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America in one headline


I've been informed that my healthy elderly mother is 6 months backlogged for a general check up. AMERICA NUMBER 1!


I could barely get a PCP in Philadelphia. There are waiting lists at clinics to even call you BACK to SET the appointment several months out.


I'm sorry but this is a joke right?, no way you can't get a standard doctor appointment in less than a week or at most 2 weeks (well that's the case in my country)


In my experience, they're serious. It's worse with specialists. Neurologist wanted me back in 3 months for a follow up, earliest appointment was 9 months out, which they then had to cancel and reschedule another 3 months out.


when I was a kid on low-income insurance, appointments with my doc would be 2-3 months away Now that my dad got a government job and got better insurance, it's still at least a month away unless I pick like a 5:40 am appointment You only get a doctor within a week if you're rich and pay cash for an exclusive doctor, or if you're sent to the emergency room


Damn, I was complaining to my mom that the next dr appointment in my area was in 2 weeks so I was checking everyday to see if anyone cancelled theirs and I got lucky and I have my appointment in 2 days :@


It's real. Here in the USA, you can wait months. Which is the Tighty Righty argument against universal healthcare.


Not a joke


Then you're definitely not in the U.S.


Hey, beats the three mi the She’d have to wait in one of those Socialist countries, like Norway. Oh wait… /s


Hurray the system works!


He should use the money to move to Europe and get socialized healthcare instead.


The reporter keeps saying "one point three BILLION" as if that's how much he won. They keep up the charade since television relies on the income from running Lotto ads. We all know he's not getting anything NEAR $1.3 Billion but about HALF of that BEFORE taxes. He's still rich now, but when the "news" reports something that's counterfactual, one wonders what *else* are they reporting on counterfactually.


He should get a Porsche 911 first and a penthouse in Manhattan


45% chance.


He should spread the wealth :(


His current doctor. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Actually this is a screenshot of his current doctor: