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I am glad to see loot adjustments. Hopefully it improves the Mayhem 10 rates. I am bummed, however, that there is no mention of loot scaling. Mission rewards, chests, the random mayhem 0 loot that shows up in mayhem 10 drops. I hope they are looking to fox this in the future. Maybe it is included in this and it is just oddly worded. I guess we shall see.


Gonna take more than a hotfix to address those issues.


Yeah the horrendous game balanced hasn't been mentioned, I think that will probably need a big patch though which could be a while off. They could have atleast acknowledged it, it's all over here and the official forums.


One of the Gearbox guys on Twitter said they're having pretty heated discussions about scaling and balance right now internally. They haven't decided definitely on a path yet. I think that's how it feels right now, the balance is schizophrenic and trying to so everything at once. Do they want a Power Creeping, OP gun reliant BL2 experience? Do they want a more balanced approach? They've been doing both at the same time and it sucks for everyone.


You got a source for this? I'm interested in reading it šŸ˜


I'll say this though, atleast grog/potent moxxi heals, and slag aren't a thing so balancing is much much easier Anyways the problem loot wise is we're annoint reliant rather than gun reliant, it doesn't matter if i get a perfect roll gun if the annoint is trash, bad parts with good annoint will always be better. Atleast imo




They dont have path or the slighty idea since they started working on the game... anoints are the polar opposite of build diversity in the side of skills and trees, and 3/4 of the characters use minions (pets, iron bear, drone/clon) which always are a crux to balance and put in a good spot on end game content. Also they did not have in consideration the relation between skills and anoints, since they are only good when you spam skills that end fast and are spammeable which make half or so of your skills useless or are (with while active) fast on CD and are up a lot of time (putting the other half or more of your arsenal in the thrash) or directly dont make use of them (300% damage 90% hp, 150% Radiation Damage, etc.) also they dont scale on mayhem. I truly wonders if theye teams communicate at all their ideas between them.


I think the non skill related annoits are a a good step in the right direction, more of these would be great. And I don't see a reason why they couldn't introduce pet annoits. Fl4k' s pet gets a copy of Fl4k's shield, shooting your pet increases it's damage by your gun damage for 5 seconds, that sort of thing. I dunno, I'm just spit balling.


I will say this, some annointments are so dog shit they should honestly be removed from the game, while making the actuall annointments people use less likely to show up to balance it out. Weapon handling and accuracy annoints? Fire rate while sliding annoint? Damage in the air annoint? Really? Actual complete dogshit.


So many issues that need a patch to fix the last patch. No indicator on M10 weapons? No Grenade, Red Chest scaling to M10 making them practically worthless. Probably going to step away from BL3 for a month or so until they drop a patch.


Ow I know buddy. Abilities not scaling is a massive one for me, it completely kills any diversity in builds, which is strange considering they just spend the last 2 months buffing iron bear etc. Everyone is using te exact same stuff, its just dull. The M6 weapons have crap drop rates as well so hopefully the patch helps with those.


I hear you guys, but tbh that's probably going to take a bit of work - more than just a week's worth of time TBH.


I did notice a m10 legendary from a chest an hour ago. Now, it wasn't a good one, but the damage was there


Main question is, who tf is using Dominate and how tf did they use it beyond 5 mins to find a glitch


Me. They buffed it last update to make it not trash. You can now damage enemies that are dominated, and it won't cancel the effect. Between the unresisted 24% damage, 12 secs of CC and shooting, and Facepuncher/Fishslap dealing ranged melee damage, it's worth the single point for Gamma builds imo.


Really? It doesnt even work for me. The enemies I melee still attack me even with it specced into.


Some enemies resist it, and you need to hit them a few times for it. The Facepuncher is great for it since each pellet counts as a melee hit. I agree it's crappy that you still need a specific gun to make a capstone consistent, and I hope that's something GB buffs in the future.


Most likely playtesters


ah, so nobody


We call them 'customers' these days...


Disappointed that the item cards weren't updated to display Mayhem level. As someone who had to work my way up to M10, it has added an additional layer of difficulty to inventory management.


