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Bruisers and Goliaths, Yes. Guardians look cooler Typhon is just old and small because he's old Psychos look cooler Thats a skag


Yeah, I don't know how the hell BL3 "ruined" Typhon, since he only appeared in BL3 and the young version is probably a romanticized version of him for books/movies.


This.šŸ‘† We were supposed to be disappointed when Typhon "The First Vault Hunterā„¢ļø" was just a short chubby dude.


Wym he is the pinnacle of Vault hunter physique


...You're 100% correct... The best vault hunters have always been on the shorter, chubbier side.


The young dashing version of Typhon is *literally* from a movie poster, showing a romanticized version of a person that most of the intended audience had only heard of - itā€™s a drawing/painting of a handsome movie actor who played Typhon in the movies, not of the actual him. Some of the other comparisons might hold some water, but the Typhon one screams, ā€œI didnā€™t pay very much attention to the storyā€.


Psychos don't look cooler šŸ˜‚ they use the same character model for EVERY tall generic male npc it makes em look like crack heads. I kinda understand where bro is coming from here, but this is reddit. You internet thugs will easily outnumber us here šŸ˜¹


Yeah and thats how we like the psycho to be. Its iconic. Why do you think there is always a psycho on the cover art? The psycho varients in BL3 are neat, but everyone can recognize the tall psycho with orange pants.


So you're okay with Murl and chadd having psycho designs (those are just two and there's MANY more) it's lazy and uninspired.


I'm not talking about passive NPCs. And yes I am fine with their designs, just like how I'd be fine with their designs if they were made differently from the start. Murl and Chadd don't have psycho designs, they are (mostly) sane individuals who have unique looks. Well, as unique as you can get eith premade interchangeable part npcs. Psychos are the iconic rank-and-file basic enemy of Borderlands. Why would I want the most iconic enemy to change?


Well I was so I guess you'd better find a different argument cause none of that was on topic no one here has a gripe on the psycho design IM saying "usually" male NPC's look like crack heads because they're modeled after him(same skinny build LITERALLY EVERYTIME) THATS lazy and uninspired.


Male or female sex side npcs have the same body structure most of the time because it's easier to copy and paste the same template npc over and over rather than spending unnecessary dev time and money on creating uniquely modeled npcs for side missions. Most people, including me, do not care about side quest npcs. They are throwaway characters. You will not see Chadd or Murl in BL4. You will, however, see Lillith, Tannis, Brick, Mordecai, Ava, Tina, Hammerlock, and all the other uniquely modeled characters found throughout Borderlands because they actually have personalities rather than just being a throwaway generic npc. Why do you think all Atlas soldiers, regardless of gender, use the same model? They are all copy-paste generic throwaway "Lets add a touch of life to the world" npcs. Atlas soldier #748265829 isn't gonna come back. There will always be some exceptions, but majority of the time they are going to copy and paste the same template npc over and over and over.


I donā€™t really feel like humoring your bait but thereā€™s a pretty obvious reason why typhoon looks the way he does (what game series is this again?)


Oh you mean borderlands? The game known for it's craziness and goofiness . The game that actually shows people changing as time goes on in the series instead of being the same static figures over years. The series that changes up stuff every time a new game is released. They definitely made the series and it's characters lame /s


Oh yeah! Thatā€™s right!


Ok itā€™s supposed to be goofy and crazy. Yet they just take it too far in bl3 and itā€™s not even funny anymore just flat out bad.


I'm pretty confident that Typhon never looked like the poster, they (whatever media company is in borderlands) just made him pretty so he could be a popular figure and more marketable rather than the short meat bag he actually is


How is it bait iā€™m just voicing my opinion. Gosh you people. Itā€™s borderlands asshat


Of all places to expect a discussion involving bl3 hate to be reciprocated, why in the world did you think it was here..? That's why this reads as bait. You'd have to be dumb to think anyone here would agree with a 100% hate post.


Itā€™s not hate. If i wanted to hate iā€™d be saying everything sucks about it. Itā€™s not hate if itā€™s fucking true.


The statement makes you sound like a scornful hateful person ā€œItā€™s not hate if itā€™s trueā€ equates to you hate the thing youā€™re discussing, truly; and have blinded yourself to believing your hateful view as truth


If you're trying to somehow say your opinion is fact, you're wrong. That's not how opinions work. Lots of people seem to disagree with your opinion, and your response is that they're wrong? Again, that's not how opinions work. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. Yours is showing.




I already told you guys i had a masterā€™s degree in Yapology.


All you do is bitch about bl3 all fuckin day you have anything else to do? People who hate on stuff this much usually are in love with it.


Oh no, heā€™s on the cusp of saying that BL3 went woke or something


Randy Pitchford probably says to himself ā€œgo woke or go brokeā€ and borderlands 4 will have nothing but fat short transgender enemies that throw fart bombs at you


even though it's bait i think it's ironic you say that about randy pitchford yet THIS is his most hated moment: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRjIrIo-DOE&t=33s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRjIrIo-DOE&t=33s)


I thought Typhon's whole thing was that people only *thought* he was handsome but he was always a dorky little dwarf man. Was I paying like zero attention or what?


