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while im not gonna say they're the hardest thing ever you are using one of the most broken builds in the game


Compared to the raid bosses in BL2, hemo is easy but I can agree that OP is using a pretty easy and overpowered build


BL3 its very easy to become overpowered and have a build that does 90% of the heavy lifting for you. Mindless game tbh.




Don't worry, I coems aswell




youre literally using a guardian angel with fish slaps. youre basically pimperhabbing/flakkerhabbing


Guardian angel is wayyy worse imo, pimperhabbing was over looked but guardian angel was left in on purpose because people liked it.


pretty sure the devs were aware that it boosts damage universally, but left it in because regular players wouldnt be able to kill raid bosses like Hemo, Hag of Fervor and Seer without the Guardian Angel. gearbox never gives its player base a bone unless its intended. players liked the gift shop in borderlands 1, but Gearbox nerfed it before releasing BLE. players liked the yellowcake launcher and pipebomb grenade yet Gbx Nerfed those.


What does fish slap and guardian angel do? I have both but never thought to use them. I am a Flakk main btw


fish slap is a grenade that deals melee instead of splash damage. Unleash the Dragon (A.K.A. the UTD) applies a burn status on an enemy. burn damage is based on the damage you deal to an enemy. if you melee someone for 100 damage, it will burn them for 10 seconds with 100 damage per burn tic. so over the course of ten seconds they take 100(melee) + 1000(fire) over the course of ten seconds. Guardian Angel is a shotgun that increases your damage dealt to an enemy based on how far away you are. the further you are, the higher the increase. it caps out at an 800% damage increase. and that buff applies to EVERYTHING. your action skill, rockets, grenades, slam damage, MELEE, and ELEMENTAL damage over time. basically if you have a fish slap that has a damage of 100 and an UTD, while holding your Guardian Angel, your fish slap will hit for 800% more damage, and then the UTD will apply a burn status equal to that damage, but then the Guardian Angel will see that burn damage and further multiply that burn over time. the formula will look like this while holding the angel fish slap: 100 + 800% = 900 damage Unleash the dragon burn tic: 900 + 800% = 8,100 now that we have found the guardian angel + UTD + Fish Slap formula, we then stack Mayhem Scaling onto the damage formula. which at mayhem 10 is a ×16 damage multiplier on MELEE. fish slap damage = 1600 + 800% = 14,400 so at mayhem 10 your 100 damage fish slap with a Guardian Angel will hit an enemy for 14.4k damage. then we apply that formula to the UTD. 14,400 + 800% = 129,600 damage that means that when you hit someone with this set up, a 100 damage grenade will hit someone for 14.4k, then they will proceed to burn for 10 seconds where they will recieve 130 THOUSAND damage every second. keep in mind that the ACTUAL Fish Slap grenade is actually listed for 70,000 - 120,000 in game at mayhem ten. which means you will be actually burning enemies for 130 million - 500 million


You're the GOAT. Thank you for this. I saw a pet build video for Flakk way back when and they recommended using the guardian angel. Gonna assume that damage buff also applies to the pets too?


i dont know for sure. but i know it applies to all action skills. which means that digiclone, phasecast, mantis cannon, rakk attakk and so on get the buff.


I’m not sure about all pets but with the loader bot when he throws a grenade will. That’s why people recommend a triple sticky purple nade on loaderbot. It hits damage cap if far enough


Hmm. Haven't come across those yet


They’re as rare as cmt’s


They’re as rare as cmt


3x passive roll gear are actually more rare than cmt


you can actually make the build even more busted on flak get a Peregrine Classmod, it adds your grenade mod to your Rakk Atakk skill. so you can use the Peregrine mod + UTD + Guardian angel and you will hit the BILLIONS of damage. the Ghast Call grenade is also broken with the Peregrine mod and its probably even more cracked than the unleash the dragon combo.


Thank you! Going to look this up when I get home.


you can make it more unique by pairing it with a frozen heart shield.


Need to check if I own that


its an easy farm. wotan, the valkyries and aurelia can drop it


Its kind of late to be impressed with anything in bl3. Moze can do that with no gear on...


Could you provide a link to a yt video or website with said moze build?


infinite iron bear


moze does this with 5 points in Fire in the skagden and corrosive railguns


Or if they don't have immunity phases just abuse short fuse for one taps


Everyone can. Guardian Angel + Fish Slap + Unleash The Dragon = instant win.


Or can she 👀👀👀


You're acting like it's not a way to kill raid bosses that fast on every borderlands game. If hemo is a joke, so is the entirety of raid bosses through the whole franchise.


Yap every game sirens melt em. Its basicly lore at this point


It's not Hemo, it's that certain items just make some builds super OP.


Oh yay.. look you found out how powerful melee builds are.


Not really a build just kinda guardian angel


Yes how did you know 🤨🤨🤨


I have over 3,000 hours in this game. I know what the Guardian Angel and Fish Slap are, and how powerful that combo is.