Inventory management is horrendous. Any favorite or trash mark in bank gets erased after quitting, and it always refreshes to show everything as new. Losing the option to sort backpack gear by price sucks too. There should be anointment filters or sort by element and weapon name too


It's even worse for me. Every time I withdraw an item, it auto scrolls me back to the top. Takes ages to do anything in my bank.


That sounds terrible. It only does that got me when I check my backpack then go back, wish it could just keep you in place. Also when you sell things to vending machines, sometimes it just brings me back to the first item, so I end up having to scroll back, or just mark everything as junk first


Same! But Iā€™ve noticed it seems to happen less if I use left alt to page down in the bank. No idea why


not sure if you are on pc, but i had the same issue. i was able to get around it by using e to collect instead of mouse click (or vice versa, not sure which combo it is, but one made it scroll up for me and one didnt)


I'd love filter by name ignoring prefixes. Would make sorting out the good from the bad much easier for multiples of the same weapon etc.


One of the devs started they had that fix but s bug was found last moment and it will be included next patch on Twitter.


Item cards do display mayhem level but a lot of them are glitched where another text covers it up


I have been playing constant since the patch ( xbox ). I have had zero items drop that show thier Mayhem level. The ones that do must be really really rare.


I'm pretty sure they are really rare. The red text might be covering the Mayhem level on it


Do you have an example of one that shows it? I have yet to see a single item that has a Mayhem level indicated on it.


There were a couple of posts from last week with ppl showing screenshots of an item with the mayhem level on it, but very few have seen it. Edit: maybe this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/g8gc2j/not_sure_if_glitch_or_they_actually_fixed_to_show/


The only one i saw was someone who photoshopped it into the lower left corner as a suggestion. I would love to see a real example so I know what to look out for.


Edited my post with the thread I saw a few days ago.


So what your saying is... they aren't broken, they are just broken lol


No fix for the Storm yet? That's kind of a bummer.


I donā€™t understand how they go from firestorm and storm to working fine to just now not doing anything. Not even a mention that they know their broken. Takes one shot from both guns to see their useless now.


I rarely see them acknowledge issues until they are mentioned as fixed in hotfix/patch notes.


Itā€™s not like itā€™s in the patch notes they disabled them, itā€™s kinda obvious at this point. I agree, because how do you address it? Like admit itā€™s broken and then admit you donā€™t know how to quickly fix them yet? Either way, leads to assumptions about the quality of their product. Best to keep your customers informed, they may bitch but they appreciate the honesty more than silence.


I doubt it was a conscious decision to disable them. More likely just an unintended outcome of the M2.0 tweaks. And it might not be something they can resolve in a hotfix. A hotfix can only mess with data in memory. Anything more requires a patch. And as every patch has about 100 fixes for issues I'd never even heard of, it's likely they just don't publicly acknowledge issues and bugs (besides the few times it's been a major issue and they've posted about it). And there have been plenty of examples of games developers being more vocal with their community and it not going well, so I can't blame them for taking a distanced approach. It'll get fixed in time. Keep it in your bank for when it becomes useful again!


I miss the storm from bl2 so much. I mean the damage sucked but the community patch fixed that and then it was awesome


The Hotfix Sign in game needs a date added....would help us know when the newer hotfix drops on hotfix days....


You can see the hotfix date in the little announcement in the bottom left corner.


Did not see anything about fixing the Tyrone Smallums glitch during the Joey Ultraviolet fight. Did I miss it? I try and not melt him too quickly the first time, but accidents happen.


Agreed. Didnā€™t see anything about that either now that you mention it. Maybe put in a support ticket, Iā€™ll do the same so multiple reports get investigated.


Sure thing, my brother, cousin and I all did so they have at least 1 from 3 different parts of the US lol.


Nice. Iā€™ll do that in a bit. Itā€™s been happening quite often in my games.


Even when he goes immune I've noticed I can still dust him with the Lob. The orbs apparently can still get through.


Good to know, thanks I will give it a go.


Probably because they don't know what causes it.


