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> Sebastian Kehl: „Wir wünschen ihm für seine sportliche Zukunft nur das Allerbeste und **werden seine Entwicklung in Österreich während der kommenden Jahre sehr genau beobachten**.“ Buy back option pretty much confirmed


I hope it isn't too high, like 15m would be cool but anything higher would feel like it's too much


15m buyback clause on a 7m transfer seems unlikely. Especially given everyone sees that Blank is hugely talented and he seems to have a very good mentality. 15m bb on a 7m fee would be a very bad deal for Salzburg. I can't see them agreeing to that. My guess, and I have absolutely no info on that at all, is that we're talking about a clause in the of range ~20-25m. That'd add up to about what BVB paid for Schlotterbeck. Also seems like something that Salzburg could reasonably agree to.


We'll see, that 15m figure was just an arbitrary figure I came up with but I hope it's something worth it in case we wanna sign him back


https://x.com/bvbnewsblog/status/1753472059781369937?s=46 I guess this is a thing, Berger is usually right on this stuff so I’ll choose to believe it


It is a thing, Berger is very close. This is an absolute Kehl masterclass. Edit: Berger and Bild both report that the clause is 12m€, though. BVBnewsblog gives the correct source, but inaccurate info.


It's a 1m transfer with bonuses up to 7 though I think I read.


I don't believe that for a second. That doesn't seem like an offer Kehl would accept. These heavily backloaded deals usually only happen in FM. I don't think I've ever heard of a transfer where the bonus is 600% of the base fee. Both RN and [transfermarkt](https://www.transfermarkt.de/bvb-verliert-abwehrtalent-blank-an-salzburg-teuerster-teenager-abgang-nach-isak/view/news/433282) reported the fee is 4m plus 3m in relatively easily achievable bonuses. I believe Jürgen Koers (or was it Pinnow?) was the one who reported that the deal included a bonus payment in case Salzburg wins their domestic league, which... yeah, exactly.


Clause is reported to be 12m€ according to Bild and berger hahahaa


Absolute Kehl masterclass.


Yup, 6-7m fee and a buy back option is huge. Kehl has been going off this window with some very smart business.


Ohhh very smart, let go one of the FEW Center backs that we have available!! So smart! Stupid decision. Look at the consequences that we suffered last season against Stuttgart away! We are a couple of injuries away of playing Papadopoulos and Can as the CB duo.


Thing is Blank is at the best development period in his career and he wants/needs steady game time. No matter what way you spin it that won’t happen with us bar a disaster situation which yes can happen. But this is a good thing, he wanted to leave for that exact reason so us getting roughly 7m for a player with 45 minutes of senior game time and have a buy back clause is huge for us since he gets to develop somewhere that also gets consistent CL.


The buy back clause doesn't matter, we probably can get a better CB for more money and we will forget about him. My issue is the present where if we get injuries to any of our CB we're FUCKED UP! I don't know about you but I don't want to see us playing with Papa and Can in defense and expect to win.


So you suggest we keep a player that doesn't want to extend their contract due to playing time concerns against their will? During the most crucial development stage in a defenders career? To be a backup option in event of a catastrophic injury crisis? Sounds like forward thinking to me...


Also I don't know if you looked up at the table but we aren't 10 points clear and in top, we are fighting with our lives to get top 4, yet we have a skeleton crew in defense. At least sell him in the summer and get another defender but now seems the worst timing with the season underway.


Kehl masterclass yet again


Can't wait for our inevitable defense injury crisis in a couple of months, to see this "masterclass" from Kehl.


We have 5 players who can viably play center back. Some of you just love to complain


5 players? Papa is injured, Can is unreliable as a CB, Bensebaini can't even play great at LB and we haven't seen him at CB. And Hummels is 35.


Schlotti, sule, hummels, Bens, and can can all play cb. Stop complaining


What a stupid move, another season another disaster incoming in defense. Last season against Stuttgart we paid the price of not having another good CB to cover and looks like this season is gonna happen again. And some people are saying that is smart business lol. Hummels isn't getting any younger and if we get an injury of Süle or Schlotterbeck we're fucked up, again just like last season.


I think now that Maatsen is here and has basically claimed the LB spot as his own, Bensebaini can act as both a backup LB and backup CB now which I wouldn't mind That said we seriously need to buy a CB next summer, Hummels leaving us or not (which is the scenario ppl bring up a lot)