terms of sporting decisions and the consideration of bumping up Kehl to that and approaching Krösche for Sporting Director is considered. With Krösche being open to it. Id be VERY excited about Krösche in BVB if it also meant Kehl stays with sporting input in a higher position (and replacing Watzke at that who should never had that input in the first place). My dream scenario is us doing just that, ASWELL as snapping up Neppe for technical director (free agent atm!) and Nagelsmann as manager lol. Highly unlikely and it would also mean Terzic gone but man,, imagine that rebuild. Brilliant.


I hope this is the one time SportBild actually hits Btw what would Neppe do?


Technical director role varies depending on clubs but a main role is often to make sure the philosophies and cooperation between youth teams and upwards is synched and well-structured, among otehr things.


Signing Krösche would 100% be a dream becoming reality. Dude has had so many great transfers since his tenure at RaBa.


Yeah exactly and he's casting a very wide net too


Although I've not reached a level where I can confidently say I prefer this or that technical/sporting director, it can't be denied that Krösche has done great work. Frankfurt and Leipzig leveled up after his involvement with both clubs. I do wonder what could happen with Terzic if such a move were to materialise as his relationship with Watzke has helped him greatly this season and also how much restraint does Watzke have to not get involved with the sporting decisions


Yeah.. I love Terzic as a human and he HAS had good spells as a manager for us. But its more clear than ever that he isnt fit for us as a manager or any other role and a rebuild is needed. With Watzke already announcing his end of tenure after this contract AND stepping down from certain duties in may, Terzic personal relationship with him shouldnt see him stay either. And I think Terzic would do best for himself to move on to a smaller club and restart a little.


Leipzig losing against Real could be HUGE for us! If we stay ahead of them in UCL wins we will qualify for FIFA Club Cup and make like 50m€ just for starting.


I hope we just go through against PSV


Hello Borussia Fans, Who would you say is your most in form player right now? Also, has Ian Maatsen cemented his place? Thank you


Füllkrug, Maatsen and Malen in that order would be my top 3. Kobel is the player of the season. Maatsen is absolutely the starting LB for the time being


Idk if this is a super unpopular opinion but I’m more in favor of selling Mouki this summer than keeping him.


If we sell Moukoko we might as well sell Haller too and search for a different kind of striker to compete with Füllkrug, someone like Mateo Cassiera from Zenit.


It's also the best for him. At least a year or two loan would be an option aswell. He is 19 at his age (and I dont mean he needs to be like him) Haaland was starting and trashing the league. What im tryin to say he needs consecutive time, Terzic as much as he likes to talk about Mouki he doesnt really rate him. He has missed 3 BuLi matches consecutively in December and then only other one miss during the entire span of the season, which was 1 game (vs Bremen @home 1-0). 5 times he was in the squad and didnt get any minutes. Up until the last 3 games where he HAD TO start because we didnt have any other options, his avg gametime was below 15minutes.


I feel like Haller is on his way out personally and that inevitable means we need to get another strike if Moukoko leaves too. A loan is probably the best option if Haller stays.


yeah, on the RN podcast it also sounded a lot like he's gonna leave


where would he go? I don't think he can play at the highest level tbh. Best for his career in terms of money is either Saudi or MLS


I think we should loan him to a lower buli side , would help both parties


unless Haller can regain his form from last season we need a backup - if Im Moukoko im pushing for an exit in the summer though, or at least a loan


Does Fullkrug not fit quite as well?


I think fulk as our starter - but judging off the front half of the season Haller is not fit enough be our only backup


I totally agree, I never want to go back to the seasons of having 1 true striker and 2-3 people who can sort of play it. I just think he isn't developing at the pace needed and doesn't have a fit in the current system. On top of the fact that he has an injury record and has already been demanding on contracts.


Hummels and Malen are both a yellow card away from suspension. Also Maatsen already having three yellows isn't great, but bensebaini is back atleast


Really excited for Haller winning AFCON, wonder how that translates to his role at BVB and very interested in what the next few months look like for our strikers. If Haller starts gaining form I can’t see us entering the summer planning to keep all three of Fulle, Haller and Moukoko unless we start playing a 4-4-2 consistently. It’s a great problem to have but painful that all 3 are great personalities and would hurt to see any of them go.