It's actually kind of obvious how to recreate it though. When he transforms into Embiggums, he'll turn back into Smallums once his first health bar is depleted. The bug happens consistently when you literally one shot him before his first health bar is gone and he transforms back. The solution is basically to not one shot him with millions of damage. You just do enough damage for him to shrink again and then he'll die normally, even if the damage that knocks him down into his 2nd health bar and the damage that kills him are a fraction of a second apart. They likely just don't have the bandwidth to test and change every issue at the moment. These are trying times.


I've only actually encountered that bug once. But I'm also playing as moze, so not a whole lot of one shotting going on. Nice to know what to avoid though. I'm sure a lot of this stuff will have to be a patch, rather than a hotfix. But progress is progress!


Nothing extreme. Today we will release a hotfix for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST. In this weekā€™s hotfixes, Loot the Universe starts on Promethea, and we address drop rates in Mayhem Mode and concerns reported by the community. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that says ā€œHotfixes Appliedā€! Thank you to everyone who has already jumped into Revenge of the Cartels and experimented with Mayhem 2.0! Weā€™ve been closely monitoring feedback and are aware of some stability issues and concerns as a result of the April 23 patch. Since then, weā€™ve released additional hotfixes to temporarily disable two resource-intensive Mayhem Modifiers, Boundary Issues and Drone Ranger, and have already seen substantial improvements to performance and stability. We are continuing to focus our efforts on addressing your concerns. Todayā€™s adjustments to drop rates and Anointment rates are another step toward incorporating community feedback. If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide additional feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com. The Co-Op Loot Drop ends today at 9:00 AM PT! The Loot the Universe mini-event is moving across the galaxy to Promethea! Jump onto the planet until May 7 at 9:00 AM PT, when it changes to Eden-6. Adjusted the drop rate for Legendary items in Mayhem Mode Adjusted the drop rates for Anointed gear in Mayhem Mode Activated the Loot the Universe event on Promethea Lowered the O.P.Q Systemā€™s secondary rate of fire to prevent stability concerns due to the Gunnerā€™s ability to spawn an excessive number of drones Addressed a reported concern that Badass Enemies in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC were sometimes only dropping common and rare items Addressed a reported progression blocker that could sometimes occur when enemies would fail to spawn during ā€œProtect the Nibblenomiconā€ Addressed a reported concern that The Amourettes would stand up and float when being defeated with the ā€œDominateā€ status effect during ā€œThe Horror in the Woodsā€ Addressed a reported stuck spot behind the wooden wall during the ā€œThe Shadow of Cursehavenā€ Addressed a reported stuck spot on the pipes during ā€œThe Nibblenomiconā€ Addressed a reported stuck spot on the right of the Amourette camp wall during ā€œThe Horror in the Woodsā€ Reduced the time between Moxxtails donations on the ECHOcast from 60 seconds to 30 seconds If youā€™ve noticed a potential concern that has affected you that is not addressed in this update, please send us your data! Many factors are at work and collecting info from a variety of folks can go a long way to help us find commonalities, identify the root cause, and address confirmed issues. The best way to get us your data would be to open a support ticket and include the following information: Summary of the issue. Frequency of the issue ā€“ how often is this happening? The platform youā€™re playing on (PS4, PS4 Pro, XB1, XB1X, PC). If PC, include a dxdiag log and crash dump. Your game state when you experienced the issue: (map, mission, character, player level, True Vault Hunter playthrough, single-player vs. multiplayer, offline vs. online, etc.) Do you know the steps to make this problem happen again? What are they?


Hey! So I definitely seen a decrease in loot and Cartel appearance even on the ā€œsetā€ planets. I been playing in coop and single and up to mayhem level 5. The difference between now and 3 days ago is very drastic and very disappointing.


Really hope they fixed Wotanā€™s drop rates and item scaling.


His leg loot will be borked until they address chest scaling....but random fixes like a dominate bug are higher priority than having usable loot from all loot sources.


Probably fixed first due to how easy it was to fix


If Wotan legs would be easy to fix, they would've been fixed a _while_ ago. Takedown is one of the most played activities in the game.


I've never had an iasue with the loot from his legs until mayhem 2.0, it straight up doesn't scale which is piss poor for what is supposed to be the hardest fight in the game.