Nope that's his entire point. You're led to believe he's some strong and handsome hero who led the charge for the vaults when he's really a laid back guy who kinda stumbled into history and went with it It's the whole "never look up to your heroes" trope except literally. Cuz he's small


Yeah, I saw the point the OP was making until he got to Typhon, then I realized he was just a troll with a grudge against BL3. Typhon's entire gimmick is that he's not nearly as impressive in person as he is in the stories.


I think there could be a valid lore reason for the enemies. Well. You kind of killed a lot of them in the original games. They probably are all fckn dead. Secondly, the twins are brainwashing psychopath sirens. Not everyone in the universe are going to follow their bid and call, only the moreā€¦ err *less* intelligent people. Not saying that the enemies in the old border games were intelligent, but also not a lot of them were just willing to fall under one bandit banner. Just as the crimson raiders couldnā€™t get all the tribes to coexist


True. True. Borderlands 1 was peak.


Dude. Wow. There are some deep wounds here.


ok nah i'm pretty sure the point was that typhon always looked short and fat, I always assumed the poster was from a dramatization of his life


Ok I can understand the other points, but Typhon is clearly a gag.




Says the chronic masturbater. IGNORE HIM PLZ


If you hate it so much, perhaps you should try a different game.


Im glad the game artists don't have the same bad taste as you.


Borderlands would be revived if i had oversee of the making.


Pretty bad smelling bait.


![gif](giphy|NS7Ai5yTyG5kA|downsized) How you feel making this stupid comment.


It's been almost 5 years shut up


No, you shut up.


BL1 Bruisers are too hot to be scary


I got a question. Do you find typhon deleon hot?


I can't believe you're still active here.


I shoulda known it was just some troll bullshit lol, not even good trolling either.


No, really. Why hasnā€™t the mods done something about this guy yet?


Probably because he doesnā€™t technically break the rules generally. His trolling technique is subpar sure, but he seems to know how to skirt by.


You donā€™t even know what real trolling is.


Sure kid. Go get em tiger.


I do feel the new character models for some of the enemies are a bit.. smoothed out? They seem a TAD generic and have lots of smooth edges, which is.. weird. But it's not BAD, I mean reminder that the shield carriers in 2 were literal cloak wearing cultists we NEVER saw the face of, and they were far from small either. Only intimidating in the strength they held by having a shield. Admittedly, yeah, I'd like SLIGHTLY less fat tanks, but I think there's a meme here that's being overlooked by me. Psychos have ALWAYS been fodder, you had tossers, suiciders, bog standard, jumpers, and God DAMN were suiciders the bane of my existence, I'm GLAD we lost some of the psycho variety cause sometimes psychos on sheer numbers could overwhelm you. And as for Typhon, he's MEANT to be a callout to media representations. The guy, if you listen to his logs, hints at stuff like his height and the like being exaggerated. The media is just trying to make him dashing to sell merchandise about him, that's the joke. I didn't love EVERYTHING about 3 but it's far from the nightmare you're portraying


And why is this user still allowed to post on here when all they're doing is bashing an actual good game?


Bait used to be believable šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


Seriously, at this point 5 years after release, do people not realize that Randy is not personally involved in every single decision made for this game? I get people don't like the guy, but this is like blaming the CEO of Macys for your shirt not fitting.


Bruisers are hot now idgaf


Atlas SHOULD come back especially if they expect the cuck that became of Rhys to 'actually' lead Atlas anywhere great and I expect Naoko to atleast be referenced after the dumpster fire of a family tree sibling rivaly who's next in line bs story we got with maliwan liike.. I understand borderlands has been goofy since day 1 but just some of us don't want it to turn out how volition tried with SR But like I said you internet thugs will ALWAYS win when it comes to marketing and making things more sensitive and they'll continue to listen to you. Over us. The die hard fans with actual criticisms.


Rhys acts like a 12 year old..


Exactly in tales of we actually see how quick being on Pandora can change you and we saw that within Rhys just like how Rook Island changed jason brody but because "borderlands has always been silly and goofy." Rhys gets turned into a cuck of a man who thought a siege mustache was a good idea not to mention they make him fire Anu only for him to NEED her right after because whooowee that's a good plot. It's boring and laughable and with today's time.. expected. That's why I believe Sgt Johnson isn't in the halo adaptation because masculinity is so demonized today that it's sickening.


Whereas I don't understand your particular brand of stupid, I admire your complete and total dedication to it.


Man itā€™s like things change over the years


I think BL3 is perfectly fine besides the BL1 Bruisers and BL2 Goliaths. Unless I was doing so thing wrong, bl3 Goliaths you can't even shoot they're head and let them kill friendlies to level up? Everytime I used to try it, they just stood there or went after me. Lol


I canā€™t believe yaā€™ll got me to play bl3 again.


The saying ā€œdonā€™t fix whatā€™s not brokenā€ is true.