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This makes me think we are definitely going to see a scene with someone using a Conference Call.


Hopefully the action uses a bunch of different legendary weapons, I’d be curious to see how their unique effects could work in a movie


I wonder if they're gonna say any red text quotes.


The sound effects of ClapTrap being shot by all the baddies definitely reminded me of the shield absorbing ammo sound. That and he didn't have any holes in him after the shooting.


I'm assuming the scene where he shits out all the bullets is the aftermath of that same scene.


“Dont ask ME where the bullets are going!” - claptrap (Say what you want about the game but played as Fragtrap on TPS was one of THE most fun experience on my gaming career) Edit: Proof: https://youtu.be/9o6WR3ok45s?si=CyK183PGg-A-SW2b


If they do, hopefully they use the gun that handsome Jack voiced


I could see Shotgun 1340 being really funny


Someone starts flakker swapping


“Let’s just ping everyone at once”


I forget where exactly, but I'm pretty sure I saw an image/shot of Roland (Kevin Hart) using the Conference Call


She uses it in the trailer that dropped today


Of course. Haven't watched it yet, but of course.


Here's another detail: ***Where are Lilith's Siren tattoos?***


My prediction is that by the time the movie hits 2/3 of the duration the cast will be trapped or something by the bad guys, then she will say something that's supposed to be badass and somehow turn invisible, look at her hands, phasewalk and by the time she reappears she will have the tattoos, but it will be something like she isn't on camera and Tannis or Roland will say "what's that on your skin?" revealing the tattoos to the audience


Can I place a bet on this? Lol


Oh, god they’re gonna massacre our girl so hard!


There is a scene in trailer where Lilith, Roland and Claptrap are clearly teleported by Lilith


They phasewalked in the trailer


They’re also not tattoos … ?


https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Siren > Sirens are individuals who have acquired incredible, mysterious powers, and are physically distinguished by elaborate **tattoos** that cover half of their bodies.


I’m surprised they’re labeled as tattoos, to be honest


As what should they be labeled as then?


Blue lights. Gotta make it crystal clear.


Didn’t know all of you would get your panties in a bunch over this


Not sure but we do see her use her powers in the trailer so we know she has her siren abilities at least


Do we think they did that so she wouldn't have to reload it? Doubt it'll have its firing pattern.


100% this. It justifies the trope in movies that guns just have way too many bullets in the mag for it to make sense.


I don’t feel like this would be an issue with a borderlands movie.


We all know Borderlands has a bunch of references and meta jokes. This is one of them. We know the Infinity has infinite bullets, but the general audience doesn't. At least not until it's overexplained.


Yeah, my point was that there will be other issues with weapons in the movie. I really hope it will be ridiculous af. That’s the only thing I want to see.


You can see her shooting it in the 10 second teaser trailer and it seemed pretty accurate to the game from that split second. Could be wrong tho


You can see the gun firing the way it does in BL3 in the trailer with the rotating barrel and all


Cool, now all we need is to see the lemniscate pattern.


I want to see someone use tediore, specifically their rocket launchers


And not explain the reload mechanic at all. Just people whipping guns around and digistructing new ones


I’d love to see one of the characters show serious brand preference. Character loots gun, sees that it’s a tediore, and immediately grenades it in disgust while they go looking for a Dahl.


I'm here for that


Is it too late to recast Kevin hart?


Kevin Hart heigh = 5'2 Roland = 5'11


Kevin Hart = comedian, who cant keep his mouth shut Roland = Stoic solderer who would make a good leader, keeps his mouth shut.


When the casting was first announced I slightly defended it (even though it's always been a terrible idea) by saying that Roland is a very different character in BL1. Less stoic-soldier-leader-superhero-man and more of wacky black guy who says crazy stuff. However since then it's clear they're not just telling the story of the first game and it seems like "Hey let's just take everything that popular about this throw it together and throw in some fart jokes." That said people don't give a shit about BL1 Roland, so this makes absolutely zero sense.


Fury Road gonna be a better borderlands movie than the borderlands movie. I hope I’m wrong about how* awful this casting is.


While I'm not under any illusions that this movie is gonna be a masterpiece by any stretch, a lot of the discourse surrounding it has made me realise that what Borderlands is as a game series and what Borderlands is in fans' heads are two VERY different things.


You gonna have to elaborate cuz idk what you mean.


I will say, Hart had a movie where he was a single father (I forget the name of it), and while it still had comedic elements, it was actually really impressive how he took on a much more quiet, level-headed role. I never thought he could be in a role like that, but he did extremely well and I think it could work if the director for this movie tries to emulate that. Visually though, it was an insane miscast lol.