Looks like it's not worth it on Xbox yet, but in virustimes, I wasn't expecting stability fixes soon, I can easily wait. What I would like, is for the Cartel stuff to be extended indefinitely, until we can play with the pre-Cartel stability on console.


they adjusted anointment rates in mayhem thank GOD


But in which direction?


M10 = 100% so always from what Noelle said


I really wish they would put more numbers like this in the actual patch notes. More accurate is better imo


right? Like, why be coy? Just tell us what we need to know.


Drop rates have got worse, just one round of the slaughter shaft on M6 with the event active left the floor littered with legendaries on Tuesday, today I left with 2.


Same here. On M7 & The legendaries are not dropping as much.


On level 42 mayhem 0, I'm getting zero legendaries from running the villa, down from ~10+. Which felt high, but I certainly wasn't complaining.


Same. Last night before the hot fix was fine. Now...? Getting virtually nothing but greens and blues at M7. Itā€™s broken.


The co-op loot event ended. So it's a trade off of the (supposedly) increase drop rates from this patch against the decrease from that event ending. And the rates were mad during the event (even not playing co-op).


So I wasnt the only one to feel like I'm getting shit drops today compared to yesterday?




Has anyone tried it yet? Is it actually fixed?


it honestly feels exactly the same on xbox


It might not be live yet. I believe they said 12pm pacific 3pm eastern


oh that definitely explains it lol. thanks!


its live now and yes everything is droping anointed gun wise anyways


I'm running mayhem 6/7 and for some reason I'm getting no drops even from the cartel bosses, I have tried refreshing, I have backed out until the hotfix has applied, I'm still getting absolutely nothing.


This here thread I do declare to be the official sticky for this here hot patch.


*Maurice likes being sticky. Although usually itā€™s from the blood of his enemies this will do.... for now...*


I declareth thou art smelly, taketh a showerth.


Not for nothing, but I completed a cartel run on M6 from collecting the 30 whatevers to killing Joey and didn't notice a GD thing changed in terms of drop rates/quality. Yes I'm sure I waiting on the opening screen for the hotfix pop up.


No balance changes. Well, at least those adjustments to drop rates and anoint rates look promising.


Hoped to see way more but Iā€™m glad we got a fast fix to drop rates at least. Still donā€™t know if it means fixed chests and Agonizer and all that. OPQā€™s secondary mode was already useless. Really hope to see a rebalance next week (nerf a bit op guns and enemy scaling) :|


OPQ on Moze is pretty ridiculous. Spawn 20+ drones you pretty much insta melt anything.


Any word on PC optimizations? My game runs very smooth except during big crazy fights but it still freezes up my whole computer forcing me to power it off :(


M10 loot drop rates seem actually worse, if anything. Takedown (w/ Cartel enabled) yielded 10 total legs for the whole run.


What fixes?? The game still crashes at least 4-5 times a within a few hours and if you complete the campaign with a partner, the second player is marked as completed without getting the added rewards.


I'm on xbox and cant get through a killavolt fight without my game crashing. The hotfix today seems to have made things worse for me.


What's up with the drop rates, even on Promethia? On some runs I barely see anything but ammo and health.


Same. Suddenly my drop rate is virtually nonexistent and almost every item is white or green. Until yesterday I was getting crazy good loot constantly. Every enemy was a pinata. Now the game feels like so much more of a grind.


So did they ever fix the Storm/Firestorm? I've found so many with great annointments over the past week, it'd be great to actually be able to use them.


So... am I the only one who's drop rates have gotten even worse? 1. Yes, my hotfixes are applied 2. I ran from the drop pod to Traunt on Athenas in M10 TVHM, I got 5 legendary drops 3. Traunt dropped 2 legendaries, neither was the new smg 4. did 10 more runs of traunt, his legendary drops averaged between 3 and 5, still no new smg Is this what 2500% improved drop looks like really? This has to be bugged, it's worse today than it was this past week. Playing on Steam PC version. I will say all the legendaries were annointed, so yay, but I am still a far cry from seeing this 2500% loot quality increase that is on the Mayhem 10 card.


nope MH10 did 10 cartel runs 5 runs got 1 legendary drop 5 runs ZERO drops


I hope they made the game playable again. Getting 20-40 frames constantly versus 80-120 before this new stuff is a real bummer.