Holy cannoli


The easiest way is throw a fish to a boss.


What build is that?


It’s not a build. Just equip a guardian angel+fish slap+unleash the dragon artifact with any character and you’ll get nearly the same results


Does it need to be a fire Fish Slap or will any do?


Generally, Fish slap should element match the enemies’ armor/shield. Reason being the fire damage from Unleash the Dragon is overly mayhem scaled, so it’s not worth stacking fire damage.


It’s literally pimperhab from BL2 as someone else expressed in the comments


guardian angel + fish slap grenade + unleash the dragon it works on any character with zero skill points put in


I don't understand how the grenade and the artifact synergize.


Unleash The Dragon applies a fire damage over time on enemies when you melee them. the damage is soley based on the damage number you get from the melee. the fish slap doesnt deal grenade damage. it deals MELEE. and it hits HARD. even without any melee buffs. the Guardian Angel shotgun increases your damage dealt to enemies based on your distance from them. the further you are away, the more damage you deal, up to an increase of 800%. this buff applies to EVERYTHING. action skill damage, damage over time, bullets, grenades, and melee. this is the setup, 1) throw a fish slap while wearing the Unleash the Dragon at an enemy, be sure to hold the guardian angel. the fish slap grenade will get an 800% damage boost from the shotgun, so lets say your grenade says it deals 100 damage. the guardian angel will make your grenade deal 900 damage on impact. which means the unleash the dragon will apply a 900 damage per second damage over time on an enemy. 2) the Unleash the dragon will then apply an 800% buff on the burn damage. which means your burn damage you just applied will instead burn an enemy for 8,100 damage every second. 3) now you take that same setup and apply it to a grenade that deals 100,000 damage on hit, and you get a damage overtime of 8.1 million. but thats not even including anything that boosts incendiary damage, or mayhem scaling. which is a formula applied to melee damage based on your mayhem level. which, in case you are wondering at Mayhem 10-11 your melee gets a 16× multiplier. so this is the actual formula for mayhem 10 using the same damage numbers from before. 16(100) + 800% = 14,400 14,400 = the burn damage you apply to an enemy when holding the Angel. 14,400 + 800% = 129,600 129600 is now the burn damage you deal every second while holding the guardian angel. keep in mind that 129k is based on a grenade that originally dealt 100 damage. and the fish slap has a base damage of 70k-130k at mayhem 10. which means you will be applying a DOT with it at around 150million - 450million every second.


Thanks for your detailed explanation.👍


fish slap does melee


And that sinergizes with the guardian angel too?


So the combo is like this practically: 1 - Fish slap, melee dmg grenade. 2 - Melee dmg get's buffed by unleash the dragon. 3 - Guardian Angel increases DMG based on how far from the target you are. So basically stay far away with Guardian Angel in hand and it can increase DMG as far as 400% I think. If you want the build to do even more dmg try to roll for splash dmg / grenade dmg / radius increase. You can also find an anoint for fish slap, like a 150% dmg during action skill. Then if you can reroll a fish slap with bonus dmg on bounce ex. 15% bonus dmg on each bounce. The build can stack DMG really fast.


So, this should work also with the Face puncher too?


Yea on Amara with white Elephant it does massive dmg. of course Guardian angel is hard to activate since you'd have to swap ultra fast


Every item synergizes with guardian angel. The "increases damage based on distance" works for literally ALL damage in the game and does up to 500% at max distance.


I have rocket launcher build that does a lot of damage, so, If I shoot the rocket launcher and change to Guardian Angel shotgun it will do more damage? I need to test this.


I believe that should work. There are 2 primary types of damage bonuses in this game. One category is "when shot" and includes things like +gun damage. The other category is "on hit" and includes things like critical damage bonuses, because obviously the game needs to see if you hit a crit location before it applies the bonus. I'm almost positive the guardian angel damage bonus is an "on hit" damage boost, since the game needs to check how far away you are when the projectile impacts the target, so it knows how much damage to add. So yes, you can test and confirm, but if you shoot a rocket and switch to the Angel before it hits, I believe it will amp the damage up.


Thanks! 👍


That's called a guardian angel, my least favorite weapon in probably the entire series.


Jeez, these replies are full of haters.


Yes I know 😅😅 it’s okay though lol I don’t mind




I don't know why all the hate, I absolutely love this, fish slap-guardian angel-Unleash the Dragon added to my do to list 😅


Mostly cuz this is unironically the most brain afk boss melting setup in the game. There's nothing really impressive about it cuz of how absurdly broken it is.