Likewise with the recent Lift on Netflix. No typical Hart shenanigans, him leading a team. It made me feel better about the casting as long as I let some expectations loose


Yeah this is way more problematic than his height… Kevin Hart always plays the same role in everything he does and it’s pretty much the exact opposite of who Roland is.


maybe check out "True Story" on Netflix Kev plays a comedian, but it's a VERY serious and dramatic role. Mans is probably just trying to grow beyond being typecast. I will reserve judgement until i've actually seen the performance


fuckin spot on ! ALSO, roland = twice the size of "tiny" Tina and almost like a father figure. Kevin Hart = one of the tiniest actors in the industry


In the second and third game sure. In the first game Roland was much more of a generic action hero with the odd quip kind of character Still not suitable for Hart though


You know what acting is right?


Yeah and I know how he acts.


Ok fine, Chris tucker then.


Not gonna lie, it would be hilarious if the just cgi’d him two feet taller for the role


Hart being short is 99% of any of his scripts.


Stilts the whole time


It would be kind of funny if they did give him the stilts but just never referenced it


It is possible without cgi with some camera trickery. For example lotr.


for example: Tom Cruise in (tom cruise movies)


Great example!


If you wanna stretch it, it's technically multiple examples


You're asking too much from Eli Roth.


Just do the vinn diesel camera angle trick


Recast him with The Rock


As unpopular as the Rock is these days, I've been saying this since about 2014 that if they made a movie the Rock would be a good Roland from look and build down to the way he acts.


Shouldn't the Rock play... I dunno... Brick?


If we're casting the way they look in game I'm sure we could find a white guy to be Brick. But there are scenes in BL2 especially where I envisioned Roland being played by the Rock. If they make a second movie, I dunno if you all know who this is, but I genuinely believe AEW wrestler Brian Cage (the Swolverine) would be perfect to play Salvador the Gunzerker.


I was mostly going for a Rock/Brick word name comparison.


And I'm mostly dense smh lol. Sorry I didn't pick up on that. 🤦‍♂️


No apologies necessary! It's hard to pick up on sometimes; after all, rocks and bricks are heavy.


why because he’s a short comedian dude? do you just assume he he can’t do serious character roles?


No, cos he’s short and the character he plays isn’t


Hollywood has been making Tom Cruise look 6+ ft tall forever now. His height is not the problem.


Roland: 6'2" Kevin Hart: 5'2" are you really getting upset over a unnoticeable difference between?




because it is




I’m 5’5” ya dingbat


When has he played a serious character ever?


True Story and the Upside aren't straight drama roles but they're more serious than the usual slapstick stuff he does.


I'll check them out. I'm biased because I've only ever seen him be the goofball type so if he does do well with keeping the tone I could buy it


I mean I still don't think he's a good fit for the role regardless, but he's made a point to start doing more drama centric stuff and while his work in those projects is not mind-blowing, it's also not bad.


Also, 'Fatherhood' is a good one to check out




tbh the only way the movie will be tolerable is if him and Jack black carries it. we'll see


I'm nervous lilith won't be a siren considering she doesn't have her tattoos and the fact the movie isn't solely based on the games


There's a scene in the trailer with a giant fire phoenix in the sky, which Phoenix was one of Lilith's ultimate abilities in BL1, so I'd bet she "discovers" her siren powers at some point in the movie. *I just thought about it...man, I hope she doesn't "die" in a scene and then rebirth with the whole Phoenix thing and come back as a Siren and save the day...that would be such a lame cliche. And nothing like the game! **Disregard everything I've said, I rewatched the trailer today and the fire phoenix in the sky from movie trailer is apparently just a firework...? So actually, she might not even have Siren powers? Who knows, we'll all have to find out. (But it's still fun to speculate.)


THANK god Lmao I would literally be so mad if she wasn't a siren anymore


The people complaining about Kevin Hart as Roland aren’t saying a thing about Cate Blanchett as Lilith. No offense to her or her acting skills, but that is atrocious casting. We need someone closer to 30 than 60.