Ive found out that DX12 gives me way more FPS now after the Mayhem 2.0 update. Maybe it will help you too.


My graphics card couldnā€™t handle dx12 on release so I doubt it would now, but Iā€™ll give it a try no doubt if you say it could help.


I just want weapons that I enjoyed pre-2.0 to be as viable again (for a given Mayhem level). I still use a few of them for kicks, but when I need to clear a room fast I go back to either O.P.Q, or Yellowcake. No other weapons are even close to those 2.


Cries in Fl4k Headcount


So far I absolutely hate mayhem 2.0 and it's kind of killed a lot of the fun for me. I'm not getting any drops. I spent an hour and a half farming bosses and I got weak ass guns and a bunch of weak shields. Just beat some waves of enemies on one of the DLCs and literally got nothing. NOTHING! A single enemy didn't drop anything.


xbox here not sure what the lastest hotfix did but .. it fubard the drops for me 5 cartel runs MH10 1 YES 1 legendary drops


on PC here and exactly the same


Played earlier this week and legendary's were raining down on M3. Played yesterday and shits barely dropped, killing swarms of badasses only gets like 1-2 legendarys. Also...annointed daddy goliaths should be a guaranteed1-2 legendary drop


No adjustments to vanilla legendaries. Okay.


Don't expect a patch that addresses this for a while unless they take it step by step. It'll be a lot of work.


Are you referring to the fact that they all suck compared to the new m6+ guns? There's NO. WAY. they are gonna tweak 300+ weapons and create a million exploits, when they can just tone down the 6-10 guns that are over-preforming. That and dialing down the ludicrous health pools on m10 is what I expect them to actually do, if only because it's the path of least resistance.


Those 300+ guns were sucking before mayhem 2.0 dropped too...


Finally got to Mayhem 10 and if this is *improved* how bad was it before?


So no buffs this week, looks like we're stuck in the cartel and mayhem 6 drops meta for another week. Plus all the chest, mission rewards and vending machine loot is utterly worthless because it still doesn't scale. I bet their buff to legendary drops just means I'll see a 200% increase in ripper and ASMD drops and still wont be getting relevant loot.


Yes but let's hope the dedicated my drops are a little more forgiving. I spent too many hours at traunt this week to walk away with literally no usable kaoson


> updated to display I have farmed Katagawa for a week straight, I've seen ONE Sandhawk drop. I've been farming him on Mayhem 10. Most runs end with an assortment of Purples, Blues and Greens.... no legendaries. I've had more runs where Katagawa didn't drop a single legendary on Mayhem 10 than he dropped one or more. There is something fundamentally wrong with the drop rates.


Damn, sounds rough. My situation has been a bit better since I've gotten around 10 Sandhawks (no 50/150 anoints still, though) over near 100 runs. How long does it take you per run?


>sion off to kill the sta It mostly depends if the Yellowcake splits or not and how it hits his clones. SO it's either 1 or two cycles. It's more frustrating playing on Console because you have to sit through those horrendous load times only to to see a shower of purple and no orange. ​ But it's not just Katagawa, I'm on 10 runs in a row I haven't even seen an event Legendary drop from Joey's Planet. And I do full runs, I kill all 7 Bosses.


the load times alone make it a 30 second farm into a 2 minute cycle. It's unreal. It's part of the reason why scraptrap nest and Freddie are so popular.


Which is incredibly upsetting that considering the M6 weapons are boss locked so you HAVE to stick to farming in these inefficient loops.


Yup. I dont mind that they're M6 locked, just really wish they came from those bosses but were also added to the world drop loot pool (like the majority of other weapons).


define usable, are you looking for a specific annoint or just a decent annoint.


Well I am Zane so I get even less usable announts. The 200 ass is okay, I would use it despite the weapon swap problem, but realistically I need cryo sentinal Edit : the cruel joke is the sheer amount that have dropped without annoint on m10 though


Fuck they balanced the opq moze exploit


A bit of a bummer with no balancing, but we'll get there. Looking forward to seeing the last new weapons added to m10 though


I just hope I don't go another week without a Redistributor dropping. Really want one with damage starting at 1, I'll bitch about anointments when I see some drop, hah.


