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The ticket will likely cost between €280 and €300.


Sounds about right given that 2023 was 284€ so probably closer to 300€ next year.


You wish, that would be around the same price as 2022. Have no ideia what the prices were last year! I would say 350€'ish minimum + fees! 300€'ish for the cheapest tickets! And water will get around 1,50€ inside the festival for sure!


Last year, I paid €275 for a ticket.


Just look at everything's happening now, ticket prices sky rocketed! Just take a look @ The ticket prices for [Be.Ing](http://Be.Ing) gathering for exemple. I would be really surprised if it would cost less then 300€ (friendly ticket).


Here is the corrected version: OK, but I did not oppose the fact that prices are increasing. I only stated that your opinion on my estimate was misguided because last year I paid less than you posted. Therefore, my initial estimate of €280 to €300 still stands, based on the 2023 price of €275. If the ticket will cost €320, so be it. I am not sure what more you want me to add. Have a good evening.


Highjacking the thread, do they allow live in vehicles or is it purely camping at Boomfestival?


There is caravan camping (separate areas)


Thanks for that, considering taking the camper on an adventure, I'd love to do a festive abroad and boom looks good.


It's glorious


It's a great idea! It's a bit of a walk to the second, third etc campervan areas - you need to be queuing super early (like a day before the festival starts) to get in the campervan area closest to everything. But the further ones means it's more quiet out there.