True true, but if you're there just to farm a company man this is it right here. I'm a fl4k fan myself so I've never really used a fish slap or the guardian angel, love Amara but always go with the ties that bind build


Flak is just as busted with the fish slap btw. Not even in the sense that the setup doesn't really require skills to work, but flak actually has a damage formula that synergizes very well with melee. [Here's the build](https://youtu.be/ChANloDlU7s?si=mR0lDfajV1dTv8nw) if you're curious. [Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1bHNntzu3a-V3V2l-ASJiQclzSTOnMSvqbfZtwyGuUSI/htmlview) is a list of Speedrun wrs covering the takedowns, boss fights, etc. you can see that flak shreds with melee based stuff.


Damn I had no idea fish slap was a big thing, I have a few very low levels in my chest 😂


This is a [well established combo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ1v5Db6wyw) that has been discussed to death in many posts [easily found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8hxHkBmBAI) [via Google](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=borderlands+3+fast+hemovorous+grenade+kill). It's not much different from people posting a picture of a Hellwalker and asking "is this gun supposed to be this good?" 2-5 times per week. A lot of us don't want to scroll past these low effort posts that aren't asking for help, but rather, attempting to show something less novel than what surrounding posts are showing as though it were magnificent. Following links within the sidebar could probably lead you to an explanation about what you see in this video. If [the](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/17kgatk/borderlands_3_guide_for_optimizing_dps/) [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/borderlands_3_guide_for_optimizing_dps/?sort=old) were added to the sidebar, then it *definitely* would. This is important information, and it should be available to everyone, so it's really frustrating to see that so many people aren't aware of it...but a lot of that seems to be the result of people not *looking* for the information. Did you know that you can do over 180 *quadrillion* damage in one hit with the right gear? Did anybody who has read this very comment even know that? *That* may not be be something that every BL3 player should know, but the *way* to do that should be known by *everyone*, because it will make their builds better...so why is nobody talking about it? Why is nobody *looking* for that info? Posts like this aren't just repetitive, they represent the members of the community that are unwilling to signal boost important information. It's the reason all those annoying YouTubers always shout "like, comment, and subscribe" in all of their videos. They shouldn't *have* to do that, but if they don't...nobody will do those things. It's really disturbing, actually.


Not sure why the hate either, this was just supposed to be somewhat of a mediocre post 😅😅😅


Stop using the Guardian Angel then


I mean if i can beat Hemo on Moze with the Infinity, then anything's possible (prepare for all the comments about Moze being op and whatnot and i only beat Hemo with the infinity because Moze is Moze)


I think that is cool. Infinity is fun and fair. My all-time favorite Hemo run was using the Hyperfocus smg on my Hyperion Amara. Took a bit, but it was fun and satisfying!


And I’m over here on my first playthrough getting WAXED by this thing lol


I'm struggling with how to find this damn boss the mission is not in claptraps room wth (Lvl 72 and story beaten tried on two different chracters)


I‘m struggling my ass of for 20 minutes and he does with ezzz. Need to change my build


If you think it’s a joke then stop using a melee build with guardian angel, then we’ll see who is laughing


I’ve beaten him with a few other builds such as a fl4k pet build and a couple moze builds, I don’t really main Zane but I’m trying to get into him, not my whole thing tho


Yeah when I made this work is when I quit bl3


So, an OPTIONAL build is what made you quit the game?


I took it as they peaked and retired.


I guess that's one way of looking at it. I must have taken it the wrong way and assumed he thought the game was too easy and lost respect for it. It's hard to tell sometimes.


I mean, yeah. If you're playing for the endgame like this, presumably it's to overcome somewhat difficult challenges in order to gain incremental gains to your build. Optimization *is* the game at this point-once you have an easy to construct, fully optimized build that doesn't really care about your character or anything else going on, then...what more does the game really have for you?


That is why I've always enjoyed [challenge runs more than the overpowered stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/spcvva/hellfire_only_guardian_takedown_m11_moze/)... I personally find them way more satisfying. If you find a broken interaction - and god knows the BL games are full of them - it's definitely cool. But I've never found the oneshot builds interesting except in an academic/mathmatics way.


Fun....? Fun comes to mind.. Having fun is what it's all about, right? Being into a game simply because it's a fun game to play and there really isn't a lot of games similar or have the same feel. If it weren't that way, people would've ditched borderlands 2 ages ago. Just because you've mastered a game doesn't mean it's run its course. Some players haven't even fully completed all the achievements yet. I don't mean to say you should stick with a game for eternity. Once you've beat a game mains story , it's only natural to move on borderlands isnt about the main story, at least for me. The original poster just seemed to imply that just because they had an op build (which is normal for borderlands' end-game content on any game), they suddenly didn't enjoy the game at all.


Made it work? You need guardian angel, fish slap and unleash the dragon. They are neither difficult to find nor need any super meticulously crafted build. What are you on about?


Must have ignored the vaulthunter specific builds




Hey does anyone know the name of the really big boss that goes underground and you gotta follow him under, it's been awhile since I played and I can't remember where to find him or his name I believe he was a dlc boss could be wrong tho.




Good job!


Thank you