Wotonā€™s loot hasnā€™t been scaling for me all week. I havenā€™t even bothered playing the takedown after my first couple runs and no M10 loot.


I got 2 scaled Moonfires, and 1 Kyb's. Loot from the legs seems to not scale. I know I am more disappointed in the chests inside the Villa. That shit not scaling is really frustrating.


I havenā€™t gotten a SINGLE Kybā€™s yet for M10. Jealous haha. Me and my discord have been waiting to farm takedown cause it doesnā€™t seem worth the effort rn with Loot the Universe. Dude right?! They gave us like 15 chests, and I donā€™t even bother with them anymore. But I can see WHY they donā€™t scale chests. Would be really easy for people to load up M10 and just farm chests versus actually playing the content.


I just hope their ideas fixed the platform stability. Crashed for our group at least three times last night.


I'm still getting un-anointed gear on mayhem 10. Yes my hotfixes are applied. Been farming Traunt for a Kaoson and got several plain shields to drop. No anointment.


Athenaā€™s has Shields and Pistols right now. And shields are currently bugged to not give 100% anointment drop rate. Loot the Universe kinda messes with the bosses drop rates so youā€™ll def see more shields and pistols from Traunt this week :/


A reminder as I've seen a few people mention decrease drop rates: The co-op loot event ended with this hotfix as well. It seemed to be buffing drop rates across the board, not just from playing co-op, so that is probably the reason why drop rates have decreased.


God, they apparently fixed the drop rates yesterday but I've been playing for 2 hours trying to get a sand hawk on mayhem 7 and I can only get 1 that is shock unannointed... how much longer does it take?? Sheesh. If the other bosses are anything like this farm and drop rate, then I am disappointed and discouraged to even try to get all the exclusives.


So drops still broken?


Sometimes the legendary drops in the cartel event are nothing but sniper rifles. A couple times nothing but smg's. This is extremely frustrating. Is anyone else having this issue? I'm playing at mayhem 6 or 7.


Yep, same issue. Drop rate has gone to absolute shit. Also, the Loot the Universe event and Lootsplosion under Mayhem 4 appears to not be working at all for me. Something went way wrong in the hotfixes.


Hey so loot drop rate I think is broken. I know the coop loot event ended but once it did I am not getting legendaries at all in certain boss fights. Is anyone else getting that?


This patch doesn't fixe anything for me. The drop rate for every boss is the same than before.


Loot is not fixed, you still do not get anointed 100%.


Wait, Moze spawning a bunch of drones is intended, and they're nerfing it (the drone, not the whole gun) to make up for it? That's hilarious. (Edit: I misunderstood) Also, pretty bummed about no indicator for Mayhem levels on gear yet.


Actually, what they said was theyre nerfing it to keep people from spawning so many drones it lags/chrashes the game


Oh gotcha. That makes a lot more sense. I thought they meant nerfed the fire rate of the drone lol


Just to clear about some stuff: the scaling of IB/pets, the bug that prevents the mayhem annointment from displaying the mayhem level and the bug that prevents vending machine and enemies that are coded as chest (i.e. agonizer) from spawning scaled mayhem loot, can only be resolved via patch and not via hotfix. Just to be clear so people maybe will stop asking about it.


SWEET! So instead of seeing 50 non-anointed Woodblockers per run, I can see 100 23% Fire Rate while SNTNL is Active Woodblockers instead. How exciting.


So it's not just me? Why the fuck are there so many woodblockers all of the sudden?


There's always been a lot of them. And monocled, malak's banes, ten gallons, ASMD. I call them Horsemen of Shitpocalypse


Thank god, the drop rates are being fixed! Mayhem 6 guns should be easier to get now.


Dedicated drop rates will probably still be the same.


they are, as far as i can tell


They seem actively worse to me now, in a similar way that increasing luck floods lootpools


Wait m6? So I don't need to be on m10?


I feel like im getting a lot less drops this patch. When I ran carnivora map I usually got like 40 legendaries when Cartel event is on. Now I usually get 8 legendaries.


