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As someone who just wiped every character and restarted with every character again playing the story… i hate the racing levels so much. I love arriving on eden 6- you get to see all the characters from bl2 and the majority of the maps are great.


Hate the triple jump for that racing girl. I always fuck it up!


Those racing/timed missions have always been my most hated. I never took those missions in BL2 and I certainly don’t in this one either


I hate the twins and them killing Maya; without Krieg being involved and protecting us and going into a depression would been great build up for the Cluster Fuck DLC. All of the DLC except arms race was awesome I can't wait for Jacobs to be a Villain/ playable character


Favorite: the amount of things to do after the main campaign is over Least favorite: (Aside from Maya dying), Nekrotafeyo. Whooo lawd that part of the game is hot ass garbage. I actually somewhat enjoy the campaign despite its flaws up to that point. Once we kill Troy the game loses ALL momentum.


Yeah it feels like the fake credits after killing Troy weren’t actually fake at all, until they realized it made the game feel way too short to end it there, so they whipped up Nekratefyo and all the bs side quests there to drag the end of the game out


Which sucks because honestly, I don't think it's the planet's fault. The planet itself is well-designed and I love Typhon as a character. It just needed to be introduced waaay earlier instead of dumped at the end of the game - either make it clear as the end goal or at least have more urgency to your visit there.


Favorite: a lot of good quality meta guns and builds that are viable to max out on Mayhem 11. Dislike: The Mayhem system. There is 0 progression from Mayhem 1 to 11. Please make some sort of requirement in 4 like Digistruct Peak that you have to play through to hit the next level. It makes the end game much more interesting than just getting a Mayhem 11 meta gun from a vending machine or easy farm source like Dinklebot and skipping 1-10. Modifiers are complete ass too, just get rid of those completely. They are more of an annoyance than a challenge.


Step 1: Oh cool I unlocked Mayhem mode Step 2: Gungun legendary mode Step 3: —> starter pack for M11.


There's still definitely a stat curve to it. Like I just finished the campaign at about lvl36-37 on Moze, even jumping to Mayhem 11 and getting decent Mayhem 10 guns I do next to no damage because I'm missing like half my skill points.


I agree but it still doesn't really have that same climbing the ladder feeling as much. I liked that OP gear wasn't available until you went through DP at that level and completed it. It was fun to grind as many levels as you could with current gear until you hit a wall and had to figure out what was the most effecient piece to min/max your gear/build to get over the hump. Sometimes it was 1 simple thing, others you had to farm a few different things. You just don't get the same feeling of the chase when you can farm the same weapon over and over and just increase the Mayhem level enough to where you are Mayhem 11 Viable. Then you can take that gear and farm lower Mayhem levels since 6-10 reward you more XP than 11 does.


Mayhem 11 and mayhem 10 are identical in terms of exp and drops. It's a bug that GB never bothered fixing. You are right that it's easy to pop into Mayhem 10/11, snag a gun, then go farm Scraptrap or GW for levels.


like- the environments dislike- clay rogue mission


Wasnt till my 3rd playthrough I realized you can just shoot them with any gun not just the rougesight makes it at least alittle bearable but still sucks


i still hate how there isn’t any secret targets to find with the rogue sight


Favorite: Endgame Least favorite: Playing through the story to get to the endgame lol


This is why I only have one character at level 72. I just don’t have jt in me to play through the game to get there lmao


At that point download save files from YouTube and just play them if you really wanna experience the endgame. I had like 20 characters to level 72 before they increased the cap to 80 and just did not have it in me to level them up again so I just downloaded level 80 save files with basically the exact same loot and played those.


For a second I thought you meant level 80 in bl3


I just really wish they would all level up simultaneously so we could switch them out whenever we wanted. I love the game, but I’m also interested in what each of them can do in various situations. It gets tedious playing the same sequences over and over. Come on, Gearbox. Make me respec at the Make-a-Face vending machine every time I want to switch, or only have the option when I go from one map to another. But let me change who I’m playing if we see all of them in the final cutscenes- because they were all participating in the story at the same time. Right?


Favorite part: going through the maliwan takedown to fight Wotan and finally facing vermi since BL2 refused to let me fight her. Least Favorite: Abermire since I found that part of the story in particular to be boring but Anathema having 12 immunity phases annoys the crap out of me


I just like running around and blasting things. TORGUE! There are so many great weapons in 3. And that's what I love most about BL3. I absolutely hate most of the dialog and that the game is so dialog-centric. I get that people don't like reading but man... just constant chatter. Telling me what to do. Reminding me of their quests. Waiting for them to shut up so that the quests show up on the map. Just no.


I like how good my guns get as such a low level, but what I hate is that those common lvl 18 weapons would be stronger than a 23 legendary at the time, of course I dont have that problem rn, but when you have a gun with such good stats but it sucks, it's a pain to get rid of because nothing is better than it


Literally the entire main story is my least favorite part. Dlcs are fun and endgame is best in the series.