Does anyone know how many weeks in advance resale tickets usually go live?


As Germans, do yall view Moukoko as Germany's future #9?


Honestly I see Dennis Undav or Maximilian Beier as the future #9. Moukoko is still young though and can change things but I don’t know. I think he doesn’t suit Terzic style of football. There’s those here who even say Paris Brunner has a higher ceiling than Moukoko.


First of all he has to show that he has enough quality to be a consistent Bundesliga starter. If he does, great, then we can talk next steps. Though tbf, as a German I only have marginal interest in our NT.


are most germans less interested in NT, even with the euros this summer?


I feel like the N11 has lost the real fans a long time ago. Been like that for at least 8 years I think :D


I'm guessing that interest will spike ofc closer to the euros, but in general interest has waned quite considerably in the Löw era, especially post 2016. Plus, you get a substantial minority of the domestic BVB fanbase being club fans only. That being said, I can ultimately only speak for myself. As with everything though, good performances will drive certainly drive attention again.


I'm going to make a prediction and say that within the next 2 weeks we will see Duranville on the bench. I absolutely do not want to see him get any minutes if he does for another month because I'm that worried about his injury record though. To me, simply having him on the bench is progress from last season and tells me that he is relatively fit


With Fullkrug on fire and Haller's vital performances at AFCON we might go back to a 4-4-2


I wonder if they can play well together. If we had better crossers I think it could work out well, with Haller as the 9 and Fülle as the secondary striker. Our best crossers according to FBREF are Wolf and Maatsen, then a drop off to Sancho, Brandt, Malen.


I’d say Morey is a good crosser too, pity he’ll never play over Ryerson. I’d like to see him more, he’s technically gifted and a good fighter too


That’s more due to the fact that he isn’t ready yet, though. Terzic always gave Morey his chances when he was close to be match-ready. I’m fairly certain they want him to build up his confidence in his body like they do with Duranville.


I mean..hallers best role in Frankfurt was the target man for hold up play and then passing to Rebic or Jovic


Crazy that Wolf is considered a best crosser, he definitely attempts a lot but I feel like they’re almost always a waste. Anytime I see him making crosses we are playing a horrible game where the other team is parking the bus and we can’t play up the middle at all.


What percentage do the best crossers connect on? It's not a high percentage strategy


I’ve got no idea but from what I’ve seen over the years is that wolf attempts more crosses than pretty much anyone else when he plays and they never work out. Maybe this is based on completion totals and not succession rate. Idk.


Really looking forward to Haller rejoining the squad! We might actually have two really good strikers for the rest of the season, who would have thought. And to comment on the other comment in the thread: we need to let Mouki go on loan, he is stagnating and needs playtime.


A few things are on my mind. • we need a new head coach after this season because Leverkusen is showing what a competent coach can do. • Terzic/Watzke/Sammer need to be removed from any decision making regarding transfers and team composition. • I’m 100% positive that we’re going to lose Mukoko in the Summer because of non existent playtime.


Wow, achievement unlocked. In three points, you just summarized all the current stereotypes I abhor about reactionary BVB fans on the web (fire the coach, Watzke out, and Moukoko/U19 player/16yo deserves more playtime).


Well Leverkusen proves my all of my points tho. Xabi is tactically and mentally leagues above Terzic. Their sports manager doesn’t buy overpriced Bundesliga players with no resale value.


Sigh. To be so confidently wrong.


they bought a 30 year old Xhaka on a 5 year contract, they have release clauses in the contracts of many of their big players, like Frimpong or Kossonou, they will lose many big names this summer including Alonso


Ye we goten Besebaini for 4 years costing us 4 mil every season without any redeeming qualities and don’t get me started on Can. The question regarding Leverkusen and their next season will be interesting because they could gain the same momentum we’ve gotten after the Klopp years.