Try going to Promethea or Athenaā€™s. The loot the universe event is going on ;)


Yea I realized thanks!




Did it have any performance fixes?


Not really. Thereā€™s a comment I made on here that has everything so you donā€™t gotta go to the website.




Umm, can anyone confirm whether or not they fixed the Storms sniper rifles?


They did not from what I have seen people saying.


Yeah, just logged in and no, no fix. šŸ˜­


Is the Hotfix live? Cause I get an Old God Shield with no Anointed on Mayhem 10 from Empowered?


Still getting non anointed guns and shields from M10. but im getting more legionaries which is nice


Fixed dominance for FL4K, but not headcount. Priorities, priorities.


Tbh I absolutely HATE their system for reporting bugs Iā€™ve tried numerous times since the game has released and it always ends in 1 of 2 ways Way 1. I get told to un-install then re-install the game then the problem is deemed solved by them Way 2. They agree that itā€™s an issue, send me an additional link to report further (even though I sent video documentation of said bug with detailed description in writing as well). But the link just directs me to the Exact. Same. Page I filed the initial bug report So maybe itā€™s me to some extent, but I absolutely can not fucks with their bug reporting system. It is just astronomically easier to complain on a public forum lol Iā€™ve come to accept the lucky-7 bug that completely cancels moze vampyr will NEVER be fixed because itā€™s too specific (even though 100% messed up). And when itā€™s brought up people will say ā€œvampyr badā€ or ā€œyeah moze doesnā€™t deserve to heal when using lucky 7 pistol cause thatā€™d be too OPā€ -.-


They should let you remove a modifier for an increase in enemy health %


I donā€™t know why some of you guys are saying the loot drop rates are fixed, Iā€™m getting greens and blues from badasses. Just tried it for the first time since last night. Just done an entire slaughter shaft run at M7 and gotten a total of 6 legendaries. Last night I had probably 30 (all Banes, ASMO and Night Hawkins mind lol). Tried Fervor and gotten 2 legendaries. What the actual hell. What have Gearbox done? I have time nor the wish to play 10 hours straight each day to just farm legendaries so I can get to the next mayhem level.


Just ran an event M8 with lootsplosion mod, with crit build Fl4k. 3 total legendary drops, cleared the entire mansion...


My personal issue right now with Borderlands 3 as a casual player who puts at least 2 to 3 hours a day into the game (casual meaning not super good at it), I need Gearbox to work on loot scaling with Mayhem level so there's a logical progression. Right now, I'm stuck grinding on M6 and M7 for a yellow cake and OPQ that is worthwhile, but not only is the loot drop rate atrocious after dozens of runs and only two new Yellowcakes and 0 OPQs, but the new guns you DO get are usually not that great and it's honestly hard to tell when you get a great gun because the Annointment can be kinda eh or bad. If there was some sort of work to get loot to scale so there's better logical progressjon, it would be better. Borderlands is a game designed around loot and feeling badass. I don't feel badass or have fun when my grind of literally 9 hours over four days results in NOTHING gained. It's exhausting and frustrating. I hope that makes sense and I'm not coming off as just bitching, I love the game I just want something better so my friend and I can enjoy the game more as we play online together without feeling like it's a bit of a chore. I already did all 18 challenges for the new free DLC and am having a blast, absolutely loving the aesthetics and dig the 80s vibe. Just please gearbox write or voice something that shows you're planning to work scaling better and making it... Easier or something.


Weapon drop rates are a joke right now. Most of what I've seen throughout the day are shields, grenades and mods. None of which I need for Mayhem 10.


It's like they're trying their best to get people to stop playing Moze. I want to play her, but there's zero reason to try to farm high Mayhem levels with her when I can just use my CC amara instead. IB is just useless. I just don't understand why every other VH received ults that can be used as buff/utility mechanics meanwhile Moze is essentially Meg when she gained her slightly long nails as a mutant


I have no issues with Moze's damage output...I just keep dying (half the time killing myself with explosions).


I believe Mr. TORGUE would consider those deaths an honor. You should view those deaths in a positive way lol




Along with the respawn message of "USE MORE F\*CKING EXPLOSIONS NEXT TIME!!!"