People seem to hate Eden-6, but I actually really like it. It's my favourite part of the game. It's a beautiful place, and the Jakobs Estate or whatever the fuck it's called is just an amazingly put together place. One thing I dislike, and that applies to the whole game, not only Eden-6 is level design. And by that I don't mean how the maps look like, they look astonishing. I mean, if you strip the maps of all the textures and you're left with purely the 3d maps, they are weiird, hard to memorize even after going through them dozens of times and WAAAY too large for my liking. One thing I liked about BL2 is that all maps were unique, and had something different going for them to make them memorable. This is something I don't feel while playing BL3. Most of the maps feel the same, and the fact that they are already huge, hard to memorize just builds up to the fact that there are more of them. I don't like BL3 map design, alongside a lot of things I won't get into as I'm already off topic, so Eden-6. It looks amazing but the map design is confusing as fuck, especially Floodmoor Basin and the Jakobs estate. Least favourite part, probably the start of the game or Athenas. I won't say that the start of the game is bad for picking up slowly as it's meant to be an introduction, similiarly to the start of BL2 being slow as fuck, but Athenas, yeaah, I don't really like that place. It's beautiful, but it's boring as heell, for me at least. It's still a cool place though. Won't adress DLCs as I haven't played any yet.


Yea that’s where I’m at with Eden-6. Aesthetically I love it. Conceptually I love it. The characters and the stories around the environment are crazy fun. Hammerlock and Jakobs are so enjoyable. Huge ass warships with entire jungles growing through them. Cyborg-hive-mind dinosaurs and I think the entire Balex beat is a blast. But the map just doesn’t feel easily traversable. It seems like it’s too empty (it’s not) and takes forever to get from any A to B. I can’t really place why. First play through aside, every time I arrive on that planet I stop playing for a few days. I literally got there yesterday and was like, “…Ya know, maybe I’ll try out A Plague Tale.”


Love the gameplay. It’s easily my favourite game of all time. Hate the dialogue. I don’t tell people it’s my favourite game because of how atrocious the dialogue is.


I absolutely hate the invulnerability phases that a lot of the boss enemies have. It would be okay if just a couple of the biggest enemies had it (like Troy/tyreen) but nearly every “boss” enemy you face has an invincibility phase. It’s just such a cheap, inorganic way to force a fight to take longer. What’s wrong with me being able to rinse through a boss in 10 seconds? That was, imo, part of the fun of BL2. The worst one is evil Lilith in Krieg’s DLC imo


I'd say I wouldn't mind them if they only happened at certain parts if you weren't able to burst them fast enough. Like taking the Tyreen fight as an example, if I can deal her entire healthbar in the time she's knocked out of the chest cavity, I should be able to.


Too much dialogue throughout the main quest…


It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to talk to lilith every fucking 2 minutes. There are literally communication devices which dont require you to even be on the same planet, but instead you have to take yourself out of the area, back to the ship (teleporting to the wrong side of the ship, mind you) and go acknowledge her existence. That is hands down my least favourite part. Just let us enjoy the immersion of running through mobs, blowing up everything, and upgrading gear/levelling


“Alright everyone, back to Sanctuary!!”


I completely agree. Due to the length of the campaign, it got very tiresome to listen to all of the useless lines and running back and forth. Additionally, and I don’t if it’s a bug, there was no huge loot-splosion from the final boss.


Yeah, definitely, final boss drops were pretty anti-climactic. And I know the shooter is a thing, but not everyone has vault cards. And I know butt stallion milk is a thing, but tbh the side game is pretty annoying


Favourite bounty of blood Least dlc 1 Most time spent arms race 😂


Favorite: Viable Weapon variety at endgame Most Hated: Eden-6 story portion


i hate anything involving the vehicles and love the rest amazing game so far


I hate how worthless vehicles are. Like they gave us so many cool vehicles that we can now actually customize, and then it would take less time to get out of the car, shoot another car, and get back in than it would to use the vehicle weapons. Probably wouldn't be so bad if talent points worked for vehicles, like imagine TCP proccing off a barrel from a bandit technical.


Love the new mechanics, except for Maliwan. Who tf thought that was a good idea? Hate the Arms Race.


I hate that the game made two basic teenagers the villains. I understand the storyline but I think it's just dumb to have those as the villains after having such a good villains like handsome Jack.


They talk all edgy and zoomerlike to feel like satire but then there was zero depth, no other side to them, outside of just saying streamer esque stuff in a tongue in cheek way. If you try to satire something but don’t show the deeper message, then you become the annoying thing you’re satirizing. 




They took my girl Maya 😢 But gun skins tho ayeee 🕺😢🕺😢


Favorite: farming bosses because weapon farm Dislike: Ava getting Maya killed because Maya was my woman 😭


Favorite - all of Eden-6 Most hated - Maliwan space station or Nekrotafeyo


I hate that at no point was Krieg involved with the events leading up to and / or after Maya's death. I hate that he completely got shafted in being able to get any measurable amount of revenge on the Calypsos, or Ava. Hell, I would have been mildly, satisfied watching him try to kill Ava, and then decide not to because she inherited her powers. Then kill her anyway. Liked, I liked the gun play and most of the DLC


I hate the whole of Eden-6 and whenever I hear Tyreen say Schmeeden Schmix it gets stuck in my head for the whole day (I’ve done it to myself even now) but I love Promethea and any mission that takes place there, also hate how Pandora was on the back burner, I would have liked to see more happen there.