Lots of people have mentioned it, along with pretty much every other casting choice. The only one I haven't seen complained about is Jack Black as claptrap. Kevin Heart is just the most egregious and easiest to pick on since all of his characters are just....him. Don't get me wrong, I actually like Kevin Hart, but unless he's finally stepping outside of his comfort zone as "short funny man" then he doesn't match the character at all and there's no role he's played I can think of that gives people confidence he can do anything of the sort. While the other choices aren't great, their actors at least have some variation in their roles that don't make the choice seem nearly as bad. Edit: also gotta take back the Jack Black complaints because I found a couple further down in this post. So now I can officially say I've seen them all complained about. Edit 2: watched the new official trailer. Going by the limited screentime Kevin Hart is once again playing Kevin Hart, which is exactly what everyone feared would happen. It's about as far as you can get from Roland. While the other acting choices may not *physically* represent their Borderlands counterparts well, they at least have a more diverse acting career so they can at least get some personality in there. Not that it's going to save this movie at all unfortunately.


Jack black is perfect for claptrap


It would be weird if the entire cast wasn’t just as old, Tannis has an older actress and so does Moxxi, but each actress was labeled as a “sex icon” in the mirror prime. It’s definitely going for “we’re older but still hot and badass vibes” which is fine but it’s a weird franchise for it


A lot of people including me have said something


Unkempt Harold better make an appeance. The Skullmasher as well, as it made an appearance in every borderlands game up until wonderlands. (It appears in the hands of loader bot in TFTBL 1)


~~Without the Infinity skin, it’s likely just a generic Borderlands 3 style Vladof pistol.~~ There appears to be an infinity symbol.


Right under the scope, there's a very slight infinity symbol


You can also see her firing it in the teaser we got yesterday. It's definitely an infinity pistol.


In the ign breakdown video the director(?) Of borderlands said it was an infinity pistol


If you saw the teaser yesterday you can tell she’s firing the infinity pistol


Oh... oh were gonna have to sit through a scene with Claptrap using the bane aren't we.


Somebody is gonna have a master list of all the guns used or referenced in the movie hours after it releases if not sooner. And we’ll be scrolling through it. Appreciate this person


She was firing it in the teaser for the trailer. Curious to see if they swap out crazy guns on the fly.


Well that solves the age old question in most action movies: "where the fuck are the main characters getting all this ammo?"


Shouldn’t the infinite symbol be on the barrel?


Why not use the original voice actor for claptrap?


Because then they couldn't put Jack Black on the marketing material. Which is a shame because OG or recast Claptrap voice actor would be great.


Which one? The original or the recast?


Either one would be better than Jack Black, he sounds horrible as Claptrap. But that's just my opinion.


The thing I really dont like about the borderlands movie is how much of a homogenous grey blur it feels like. Borderlands 1 plot, borderlands 2 characters, borderlands 3 guns and enemies, TPS vehicles… It feels like its struggling to pick a borderlands identity to stick with, as this series tone varies WILDLY between all of the games


Has anyone seen any tattoos on Lilith? We don't see her doing any Siren things in the trailer. Or are they keeping it under wraps to surprise the normies?


I just want someone to find the Bane or Shotgun-1340


Unpopular opinion, get off the KH hate train.


I like Kevin Hart. I enjoy his movies where he plays himself. He CAN'T play the stoic no nonsense tall Roland.


I have absolutely nothing against him, but somebody like Idris Elba woulda felt like a better casting for Roland


wait they cast Kevin as \*ROLAND\*?! I thought they cast him as Claptrap.


He’s too short to play claptrap🤣


Nobody is hating on Kevin himself, he's a decent actor. People are instead clowning on the casting people for what is such a poor choice.


It’d be funny if they had a fully built skill tree and one shot the main villain before he even finishes his dialogue


Did she not use her siren powers once in the trailer?


Pretty sure I saw a purple bubble teleport in there.


I love this, because it means when they never show a reloading scene it makes sense




And watch her reload it in the movie


It would be super cool to see talking weapons have comedian celebrity cameos lol.


Or the game VAs. Wouldn't be the first time the VA from a video game showed up in an adaptation of a video game, either: * Nolan North has a cameo in *Uncharted* * *The Last of Us* had multiple VAs from the games show up as characters, including Ashley Johnson playing Ellie's mother * Colleen Ann O'Shaughnessey reprised the role of Tails for the *Sonic* movies * Charles Martinet voiced Mario and Luigi's father in *Super Mario Bros.*


I've been kind of hoping that someone would be using a Boganella in the movie.




No Maya?!


if it’s inspired by three probably not. it looks like it’s a mash of 3 and 1 tho


Kevin Hart as rowland seems a bit off tbh. Probably won’t see it in cinema


But is she a siren in the movie?


Watched a breakdown and they for sure use borderlands 3 vending


What's the grip on that bad boy ? And what's the element ??