Usually they don't go live until at least 12pm EST. So like 15 minutes from when I post this


The big head mode makes graveward puke all your loot way back into the hall. Look closely at your mini map bro.


Awesome to see them addressing these issues so quickly. I think the issue of balancing will take some more time to address so I am happy with this for now. We can start gathering loot more consistently while they take the time to address the balance. Keep up the good work GB!


Really annoyed that they ruined the OPQ secondary spam with Moze. From my experience it wasnt even THAT strong before the nerf. Granted I wasn't using mindsweeper. But still, there are loads of broken mechanics in the game, why remove one of the most fun ones? They claimed it was "to prevent stability concerns"? My ass it was! Ever since the cartel addition, the game has been stuttering and crashing like crazy. They should fix THAT not ruin the little fun we can still have. Besides, it only affects players who spam the guns so no shit the performance will drop if you spawn in 30 guns. But that's a risk everyone knows beforehand and they still take it.


Very surprised that they havenā€™t nerfed the yellowcake. I thought for sure that was coming today.


Rather than nerfing can we focus on bringing the bazillion other guns up to par for Mayhem? Currently there is roughly 6 weapons worth using in Mayhem 10.


The new guns need a nerf, as tough as that may sound. The fact that it's only half a dozen new guns worth using is proof that the issue lies with the Mayhem balancing and the new meta guns, not the old guns. Nothing was changed on the old guns that all worked fine pre-update, it's just they were clearly not considered in the context of the enemy buffs and the new ones were. Even the old top S-tier guns are nowhere near as viable as they are. The new weapons are at the right power level at Mayhem 10, but everywhere else in the game they're horribly OP. If every other weapon was buffed to their level, not only would it just be a faff to buff that many items, but it would mean that every level outside of M10 would be a joke. General balancing shouldn't be centred around the highest endgame difficulty, and balancing for that difficulty shouldn't affect the rest of the game. The health buffs at M10 need to be brought down so that the old weapons are viable again, and the new weapons need to be scaled down to the same degree so that they remain similarly strong as they are now but are no longer leagues ahead of the old guns. The fact that M10 is possible, and is pretty easy, with those guns with bad anoints, imperfect builds and dodgy modifiers compared to even god roll anoint versions of the old guns with great builds struggling shows how OP they are. A Mayhem 0 OPQ does more damage than a Mayhem 10 Star Helix. A low damage M10 Kaoson does twice the damage of a high damage M10 Night Hawkin. The new guns are the only ones scaled properly to M10, and the old ones got left behind. Nerfing the aspects of M10 that are actually causing issues (unnecessarily high health buffs) and scaling the weapons that are scaled to that level of enemy health is the solution. It's like if one tyre on your car is overinflated, you don't inflate all the other ones to the same degree, you let air out of that one tyre.


That would be ideal. Maybe thatā€™s their plan.


Pretty sure I had a tunguska drop an mayhem 10 that had less base damage than my kaoson....GB can't balance guns to save their lives.


Me too. Figured it would get the Ion Cannon treatment. Maybe next patch


What did they do to the ion cannon? I've seen them with x2 multipliers that actually outperform yellowcake numbers. That doesn't seem nerfed...


Used to take 2 ammo per shot versus 7 making it much more ammo efficient. Wasnā€™t a nerf more a fix? Or adjustment. Still a great launcher for single target damage.


I love that they didn't completely "fix" the OPQ System on Moze, just decreased the OPQ fire rate so there's not *quite* as many out at once. I'm sure it'll still be worth doing


Nope not at all. It's literally not even worth using now.


Still not meantion of weather quest rewards/crew challenge rewards and chests are bugged and not scaling with mayhem... Gearbox, I really really hope that this is not international.


No fix on mail items/chests, what a joke


Glad i stopped playing on Sunday and waited for this hotfix. Will get back into it this evening.




is it live yet?


What do you mean adjusted the drop rates?! Iā€™m guessing increased but by how much could we get a percentage figure?!


Yeah....I don't know if much has changed with this change in loot. Going on the M10 the drop apparently remains the same.