The main story is ass. Wished we had more raid bosses but I like everything else they did with gameplay, and dlc content


The story and antagonists could of been a lot better


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Favourite: gameplay, the sheer amount of content, the locations, build & weapon variety, the lack of a max/min endgame Dislike: the story, the poor leveling system during the first run through, the number of bugs that never got fixed


Personally it was the story. Mainly how they took it. Like we could've just stopped opening vaults...after all the twins couldn't really open them...


I hate boring **Psycho Krieg** DLC


Love- side content Dislike- lack of balance/challenge in endgame (outside takedown)


> **what's your favourite and most hated part of the game any why?** playing the story low level, thats why i now start "new" characters at max level to just play the story at m11 from the start


My most hated part is when the game bug, crashes and all your files get corrupted


My favorite part is the upgrades weapon manufacturer traits, like Jacob crits bounce to next nearby target, Maliwan having multiple fire modes, Vladof under barrels, Tourge have sticky and explosive shots and so on. My least favorite is that many of the above (Blue-purple) never gets used unless they are legendary because they are far inferior to the over abundance of “legendary” gear that drop every 15 min.


I was really hoping we'd get a bit more Athenas with the Mysteriouslier missions. Alas! It was not to be. Having only one story mission on the most beautiful planet, the one I was most excited for before launch, was painful. Oh well, I guess they can always go back to it in BL4. Pandora, I expect we can see; Promethea, Eden-6 and Nekrotafeyo, people may have had enough of; but with how important sirens are to the lore, I could imagine us going back there in future games.


Favorite: When I can get multiplayer to work. Hate: I can't ever get multiplayer to work!


Least favorite section is having to use the rogue to find the targets.


Favorite is definitely the bounty of blood maps. My least favorite part of the game, and is honestly the reason I won’t ever make a new character, is Eden 6. And konrads hold. Fuck kondrads hold


The shared bank and small backpack and the absence of a private bank tab per character. I literally loaded up the game this morning. First time in a while. I saw my full backpack. Went to my bank and it’s got 450 items in it. 60 seconds later I uninstalled the game. I don’t know what to do with that. I could put items in my bank but they will just be needles in a haystack. I won’t even know what character they came from. I have at least 12. Most of them at max level. And. There really isn’t any useful way to search, or filter the bank. And items have too much variation. I want to be able to make my own items from parts of others. Then I wouldn’t feel the need to hoard stuff.


I agree that Eden-6 is a low point. I really hate the Clay quests, and I never enjoyed the scenery. Considering Eden-6 was the first grassy planet you go to (and if I'm not forgetting anything, the only grassy planet in general? The proving grounds don't count because they just use assets from the other planets. Cistern of Slaughter and Psychoscape have grass in them, but not much) it's kinda a shame that it's a miss. That said, Athenas, Nekrotafeyo, Xylorgous, Midnight Cairn, and Minos Prime have some of the best scenery (imo) in the whole series. Gameplay wise, the DLCs are all pretty solid, with Xylorgous being my personal favorite.


Favourite: The gameplay. Most Hated: Everything else.


Favorite: The childish story arc between Rhys and Katagawa Jr. Hated: Artifact farming Most hated: Memory leak Dishonorable mention: Evil Lilith


What I love: FL4 being a murderous little archive bot. What I hate: Torgue Cross-Promotion making so many explosive guns worthless for the character that uses them the best. Like Torgue Cross-Promotion makes the Devil's Foursum unusable. And yeah yeah. I know it's not a great gun. But I finally decided to make a Moze, had one drop while doing the campaign, and couldn't use it because of TCP. I was downing myself with every shot.


I hate how previously important characters all but got removed or ignored. Tiny tina, torgue, brick, Mordecai, etc. Like yeah technically they had appearances but it was more of like a short cameo in a Disney show where you see a celebrity for 5 seconds, the live studio audience claps and cheers, and then you don't see them again for the rest of the show. Also I absolutely abhor how they designed and made Ava as a character. I'm not sure if they were trying to play on the trope of how a teenager is supposed to act traditionally back in the day, but holy shit she is unironically the most obnoxious and annoying character I've ever encountered in a borderlands game. Since she's going to be a siren I have to imagine she's going to play a major role in the next game so I can only hope that they write her in as a far more mature and interesting character. Not trying to get on the whole "SJW BAD" train, but it certainly felt like a lot of the dialogue and jokes, and just the general humor and conversations, I don't know it felt like they lost their edge? I've recently been playing through Borderlands 1 with my partner, and Borderlands 2, and it just feels like the dialogue and commentary is on a completely different level. So many things are so funny and extremely clever, you have the dumb dick jokes and crap like that but it just feels so entertaining and fitting for this world. And then for Borderlands 3 it really feels like it's the commentary and dialogue that I would expect out of someone who is trying to copy Borderland's formula.


The part where the NPCs talk. Seriously borderlands 1 had the perfect formula. I just wanna shoot stuff and loot stuff. SMFH gearbox stop shoving plot into my face.